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My stomach sinks, and I look around to see all their faces darken.

“Going to
try and kill me?” I query casually. Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past them if they
thought they had to.
“Not today,” Diesel responds, toasting me with his cigarette.
“We need to talk, love,” Ryder repeats seriously, making me suck in a
breath. Something is wrong, it has to be…but how does it involve me?
I haven’t beat anyone up today, so it’s not that.


mine. Kenzo and Diesel bracket either side of her, and Garrett stands behind her,
protecting her back like always. “Love, we have been thinking.” I share a look
with the others, who nod their encouragement. “Your father—”
She narrows her eyes at the reminder, and I smile sadly and cover her lips
with my hand before she can start shouting, telling us she hates us again.
“Your father, Roxy, he needs to pay for what he did to you, both in the past
and recently. We might have accepted the deal, but now that we-we—”
“Love you,” Kenzo inserts confidently.
“Yes, love you.” I nod. “It means we can’t let an insult like that stand to our
girl. Now, I know you hate him and he’s responsible for heinous things in your
past—trust me, love, I understand that—which is why I want to know if you
want us to deal with it.” I release her lips, and she licks them, looking between
“You mean kill him? You would do that?”
“Baby, when are you going to realise there isn’t anything we wouldn’t do for
you?” Garrett snorts.
“I-I don’t know if I can face him, it’s been years,” she admits, and Diesel
presses closer.
“I know, love, which is why I want you to let us do it for you,” I reassure
her, but I know before she’s even decided she would never let us. This is her
monster to slay, and as much as I wish we could do it for her, he’s hers to deal
with. Our Roxxane would never make another deal with her issues, no, she’s too
strong for that, and it only makes me love her more.
“No, no, you’re right. It’s been a long time coming. I guess I just—” She
shakes her head. “Honestly, I forgot about him for a bit, but you’re right, he will

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