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Objective Worksheet: HTML and CSS

Section A: HTML Basics (Multiple Choice)

What does HTML stand for?

a) Hyper Transfer Markup Language b) Hyper Text Markup Language c) High Technical Markup Language
d) Hyperlink and Text Markup Language

Which HTML tag is used for creating an ordered list?

a) <ul> b) <li> c) <ol> d) <dl>

What HTML element is used to define the structure of an HTML document, including the head and body

a) <html> b) <head> c) <meta> d) <body>

In HTML, which tag is used to create a hyperlink?

a) <link> b) <a> c) <href> d) <url>

What is the correct way to comment out multiple lines in HTML?

a) <!-- This is a comment --> b) // This is a comment // c) ** This is a comment ** d) /* This is a

comment */

Section B: CSS Fundamentals (Multiple Choice)

6. What does CSS stand for?

a) Creative Style Sheets b) Cascading Style Sheets c) Computer Script Styles d) Centralized Styling System

7.Which CSS property is used to change the color of text?

a) text-color b) font-color c) color d) text-style

8.What does a CSS selector do?

a) Defines the style rules for an HTML element b) Specifies the document's structure c) Adds interactivity
to a webpage d) Defines the page's layout

9.What is the CSS property used to set the background color of an element?

a) background-color b) color c) text-background d) element-background

10.What is the CSS property used to add space around the content inside an element?

a) margin b) padding c) border d) spacing

Dreamweaver Basics (True/False)

11. Adobe Dreamweaver is a visual web development tool. (True/False)

Dreamweaver's "Code" view allows you to see and edit the visual design of a webpage. (True/False)
12.It is not possible to create new webpages in Dreamweaver; it's primarily for editing existing pages.

13.In Dreamweaver, the "Design" view provides a live preview of the webpage's appearance as you
make changes. (True/False)

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