Artistic Research And/as Interdisciplinarity

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Ati Reeth Dace #1 ‘eit esc dr mips ae Pe rorro Caleidotrépico artistic research does Hey presto, thisis not another ant-ology neither aspires being part of one. ‘And we are not tied to defining artistic research neither we intend to spend our and others’ sweat to eventually provide an enlightened state of the art. We are nevertholess quite happy to presenta friendly, fancy and laid-back ink and Paper object to embody the inquiring thoughts of our guest contributors. Arts Research Does isa series of individual takes published on the ic research, yet anti-ologically designed. t consists of a umber of short authored submissions, conceived under invitation and for the occasion, published in individual booklets, once a month and blingually PT/ENG), Since the editors are not native English speakers and thus are unable to provide proessional translations, every and each oftheir efforts to adapt text wil be signed atthe and so that the interpretative contingency is kept in mind. “The idea for Artistic Research Does acquired shape in the aftermath ofthe international i i seminar Conversations on Artistic Research November 2014, at the Faculty of Fine Arts University of Porto, Portugal (org. NEA Research Group in Arts Education). As such the contributions of gueet participants of thie seminar, and following the taking off of the first round 0 the network of references will expand to other interesting inputs to the conversation in motion. ‘Through internationalization Artistic Research Does is aimed to introduce this debate in Portugal by hopefully filing up some perceived ‘gaps and updating bie Toe eftors cata Amaia Ft Ofin Bt: Unesty OF Pot Artistic Research and/as Interdisciplinarity' — Annette Arlander fe eae rome sti esearch does #1 ected Although th are fast seuch stil conte sd may pro we he eated ems in eer 9 ave th somehow cotroreial er paras oe of he em in Egy th deste around artistes hve continued longenough ors o chaos thet somebig ike that a. tel eee fot as a rope dpi at ea vrehig reonbln it Into aking whe asic racic sor et, Imey prio ak, what canto? What can be done with or ‘ihn atic er? Tay when ies sinesingy sought fo fo complement the ere-narowingiiiary ‘xperin,the pony of meting ground or (elie) free pace fr varus ipins wo inearofered by atin reser a nceded more tn eve, Moreover. the pet of ‘petinentation snd pay wth erative, aie escach a ‘peat pte ee and more ld within Acer el arinsocery at large: What scar bee mot avo rut ofthe debater and demonsraon aie the dey ofthe dade There noon form of isi aca bat tay Spe party Since anc oar heed om rk fears oth alan inna And cou forme ave sch ifering apache toast pati, rain th pston ofthe ats he sta ofthe at work, a 509, ny ued undersanding of what consties ri each ‘arya Tete we ch ai fii aed hin shai rele wa (history of ar history of msi ‘iy assests an on; ow could ari eearch te fd lee der? Ado tha the vary ofp eporel sessed by an a ne hae doa hg Higersoiticens Fiat fw clacton ofthe terinolgy wed hee Intedcpinyemaly means ntepton of krowlge om scaler dips wide midlife othe {torn of diferent yes of knowles and ‘rina denote the production of aria wih pres beyond the sademy A thre fms of ive xo ‘beyond dips are reevant in the context of aii euch, Although we could di ha weave moving toward ow dicpliny condon of alle poducon,thiic, ls opspmaee ope poyeneeny wtnic rns doe Ue uy athena main ig mamnoanareitany erate Tansey a oie Hp rc anacle seo Or monte tec eee repay rp ny nde One odwuior gyre ate ped ese npn ences eng oad rc cl eo ety ed pyar ances ey addin TeeSgisy causation euneene cesng mii pani eral ‘roe UAT pe et Sitar apaniaeemmcht vod imetnpiny meine yn Sunoco Scat ae be Spout ncnc hw eon une ede de ae et a meena recipes hn cnn ayer cTivomgrun ew at wed See wctnun crt roach ese ps ‘Perm otaogec eng tl e en Satrgaonuted cote eich ee met Wes pty ni pcan rant oe ed dona gg dpe dope panel ue npc ‘Supt dated conten omer pols trendnanng Tn ltreninssd he ‘Sindy era nh rad ope en yp wie mh emattpemiondicis guastea seer Dulac see tinge Siriiisinusis iyielagreegae ‘to artatic research: pedagogical artistic research and experinental ‘retina My acon wr ec pach enldcbenat Onscand ag eat eee inde speak of ae fam of atic sch oda laugh perhaps mo with eal tat ploy When looking arond t thor Useraon ore: cath pj we eed ebay ‘iingish sand he pibeopiclynclied aie each, tines ered ate euch socologalo cally bad atic aca wel telly Fed reach sometimes elated to art neneeloratons Othe per teste tho alrenty mentioned col peobbly be fund, epening onthe collaborating parti he interest and ‘mgs nda ars and eine and he elated “sipines elite. Even combining theres ad prcia ‘or ke at practi and at theory cold be hough of (erm fnenicipiai. ‘One sure forth versity ithe vary of lua intent the development of arti cr Soe ft ‘many nem contig tes altar sceptingarseich inc the iceing rennin ofthe va and importance of octal Knee o cis owe of oad mode 2 wml" an hao ofthe arts! owed. Aber sears th promi aly andy he mal a ‘oc iencen wich lowed he psi um of sri {od post-sraunks,andhare empha embod erin ‘knoe embod in olan material paces Note Fonge the wor undraen within enna and poole ‘Sung iv ondeto ea ie aare ee tpe ‘ciel rls poduction Pi Poa ated in ber ‘doa wok how caret debates and ai eer nd two and fg the work dane aay nthe vets by Femina theorist Bk Sanda Haring, Dona Hara and he who deep elle mandi perce and ‘hebdes fund inal, Ele Bart has edly then pt gary Th cy Kes Bara code epson Fee artic esearch I Rave sent inant cote? ‘Ards ain eed rnning slang the changes ithe ‘eign of bal cpt nr eromentlaprsch he reso ofthe planet and othe eng sharing the ith ‘Ths emancgtoy and pol struggles on one and and “ptemolgal bate onthe ober ave ated groan for be ssep aprons pee ninicremmch does Annet Sander ld dicho ike ae and nce theory an practice rubles momen ni aly, Ato this praps ‘he min equtement forthe development fais seach, ‘hac ange within the ars, with concept atone npr seating pn ogee wth various om of ally gaged ar pots that challenge the wasn roe of te We The hay ens en ceny in tdci ic the 190 and hedelepmen twas meaionaly spc ‘he thin elein higher ars edcation amin tor of ne “These developments hve bern ded widely and ho cried a th seaderintion ft 0 the po es pci ‘har dacaionhereAfow word sou sme afer ‘late to mehodlogy we nevertheless wor ein sine Chey raat el nwa within Bo Methodology or...? One the pursing lames eld rosin ech ett qe hr ei mee sd heoae teamaclog ora ld of avg pedi, dpe, “Thapar of coure ink nc el hast on thos fbr prtacng knows rth fs or rp a cree ‘elevance When eos ke prices roach, practic ed tcc perfomance sr ech sibel rch or cee reach red the emphasis often on methodology One ‘campo methadlogi approach aria reach he Ferfrmance a Rseeh Working Group of IFTR {lneatonlFeeration fr Thee Reseach), where the erin ome from varus does wii pefoming as (here, dee, wing Live Ar, sual practes, sound a) ‘The common denominators rounding in sme ep fata sts under the ef peormance ae esearch (or price roca, whch many inthe UK peer liana ines incrplring he metho pov of claboratve erica gen. we undecind aii research iat and remota ‘ates fhe qualitative mthology or ee with racic based ah in gener: Brad Heseman, however has {fended performative seca parte mehodclogy thle ew pd on the bs of Austin spec at hey. [Acorn Harenan, in bis Manito Perrative Roa *peormaie resent rprenentnmethng get se sop yoann 4 i i q 5 tan the perfomance tr (ich for many orm of one mcpatary ston tough embed a ened eagling) a [ie epeseatsa more which old tha acc the prepa ‘mca atvty Hern distin ma chances ‘yp fr pce ed ers ‘the research not 20 much problem-based but rather ad by “an entusiaem of practi" ond 2)the research outputs and clan to knowing are ‘made theaugh the symbolic language of the practice, According tim symbolic ats work persian monly cxpesing te eer, bt ia that expenon cong the rescach ie" Ad uo npr "The iin nse ‘practice cic pinay ~it fata pon ernit I the essary precondition af engagement in perormaie rowuch He sent the flowing chem ‘Quantitative Research (Sn 00259. uatative Research esc iit ty ily gune (Si 01210. Performative Research ‘speed inne bet in oe an (eter Tha a a pt ‘iat mignon sermon ed — matimatotie by prats uamitatice vey Diniimay Hascrschera cold he tae allow While quantinie earch ised on the siete eto xd (alien earch ed on rile etd peeraie ‘enc patio and wes mile meds We _eantiatereah eto (and presents re) wih umber res nd chars quae reanoch uo nad presente els tht are non-numeric ore Peroritive ‘esac esr in + no-name wayand ae ee ‘pric data oe than words na crete These ‘ecu or of material paces moving nd lias, sounds ad ase, action ap ig cde ‘Paci Leary who propagate arsbued th fo gate reac ine cece ba presented» lt ‘Jpe ot hema, She prone tbe each the rd ‘mode and nae th ered ech Bk en oxen sf conventonal que roewch, a expen of the gave paradigm Tractonsl ——Arts- Based Gualtative We Sage dn nee Viele ‘den onrimning mad Rene ‘Some Ieetipinny ——Tamigngy From Lewy dessption we avert undertadhat tne method are be sed mann the presenton and tnemiaton ofthe esearch ets rm the point fw of tice the ble with ch quately ined Spposce fen tar art bammes a addendum, sneing ‘Scondry in lstion 0 rin enc ofthe eek, oe wopspmoe opm ae ste roearch dee Barbus Bot, who ia aise hel contin the vrorkof Haven in Perraie Puig forthe Creatine ‘Ars ad nau 1 cone the ening of prorat, if peformatve ct doesnot deers anything bt aly doesn i the whl we seal yo mer wt ‘uch a ation frre ar ccomplste, According to Bot iis sential wo dain been perma aed ‘perma inthe ee of etn ling ate 0 formance’ We nod en othe concept! dtton ‘ale by pilopher Aun betwee conse ees ‘har stor describe ic and pefomatvs teins hat form an cto, ke "dain the mariage ceremony And ‘0 remerbr Jd Bule ditto berween efornao hich eqs a cube, pefrmatviwhich chlenges ‘he whole ation ofthe ole, Wheres perrmance n be nderoad athe comcour (ad itera by sabe ot subject perma murtbe endotaod sa tev end Shaonl pace which pcs that which it mame Ble saat bomen Since a ca n't sch fn pret the dferece se cher Scionce-or-Research Maths: epetins here Arts Ressarch ‘Scene ee oad be compare with conte i leering and modeling the mal where rt cache ‘taking ng in the wri Ons methodol ere the st 'repeton fhe mame, wera he te epetiton with “tence. And the fared on tha cmespece where he er sand on" sper snl ls. Fir Bal "the wrk ofa ott th tween othe even hu ali the ft work nse material ee 2nd ccusive domains. Conquer he main tk rte ist esucher eogaing nd mapping the notions there cee «.. Field? : i ‘Today we colder that tii cach a el oe Ukcgins pethap an icp) an ae fr knowledge cretion, rater hen specie methodol: Resch tne ‘in nop diferent metbodolegien, quale quite of ‘oncepa a ugg by Sith 8 Dean in Pras ‘pies howere ed odie thie ithe tog ‘herrea abe ortho hip mete Sbulst trie sca do the sare? Every dpe pds howe vias cw method "I we fr intance apply the ethos of ‘atu aie to artedcaon rye get caral is ‘sean outcome. Therein ich thing t+ wet ech Imei The sume could be expected ofthe el a etic resetch Bais posible talk abot common methods ft tress den atm thet, Mente dane, fl nd architecture? Should mecca fam develop it wm ‘mein bse on the working methods employ Ths we ‘oul hare nie methods ed on the pec aio of ‘sch fom, supporting the detelpment of hove parle Ferm Should we then init croak othe aes one ef attic exploration within each aii Sciplin, os ifn ne wthin for insance mi ritecae desig, which te erong domineith radon ofthe own, no xc ‘ctv engaged in the debts sound ari see? Or Shoal wok fr common droits forall teat? An inc seucher within sy, choreogphi practic, las fe mopar sna sorcines ore in common wih dane ech than wih ets nebo ek Ard ometine ot. Ther ae ‘neeipnary challenges lay within rte recetch ‘Wt abat be abject of cach? Art isnot necesry theca je fr ae cer ot ais expen, ‘aviou phenomena inthe word athe than at ar ch Thin ‘medinly ites al-dicpinaryovinediipiary ‘elite wth eueher dling with the pcm queso. Moree rene problems te oe tailing that loving ile’ academic diipines working jl with etinnrs solve rec-world probleme" Although any ‘wold dng with he confaton ofa and problem saving, ‘heengagement with ea-world nes and agents out scadeia in crsdeatin mich rte each This mc ot only old pled ator oabrton with helbeae Insiatons NCO Many contemporary ai ke pide in Invling vaio commis two although hey right be showing the eau mainly for art sans In oe seme artic earch naicpiry Simply by nohing oth the riven adhe a word "Thre cans what scaly characteris thi range felis the fredom ofthe ar nthe independence postion farts an intone indpenenee of which as een enya manna which dons coer alla fotos net Or arti reach be ‘deo ar an aes of oman ieee rs Beween ‘stand cede he rt wo and the nies fr Big & Karon hve sere. They set that here ext ‘arn dees of orlpand mesg ewes at practice tnd academic reach and propose si of perspec ha ‘lows certain acts oboe mening in the conte of ts research even though hse aces may not hae ben mening in ther the content of ace sac ers oF ‘He contest of posi as practic prs" They wean te escape Bl om he eng Fields of prcte and ara earc and maintain ‘hat at tear sould be profesor ina earch at ‘nate ener mana orin pon aces uti titi pfeil xo that et und Big Kanon ha cli that rte sec (oat cn as they li) dic dpinein the main [A aight itrent ny of king a this ybiion ofan racic and academic pace wo under it ab aundary work ar roped by Henk Brg Te Confer oft Paul Ponpeties on Ait Reseach nd Ardea “Muchadanesd asec such ay oul ee ps par ota he nts “Ac roach ier ‘updentod at something that epee this boresilaton| ‘ther than beings daipline ongie other arvelted ‘felines Atti ech aso ont he eae ‘dpa envionment athe art world ht ood ‘ample af contemporry sade roca, wih no anger ‘aks plc tin he ure lve Meroe inthe ring ar ore domaing ii eae shay ‘event se itera ou he wer comma lng ita god cumple of wha peopl cll Made? role ‘action Bsr Singita mach om ther Mode 2 fons of knee production wih the hp of > Satur th fit htt reac spline the making. fel he uae of arin asc, ics, pit ley, ert» This doe vo meen wscmbing tbe ‘kf ofthe act athe, howe ince ai ae it “etn fie ype that ko in oppostion tthe demas radians fe pce for atria thinking whe em ‘fom Pal Canee™= In pecorming tie seach we cn. coding to Bord nlc what oun a "tly uur of wha on igh charg he a, buts our ender of what art The presuned aii ae under debate. Tithe intimal enti Apying Cot rs Ren (2010), Exel Bae re pret ime conceing the joined sated pach of {nema ht deo ont and inte proce the experiential nd emergent mature of ts methods that ren na degre f unpre in tom of come. -apuauysuewy tite msench des #1 nate Aad (es ein ery nnn cso stent , ‘Sant rade tenia ace ey = Practice-led or Sopcvcieenarcmcccees, gem She a een ening emo product-oriented it articulates the notion of ethical or embodied forms of research? ‘bsorvation= ways of looking and beng accountable for knowledge claims that éo not day the agency ofthe objects of recearch~ in particular human participant: it ‘ba mode that eplcestedional notions of objectivity | with the ida of sted knowedgo and partial obectiy: finaly it aserts the potential of sted and pata knowledge fr foging web of connections identifying for ‘whom, how and wher la know oan bo put toute Avery of detec the diverse proaches within ari esearch a oa the each proceso ‘sation crag ric pact in anew cnter erst Taking place nthe prepartory pn or dri the scl work (Geesperinentton fo instance) or ater the ct ection we a with what reste, we iad in anda atering of dence respons and on. Ti could tenis dept the coset defiing the ‘be iter sng nepal te anetrtic ofa dap, ‘Dlsteserch undertaken mainly at he planing stage, before engaging inthe actual production ora form of stherng of knowledge and materi forthe etwork portent? 2) Doe the actual creation of he work ake the form of research in some type of experimentation, val and eror 5) Does he man part oe rotearch take place seth creation of an artwork or engagement inthe practice, by reflecting onthe experiance or proces afterword? Ang nny attrac poly woud say hal ‘hee rrp apply other work, ha planing, ‘experimentation nd resto nti and happenin ‘onic mane the can eterl be deren in ema te sep prea ap screech dows #4 Some ar frms pu much emphasis onthe design proces of ‘pei objet wile cher winced ofr on oni, occ Fors concep arene performance sr the recon might simply mean waking bak and forth in agony 6 ‘wel uta ies foreman pope oa proces dw reomer¢and de: Wheren documenting igh elit ‘neil procedure of creating xpi, xan oak ene inportane knowledge ofthe proces, An sod gaged in sear dance imprvtion cul hae ny ke ime fom an onguing pte ret wpm nd aca, ‘Thee ferences cme evident when dining the lec witng in sie ea ‘When docs th wring tke ple sit working, cote tiling pros in planing the wrk or par of Sccountng othe proce erway ors oro er ral end ered by he ion. n poet wth ong inten fom quite ecarh nd il wens the wc roe ely becomes «metho oping at nd thet ‘evk or dcumented actions Beco daa tobe aged ae ‘elec upon teri ro ana eas peste hic ‘sens problematic how ea ou sale our ow wer bat from an hogeape’ epee thei problem i aig rill notes and experience at mater al when "wet {he eet, provi the ner sl ei inde oman ast pect the pele an be atin many tthe in recht ed coe ptf each othe eek el ether han he "wring of he ‘pens or effac, Batt the work the ates bow ‘byou the dings seach Fm nary arti practi? ‘Tis has been rer ompbeta by entempoey ate pate tht endo empha rah, re Follsorsion scl engagement nd 20 Therfr there of wing, ar mcs anid contention, oft a ‘heneary complement proving an acount of the qusian inva the mebods the poe he eel reflection rhe conten in ron wo previous ar ead reco, depending 0 the emphasis ofthe oa atin ane ‘he mei tito eure Tower cst common grand with othe Fare of mech ‘ef questions developed a the pads coal i Duin ‘a cine in andy They ae not rent oe ane ight ‘ay beta be conan diced during the roe: ‘hat are you trying tofind out? 2)why iit worth knowing? {9 how do you go about nding tout? 4) how wil you know you ar ished finding Although thee qusion ae wf the motion fr aie cach i owes al ding ut srehing othe taco of kml sch Moet ais mt each enc thy are inated wih xing forms af practice, cae thy Hes dem oso ox cane thy wan 2 ‘spent nd pli Forth cil minded erie mach provide apc for qutionng ad thing the ingrin Conversion of he at wold For the ore conerenvey ncn aii ree oes an petty to ora art locum tai Know ond dwt methods, One of th ft uk fora aati recht type of dl being appl ob awe of wl rile the ‘ase poconception nda tht ne hibited oe Wht with on ari ld. Witkin comtemporary 2, itl ‘ustoning the ba fora alFandeanding. Aten be oie creatine and inl endesvo shat aes {id thera paces in elev proce were ‘he aoe and anc of tis questoned ad habe through th prs of at Thi und ery mach ke the talon l-conetingoegliting seed [Noceeynein the promi ats wad probly age with thse dept epetinentstion and queoring being aed, ‘he enor intgl oe peor detion of hea fm. fe meppmerse i i i { When ling sou diem a Frm, erm od round the raion of practi” aon wed ch pane ‘ed pate lind pons each Thscn bec sign rnc cif oe pais Howrey cach Shaerlsanatenpe arcu an hewine or gsng rac bed on argue (nd har ly mero les ‘con lls orient empha and ue eet ‘eth compared wth earch that eempe to deep ewe of wok or dei roca explin the ste {tha rele Wecoul dit proceed o oj trend onic ranch oud on the con ef an ave {fom pace ed opr reach, wich fen et shave apt ea orenancpatry wedge ince. “Wecoul ep seni aod sy that atic rea can be pce when he patio oft moreno han Ina arr produce when the main gol fo the reemh ste ceten on art werk Suche on howe, scone by contemporary a td which fen aceon "Poser and neato ner hn pods and fied wok. irs mete fl undead the difecen apprenh “hed tne, The reach proce cate vad sing, ‘ings ces oneting now tena be oe in fein, {ing understand and eit wha oe a ae done, “Both approaches and any mise beween hem an Be fod ‘hin aie roe More muchas ch apes ‘find contac pins ith psp dy and sha ‘ecutive feo, aouh neh i or am emia ‘Sesion. In many esr wea ude aie crc ‘epee pct Types of artistic research Anis serch diteretiting no ony citing tonto pcs! poacher dizuredsbvs, or lowing ie ins wit thi tans, bata scaring ‘Mie wit varios tation forme ofeach The ‘Evercore ihn ‘mach more in common tha th tha the seach tar beenan arian the a that atin patiesiooed Sn the eu projet tome pa ca ke ay Forms. “Thor we cou find examples fri each tinge ok and inc of bio pati empha on conten ‘heel eric pce ihn canon of evo dione works yang om ppl within Se 2 ia (Ore cul nc mes where etnopapic metho and ecg rane apacex el win aie ‘seh thi wring the work a perc. And places ‘hr atti earch as dove paral with eb

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