Reaction Paper Angela E. - 1

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Angela B.



Reaction Paper on: The 9th European Union Expo 2015, Milan.

Despite the efforts of the world’s leading countries banding together through the European
Union and the United Nations in the past years, it has been brought to the attention of the participating
world leaders during the EU expo 2015, that hunger and malnutrition is still rampant not just in
developing countries but even in developed countries. The problem is now present in all societies.

Hunger and malnutrition is still on its tracks in some areas of the world due to lack of food
and proper nutrition. At the same time, some countries are racking up tons and tons of food waste and
are exhibiting obesity and malnutrition problems in its citizens. I found this revelation to be alarming
and mind-boggling how two completely opposite problems are actually connected. As extreme the
paradox between these two scenarios might seem, the problem can be tracked down to food supply
and demand, food market, and logistics. The solution, as food researchers and scientists have found
out, will take more than dealing with the problems mentioned. It will require a pro-active action to
spread awareness and to build a more sustainable food system to cater the needs of all types of people
in all societies and economic situation. It will take all of our intellectual powers and unity if we truly
want to end this conundrum.

The European Union have also come up with recommendations to tackle the problems
mentioned. First, is by conducting further and thorough research to find “leverage points” where
interventions will have the greatest impact. Next is to spread knowledge and awareness about the
impact of food choices on nutrition and the environment. Third is innovation; incorporating political,
institutional, social, and business actions to effect positive change via economic growth. The
European Union shall show leadership and spearhead the programs and recommendations laid out in
the Expo.

With the continuous plague brought about by hunger, obesity, and malnutrition to the world,
we shall also be as resilient and determined in our actions to put an end to this world crisis that has
been around for decades. This problem shall continue to rise and spread unless we start dealing with
the root causes and set-up pre-emptive measures. As future Nutritionists and dieticians, we stood at
the front lines against this unseen enemy. We shall take part in spreading awareness on the importance
of proper nutrition and be advocates of change and innovation in our country’s food system. We
might not be as powerful as the European Union or the world leaders or even our local leaders; but
together, with the noble profession of catering to people’s nutritional needs, together we can make a

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