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PROJECT TITLE : Project Management Office for

the Implementation of the Farmer’/

Farmworkers Housing Program :
A DAR’s Program with a FACE

PROPONENT : Secretary John Rualo Castriciones

Department of Agrarian Reform

Project Location : To be identified from among 16 regions

Target date of implementation :

Project Duration : five years

Project Funds : 1.2 Billion Pesos


The primary mandate of the Department of Agrarian Reform is to lead in the

implementation of the Comprehensive Land Reform Program thru land tenure
improvement, agrarian justice and coordinated delivery of support services to
farmer beneficiaries towards its societal goal of reducing poverty. A special area
of concern is to provide housing to these farmer beneficiaries thru the utilization
of idle, abandoned, foreclosed and sequestered lands into housing sites.

The CARP give highest emphasis on the welfare of the farmers and farmworkers
towards rural development and industrialization. This can be achieved thru a
sustainable development approach involving agrarian reform beneficiaries as
primary actors of emancipation duly supported by national government bureaus,
including government owned and controlled corporations. There will be a
convergence and mobilization of resources of both government and private
agencies in the development and implementation of the Farmer’s and
Farmworker’s Housing Program.

The project will cover Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries from Muñoz and San Jose
city in Nueva Ecija to be implemented for four years.

For the direct management of the aforesaid farmer’s and farmworker’s housing
program, it is imperative for the Department of Agrarian Reform to formalize a
Project Management Office constituted by competent personnel technically
equipped and knowledgeable in socialized housing and community development.

1. To uplift the quality of life of farmers and their children through housing,
livelihood enterprises and education

2. To provide financial access to farmers and farmworkers

3. To provide strong linkages through a convergence and mobilization of

resources in the development and implementation of the Farmer’s and
Farmworker’s Housing Program

4. Develop housing designs and production, and income- related facilities by

taking into consideration not only the affordability of the farmers and
farmworkers but also the ecological needs of the country


The Farmer’s Housing shall serve as the face of DAR in its mandate to improve
the quality of lives of CARP’s beneficiaries. The following are the components in
the implementation of the program.

1. Financial inclusion of farmers and farmworkers

This will include the provision of credit/ lending facilities such as banking
institutions of the Land Bank, Development Bank of the Philippines and other
concerned government financial institutions, accredited savings and credit
cooperatives, financial service cooperatives, accredited cooperative banks. Other
facilities include lending windows of PAG – IBIG Fund and micro financing

2. There are two schemes for the implementation of the project :

2.1 On site housing

The scheme will include home improvement of existing housing units,

construction of a new house or refinancing of an existing loan secured by the lot.

2.2 Off site housing

A modified “ Bahay Pamayanan” that will include farm to market roads, trading
posts and Post harvest facilities.

3. Convergence of public and private sectors

Government and private sector financial and technical resources will be linked in
order to provide the needed support mechanism for the project.

4. Ecological Housing Design

The use of solar panels for power to rice mills, warehouse and dryers may
provide cost effective and environment friendly technology.
IV - Project Management :

The Farmer’s Housing Program Executive Committee will be headed by the DAR
Secretary as Chairman. The overall management and implementation will be the
task of the Project Management Office headed by a Program Director and an
Assistant Program Director. Part of the PMO’s task is the formation of an Inter
Agency Committee which will draft the Operational Guidelines and a Joint
Memorandum Circular detailing the task of each member agency.

Field Operations:

A Chief Technical Officer will directly manage the following : technical,

community organizing and networking, and validation of farmer beneficiaries.
There will be three Senior Technical Officers, tasked to perform technical
(research and data management ) community organizing and over all
management of the field staff. The field staff composed of six Project
Development Officers will conduct validation of deserving farmer’s/ farmworkers
in consultation with the Municipal Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries. They will also
be tasked to establish the Farmer’s Housing Board composed of the Municipal
Agrarian Reform Officer, Municipal Agricultural Officer, representatives of the
municipal and provincial government , private sector such as People’s

Office Administration :

There will be two Administrative Assistants and two Administrative Officers, two
drivers, one Finance Officer which will be headed by a Chief Technical Officer.


Particulars/ Activities Financial

1. Preparatory Activities :

1.1 Inter- Agency Collaborative Meetings ( 48,000.00 yearly x4) 192,000.00

1.2 Preparation of the Joint Memorandum Circular 10,000.00

1.3 Approval and endorsement by the PARC Ex-Com 10,000.00

1.4 Farmer’s Housing Summit (150,000x4) 500,000.00

1.5 Identification of 16 participating pilot regions

1.6 Mapping of roles and functions of Regional, Provincial and

Municipal Agrarian Reform Officers

SUBTOTAL 712,000.00
2. Support to Institution Building :

2.1 Conduct of Strategic Planning with PMO staff (100,000x4) 400,000.00

2.2 Conduct of Round Table Discussions and planning workshops 480,000.00

on the program with Regional, Provincial and Municipal Agrarian
Reform Officers (30,000x16)

2.3 Quarterly Assessment Meetings

2.4 Year end Assessment and Planning 600,000.00

SUBTOTAL 1,480,000.00
3. Support for the Conduct of Facilitating Activities

3.1 Orientations/ Consultation Meetings with DAR Field Offices 500,000.00

3.2 Consultation Meetings with qualified Farmer’s/ Farmworkers 500,000.00

3.4 Conduct of Validation to identified farmer’s/ farmworkers 500,000.00

beneficiaries (150,000X4)

3.5 Social preparation and organizing activities 500,000.00

3.6 Collation of gathered data for research, documentation, 500,000.00

analysis and recommendation

SUBTOTAL 1,500,000.00
4. Construction of houses 1,126,634,866.00
5. Support for Operation of PMO

5.1 PMO Staff Salaries 51,248,940.00

5.2 Travelling Expenses 5,000,000.00
5.3 Supplies and Material Expenses ₱ 5,424,194.00
5.4 Staff Trainings, meetings and other related activities ₱ 5,000,000.00
5.5 Communication Expenses (mobile and landline) 200,000.00
5.6 Development of IEC Materials 200,000.00
5.7 Purchase of vehicle 2,000,000.00
5.8 Repairs and Maintenance of vehicles 600,000.00

Sub TOTAL 69,673,134.00

Grand Total 1.2 Billion
COMPUTATION: All Staff Salaries

Position/ Designation Number Monthly Sub total Total

Project Director 1 82,439.00 82,439.00x12x5 4,946,340.00
Assistant Project 1 73,299.00 73,299.00x12x5 4,397,940.00
Chief Technical 2 58,717.00 58,717.00x12x5x2 7,046,040.00
Senior Technical 3 47,037.00 47,037.00x12x5x3 8,466,660.00
Project Development 6 38,085.00 38,085x12x5x6 13,710,600.00

Monitoring and 2 34,781.00 34,781.00x12x5x2 4,173,720.00

Evaluation Officers
Administrative 2 26,494.00 26,494.00x12x5x2 3, 179,280.00
Administrative 2 24,224.00 24,224.00x12x5x2 2,906,880.00
Driver 2 18,718.00 20,179.00x12x5x2 2,421,480.00
TOTAL 21 51,248,940.00

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