Int GQ Fees 2023-24 (D)

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Pearson Edexcel

General Qualifications Fees

Category D
For all examinations scheduled in the period 1st September
2023 – 31st August 2024

Pearson Edexcel Fees Brochure - International

1 September 2023 - 31 August 2024 – Category D
Edition 1 issued 1st July 2023
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Entry and registration deadlines for 2023-2024 ......................................................................................................... 3

Changes for 2023-24 ................................................................................................................................................... 4

Private Candidates ...................................................................................................................................................... 4

International Qualifications ........................................................................................................................................... 5

Pearson Edexcel iProgress ......................................................................................................................................... 5

About Pearson ............................................................................................................................................................. 5

Advanced support services, tools and resources ................................................................................................... 6

Qualification Fees ............................................................................................................................................................ 7

iPrimary .................................................................................................................................................................... 7

iLowerSecondary ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

International General Certificate of Secondary Education (International GCSE) ........................................... 8

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) ........................................................................................... 8

International Advanced Level (IAL) and International Advanced Subsidiary Level (IAS) ............................... 9

General Certificate of Education (GCE)............................................................................................................... 10

Other General Qualifications ....................................................................................................................................... 11

Fees explained ............................................................................................................................................................... 12

Late fees ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Changes to entries .................................................................................................................................................... 12

Refunds ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Late cash-in fee.......................................................................................................................................................... 12

Transfer of candidate entry ..................................................................................................................................... 12

Replacement certificates and Certifying Statement of Results (CSOR) .............................................................. 13

Unannounced inspection visit fees ......................................................................................................................... 13

Visiting examiner and moderator fees ................................................................................................................... 14

Reformed GCE A Level Science Practical Monitoring visits .................................................................................. 14

Payment of fees ............................................................................................................................................................. 15

Pearson Edexcel Fees Brochure - International

1 September 2023 - 31 August 2024 – Category D
Edition 1 issued 1st July 2023
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Entry and registration deadlines for 2023-2024

Our entry deadlines and late fee dates are listed below. We have also included the date when basedata will
be available on our website. This is the date that you can start submitting entries and make entries on
Edexcel Online at

If you are having difficulties meeting the entry deadline, please contact us before the deadline and we will
support your entry submission process.

If you require information on EDI or basedata, please go to the Pearson Qualifications website.
The basedata and qualification sections of the Information Manual contain listings of subject availability in
each exam series and should be used with this document.

issued / Amendment and
Exam series Entry Late fees High late fees
Entry withdrawal
deadline charged from charged from
window deadline

October 2023 21/07/23 28/08/23 29/08/23 22/09/23 23/09/23

November 2023
01/09/23 04/10/23 05/10/223 01/11/23 02/11/23

November 2023
14/08/23 15/09/23 16/09/23 13/10/23 14/10/23

January 2024 04/09/23 17/10/23 18/10/23 17/11/23 18/11/23

June 2024 23/11/23 21/03/24 22/03/24 21/04/24 22/04/24

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1 September 2023 - 31 August 2024 – Category D
Edition 1 issued 1st July 2023
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Changes for 2023-24

Pearson has introduced a November International GCSE series in 2023 which now replaces our January
International GCSE series. This does not affect our International A Level exams, which continue to be
available in October, January and June.

Private Candidates

Private candidates are candidates taking a qualification without being enrolled full-time in a centre. They are
responsible for their own entries, which must be made through an approved centre. Some qualifications
contain conditions for non-examined assessment, coursework and internally assessed components. These
conditions must be met by a centre in order to make an entry for a private candidate. If the conditions
cannot be met, the centre should not make an entry for a private candidate. For a full list of qualifications
and private candidate eligibility please refer to our website.

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Edition 1 issued 1st July 2023
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International Qualifications

Pearson Edexcel iProgress

Pearson Edexcel iProgress is our complete series of academic qualifications for 3 to 19 year-olds, for
international schools including iPrimary, iLowerSecondary, International GCSE (IG), GCSE, International
Advanced level (IAL), GCE A level. iProgress delivers a consistent learning journey, with world class support
services, for students and teachers, everywhere in the world.

New for 2023/24 are our modular International GCSE courses. You will find entry codes for subjects which
offer the modular assessment option in our information manual.

Pearson Edexcel offers onscreen assessment as an option for some IG and IAL subjects. You can read
more about this on the Pearson Qualifications website.

About Pearson

Pearson is the world’s leading learning company, with more than 30,000 employees in more than 70
countries working to help people make measurable progress in their lives through learning.

We provide learning materials, technologies, world class qualifications, assessments and services to
teachers and students in order to help people everywhere aim higher and fulfil their true potential.

In the UK, we are the largest awarding organisation offering academic and vocational qualifications that are
globally recognised and benchmarked, with educational excellence rooted in names like Pearson Edexcel,
BTEC and LCCI. We’re driving innovation through digital products such as ResultsPlus and Bug Club, and
supporting skills and employability for progression in study, work and life. We put the learner at the centre
of everything we do, because wherever learning flourishes, so do people.

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1 September 2023 - 31 August 2024 – Category D
Edition 1 issued 1st July 2023
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International Qualifications (continued)

Advanced support services, tools and resources to make life easier for you and your students

• Support from your regional contacts, subject advisors, global customer services and the Pearson
international school community.
• Face-to-face and online training events and professional development courses.
• Getting started guides, schemes of work, lesson plans, skills development support,
• exemplar marked responses and teacher guides.
• Curriculum matched, endorsed published textbooks and online teaching and learning resources.

Our technology capability also allows us to provide the following unique services and tools:

FREE Access to Scripts Service is an online portal which allows teachers to immediately access
electronically marked exam papers, providing enhanced transparency and support for teachers to evaluate
a student’s performance on particular questions in relation to what they have been taught.

ResultsPlus provides detailed information on exam performance, by providing detailed analysis for every
question, and a platform to view and compare student results, as individuals or as groups, across the world.
It helps with planning improvements in teaching and learning.

ResultsPlus Direct allows you to give students a free online service that gives them access to their results
wherever they are in the world. It gives them a detailed breakdown and global comparison of their
performance in Pearson Edexcel exams and helps them identify areas of Improvement.

examWizard is a free exam preparation tool containing a bank of past Edexcel exam questions, mark
schemes and examiners’ reports for a range of our qualifications and subjects. It saves you time by enabling
you to create your own mock exams, topic tests, homework or revision activities in minutes and links
directly to associated examiner reports and mark schemes.

ePEN is our image-based marking system providing real-time monitoring and quality control of the marking
process, which is carried out at item level. This ensures the highest quality of marking, resulting in Pearson
Edexcel being the most reliable awarding organisation in the UK. The provision of data also feeds into our
reporting support services such as ResultsPlus, ensuring a joined up approach to measuring performance.

Find out more about how we can help you and your learners at

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1 September 2023 - 31 August 2024 – Category D
Edition 1 issued 1st July 2023
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Qualification Fees


Annual programme fee per school Fee

Centre recognition and full programme materials – includes Curriculum documents,

Teacher’s Guides, Schemes of Work, complete Lesson Plans, End-of-Year and Termly £3300

Progress Tests for each subject, and fully integrated Professional Development

End of stage iPrimary achievement tests

Pearson Edexcel International Award in Primary English, Mathematics, Science, Computing,

Global Citizenship subject fee


Annual programme fee per school Fee

Centre recognition and full programme materials – includes Curriculum documents,

Teacher’s Guides, Schemes of Work, complete Lesson Plans, End-of-Year and Termly £3300

Progress Tests for each subject, and fully integrated Professional Development

End of stage iLowerSecondary achievement tests

Pearson Edexcel International Award in Lower Secondary English, Mathematics, Science,

Computing, Global Citizenship subject fee

Pearson Edexcel Fees Brochure - International

1 September 2023 - 31 August 2024 – Category D
Edition 1 issued 1st July 2023
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International General Certificate of Secondary Education
(International GCSE)

Qualification subject (Linear - per qualification entry) Fee

International GCSE (except Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Science Double Award) £50.00

International GCSE (Chinese, French, German, Spanish) £82.50

International GCSE Science (Double Award) £100.00

Qualification subject (Modular – per module entry) Module Fee

International GCSE (Accounting, Commerce, Economics, English Language A, English

Literature, Geography, History, Religious Studies)

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)

Qualification subject Fee

GCSE Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Art & Design, Biblical Hebrew, Business, Citizenship

Studies, Computer Science, Design & Technology, Drama, English Language, English

Literature, Geography A & B, History, Mathematics, Music, Psychology, Religious Studies A £67.00

& B, Statistics

GCSE Chinese, French, German, Gujarati, Italian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, £73
Turkish, Urdu

GCSE Combined Science (Double Award) £134.00

GCSE Astronomy, Arabic, Greek, Japanese, Physical Education £126.00

Pearson Edexcel Fees Brochure - International

1 September 2023 - 31 August 2024 – Category D
Edition 1 issued 1st July 2023
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International Advanced Level (IAL) and International Advanced
Subsidiary Level (IAS)

Subject Unit fee Qualification fee Qualification fee

IAS Level IAL Level

Modular subject - 1 Unit IAS & 2 Unit IAL

£71.50 £71.50 £143.00
Accounting, Arabic, Greek

Modular subject – 2 Unit IAS & 4 Unit IAL

Business, Economics, English Language, English
£40.25 £80.50 £161.00
Literature, French, Geography, German, History,

Information Technology, Psychology, Spanish

Modular subject – 3 Unit IAS & 6 Unit IAL

£28.35 £85.05 £170.10
Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics

Linear subject – IAL only

N/A N/A £105.00

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1 September 2023 - 31 August 2024 – Category D
Edition 1 issued 1st July 2023
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General Certificate of Education (GCE)

Qualification subject – Advanced Subsidiary Level (AS Level) Fee

AS Level Biology, Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Mathematics, Physics, Business,

Economics A, English Language and Literature, English Language, English Literature,

Geography, History, Politics, Psychology, Religious Studies A & B

AS Level Music Technology £205

Qualification subject – Advanced Level (A Level) Fee

A Level Arabic, Greek, Japanese, Art & Design, Religious Studies £162

A Level Biology, Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Mathematics, Physics, Business, Drama

and Theatre, Economics A & B, English Language and Literature, English Language, English

Literature, French, Geography, German, Gujarati, History, History of Art, Italian, Persian, £172

Physical Education, Politics, Portuguese, Psychology, Russian, Spanish, Statistics, Turkish,


A Level Chinese £229

A Level Design & Technology £350

A Level Music £312

A Level Music Technology £410

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1 September 2023 - 31 August 2024 – Category D
Edition 1 issued 1st July 2023
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Other General Qualifications

Other General Qualifications Fee

Pearson Edexcel Advanced Extension Award (AEA) - Mathematics £98

Pearson Edexcel Entry Level Certificate (Academic) £30.50

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Mathematics in Context (Core Maths) £90.50

Pearson Edexcel Projects Level 1 and Level 2 £52.90

Pearson Edexcel Projects Level 3 £90.30

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1 September 2023 - 31 August 2024 – Category D
Edition 1 issued 1st July 2023
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Fees explained

The fees are accurate at the time of publication. Pearson reserves the right to:

● Alter the fees at any time, although it will endeavor to give centres notice of such alteration.
● Refuse to accept new entries from a centre if the centre has a debt outstanding to Pearson at the
due date of submission of new entries.
● Remove approval if there are long-standing financial issues which have not been resolved.
● The price list is exclusive of any sales tax, VAT, or other government charges, levies or withholdings
which may apply.

Late fees

After the entry deadline, you will be charged late fees for any entries you make. From the late fee date, the
entry (unit or subject) fee is doubled. The entry fee is trebled after the high late fee date.

Changes to entries

If you change a subject option (either to change a tier or paper), this will be classified as a new entry and
may be subject to late fees. You will not be charged a late fee for changing candidate details (such as name
amendments) unless a certificate has been issued.


If you withdraw an entry before the high late fee date you will be refunded the entry fee. If you withdraw an
entry after this date, you will not be issued with a refund for the entry fee unless you can provide supporting
medical evidence that the candidate could not complete the unit/s.

Late cash-in fee

We will charge £7.00 for late requests for a subject award (cash-in) prior to the issue of certificates.

Transfer of candidate entry

If a candidate is unable to sit an examination at their centre due to exceptional circumstances, such as a
serious medical condition or suspension or exclusion, they can be transferred to another centre. Detailed
information about the criteria, regulations and process may be found in the JCQ Guidance Notes for
Transferred Candidates.

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1 September 2023 - 31 August 2024 – Category D
Edition 1 issued 1st July 2023
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Fees explained (continued)

Transfer of candidate entry (continued)

The candidate’s centre and proposed host centre must both complete the Transferred Candidate Form and
submit the request to

The JCQ guidance and form can be obtained from the Transferred Candidates section of the Pearson
Qualifications website, or the JCQ website.
We will charge you for this service.

Replacement certificates and Certifying Statement of Results (CSOR)

We can only replace a certificate where it has been lost, damaged or destroyed by the centre. In these cases,
centres may contact to apply for a duplicate. A separate charge will be
made for each duplicate certificate requested per learner.

If a student has lost or damaged their certificate, they can apply for a Certifying Statement of Results, which
is an official copy of the final qualification results held by Pearson.
We can also send a Certifying Statement of Results directly to educational institutions, professional bodies
or employers.

An overseas delivery cost of £20 per batch (up to 20 replacement certificates) will also apply.
For costs and to apply for these services for learners, please visit the Pearson Qualifications website: Apply
for a copy of your results or certificate. Additional information for Exams Officers may found in the Results
and certification: Certification section of the Pearson Qualifications website.

Unannounced inspection visit fees

Please note that all Pearson Edexcel International centres are subject to periodic unannounced inspections
during each series to ensure that the examinations are being administered correctly. Every effort will be
made to minimise expenditure, but the cost of these inspections will be re-charged to the centre by the
inspecting authority as part of quality assurance process.

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1 September 2023 - 31 August 2024 – Category D
Edition 1 issued 1st July 2023
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Fees explained (continued)

Visiting examiner and moderator fees

Centre visits are compulsory for some subjects. Please visit the subject pages of the Pearson Qualifications
website for information about the specific requirements which apply to GCE A Level, GCSE and International
GCSE qualifications.

For subjects which offer an optional service on request, the facility will only be granted based on the
availability of examiners and moderators for the examination series.
For all visits, a standard fee will be charged per centre based on location. Every effort will be made to plan
itineraries to include visits to more than one centre in order to reduce costs, but this cannot be guaranteed.

Reformed GCE A Level Science Practical Monitoring visits

For centres teaching the reformed GCE A Level specifications in Biology, Chemistry and Physics (2015) it is a
regulatory requirement that delivery of the Common Practical Assessment Criteria (CPAC) is monitored. This
is designed to support teachers in delivering the CPAC.

Any arrangements for planned Monitoring visits will be communicated to centres. We do not expect this
process to incur an additional fee for centres, but this may be subject to review.

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1 September 2023 - 31 August 2024 – Category D
Edition 1 issued 1st July 2023
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Payment of fees

Fees due within 30 days from the date of invoice should be made payable by cheque, bankers draft or by
bank transfer to Pearson Education Limited (please note that cheques made payable to Edexcel will no
longer be accepted).

We request that you include your Pearson Oracle account number and relevant invoice numbers in the
detail field of the bank transfer or written on the back of the cheque or bank draft.

Our bank details are:

Account Name Pearson Education Limited

Bank HSBC Bank Plc

Branch Office 62-76 Park Street


Sort Code 40-02-50

Swift Code MIDLGB22

Account Number 71060627

IBAN GB61MIDL40025071060627

Please send all cheques and remittance advice slips to:

or to:

Pearson Education
Kao 2, Kao Park
London Road
CM17 9NA

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1 September 2023 - 31 August 2024 – Category D
Edition 1 issued 1st July 2023
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