HTML and CSS Worksheet

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HTML and CSS Worksheet

Section A: HTML Basics

What does HTML stand for?

List five commonly used HTML tags and briefly describe their functions.

Create an HTML structure for a basic webpage that includes a title, heading, paragraph, and an image.

Explain the difference between HTML and HTML5.

What is the purpose of HTML comments, and how do you write them in HTML code?

Section B: CSS Fundamentals 6. What does CSS stand for, and what is its primary purpose in web

Define the terms "selector" and "property" in the context of CSS.

Create a CSS rule that changes the text color to red and sets the font size to 16px for a "heading" class.

Explain the difference between inline, internal, and external CSS styles. Provide an example of each.

Describe the CSS Box Model and explain the significance of margin, border, padding, and content.

Section C: Dreamweaver Basics 11. What is Adobe Dreamweaver, and how does it assist in web

Name two features in Dreamweaver that help with visual design and layout of webpages.

Describe the steps to create a new webpage in Dreamweaver and save it with the HTML extension.

Explain the purpose of the "Code" view and "Design" view in Dreamweaver.

Section D: Advanced Concepts

15. Describe the concept of responsive web design and how media queries are used to achieve it.

Explain the difference between absolute and relative positioning in CSS and provide an example for

What are pseudo-classes in CSS, and how are they used to style web elements interactively?

Section E: Practical Application 18. Using Adobe Dreamweaver, create a simple webpage that
includes a title, heading, paragraph, and an image. Apply CSS styles to change the background color, text
color, and font size. Save and export the webpage.

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