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Survey of stability of transfer function in Bode diagram

1. What is the Bode diagram

The Bode diagram is a chart that illustrates the frequency response of a system
concerning the variation in frequency. It typically consists of two sections: the phase
representation graph and the magnitude representation graph.

+) The magnitude representation graph of my transfer function Gh (s)is :

+) The phase representation graph of my transfer function Gh (s)is :

2. Stability principle
- Cutoff frequency is intersection of L(w) and hozirontal axis.

=> Angle α is y – coordinate of the phase representation graph at cutoff frequency.

We have a principle that : The closed-loop diagram will stable if α is stay above the line

= - pi
 Example :

3. My application
- We have the transfer function is :

We use Matlab software to create Bode diagram of our transfer function :

We can easily see that angle α ( y -
coordinate of the phase representation
graph at cutoff frequency ) is stay above
the line -pi.

So that we can conclude that closed-loop

diagram with transfer function is stable.

4. Referrence
- Matlab tutorial

- Book “Lý thuyết điều khiển tuyến tính” Nguyễn Doãn Phước.

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