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Education at Ateneo brilliant, he could become an Emperor.

Roman Empire and Carthagini Empire were
> June 10, 1872 - Paciano accompanied in constant competition for supremacy in
Rizal to take entrance examination at the class.
College of San Juan de Letran and passed
it. > Jose Rizal progressed well in his studies
that after 1 month he became an
> Don Francisco changed his mind and <emperor= and was considered the
decided to send Rizal to Ateneo Municipal brightest pupil of the class. > He was
(today's Ateneo de Manila) > Father Magin awarded a prize namely: <a religious
Fernando refused to admit Rizal for he was picture= - the first prize he ever received.
late for registration and he was sickly and
small of his age. > He spent his leisure hours by taking
private lessons to improve his Spanish at
> With intercession of Perez Burgos, Sta. Isabel College - he paid 3 pesos for
nephew of Father Burgos, he was admitted Spanish lessons.
located in Intramuros.
> March 1873, end of school year; he
> Jesuits' system of education was more returned to Calamba for summer vacation -
advanced which discipline was rigid and did not enjoy his vacation for his mother
the methods were varied. Thus, as a was arrested on a malicious charge that
religious institute, its principal purpose was she and her brother, Jose Alberto tried to
to mold the character and the will of the poison the latter's wife.
boys, to comply easily with the precepts of
the church. > Doña Teodora was forced to walk from
Calamba all the way to Sta. Cruz - a
> Fr. Jose Bech was rizal first professior in distance of 50 kilometers and was
Ateneo. Rizal as a newcomer with little imprisoned for 2 and a half years.
knowledge in Spanish and an externo (non-
boarders) placed in Carthaginian Empire > In his second year (1873-74), he received
excellent grades in all subject and a gold
> The other group was the <Roman medal as a diligent student and voracious
Empire= consisting of internos (boarders). reader.
> Each group had its ranks:

1 - Emperor 2 - Tribune 3 - Decurion 4 -

Centurion 5 - Standard Bearer -
Within the empire, the students aspired
for the position by answering the
questions for the day's lesson. - If a
student made 3 mistakes he could lose his
position. - Any student might be at the end
of the line, but if he studies hard and was
> Rizal kept reading fiction, non-fiction and God-given talents in poetry and to open his
novel like <the Count of Monte Cristo= by mind to the rich influence of the world's
Alexander Dumas and relate himself to the literature=. In 1874; 1. Mi Primera
sufferings of Edmond Dantes (the hero). Inspiracion (My First Inspiration) - poem
dedicated to his mother on her birthday;
> He also read <Travels in the Philippines= he wrote it when he was 14 years old. He
written by Dr. Feodor Jagor, a German felt over-joyed for his mother was released
scientist-traveler who visited the from prison. 2. Al Nino Jesus (To the Child
Philippines in 1859-1860. The book consist Jesus) 3. A La Virgen Maria (To the Virgin
of keen observation and defects of Spanish Mary) In 1875; 1. Felicitacion (Felicitation)
colonization and a prophecy that they will 2. El Embarque: Himno A la Flota de
lose and be succeeded by America as a Magallanes (The Departure: Hymn to
colonizer > He also read the <Universal Magellan's Fleet) 3. Y Es Espanol: Elcano,
History= by Cesar Cantus which was a rich Primiero en dar la Vuelta (And He is
source of historical facts about the world - Spanish: Elcano, the First to
used to read this while in Ateneo. Circumnavigate the World) 4. El Combate:
> On his 4th Year, he was inspired to study Urbiztondo, Terror de Jolo (The Battle:
hard and to write poetry by one of his best Urbiztondo, Terror of Jolo) Rizal Wrote
professors, Father Fracisco de Paula Poems on Various Topics - religion,
Sanchez, a great educator and scholar. > education, childhood memories, and war.
Rizal's formal lesson at the Ateneo In 1876; 1. La Tragedia de San Eustaquio
gradually gained him proficiency both in (The tragedy of St. Eustace) - this poem
the art of rhetoric and in the art of recounts the tragic story of St. Eustace. 2.
independent thinking. > He expressed his Un Recuerdo A Mi Pueblo (In Memory of
ideas on the value of education in his My Town) - a tender poem in honor of
poem <Through Education The Country Calamba, the hero's natal town. 3. Alianza
Receives Light= (April 1, 1876, Por la Intima Entre la religion y la Buena
Education Recibe Lustre la Patria) > In this Education (Intimate Alliance between
poem, he stressed that responsible Religion and Good Education) - this poem
education instills in the youth, noble ideas shows the importance of religion in
and sublime virtues. Learning infuses truth, education; education without God is not
and discipline brings peace, glory and education at all for Rizal. 4. Por la
tranquility to the nation. > In addition, this Education Recibe Lustre la Patria (Through
poem shows Rizal's high regard for Education the Country Receives Light) - it
education. He strongly believed in the was poem which reflects his highest regard
important role which educaation plays in for education. Education has a significant
the development and progress of a nation role which plays in molding of a nation, the
> The poem was translated to English by attainment of its progress and welfare. 5.
Dr. Frank C. Laucbach Other Poems Rizal Ed Cautiverio y el Triunjo; Batalla de
Wrote while in Ateneo as Inspired by Lucena y Prison de Boabdil (The Captivity
Father Sanchez: <to make full use of his and the Triumph: Battle of Lucena and the
Imprisonment of Boadbill) - it described
the defeat and capture of Boadbil, the last and The Academy of Natural Science » He
Moorish sultan of Granada. 6. La Entrada also joined the Marian Congregations
Triunfal de los Reyes Catolices en Granada (Sodarity of our Lady and Apostleship of
(The Triumphal Entry of the Catholic Prayer) - where he became the secretary
Monarchs into Granada) - thsi poem
relates the victorious entry of King
Ferdinand and Queen Isabel into Granada,
last Moorish stronghold in Spain. He wrote
more poems; it was his last year in Ateneo
among the poems written are: In 1877; 1.
El Heroismo de Colon (The Heroism of
Columbus) - this poem praises Columbus,
the discover of America. 2. Colon y Juan II
(Columbus and John II) - this poem related
how King John II of Portugal missed fame
and riches by his failure to finance the
projected expedition of Columbus to the
New World.

3. Gran Consuelo en la Mayor Desdicha

(Great Solace in Great Misfortune) - this is
a legend in verse of the tragic life of
Columbus. 4. Un Dialogo Alusivo a la
Despedida de los Colegiales (A Farewell
Dialogue of the Students) - the last poem
written by Rizal in Ataneo; it is a poignant
poem of farewell to his classmates. Rizal's
Studies at Ateneo (1872-1877) » He
excelled in all subjects and won five medals
at the end of the school term; and offered
all his excellent ratings and medals to his
parents. » Considered the most brilliant
Atenean of his time - the <Pride of the
Jesuits= » During his stay, his grades were
all Sobresaliente (Excellent) » March 23,
1877; he received his degree of Bachelor of
Art with honors. » The academic
excellence of Rizal and his literary skills
qualified him for membership in two
exclusive organizations at the Ateneo
namely: He became the perfect candidate
for » The Academy of Spanish Literature

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