EEE521 Lecture 2

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Lecture 2: EEE521 Power Systems I

Mulungushi University
School of Science, Engineering and Technology,
Engineering Department

September 2021 For internal use only

Content – Basic Concepts
1. Structure of Zambia’s electrical power sector
2. National Energy Policy
3. Energy Regulation Act
1. Structure of Zambia’s electrical power sector
1. Structure of Zambia’s electrical power sector
• Ministry of Energy:
– Implements government policy framework and guidance Energy

• Regulation Board:
– Independent energy regulator
– Provides regulation framework and harmony among the sector players for the
benefit of consumers
– Responsible for issuance and administration of licenses
– Interim manager of the Grid Codes
1. Structure of Zambia’s electrical power sector
• Rural Electrification Authority:
– Government institution responsible for implementing rural electrification
– Management of the Master Plan
– Management of the Rural Electrification Fund
– Develops mechanisms for operation of grid extension network
– Administration of capital subsidies
– Development of generating plant of capacities up to 10MW
1. Structure of Zambia’s electrical power sector- Installed Capacity
1. Structure of Zambia’s electrical power sector- Installed Capacity
1. Structure of Zambia’s electrical power sector
1. Structure of Zambia’s electrical power sector - consumption
1. Structure of Zambia’s electrical power sector - SAPP
1. Structure of Zambia’s electrical power sector - SAPP
• The SAPP was created in August 1995 at the SADC summit held in Kempton Park,
South Africa, when member governments of SADC (excluding Mauritius) signed
an Inter-Governmental Memorandum of Understanding for the formation of an
electricity power pool in the region under the name of the Southern African
Power Pool.
• The ministers responsible for energy in the SADC region signed the Revised Inter-
Governmental Memorandum of Understanding on 23 February 2006.
• The SAPP is governed by four agreements: the Inter-Governmental Memorandum
of Understanding which enabled the establishment of SAPP; the Inter-Utility
Memorandum of Understanding, which established SAPP’s basic management
and operating principles; the Agreement Between Operating Members which
established the specific rules of operation and pricing; and the Operating
Guidelines, which provide standards and operating guidelines.
2. National Energy Policy
• The overall objective of the NEP 2019 is to achieve an optimal energy resources
utilization to meet Zambia's domestic and non-domestic needs at the lowest total
economic, financial, social, environmental and opportunity cost and establish Zambia
as a net exporter of energy
• The NEP 2019 pursues the following specific objectives and related policy measures:
2. National Energy Policy
2. National Energy Policy
2. National Energy Policy
2. National Energy Policy
2. National Energy Policy
2. National Energy Policy
2. National Energy Policy
2. National Energy Policy
2. National Energy Policy
2. National Energy Policy- Institutional Arrangements
• The effective implementation of the NEP 2019 will be achieved through collaborative
efforts by all stakeholders at national, provincial and district levels as follows:
2. National Energy Policy- Institutional Arrangements
• The effective implementation of the NEP 2019 will be achieved through collaborative
efforts by all stakeholders at national, provincial and district levels as follows:
2. National Energy Policy- Institutional Arrangements

3. The Energy Regulation Act, 2019
• Refer to the act
An Act to provide for the licensing of enterprises in the energy sector; continue the
existence of the Energy Regulation Board and re-define its functions; re-constitute
and revise the functions of the Board; repeal and replace the Energy Regulation Act,
1995; and provide for matters connected with, or incidental to, the foregoing.

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