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Vol. 11 No.

1 Juni 2020, hlm 71-77

p-ISSN : 2355-1739 | e-ISSN : 2407-6295


Yurizka Nevillia1, Nafiah2, Muhammad Thamrin Hidayat3, Mohamad Taufiq4
The University of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
Email: yurizka29@gmail.com1,,,

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of comic media
toward student learning result in elementary schools. This research method uses
quantitative, the type of this reseach is meta-analysis, the data collection techniques
are carried out using documentation, taking four journals that are on Google Scholar
or Google Scholar. Data analysis techniques in this study used descriptive statistical
analysis. The results showed 1) The learning outcomes of elementary school
students who differed in place in the experimental class using comic media as
learning activities increased compared to classes not using comic media in learning
activities with an average grade of dick class of 51.10 and the experimental class of
65.11, 2) The use of comic media influences learning outcomes of elementary
school students in different places, it can be seen from the difference in the average
value between the control class and the experimental class of 14.01. Suggestions that
can be given to teachers are to be creative in making use of comic media in learning
activities, to the principal, to guide teachers to be creative in applying comic media
in learning activities, the next researcher, impress the results of this meta-analysis
study can be used as references in conducting activities further research.

Keywords: comic media, student learning outcomes.

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh media komik
terhadap hasil belajar siswa di Sekolah Dasar. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan
kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian meta analisis, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan
dengan cara dokumentasi, mengambil empat jurnal yang ada pada google scholar
atau google cendekia. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan
analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) Hasil belajar siswa
Sekolah Dasar yang berbeda tempatnya pada kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan
media komik sebagai kegiatan pembelajaran lebih meningkat dibandingkan dengan
kelas yang tidak menggunakan media komik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran dengan
nilai rata-rata kelas kontol sebesar 51,10 dan kelas eksperimen sebesar 65,11, 2)
Penggunaan media komik memiliki pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa Sekolah
Dasar yang berbeda tempatnya, hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari adanya perbedaan nilai
rata-rata antara kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen sebesar 14,01. Saran yang bisa
diberikan pada guru adalah hendaklah kreatif dalam membuat menggunakan media
komik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, pada kepala sekolah, hendaklah membimbing
guru agar kreatif dalam menerapkan media komik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran,
peneliti selanjutnya, hedaklah hasil studi meta analisis ini dapat dijadikan rujukan
dalam melakukan kegiatan penelitian selanjutnya.

Kata kunci: media komik, hasil belajar siswa.

INTRODUCTION seen by the improvement of a country in

Education is an important role in a its education that can be measured in
major need for all people in the world terms of the progress of a nation in the
and Indonesia in particular, as well as application model in an educational
the application of a science which is a program. Therefore education itself is an
major role in technological progress and important role that can shape quality
a struggle for the progress of the nation. human beings. Learning activities have
The progress of the nation itself can be an important role in improving students'

Diterima pada : 20 Juni 2020; Di-review pada: 20 Juni 2020; Disetujui pada: 22 Juni 2020 71
Yurizka, dkk Meta-Analysis The...

abilities, so as a teacher must have the sufficient space for the initiative,
competence to make children happy to creativity, and independence by the
learn, "Teaching activities are very talents, interests, and physical and
important for teachers because teaching psychological development of students
is the process that causes students to (Nafiah, 2017). The existence of
learn. For this, a teacher needs to create students in schools is not only to learn
an appropriate environment and have science, but they also learn and interact
sufficient competence to make students with fellow students and teachers there.
learn with him "(Nafiah et al., 2019). All children receive the influence of
The teacher must be able to create a association, and what they see will be
pleasant learning atmosphere for absorbed and stored which they have
students, so students have the desire to observed. Elementary school-age
learn. children are very critical of what they
According to the Ministry of witness and observe that they will easily
Religion of the Republic of Indonesia develop and emulate. This mimic
(Khanifah, 2016: 17) So far, the behavior results in responses that result
application of teaching and learning in interactions with their lifestyles,
practices in the classroom often occurs learning styles, and behavior. They do
counterproductive, finally an assumption not understand good or bad behavior, so
that occurs incorrectly in positioning the they need guidance to know the good
existing teachers and students. The role and right attitudes, as well as polite and
of a teacher is very influential because polite behavior.
the teacher is the main factor that is used This can make children become
as a reference in front of the students. less focused and will quickly get bored
While on the other hand, students are with the material delivered. Therefore,
declared as recipients of the input of with this research, it can be assumed that
learning in which students will always the desired attitudes in the subject of
be under the auspices of the teacher to students are asked to be effective to
get knowledge in a learning model. carry out applying. With the existence of
Teachers need to realize that the the game media "comics", to create a
conditions of the learning environment very interesting design that contains
must support success in the continuity of between picture, color, and content of
the teaching and learning process in the the material, so that the comic media can
classroom. Being a teacher can have the be used as learning materials as well as
ability to adapt, be creative, innovative, entertainment to teach children through
and make teaching and learning messages in it.
activities fun for students (Damayanti et Pictures or characters in comics
al., 2020). In situations like this, the can give students memories. His ability
teacher's role is very important in is huge to influence attitudes and
encouraging and motivating students. behavior (Sadiman, 2011: 45). The
Means of teaching and learning media advantage of the comic itself is the
must also be adequate. With adequate model of the design contained in it
conditions, students will feel happy and contains visual elements and story
active in obtaining learning material to models that are very strong and
face and solve learning model problems interesting. The visualized expression
that they feel have difficulties in will make the readers, especially the
learning. The problem of the teaching students, feel bored in reading it. This
style of the teacher must run behind can be made into another comic
“Tutwuri Handayani”. inspiration that contains other subject
The learning process should be matter. One of the factors causing the
carried out interactively, inspirative, fun, apparent tendency, students are not so
challenging, motivating students to interested in books that only focus on
participate actively and provide writing or text that is not accompanied

Vol. 11 No. 1 Juni 2020, hlm 71-77
p-ISSN : 2355-1739 | e-ISSN : 2407-6295

by a funny and interesting illustration study are 1) How do the learning result
and picture models. Even though of students in the experimental class and
empirically, students prefer books with control class at elementary schools in
lots of pictures, lots of interesting colors different places?, 2) What is the effect of
and designs that are not just focused on comic media toward the learning result
writing. The comic itself as a learning of elementary school students in
medium that is highly expected to be different places.
able to increase students' interest in
learning to read and understand the METHOD
contents of the reading, so that the This research method uses
teaching in it can be easily understood quantitative. This study uses a type of
by students so that ultimately able to research namely meta-analysis. Data
increase literacy for students. collection techniques are done by
Comics can also be defined as an searching the articles on Google Scholar
attractive form of the visual image to or Google Scholar. The keyword used in
convey the message in it and are the search is the influence of comic
designed to provide entertainment to media on elementary school student
readers (Sudjana, N., & Rivai, nd: 64). learning outcomes. Search Literature
By using comics as a medium in study itself is a search for various
learning, it will improve student learning sources written both in the form of
outcomes. journals, books, articles, or others to
Learning outcomes are changes in examine a problem (Sugiyono, 2013).
behavior in students, which can be This data collection is done by
observed and measured in the form of collecting books, articles, journals.
changes in knowledge, attitudes, and From articles from journals, 4
skills (Coring & Nafiah, 2019). Learning articles were published in online
outcomes can also be interpreted as journals that were taken by the keyword
achievements of learning activities search articles. Analysis of the data in
undertaken by students. Learning this study uses descriptive statistical
outcomes are obtained after learning analysis, which is looking for averages,
activities are given by the teacher to minimum values, maximum values,
students which are usually expressed in standard deviations, and presents in
letters and numbers. The use of comic tabular form.
media based on the results of previous
studies found that there are differences RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
in learning outcomes between students The data used in this study is
who learn to use comic media and very large and extensive so that the data
students who learn without using comic is processed by summarizing and taking
media with an influence of 27.04% on the essence after that is analyzed
the improvement of student learning descriptively. The results of the analysis
outcomes in class X SMA Negeri 9 of the use of comic media on learning
Pontianak (Y et al ., 2020). outcomes can be seen in the following
Based on the description above, table:
the formulation of the problem in this

Table 1. Average Value Post Test Student Learning Outcomes in the Control Group and
Experiment Group

Number of Students Increased Learning Outcomes

Research Contr Class Contr Group Differe
No Research
Topics Place ol Experimen ol Experime nce
ts nt between

Yurizka, dkk Meta-Analysis The...

Groups the two

1 Effect of Arnelia Grade
Thematic Dwi Yasa, V
Comic Media Denna SDN 20 20 59 81.2 22.2
toward Delawanti Sukun
Student Chrisyaran 1
Learning i
result in fifth
2 Effect of Fika Grade 24 27 18.50 22.89 4.39
Colored Andriyani II
Comic Media 1, Ni SDN 4
toward Nyoman Kubut
Science Kusmariya ambah
Learning tni (Exper
result of iments
students )
3 Effects of the Emilia SDN 37 37 73,24 85,676 12,433
Use of Comic Rohmawat Ketint 3
Media toward i Fajrin ang 1
the Learning
Result of
Student Grade
IV on the
Theme of the
Beauty of My
Country in
4 The Dedi SD 20 20 53.67 70.67 17
application of Kurniawan Cibeur
mathematical , eu m 1
comic media Karlimah, and
to the Yusuf Kotab
improvement Suryana aru
of the
the concept of
and division

Vol. 11 No. 1 Juni 2020, hlm 71-77
p-ISSN : 2355-1739 | e-ISSN : 2407-6295

of counting
numbers in
The average value is 51.10 65.11 14.01

Based on the results of the comics media and media classes that do
analysis in table 1 the average value of not use the comic with a difference the
the learning outcomes of the control average of the four different places is
group of the four articles is 51.10, while 14.01. Thus it can be concluded that the
the average value of student learning use of comic media can influence
outcomes in the experimental group is student learning outcomes. This is in
65.11.value of The average difference line with the opinion of Sudjana Rivai
between group control and the (2013: 69) effectively, comics can be
experimental group on four articles ten used by teachers to increase student
comic tang media influence on student interest in developing student
learning outcomes in primary school understanding to make words and
is14.01, meaning that there is a reading skills skilled.
difference between the class using

Table. 2 Descriptive Statistics Student Learning Outcomes

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Kls_Kontrol 4 18.50 73.24 51.1033 23.25287
Kls_Eksperimen 4 22.89 85.68 65.1090 28.84031
Valid N (listwise) 4

Based on Table 2 shows that the Learning with comic media influences
minimum value of student learning improving student learning outcomes in
outcomes in the control group of four several research sites that have been
articles in the journal is 18.50 while the carried out in different areas. The use of
maximum value is 73.24 with a standard comic media itself strongly supports
deviation of 23.25287. While in the students to get good learning outcomes.
experimental group the value of student The style of the visual learning model
learning outcomes using comic media offered by the comic itself can
was 22.89, with a maximum value of encourage us to examine the learning
85.68 and a standard deviation of and the texts that are included. The
28.84031. Thus between classes visualization approach contained in the
conducted experiments with comic contents of this comic is usually used to
media with classes that do not use comic attract reading interest and can make it
media student learning outcomes are easier to read and understand the
better classes that use comic media in material presented. Interesting learning
learning activities because comic media can make a good response to students to
can arouse students' enthusiasm in improve learning outcomes themselves.
learning. This is in agreement with In this issue strengthened by the results
opinion Daryanto's (2013: 128) that this of research by Theodora Friska Andita
comic's insight is that learning can (2016) he wrote that learning using
increase students' interest in developing comic media can have a good influence
reading interest so that they can properly on learning outcomes.
improve effective learning outcomes.

Yurizka, dkk Meta-Analysis The...

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not use comic media in learning Pengaruh Penggunaan Media
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influence learning result of elementary Kelas IV di Tema Saya Yang
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