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Tac Attack August 1987

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W ell, the flesh peddlers

called the other day full
of promises, pledges and a deal
lost. But there have been the
high times, too-working on
new ideas like COMPAS and
ensure that we do things right
the first time, every time-the
same way we need to be able to
I couldn't turn down. The base the COBRA Team (Combat fight in combat.
commander's job at Myrtle Oriented Base Risk Analysis But we also need to have the
Beach was opening up and Team); watching the dynamic will to win-the disciplined at-
would I be interested? Of leadership of our Safety team titude it takes to win by the
course, they already knew I'd grow by leaps and bounds. rules. Anyone can cheat and
kill for the chance at another Seeing credibility, real credi- sometimes even win, but the
command-so my answer was bility, established by our Chiefs TOP GUN knows a cheater will
easy. And to the joy of some, of Safety. I could go on and on. be the first to go in combat.
I'm sure, this will be my last In this business it's difficult The consistent winner's will to
"Angle of Attack." to rack up your successes. The win is firmly based on A2 and
An "old" (read expression question, "How many mishaps self-discipline. Anyone (in the
only) crusty fighter pilot will be did you prevent today, Coupe," air or on the ground) can be a
sharing the TAC philosophy has never been my favorite. On TOP GUN; but first, you have
with you beginning next the other hand, if one looks at to want to.
month. Col Jack Gawelko is the record, they will see we If I had to sum it up, I'd have
well known for his abilities as have indeed made progress in to say ... Boss, it's been fun
a top fighter pilot and profes- all areas. Credit must go to our ... (read FUN) and I'd be proud
sional officer. I'm certain you commanders. Without their di- to fly your wing anytime, any-
will find his "Angle of Attack" rect support and involvement, place. To each of you-be
refreshing and his tactics on we would have never made a proud. You have helped build
risk management and flying dent. But the key factor is and the best command in the
smart a solid "shack." will continue to be ... YOU. United States Air Force-keep
This job has been one hell-of- Remember to wear the TAC making it better.
a-challenge-the troops I've patch proudly. We need to keep Remember to check 6 for
worked with are the best this a positive attitude, but to be a bandits, but don't forget about
country has spawned; the units "TOP GUN," i.e., the best in the Amarougians at 12.
I've visited and flown with the the Air Force, we need to take
most dedicated and determined the same positive attitude and Bon chasseur (Good hunting).
in the USAF. Oh, it's been dis- square it-I call it A 2 .
couraging at times; mainly be- One doesn't become a TOP
cause as a Safety puke you GUN with attitude alone; it
somehow feel partly responsible takes firm self-discipline to
for every smokin' hole and life square the A. Self-discipline to
Chief of Safety

4 The Unrealistic "Realistic Scenario" 28 The Bike That Bit Me
(or, BFMing The Imaginary Threat) What's missing? A motorcycle, all the
12 Munitions Support During A Red necessary safety equipment, fuel, a long
Flag Development country road and ...
If you're headed for Red Flag, here's
what you need to know for a successful
18 What Makes A Good Controller?
9 Aircrew of Distinction
What are the standards of excellence 10 TAC Tips
that a GCI controller should try to 16 In The Center
attain? 22 Chock Talk
24 Does It Have To Happen? 25 Safety Awards
Is there such a thing as being accident- 26 Down to Earth
prone? 30 Weapons Words

TACRP 127-1

TAC Attack is not directive in nature. Recommendations are intended to comply with existing directives. Opinions ex-
pressed are those of the authors and not necessarily the positions of TAC or USAF. Mishap information does not identify the
persons, places, or units involved and may not be construed as incriminating under Article 31 of the UCMJ. Photos and art-
work are representative and not necessarily of the people or equipment involved.
Contributions are encouraged, as are comments and criticism. We reserve the right to edit all manuscripts for readability
and good taste. Write the Editor, TAC Attack, HQ TAC/SEP, Langley AFB, VA 23665-5001; or call AUTOVON 574-3658.
Distribution F(X) is controlled by TAC/SEP through the PDO, based on a ratio of 1 copy per 10 persons assigned. DOD
units other than USAF have no fixed ratio; requests will be considered individually.
Subscriptions for readers outside DOD are available from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office,
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COL "COUPE" DE VILL Major Harley Davidson air-to-air missiles. Once we're
CHIEF OF SAFET TAC Flight Safety in the target area, expect
SA-6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, ZSU 23-4s
MAJ DON RIGHTMYE hack, 0900-now." and other AAA in all quad-
EDITO The briefing begins rants. Although we would nor-
exactly on time and the flight mally expect a widespread tar-
STAN HARDISO lead, like all good flight leads, get-rich environment, today we
ART EDITO begins by stating the mission will work on enhancing our
objective followed by a brief target acquisition capability by
SSGT DENNIS WALLAC overview. attacking a heavily defended
STAFF ARTIS "Our objective today is realis- green-camouflaged command
tic combat training. Therefore, post located in a tree line. We'll
we'll simulate stepping to the all attack the same target. Ac-
aircraft in a heavily contam- quiring the target will require
inated CBR environment. After total concentration, but don't
takeoff and once clear of the forget the air threat. I'll brief
TAC Attack (ISSN 0494-3880) is
airfield traffic area, we'll de- the four different attack forma-
published monthly by HQ TAC/SEP, scend to our en route altitude of tions in a few minutes. Ord-
Langley AFB, VA. POSTMASTER: 300' AGL in a 4-ship box for- nance all day long will be
Send address changes to TAC mation. Expect an air threat Maverick and guns. Are there
Attack, TAC/SEP, Langley AFB, VA consisting of MiG 21s, 23s, 27s, any questions on the over-
23665-5001. Second-class postage
paid at Hampton, Virginia, and ad-
29s and helicopters all armed view?"
ditional mailing offices.. with the latest Soviet all-aspect Well, I hope there would be

(or BFMing the imaginary threat)

that pushing "realism" beyond

reality will somehow enhance
our combat capability. We plan
exotic maneuvers to counter
tactics that the enemy doesn't
use. We dogfight in regimes
where enemy air doesn't oper-
ate. We give the enemy ad-
vanced air-to-air missiles and
SAMs in quantities and capa-
bilities that just don't exist. We
simulate attacking unrealistic
targets and, worse yet, we
simulate ordnance and delivery
modes inappropriate for the
situation. We communicate
with and count on support from
all kinds of friendly forces who
probably won't be there when
some questions. The overview the war starts. We continue to
above is a perfect example of fly at 200-300 ' AGL (the heart
the unrealistic "realistic sce-
nario." It represents an unre-
alistic attack against an enemy
capability likely never to be When all the pilots in the
encountered. I recognize that wing can make perfect
few flight leads would ever get
carried away to the extent of
landings and when all our
the above example, but I'll bet bombs are shacks and our
that every fighter pilot reading strafe is 100%, then we can
this article has been guilty of get serious about countering
developing an unrealistic sce- imaginary thJ.W.ts.
nario in the name of "realistic"
training. Several recent crashes
have highlighted the fact that
far too many of us spend 95% of the small arms envelope) to
of our time training for 5% of counter a SAM array that may
the war . not exist (and for sure won't
We strive to be the best in after the second or third day of
the world, planning for every the war) and pop-up to simu-
contingency, and somewhere in late "snakes and nape" flying
the process we begin to · right over the heart of our tar-

the imaginary threat)

get's defenses. launch on me, my initial de- and land, fly good formation
We're out there BFMing in- fensive reaction is to depress and hit the range targets suc-
visible attackers and their in- the mike button and reply cessfully before you'll ever be
visible missiles all the time. 'Roger. It missed.'" Following any good to anybody in combat.
The question is "How do you this he quickly added that Now the boss never said
BFM an imaginary threat?" "when all the pilots in the wing don't practice SAM breaks or
Let me give you one man's phi- can make perfect landings and DACT. What he meant was
losophy. During a pilot meet- when all our bombs are shacks everything has its place and
ing, my wing commander de- and our strafe is 100%, then we there's a time and a place for it.
scribed his personal defensive can get serious about counter- In other words, your best "bat
maneuver against an invisible ing imaginary threats." It was turn" should be reserved for
SAM something like this, his way of saying "do the basics the day you're training against
"When a flight lead or Stan well before you get too cosmic." the aggressors or another dis-
Eval pilot calls a missile You must be able to take off similar adversary and not the


6 August 1987

"phantom MiG" you've thrown don't get so wrapped up in de- combat capability and lived to
into today's scenario. "Sure," feating something you can't see grow old by assuming an air of
he'd say, "honor the threat that you hit the ground or run invincibility. If we want real-
with a radio call or a turn, but over your wingie." What really istic combat training, then we
happens when we push "real- ought to spend more time dis-
ism" beyond reality? Let me cussing the probabilities of get-
share a couple of thoughts. ting shot down and then realis-
Don't get so wrapped up in First, negative learning takes tically design our tactics to en-
defeating something you place. Everyone knows that the sure force survivability while
can't see that you hit the threat drives our tactics. It accomplishing the mission.
grmmd or nm over your doesn't require a tactical gen- Another kind of negative
ius to recognize that as the training takes place when we
wingie. threat goes up, we are forced begin to fill training squares
into more difficult and usually during our realistic scenarios.
less effective tactics. We do our Now, I'm not naive. I know
young wingmen a tremendous that as long as there are
disservice when we make the squares to be filled, we'll be
enemy bigger than he really is filling them during our daily
because it drives us to invent combat exercises. The danger
complicated and unrealistic tac- comes when our young wing-
tics to deal with these "bigger man thinks that some unre-
than life" enemy threats. lated training event is a valid
Worse yet, these exaggerated part of our scenario when, in
threat scenarios teach our fact, it may be totally inap-
young pilots that they can fly propriate. Example: today's sce-
into the worst possible situa- nario is "low threat", however,
tion and come out alive. After #2 needs to fill a low altitude
all, when was the last time navigation square and #3
anyone got shot down by an needs to accomplish a high
ATOLL or SA-8 during one of threat attack. So, the flight
our training scenarios? Weal- goes out at 300' AGL and at-
ways return, having success- tacks the low threat target
fully attacked and destroyed using a LAB (low angle bomb)
the target regardless of the pop maneuver. There's nothing
briefed threat, don't we? How wrong with doing this if the
long has it been since the flight lead makes sure all flight
squadron commander walked members understand that the
around and attrited a couple of purpose of such tactics is to fill
four-ships because they fool- squares; but in no case should
ishly attacked, "alone and un- any flight member step to the
afraid," a target where the aircraft thinking that a 300
briefed threat was too great for AGL pop is the best low threat
any fighter to survive. Believe tactic.
me, no one ever enhanced their BFMing the imaginary

the imaginary threat)


threat has a number of inher- THE STRANGER. The imagi- preach in regards to realistic
ent dangers. Consider two of nary threat, at best, never training? I think not-and it's
our most recent A-10 crashes. rates a priority any higher time for a change. Finally, let
In the first, we had a mid-air than 5th or 6th. me offer some personal philos-
collision (both aircraft crashed, I think every fighter pilot ophy on how to avoid the unre-
one fatality) when the lead ele- alive has professed the KISS alistic "realistic" scenario.
ment in a four-ship maneu- principle, but do we really
vered against an imaginary practice what we preach? 1. Avoid mixing combat sce-
bandit (no MiG, no aggressor, Supervisors, do you listen to narios with unrelated training
no baron-just empty sky). In the kind of scenarios being events whenever possible. If
the second, the pilot flew him- briefed on a daily basis? Do you you must mix the two, ensure
self into the ground while mak- throttle back those flight leads that all flight members are
ing a break turn to defeat an who push beyond "reality" in aware of the differences and
A-10 baron at the element's 6 an effort to achieve realism? Do the reason for doing each.
o'clock (fatal). What a tragic we throw up the flag when un-
and needless waste of combat realistic threats or tactics are 2 . The threat drives the tac-
hardware and human life! For introduced into squadron or tics. Unrealistic threats inevi-
just a moment, those unfor- wing exercises? Who gets the tably result in unrealistic
tunate pilots gave the simu- best grades on check rides; tactics.
lated threat the status of real- those who want to start the
ity. The simulated threat be- briefing an hour early in order 3. If the simulated threat is
came their number 1 priority. to brief the minute details of allowed to become more impor-
In their enthusiasm to create their cosmic scenario, or those tant than the real threat (i.e.,
realism, they forgot reality. who walk in with a simple, ground and other aircraft), you
The real threats in our peace- realistic plan which they ex- can rest assured that disaster
time training never change: ecute with precision? Do our is not left to chance.
THE GROUND (with its near pilots understand that compli-
perfect Pk), OTHER FLIGHT cated scenarios are not the an- 4. In terms of their chance to
MEMBERS, OTHER PLAY- swer to a difficult target/threat succeed, most cosmic scenarios
ERS IN THE SCENARIO and situation-a simple,. well start out slow and then sort of
understood plan is what it will taper off. While complex plans
take? Do they recognize that may look impressive on the
the essential by-products of chalkboard, they do little for
In their enthusiasm to simplicity are increased combat combat effectiveness.
create realism, they forgot effectiveness and enhanced In conclusion, let me pass on
reality. The real threats safety? Do we place undue em- three "keepers."
phasis on the simulated threat
in our peacetime training and merely pay lip service, or KEEP IT SIMPLE.
never change. completely ignore the real
threats (ground, flight mem-
bers, etc.)? Think about it, are KEEP IT SMART.
we really practicing what we ~

8 August 1987
M ajor David A. Bina was
leading a three-ship sur-
face attack mission when he
him a cable capability on the
departure end.
Fatigued, low on fuel and all
noticed that his F-16 would not options exhausted to solve or
respond to throttle inputs. Al- minimize his problem, Major
though military power was Bina set up for a forced flame-
selected, the engine was sta- out pattern and landing. From
bilized in mid-range after- 24,000 feet MSL, he spiraled
burner due to internal failure down to 12,000 feet, turned on
of the throttle cable. the EPU and JFS, and utilizing
Aware that weather condi- a high G tuTn to deplete air-
tions at Hill AFB would make speed, lowered the gear at 330
recovery difficult, he decided to knots. Once his gear was down
climb and proceed directly to and locked, he shut down the
Michael Army Air Field al- engine with the fuel master
though he had never practiced switch. He landed approxi-
a simulated flameout pattern mately 3,000 feet down the Aircrew of Distinction
there. The flight arrived over- runway and brought the air-
head the field at 24,000 feet craft to a safe stop.
MSL with Maj Bina establish- Major Bina avoided the traps
ing a 3-4G orbit with speed that have caught so many Major David A . Bina
brakes out to maintain 350 others unaware. His out- 4 TFS, 388 TFW
KCAS while he coordinated standing airmanship and cor- Hill AFB, UT
with the SOF. rect decisions under pressure
Michael Tower is not manned saved a valuable TAC aircraft.
on Fridays, so Maj Bina di-
rected his wingman to check
runway status and low altitude
winds. Since coordination with
the SOF and General Dynamics
lasted about 20 minutes, pilot
fatigue became a problem as
his fuel weight decreased and
airspeed became harder to con-
trol without increased G's.
While the forecast winds had
indicated he should land on
runway 30, his wingman re-
ported that he should land on
runway 12 which would give


Tac Tips

Needed: A FASH Get-Home-Itis strikes

Program? again

A midair collision between

a jetliner and a fish-
that's right, a fish-delayed an
What's the moral? Well, we
may not be ready to start a
F ASH (Fish Avoidance Strike
A flight of four fighters re-
covered at their weather
divert base recently after thun-
Alaska Airlines flight for about Hazard) program but it high- derstorms closed down oper-
an hour while the plane was lights the fact that no matter ations at their home station.
inspected for damage. where you're flying, you've got After the weather cleared at
"They found a greasy spot to be aware of your operating home, the 4-ship cranked en-
with some scales, but no dam- area and the inherent hazards gines in preparation for the
age," said the airport manager. you're likely to encounter. If trip home. The crew chief han-
And how can a jet hit a fish? you're flying around in the dling one of the jets noticed a
Just as the airliner passed 400 Pacific Northwest or Alaska, fuel leak in the lower wing root
feet after takeoff, the flight apparently you'd better watch area. Two fuels specialists were
path of the jet and an eagle, for "flying fish" in addition to redballed to the aircraft and di-
fish in talons, crossed. As the the normal bird strike pos- rected the pilot to shut down
larger "bird" approached, the sibilities. while the other three aircraft
smaller·bird dropped its prey. (Thanks to The Anchorage launched for home. The leak
The eagle was unharmed but Times and MSgt Mike Leahy, was determined to be between
the fish was presumed dead. Alaska ANG) "a heavy seep" and "a running
leak." The~ TO requires a red X
entry for a running leak in
that area. The pilot stated that
he had to get home for an "im-
portant meeting" and went into
Base Ops to call home. The
specialists continued to work
the leak; exploring all possible
avenues for fixing the airplane
quickly and legally.
The pilot returned to the air-
craft and told the fuels special-
ists that he had received ap-
proval from Ops for a one-time
flight with the leaking internal
wing tank.
The specialists, the flight
chief and the crew chief all felt
that the aircraft should have

1!0 August 1987

been grounded until the leak plan your mission and route in slats) at night. The tower
was fixed. However, in their detail against the unexpected, wasn't on the frequency I re-
desire to help the pilot make such as an emergency landing, membered, and going around
his "important meeting," they a divert or an emergency land- was not a real attractive option
decided to pack rags in the area ing at a divert field. Flying at the time. I had much more
of the leak, close up the jet and from the same field in the same to do than play musical chairs
send the aircraft home (against general area lends itself to rou- with radio frequencies. A few
their better judgement and TO tine briefs and routine plan- minutes spent reviewing my
directives). This decision was ning. A brief based on familiar- divert field frequencies would
influenced by the pilot's state- ity can bite you when you are have saved me 30 seconds of
ment that he had been cleared most vulnerable. frantic page-flipping and a
for a one-time flight and his in- When was the last time you number of gray hairs.
sistence on getting home. The shot a practice approach to the So, the next time you brief
jet flew home uneventfully but field you normally brief as your your "divert as usual", do
this story could have had a primary divert? When did you something unusual: Break out
much different ending if a last look at the approach plate the plates and look at the ap-
small spark had occurred near for your divert? Do you just as- proach and the frequencies. See
those fuel-soaked rags. Just sume you'll get a PAR or a vis- if something has changed from
how important can a meeting ual straight-in? Approaches what you believe it to be. You
be? change, frequencies change and just may be surprised.
NOTAMed maintenance occurs
Prepare for the on runways and arresting gear
unexpected regularly. (Adapted from article by Ltjg
I was recently on final ap- Bill Wilson, VAQ 134, in U.S.

H ow well do you prepare

for a flight? You should
proach at a divert field in a
damaged aircraft (no flaps and
Navy Weekly Summary of Air-
craft Mishaps.)

T he HQ TAC Flight Safety
Office is hiring an F-16 pi-
ask him to write TAC/SEF,
Langley AFB, VA
lot to report as soon as possible. 23665-5001 or call AV
We're looking for a major or 574-7031.
major-selectee who "needs" a
staff tour, wants
to continue flying status
and cares about F-16
operations and systems. He'll
fly theF-16C/D with TAC units,
work with MAJCOM staffs as
well as aircraft con tractors and
never be bored. If you know
someone who fills the bill,


1111111011S SUPPORT BM

fl BED fLflG DfROTTlfilf

Success is in the preparation.

Lt Col Patrick J. Smith

Captain Travis M. Wheeler
Nellis AFB, NV

If you've seen the movie, about the thousands of tons of flights recorded forever in
"The Right Stuf', do you re- dangerous rocket fuel under- America's space history. Why?
member astronaut Alan Shep- neath him that would soon be Maybe astronaut Shepard's
ard sitting in the Mercury ignited to blast him heaven- prayers were answered, but he
space capsule waiting to be ward. No, he was praying, and also did his share. He had
launched into the first Ameri- his prayer was-"Dear Lord, spent many, many hours pre-
can suborbital flight? Do you please don't let me screw up." paring for this mission; he'd
remember what he was think- The mission was a complete studied every conceivable situ-
ing? Well, he wasn't thinking success. It is now one of the ation and trained himself to
12 August 1987
react to it. Alan Shepard was mental preparation because expect, you need to prepare
prepared. He didn't "screw up" every Red Flag is a challenge. yourself professionally. That's
and the mission succeeded. It The hectic pace, the heavy not as strange as it sounds. It
was a historic first step. workload, and the tight flying involves finding out the types
schedule are going to physi- and quantities of munitions
cally tax you, to say nothing of you'll be using. You probably
The success of any heat in the summertime, cold
endeawr depends upon in the winter and wind gusts
preparation. that may reach 45-50 mph at
any time of the year. You're go-
The success of any endeavor ing to work hard and you're go-
depends upon preparation. The ing to play hard as well. Las
more preparation, the greater Vegas with its numerous ca-
the odds are for success. Mu- sinos, night clubs, swimming
nitions personnel (461XX or pools and golf courses is only
462XX) deploying for the first minutes away. But don't take
time to participate in a Red our word for it. Talk to some-
Flag at Nellis AFB need tore-
member this. If you want to
prevent mistakes; if you really
want the deployment to be a
success; you need to prepare
yourself mentally, physically
and professionally.
Many of you are probably
thinking- "mentally? What
does that mean?'' Well, your
question can best be answered
by a question; several, in fact.
Have you ever seen six differ-
ent types of aircraft loaded
with munitions and lined up
twenty deep waiting for an
end-of-runway check prior to
takeoff? Did you know that
more than 40 percent of the
yearly allocation of live mu-
nitions for the entire Air Force

Dd you know that a typical

Red Flag launch consists of
over 80 sorties in less than
45 minutes?
one in your career field who's
been there. You'll find that a
It inwlves getting back to
is built up, transported, loaded Red Flag deployment involves the basics and rereading
and expended at Nellis AFB? a lot of hard work, but it also the tech orders and
Did you know that a typical provides satisfaction- as long checklists - especially the
Red Flag launch consists of as you're physically prepared cautions and warnings.
over 80 sorties in less than 45 for it.
minutes? You're going to need Now that you know what to

iYMENT: Success is in the

don't use many of them at your pin out of an FMU-26B/B fuze ercise. Your unit will work pri-
home station. It involves mak- during download and inad- marily as an autonomous team.
ing sure of your ability to satis- vertently pulling the battery That means you have to pro-
factorily perform your job with firing device lanyard and arm- vide your own tools, tech data
each munition type. It involves ing the fuze. Just because you and test equipment to do the
getting back to the basics and don't use a munition at your job-especially significant if
rereading the tech orders and home base doesn't mean you you're on a load crew.
checklists-especially the cau-
tions and warnings. And, above
all, don't be embarrassed to ask

Munitions support during deployment

.. -- __-----
----·----- .......
-- -- - ....--_
... _
... - ~

questions. Being unsure of a have an excuse for using it im-

checklist procedure or the properly at Red Flag. Most im-
meaning of a warning could portantly, live ordnance is a
lead to a potentially dangerous way of life at Nellis.
situation that will be a lot There's another aspect of a
more embarrassing than asking Red Flag deployment that's So now the big day of the
questions. "Such as?", you ask. important to you. It can be con- Red Flag deployment comes.
Well, such as leaving the safety sidered a come-as-you-are ex- You've prepared yourself men-

14 August 1987

tally, physically and profes- been. So, don't waste all your
sionally. You've brought all preparations and all your hard
your tools, tech data and test work. Please use and follow the
equipment. And you arrive at tech orders and checklists for
Nellis ready to go to work.
Right? Wrong! Your prepara-
tion is excellent, as far as it
goes. Now you need to orient
yourself to Nellis. You need to
become familiar with the Nellis
AFB regulations on munitions

operations. Listen during the

briefings and ask questions Remember, the mission of
when there is the slightest
doubt in your mind about any-
Red Flag is to train our
thing. Make sure you under- combat team to fight and ing accomplished. Worse yet, a
stand not only your job, but win. thoughtless shortcut could ruin
also what's expected of you. somebody's day, maybe even
Now you're ready. Now you all explosive operations. yours, permanently. Or, to keep
can get out there and show Remember, the mission of the combat perspective, the
them you're the best. However, Red Flag is to train our combat bombs could get a round trip to
don't forget the most important team to fight and win. Your the target or dud on release be-
items-the tech orders and part of that mission is to get cause you didn't do your part.
checklists. Trying to do your the aircrews off the ground After you return to your
job without them is like trying with the weapons necessary to home base, how you answer the
to navigate without a map. You defeat the "enemy." Failure to question, "How was your Red
might be able to reach your do the job right, ·t he first time, Flag deployment?" is up to you.
destination ... but, neither you by the book, could keep aircraft Only you can ensure the an-
nor anyone else will know on the ground and thus prevent swer will be, "Fantastic. I was
where you are or where you've the mission objective from be- prepared."_::::....

UN 1987

What makes a good controller?
Major Peter Travaline
Whether on a "canned" take mission briefings, even
training mission or in a Good controllers completely routine ones, seriously. They
life-and-death dogfight with a check out all of their listen, ask the right questions,
real enemy, aircrew safety al-
equipment before each and make certain they have
ways was and will remain a mission. their facts straight.
critical consideration. One of Respected controllers have an
the key factors that can provide tiveness of the controller. in-depth knowledge of the air-
an additional margin of safety You can't beat professional craft they are controlling. They
in training missions and the attitudes and performance, and know the aircraft's capabilities
winning edge during actual good controllers are as profes- and limitations, strengths and
combat is a skilled weapons sional in carrying out their re- weaknesses, armament and tac-
controller. sponsibilities as pilots are in tics. Knowledgeable controllers
The safety and mission ac- carrying out theirs. Good con- don't ask the aircraft or the pi-
complishment of the aircrew trollers completely check out lot to do something they can't.
.. 'are controllers' primary con- all of their equipment before In addition, they know enemy
cerns. Their responsibilities are each mission. They do not aircraft and tactics cold and
service oriented, and in order make assumptions or yield to can call out enemy formations
to be effective, they must un- the temptation to take short- and maneuvers alertly and ac-
derstand their role clearly. cuts, thus preventing heart- curately. These controllers are
Both pilots and controllers can burn, hard feelings and missed real members of the weapons
do things to enhance the effec- intercepts. Controllers who care systems team because they


.. ·.. ~
What makes a good controller?

... ... ·-: . ... ·· -


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when and where their aircraft are powerful aliies, and true
will be at the end of each pass professionals take every edge
Respected controllers have so they can efficiently set up they can get. Pilots should
an in-deptb knowledge of the next pass. make maximum use of the
Communications is at the eyes, ears, global view and ex-
tbe aircraft tbey are heart of the matter and the tensive communications avail-
controlllng. best controllers are great com- able to controllers. Pilots can
municators. They know when help acceptable controllers be-
to talk and, more critically, come good, good controllers be-
earned it. when to listen. They don't step come better, and better con-
Informed controllers know on important pilot-to-pilot trollers become "Tiger Team"
their airspace including topog- transmissions. They anticipate ready. The crux of it all is
raphy, prevailing winds, FAA pilots' needs and have the in- communication, and the cata-
sectors, radar coverage, air- lyst is mutual respect.
fields, targets and warning Pilots should take every op-
areas. They maintain situation Knowledge and experience portunity to tell controllers
awareness and know the play- are powerful allies, and what they need and like as
ers so they can respond in- true professionals take well as the opposite. Pilots who
stantly with target information want the best control should
to give their pilots every ad-
every edge they can get. never say "Good mission" un-
vantage. During practice mis-
sions they maximize training formation ready when needed.
They work smoothly and effi-
ciently with FAA. They use
crisp, clear, standard Rff and
furmmmicatlons is at tbe never "uh" and "urn" after key-
heart of the matter and ing the mike.
the best controllers are The best controllers have ini-
great cormmmicators. tiative and confidence; they
take control and don't allow
themselves to get behind the
by utilizing the airspace to its power curve. The best con-
best advantage. On training trollers love their job and do it
missions they extrapolate the with pride.
air mass problem and know Knowledge and experience


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less it was. They should also airplanes, missions and tactics.

review with the controller We are playing on the same
those aspects of the mission team, striving to achieve the
which were particularly good or same goals, and playing for the
that needed work. This can be same high stakes. Working to-
done in a formal debrief, in- gether for safe, successful mis-
formally on the way home, or sions is everybody's business.
even between passes. If they
want the best service, pilots
have to be teachers and take
every opportunity to share with
controllers information about

Chock talk Incidents and
Incidentals with a
Maintenance Slant

For lack of a fastener

A n F-111 went out on its low level mission to
the range and returned without any prob-
lems. Later, during preparation for an engine
that experienced engine damage due to foreign
objects that were sucked down the intake.
The FOD was caused by a nosewheel tie bolt
run, damage was discovered in one of the en- nut and washer; but the parts hadn't been care-
gines. The marks on the fan blades indicated that lessly left lying around in front of, or thrown
a panel fastener had been the culprit; and, when toward, the hungry F-100 engines. This par-
the panels in front of the intake were inspected, ticular mishap began during a change of the
one was missing a fastener that matched the nosewheel when an improper antiseize compound
damaged blades. was used. That mistake allowed an over torque of
On the morning before the FOD occurred, the the tie bolt, and eventually stress and fatigue
panel had been opened to complete the preflight caused the tie bolt to fail during a landing. The
circuit breaker check. The aircraft forms indi- washer and tie bolt were then sucked into the
cated that the panel had been closed, fastened engine, causing extensive damage to several fan
and signed off properly. When the panel was put core sections.
back in place, however, a fastener of improper You may not understand why every step in the
length ~as used and it didn't torque down prop- tech data is required, but you can bet there are a
erly. During flight, the fastener vibrated loose lot of possible costly consequences for each devi-
and went down the intake. ation. If you don't know the reason, ask some-
When you put a panel back after maintenance, body; but don't decide to just ignore the TO until
make sure it, along with all the fasteners, is on you find out.
to stay until you're ready to open it up again.
Let's keep the ramp and aircraft engines from
serving double duty as spare part bins.

There's a reason
S ometimes a mishap is caused by an obvious
disregard for the most basic principles of
safety. At other times, what seems to be a very
minor violation of the tech data can result in a
very serious outcome. One example was an F-15

22 August 1987
Leadership by example
T he number two pilot in a flight of F-16s had
just raised his gear handle on takeoff when
he noticed an unusual thump. A warning light in
bration began to shake the entire aircraft. The
Master Caution light came on with a couple of
associated warning lights, and the crew noticed
the gear handle confirmed a gear problem, and a that their utility hydraulic pressure had dropped
chase aircraft reported that the nosewheel was to zero. They declared an emergency and headed
missing. The pilot brought his aircraft in for a for the nearest en route airfield to get the jet on
sinooth landing, resulting in minor damage to the ground.
the nose strut. After landing, the vibrations were traced down
Another possible horror story that ended well. to a pneumatic pump that had failed in flight. A
All of the missing nosewheel parts except the review of the records turned up a history of pneu-
outboard bearing spacer were found off the de- matic pump problems including similar vi-
parture end of the runway. The spacer was miss- brations and pneumatic pressure line failure.
ing because it was never installed during a After this sortie, a hydraulics technician dis-
nosewheel change two days before. The job pro- covered that the pressure and return lines to the
cedures required an in-process inspection be- pneumatic pump had been connected in reverse.
tween two steps of the Job Guide, but the super- Both fittings were the same size and had been
visor signed the inspection off at an earlier point marked incorrectly. The reversed lines caused the
prior to the spacer installation. After the wheel pneumatic compressor to run backwards andre-
assembly was complete, it was impossible to de- sulted in reduced pump efficiency, aircraft vi-
termine visually if everything was in place. The brations and eventual pump failure.
concrete evidence came on the jet's next flight. When an aircraft has a history of continuing
We are continually reminded of the need to problems, look deeper to see if there's a root prob-
take our jobs seriously and to do our work by the lem you're not noticing. Whether you call it Mur-
book. There's a lot to be said for leadership by phy's Law or something else, watch out for the
example. If, as a supervisor, you decide to sign off areas where the potential for error is high.
an inspection at other than the prescribed time,
you also send a clear message to the troops that
it's OK to do things when it's convenient, not
when you're supposed to.

A fitting result
A pair of Phantom flyers were nearly home
from a cross-country when an unusual vi-

Does it have to happen?

SSgt Steven J. Schultz

TAC Ground Safety even go out of their way to day cross my desk on an acci-
prove they are accident prone. dent report.

H ave you ever met someone

you would describe as ac-
cident prone? You know the
Each day as I drive around
the base, I see people who are
accidents just waiting to hap-
You see, safety is an atti-
tude. If you have the proper at-
titude, it's likely you will dis-
sort-the person who just never pen. They don't simply do play it at all times. The person
seems to be able to do anything things singularly wrong, they who doesn't act safely is only
without hurting themselves or do them in combination. While telling the world he or she
wrecking their car? It brings I'm driving at the speed limit, I doesn't care if they daMage
up an interesting point: Are can almost guarantee you the property and hurt themselves
there some people who are ac- person who passes me- or someone else. With the great
cident prone and others who obviously exceeding the speed number of other people that are
aren't? Ask that question in limit-will not be wearing also out there committing un-
your workplace and you'll get their seat belt. And often their safe acts, the situation is com-
as many different answers as auto has some noticeable safety pounded and an accident is
there are people present. And defect. Chances are they will sure to occur. It's just a matter
no one will know for certain violate other laws, such as of time.
who's right. I think, though, if changing lanes in an inter- The point is, each of us has
you were to pose the question section or not using their turn the power to control our fate.
of accident proneness versus signals. These may be pet We relinquish that control
nonaccident proneness to a peeves of mine, but I believe when we act with anything less
group of safety people, most they are indicative of an atti- than the proper attitude. What
would quickly respond that no tude. When I see someone do- it comes down to is deciding
one is accident prone. I ing any or all of those things, it whether we want to control our
disagree-I'm convinced certain tells me the person is not very lives or let the odds (which are
people are destined to have ac- cautious and there is a good against us) ruin our lives for
cidents. In fact, some people probability their name will one us. Are you accident-prone?~

24 August 1987
SSgt Brian J. Rose

S Sgt Rose was performing a

periodic inspection on a gas
turbine compressor when he
units. He repaired the problems
promptly and returned these
critical units to the flightline
27 EMS, 27 TFW
Cannon AFB, NM

noticed that the main inlet oil with minimum downtime.

hose appeared to be chafing on Sergeant Rose's persistence
the floor of the unit. Closer in pursuing this compressor
examination confirmed that the problem prevented a major
hose had been manufactured safety hazard and possibly a
too short and the inlet elbow catastrophic failure of the en-
was installed incorrectly. gine on this aircraft support
SSgt Rose initiated an in- equipment. His diligence and
spection of the unit's other professionalism have earned
compressors and discovered the him the TAC Outstanding
same problem on five other Achievement in Safety Award.

TSgt John Cruz

58 TFS, 33 TFW
Eglin AFB, FL
T Sgt John Cruz recognized
that a severe flaw in the
aircrew personnel lowering de-
line from "bunching" out
through the container opening.
At the same time, the perfor-
vice CPLD) resulted in it pro- mance of the PLD would not be
truding from its protective con- hampered. TSgt Cruz sub-
tainer during normal use of the mitted an AFTO Form 22 to
aircrew harness. This created a change the existing technical
potential for the lowering de- orders which was approved as
vice to become entangled dur- submitted.
ing aircrew emergency ground TSgt Cruz's efforts in point-
egress or ejection, causing ing out a serious defect in
damaged equipment or per- critical survival equipment and
sonal injury. bringing it to the attention of
Sergeant Cruz's solution to the proper authorities has
the problem consisted of earned him the TAC Out-
tacking the protective con- standing Achievement in
tainer to prevent the lowering Safety Award.

and rented a 3-man john boat. The boat was
equipped with a gas tank, which was later filled
with 6 gallons of gas; a mushroom anchor; 2 oars;
3 Type-II personal flotational devices (PFDs); 3
Type-IV cushions, 1 gas line and 1 spare tire. Be-
fore receiving the boat, the operator was given
instructions on boat operation and signed a
checklist that outlined 9 safety items which in-
cluded wear of PFDs, nonuse of alcohol and ad-
herence to the boat's rated capacity that was con-
spicuously stenciled on the boat.
About noon, the group went fishing at a nearby
river where they stayed for about 3 hours. At
this time, they decided to go home, get some
1,1 camping gear and return to the river where they
would camp out for the night.
When they returned to the river, they loaded
110' " their camping gear onto the boat and positioned
themselves evenly: one at the front, one center

EARTH and one at the rear. With persons, motor and

gear on board, the boat's rated capacity of 590
pounds was exceeded by about 75 pounds. As
ITEMS THAT CAN AFFECT YO they headed upstream, none of them were wear-
ND FAMILY HERE 0 ing their PFDs and all of them had been drink-
ing beer.
THE GO After traveling a half mile upstream, they
were unable to find a suitable place to camp. One
Checklists are livesavers of the men turned the boat around and headed
back downstream where they decided to stop at a
When a safety checklist is provided, it should familiar fishing site. When the motor was turned
be understood that some of the items are off, one of the guys threw the anchor, which was
more important than others. For example, a safe attached to the side of the boat, into the water.
boating checklist. Probably the three most impor- The river was filled with debris and swift cur-
tant items would be to wear your personal flota- rents, causing the anchor line to get caught on
tion device at all times, don't drink and don't an unknown object. The overloaded boat filled
overload your boat. Unfortunately, not everyone with water and capsized.
believes in the value of checklist items. Two of the three men made it to safety, one is
Three of our young airmen decided to go presumed dead. Need we say more about the
fishing. One of them went to recreation supply value of the items on a checklist?

fli "7/ 4/ney--4,- 7,2v, //// /

JAN · JUN 1987




SSgt Paul A. Lamon
1912 CSGP
Langley AFB, VA

Let me tell you about the Mike is an experienced rider, in case I "cra-
time I tried to kill myself. so I trusted his judgment and shed and
I didn't really intend to do it, paid close attention to every- burned."
but that's the way it nearly thing he told me. I wore my
turned out. helmet and the heavy, pro-
I was visiting a friend in the tective clothing I had always
Appalachian foothills of Ten- heard motorcycle riders were
nessee. Mike and I were catch- supposed to wear. The
ing up on the latest news in clothing, I had been
each of our lives, taking it easy told, was to give
for a few days and having some the road
fun. I had just bought a motor- something We
cycle, a Yamaha 650, and I to tear took
took the opportunity to teach off besides the bike
myself to ride. I had been on my to a large
motorcycles before but had skin parking lot
never driven one, and Mike told
so I was excited me to get on and
about getting just putt around
it out on to get comfortable.
the road. ith all that asphalt
to play on, I was pretty
relaxed. I figured I'd have
to be an idiot to run into
something out there. For-
tunately, my self appraisal
was accurate and I got through
the day without a mishap.
Riding the bike was
a totally

The bike that bit me

13"11rif" 4r"

30 mph on a
motor cycle feels coup e
like 60 mph in a of bumps
car. I played around and bruises.
for a couple of hours It's what
and then rode the bike didn't happen
back to my friend's house that counts. On
and called it a day. I was really the side of that
confident. mountain was an old,
The next morning, Mike bor- battered stump with
rowed a motorcycle and we bunches of branches
took off for a ride in the hills. sticking out that looked
He was leading and I was try- perfect for punctur-
ing to keep up. We headed into ing my skin. My bike
the hills where the roads are landed just high enough
curvy, steep and sometimes road, to straddle that stump,
unpredictable. We slowed down because instead of landing just high
a little, but I still wasn't com- on the other enough to impale me on it.
fortable with my ability to ride side of the I share all of this with you
these roads. I was trying to use rise the road to make a point. I almost killed
the situation to learn the bike dropped sharply, myself because I was dumb. I
a little better and improve my banked to the right climbed onto a machine I had
skills, but it was hard to con- and hairpinned, all at spent only two hours on and
centrate with a hairpin turn the same time. Before tried to keep up with a guy
thrown at me every few I knew it, I was across the who had years of riding experi-
seconds. double yellow, across the other ence. To make matters worse, I
We pulled out of a turn and half of the road, flying over a was trying to drive on roads
got a breather on a little four foot ditch and getting that would have been a chal-
straightaway. I relaxed a little slapped onto the side of the lenge in a car. The protective
and loosened my death grip on mountain. Mike was clear clothing worked fine; without it
the handlebars. At the end of out of sight by the time I re- I would have been cut and
the straight part was another gained enough wits to take in- scraped badly. The helmet
curve, but this one was hidden ventory. I was lucky, REALLY worked great; without it I could
because the road gave a little lucky. I got away with the loss have cracked my skull on the
rise just before the turn. We of a few square inches of skin side of the mountain. It was
went into it doing about 35 on my right shin and forehead, the thing inside the helmet
(feeling like 90), and there, on and a sprained ankle that took that malfunctioned. I put my-
the other side of the rise, was three weeks to work out. The self in jeopardy because I over-
my nightmare. I guess only casualty on my bike was reached my experience and my
some sadistic civil engi- the decapitated left mirror. abilities. There's nothing wrong
neer had a bad day As you'll recall, I started my with stretching your limits, but
when he laid that story by saying I tried to kill you don't have to break your "Nohilh.,
stretch of myself and all I got was a neck in the process. ->
Sort it out before
you start
fore the task starts. When you had turned his head to listen to
A ccomplishing the TAC
mission requires team-
work on a daily basis. Some-
allow roles to get confused,
then you're in for trouble.
the conversation as he raised
the bomb. As he did so, the
A weapons load crew had bomb slid out of the steel roll-
times a team has specific, as-
been sent out to load a couple ers and struck the ground nose
signed duties and every mem-
of A-lOs with six MK-82s each. first, damaging the nose fuze.
ber on that team needs to k:now
The #2 and #3 crewmembers All loading operations were
his or her responsibilities be-
were unstrapping the bombs on stopped immediately and EOD
the MHU-110 trailer and the was notified.
weapons crew chief, after com- If everyone, especially the
pleting his duties, got on the crew chief, had known what
bomb jammer and positioned it they were supposed to do and
under a bomb on the trailer. As done it properly, this incident
the crew chief started raising would never have happened.
the jammer table, the weapons
expediter asked the #2 man to
verify who was acting as the
#3 man. The expediter then
told the #3 man to get on the
jammer. Meanwhile, the driver

Weapons words
thru_ Jun thru Jun thru Jun
JUN JUN 1987
1987 1986 1986 1987 1986
CLASS A MISHAPS 7 1 4 4 0 3 r
TOTAL EJECTIONS 1 5 0 2 6 0 1 0

TAC'S TOP 5 thru JUN 1987

1st AF 9th AF 12th AF
class A mishap-free months class A mishap-free months class A mishap-free months
82 318 FIS 52 33 TFW 74 USAFSO
28 325 TTW 25 507 TAIRCW 50 366 TFW
17 57 FIS 16 31 TFW 34 355 TTW
5 FIS 11 354 TFW 32 27 TFW
8 4 FIS 4 TFW 28
58 TTW



TA 1987 3.5 2.7 2.2 2.0 1.6 1.9

C 1986 4.8 6.8 5.4 4.4 4.1 3.7 3.6 3.2 3.4 3.9 3.9 3.8
AN 1987 0.0 0.0 4.4 3.2 2.6 2.8

G 1986 4.3 2.4 3.1 2.3 2.7 3.0 2.5 2.2 2.4 2.6 3.2 3.0

A 1987 23.1 12.7 8.1 6.0 14.2 11.9

R 1986 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 4.6 4.2 3.9


U.S. Government Printing Office: 1986-1987 625-031/08


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