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TAC Attack August 1988

Angle of Attack

T his month I'd again like to stress the need for get-
ting back to basics in flying airplanes which I
mentioned briefly in the May issue. Have you noticed
you've done all that, then you can get on to the second
and third basics: analyze the situation and take
proper action.
that immediately following a particular mishap, you For those of you who don't fly, adapt this same set of
hear a lot of words about how to avoid that specific rules to your operations when things are not going ..........._,
type of mishap? As a result, it raises your awareness well. Someone must maintain control when there
and we usually go for some time without having seems to be no established system or set procedures.
another one of that kind. Unfortunately, weve Weve been stressing complacency a lot lately and
recently experienced a lot of mishaps in which the it has raised our awareness even higher. Some of us
cause was forgetting the basics of flying. Everyone have becbme so aware of it, in fact, that we can almost
may have their own idea or definition of what "the smell it.
basics" are, so let me try to define them for you. Summer recreation. Were doing good in the area of
They've been around as long as we've been flying air- sports and recreation-related mishaps. We need to
planes and they're just as applicable today. keep up our awareness in those areas, but I'd also like
The first basic is maintain aircraft control. That's to say, "Keep up the good work?'
an absolute must before you do anything else. Am I We here at TAC Safety would like to congratulate
talking only in the physical sense of flying- the stick the 33d Tactical Fighter Wing, Eglin AFB, Florida, as
and throttle part of the business? No! There are also a the 1987 recipient of the USAF Colombian Flight
lot of outside inputs which compete for your attention Safety Award. This award recognizes the 33d Wing as
whenever you're flying or coping with an emergency. the unit with the best safety record in the fighter,
ATC may be telling you, "Turn left." The tower folks attack or reconnaissance business in the Air Force.
want to know your intentions in order to coordinate Congratulations, pardner.
recovery crews. They're all doing their jobs properly
and you wouldn't want them to do anything less.
However, it is YOU- not lead, not the SOF, not the
wing commander- YOU are the person that must
maintain aircraft control. If you need to tell tower to
''standby;' do it. If ATC hasn't given you the clearance
you need, tell them what you're going to do and they'll
clear the path. If you need the SO F's help in getting Jack Gawelko, Colonel USAF Chief of Safety
something done, tell him and he'll see to it. Once

2 AUGUST1988

24 Your Wing NWapons Safety Officer

What's his or her job? How do they go about it?
28 Safety: %Hey or Attitude?
4 When It's Time to Go . . . What's essential for safe and mishap -free
What do you do when it's time to take action? mission accomplishment?
8 The Ultimate Weapon
Are you making the most of it?
14 It Nearly Happened
The warm weather can be so enticing. It can also
be dangerous,
ti TAC Tips
18 SFOs -A Honed Skill
Keep your single-engine skills honed sharp. 11 Aircrew of Distinction
You never know when you might need them. 12 Chocklitlk
21 Seatbelts: Do They Save Lives and 16 In The Center
Prevent Injury? 20 Down to Earth
You'll never know until you try them. 22, 30 Safety Awards

TACSP 127-1
TAC Attack is not directive in nature_ Recommendations are intended to comply with existing directives Opinions expressed are
those of the authors and not necessarily the positions of TAC or USAF. Mishap information does net identify the persons, places or
units involved and may not be construed as incriminating under Article 31 of the UCMJ. Photos and artwork are representative and
not necessarily of the people or equipment involved.
Contributions are encouraged, as are comments and criticism. We reserve the right to edit all manuscripts for readability and
good taste. Write the Editor, TAC Attack, HQ TACISEP, Langley AFB, VA 23666-5563; or call AUTOVON 574-3658.
Distribution F(X) is controlled by TAC /SE P through the PDO, based on a ratio of 1 copy per 10 persona assigned. DOD units
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Subscriptions for readers outside DOD are available from the Superintendent of Document-% Government Printing Of/See,
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Volume 28, Number 8
When it is time to go

EDWARD C. Just like every other aircrew

a cool day.
ALDRIDGE, JR. going out to fly a TAC fighter Before you know it, it is time to
SECRETARY OF sortie, Capt Scott N. Phillips of the rotate and at the first thought of
THE AIR FORCE 70th Tactical Fighter Squadron, rotation, the jet leaps into the air.
Moody AFB, Georgia, was not Whoa . . . better get the gear before
GEN ROBERT D. RUSS expecting to eject from his F-16. It I overspeed them. There goes 250,
COMMANDER was just another "business as usual" time to cancel AB and save some of
type of day. At least that was what this gas for the gunshots sure to be
he thought. But, let's allow Capt had later.
Phillips to tell you in his own words Thump! What's that
what happened. sor stall? I'd better zoom. No zoom
here, the jet just keeps rolling and
It is a cool, crystal-clear day - the yawing right. I don't have control!
kind that makes you wonder why My mind races and the thought of
they put flight instruments in dying flashes by. Just before my
fighter aircraft. It is my second view is totally obscured by flames
upgrade ride since I got back from licking over the canopy, I realize my
RTU four months ago -a BFM one chance of getting out of this
recurrency sortie. I can hardly con- alive is located between my legs. I
tain a smile when my flight lead tax- find the handle, close my eyes and
JANET GAIN ies out with wing tanks versus my pull along with a prayer for ACES
centerline. He won't be able to help II to do its magic. I then wait for the
being a disadvantaged bandit reassuring tug of opening shock, if
STAN HARDISON today. it occurs. I don't have to wait long,
ART EDITOld We arm and taxi into position to and the relief of having 100 feet of
take off. My flight lead releases air between me and the ground is
SSGT DENNIS WAIy brakes, and I watch as his after- indescribable.
burner makes his tailpipe light up I prepare for the tooth-jarring
like a car cigarette lighter. Fifteen PLF (parachute landing fall) I
seconds after his roll begins, I turn remember from parasailing at UFT,
the jet loose and advance the throt- but am pleasantly surprised by a
TAG Attack (ISSN 0494-03210) is pub,- tle first to Mil, pausing a couple of soft landing on the moist ground
lished monthly by HQ TACiSEP, Lang-
ley APB, VA. POSTMASTER: Send seconds, then on to the extremes of between the runways. I disconnect
address changes to TAC Attack, the upper left hand quadrant. There my parachute, stand up, get rid of
TAC/SEP, Langley APR, VA is nothing quite as impressive as the my seat kit and helmet, and gaze
231 65-5663. Second-class postage paid
at Hampton, Virginia, and additional five kicks that Pratt and Whitney quickly at the burnt grass and an
mailing office& delivers as the afterburner lights on unrecognizable heap of rubble that


was the high-tech fighter I had been who says "Don't really pull the han-
in only seconds before. dle" is cheating the pilot out of valu-
As the sound of 21 mm ammo fir- able habit pattern reinforcement.
ing off in a popcorn-like frenzy filled Finally, making as many of the time
the air, I was whisked away by res- critical decisions as possible before
cue vehicles before the enormity of even stepping out the door to fly
what had just occurred could sink in. will make the reaction to an actual
Was this ejection decion so obvi- situation more timely. I am living
ous that any pilot could have made proof that the emergency proce-
it, or was there something in partic- dures training (SEPTta, simulators,
ular in my training over the past six CAPS) that we all grumble about is
years that may have helped me in well worth effort. ---""
my decision-making? I believe three
things were instrumental in
developing my mindset about ejec- Editor's Note:
E. tion and emergencies in general. Shortly after takeoff, the first
The first is the phrase we've heard stage of the high pressure turbine
since Day One of pilot training in Capt Phillips' jet failed, resulting
which is universal, regardless of the in catastrophic engine failure.
particular critical action/boldface Large pieces of the turbine exited
nrok,-edures.. That phrase is main- the aircraft through a fuel cell.
- I
tarn aircraft control. When a pilot Hydraulic pressure waslost, all
decides to execute boldface proce- flight control wire bundles to con-
dures, he has already progressed to . trol surfaces were severed and a
the "analyze the situation" step. The massive fire began.
second type of training that I think The lack of response to his stick
was instrumental was accomplished inputs and the visible flames racing
in the (Ugh!) simulator. I have been i up over his cockpit were all that was
put in several situations in the w necessary for Capt Phillips to deter-
simulator where I had to make the mine that the time had arrived to
decision to eject and go through the eject from his rapidly disintegrat-
motions of pulling the handle. It was ing aircraft. It was time to go. Had
not in an EP (emergency proce- he delayed his decision for longer
dures) environment, but rather one than two seconds, he would have
where learning versus evaluation en outside the safe ejection
was the top priority. The sim IP envelope.


The birds are coming

T hree pigeons- Cooey, Lewey and Dooey -land
atop a beam and begin to discuss the old days
when life was simpler and they alone shared the skies.
dreams of flight. Even with sophisticated radar and
air traffic control systems, our costly machines of the
air will readily succumb to an ingested bird.
"No air traffic control, no ground-controlled Be alert. This is the time of year to not only know
approach, no rules and regulations- just go out there your ''bird:' but to know your birds as well. Cooey,
and fly:' Cooey says to his young admirers. Lewey, Dooey and even Fleagle are out there flying
Cooey, you see, is a world traveler. He's seen plenty with no radar, no radio, no clearance and no clue.
of his feathered friends FOD engines- the seagulls in (Adapted from article by AKAN T. M. Southwell, U.S.
coastal areas as well as swallows, meadowlarks, Navy Weekly Summary ofAircraft Mishaps)
hawks, owls and many others around the country.
Cooey stresses that now there is a lot of stiff competi-
tion for the airways.
Not long ago, all men could do was stand on the Whoa there
ground and dream of soaring as the birds did. Now
that we have achieved that feat, we are frequently in A. n F-16 pilot was holding for takeoff sequencing
conflict with those same creatures that inspired .i"l.following a local exercise "elephant walk?' His
holding location was on an inclined section of the ramp
facing a hangar. While holding, he suddenly began to
notice the smell of fumes and a minute later, several
nearby pilots informed him of fuel pooling to the left of
his aircraft. The F-16 pilot shut down the engine with
the throttle.
While waiting for emergency crews to arrive, he felt
his aircraft suddenly start rolling. He attempted nor-
mal braking and cycling of the parking brake, but
neither worked. Eventually the right wing section
and nose impacted a metal railing, bringing the air-
craft to a grinding stop. The radome, the number 7
pylon, a missile seeker head and a 370-gallon tank
were all damaged.
What could this fellow have done to prevent this
unorthodox and undesirable method of stopping his
jet? While waiting for chocks to arrive, he could have
used his parking brake instead of the toe brakes. In
the F-16, once the engine is shut down, you have only
JFS/brake accumulators to provide hydraulic pres-

6 AUGUST1988
sure to the brakes. If you hold the aircraft with the toe
brakes, you can expect to lose all braking after 75
seconds. With the parking brake, accumulators should
not be depleted.
Unexpected situations like this are sort oflike
defensive driving. In order to be ready when the unex-
pected happens, you've always got to ask yourself,
"Where would I go from here if this ... or this ... or
this happens?" If you don't, you may find yourself up
against a rail as well.

Comm problems
'1aj Paul Herrmann In the ear
Shaw AFB, SC.
T he F-16 pilot was an RTU student , flying solo on a
BFM mission. The flight went normally until he

O n a recent day/night out-and-back, one pilot used

the scheduled alphanumeric callsign for that
day's off-station sorties. Unfortunately, another rela-
entered t he training area and set up for the first
engagement. After being cleared to maneuver, the
pilot began a hard 6-G turn while trying to keep t he
tively new squadron pilot, scheduled for a cross- other airplane in sight. He immediately experienced a
country sortie that same night, used the alpha portion feeling of vertigo, and he couldn't focus on the ot her
of the off-station callsign but added his local area aircraft. He knocked off the engagement; as he rolled
static numeric digits and came up with an identical out, the sensation disappeared.
callsign. As a result, both pilots unknowingly The pilot figured the sensation was a one-time
presented air traffic control (ATC) with two separate occurrence caused by a combination of sun, clouds,
aircraft inbound to the same destination with identi- obscured horizon, head movement and high G-forces.
cal callsigns. The only difference was that their So he and his instructor decided to give it another try.
arrivals were separated by 40 minutes. They set up for another engagement, and again t he
One would hope that a mistake such as this couldn't pilot began a hard 6-G turn. Again he felt the same
go undiscovered until it resulted in a mishap. In this sense of vertigo. This time they called knock-it-off for
situation that was true, but the conflict was not discov- good, declared an emergency and headed for home.
ered until both pilots were on the ground filing for The pilot was met by the flight surgeon and taken to
return sorties to home base. We were fortunate this the hospital were examinations showed an ear
time that this story ended as well as it did. infection.
Schedulers, command post controllers and base The ear- that's where we have all those delicate
operations personnel can all help keep this one from mechanisms that keep us balanced. If we have the
happening again. Also, a word about alphanumeric slightest suspicion t hat it isn't up to par, we shouldn't
callsigns in squadron in-briefs for new guys would fly. Not taking off with a known discrepancy applies to
help keep "Green 16" out of trouble. us as well as the airplane.

Lt Col Scott Wales
ANG/ AFRES Advisor
TAC Safety

''Winning is not everything- it's the

only thing:'
-Vince Lombardi

n war, as in sports, the only real
objective is to win. All our
efforts are in support of that pur-
The specifications for this weapon
system indicate that it will have
sophisticated programmable fea-
pose. In order to realize that goal, tures, although the upload process
an important weapon is currently may be long and have somewhat
under development by the Air unpredictable results. The system
Force. Although this weapon is not will be enhanced with non-artificial
''new'' as such, it represents an intellect; as such, it will be capable
evolutionary approach to the of recall during flight. Fuel costs
weapons design process. It features are expected to be low, and basic
composite materials and is "very design has been enhanced so the
low-observable'' with regard to system can run on a variety offuels.
radar reflectivity. It is a refinement Exotic fuels can be used, but these
of existing weapon systems which may alter performance in unex-
will be an indispensable part of the pected ways. Fuel should be added
man/machine interface well into the several times per day but, if neces-
twenty-first century. The weapon is sary, the system may continue to
nonnuclear, of conventional design, run for several days without fuel. If
and expected to be compatible with that occurs, however, significant
existing hardware. The initial cost degradation to normal systems
to the Air Force is negligible; operation should be anticipated.
upkeep and maintenance costs, once As previously noted, the most
completed, are expected to be severe limitation this weapon sys-
moderate. Replacement cost of an tem has is occasional unpredictable
..__ _ _ _.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ individual unit is set at $330,000. operation. Although the system is

8 AUGUST1988

The Ultimate Weapon


that period. message they imply? Like many

In case it has escaped you so far, catchy phrases, the stated mission
Units are designed to be the ultimate weapon is you, the air- of the Air Force often becomes only
crew. Without you, our sophisti- background noise to our day-to-
interchangeable, and cated weapons are useless. Because day activities.
have a service life in we rely heavily on technology to Nonetheless, this statement of
excess of twenty years. maintain our edge in time of war, our mission should not be news to
this reliance places an increased you. The primary objective of a
burden on you- the individual air- large standing military force is
crew. We cannot afford not to ''fly
quite sophisticated and technologi- smart" because our dependence on
cally advanced, individual units are quality and sophistication instead of
subject to unusual aberrations and numbers make the loss of any one The primary objective
temporary limitations. Extensive air crew or aircraft much more sig-
attempts have been made to stand- nificant to us than it is to our proba- of a large standing
ardize production techniques and ble adversaries. military force is clear
impose strict quality control meas- The "TAC Tally'' which appears
ures. Despite that, spurious random each month in these pages bears
- the prevention of war
inputs have frequently destroyed witness to the tragic (and nor- by Implied threat of
individual units and damaged mally preventable) losses of our force; thus our TAC
others beyond economical repair. "ultimate weapons.''
Units are designed to be inter- Our mission is to fly, fight and motto Hreadiness is
changeable and have a service life win. How many times have you our profession."
in excess of twenty years. Not all heard those words? Have you ever
\....- units, however, will be retained for given much thought to them or the


force, there is no particular benefit the unnecessary loss of valuable,

in maneuver or surprise. Thus, in and generally irreplaceable, air-
The main reason safety order to bring that force to bear in craft. The cost in lives was equally
folks are in business Is war, we have to pres~,rve our "force?' staggering. Six hundred and
The men we trained and the planes nineteen people lost their lives dur-
to help maintain that they fly must still be available when ing flight mishaps in 1948. In 1985,
combat capab111 ty we go to war. The main reason our best year thus far, the number
to ensure tbat those safety folks are in business is to was 78 in flight mishaps and the
expensive and finite help maintain that combat rate was 1.49 Air Force-wide. TAC
resources are still capability- to ensure that those and TAC-gained units lost 18 people
available If the expensive and finite resources and the combined rate was 2.8.
uballoon goes up." are still available if the ''balloon There's still room for improve-
goes up?' ment, however. In fighters, most of
A glance back through statistics our flight mishaps are still related
from the postWorld War II period to human error, especially the oper-
to the present indicates we're doing ations variety. Relatively few of
clear- the prevention of war by well at this; in fact, we're doing bet- these occur in the high demand
implied threat of force; thus our ter all the time. In 1948, the mishap phase of a mission. Complacency
TAC motto "readiness is our profes- rate for the Air Force was 40 (no continues to haunt us. It's up to you,
sion?' Readiness for war is the obvi- decimal points). 'Ibtal aircraft our ultimate weapon, to reduce
ous implication. destroyed numbered 1783. At that those numbers even further.
Three of the basic principles of time we had the luxury of tens of General George Patton is reputed
war, regardless of service branch, thousands of cheap aircraft. In to have told his troops, "your job is
are force, maneuver and surprise. It 1944, the peak war year, our aircraft not to go out and die for your coun-
is the "force'' part of the equation numbered 79,660. Our primary air- try, but rather to make the other
that is of most concern to us safety craft inventory now is 5,603 and a poor slob die for his country!' The
folks. You are the "force''- the "ulti- reduction of 111 is planned for FY same is true for us today. The next
mate weapon?' Without sufficient 89. 'Ibday's fiscal climate precludes war cannot be won without you._.:::;--

10 AUGUST1988

M aj Gregory Ihde and his

flight leader had remained
in the working area for a pre briefed
could not be moved in either direc-
tion. Thirty miles from the field at
FL 300 and approximately 1.2
BFM engagement following the Mach, he extended the speed-
dissimilar air combat training brakes to slow the aircraft. Passing
(DACT) portion of their mission 20,000 feet with less than 500
with a couple of Eagles. When the pounds of fuel remaining, Maj Ihde
BFM engagement between the two started the JFS and EPU. The
F-16's was terminated, Maj Ihde EPU ran normally but the JFS
noticed he could not retard the didn't. He then shut down the
throttle out of mid-range after- engine using the fuel master
burner. He immediately advised switch and lowered the landing
lead of the problem and started a gear. Following a smooth flameout
climb, turning toward home base, approach and landing, Maj Ihde
45 miles to the south. stopped his aircraft prior to mid-
With approximately 1500 pounds field using only the JFS/brake
of internal fuel remaining, Maj accumulators.
Ihdejettisoned the empty center- Maj Ihde's superior airmanship Maj Gregory J. Ihde
line tank and leveled at 30,000 feet, and time-critical decision-making USAF Fighter Weapons School
just below an overcast. En route to prevented loss of a valuable combat Nellis AFB, NV
high key, he noted that the throttle aircraft and earned him the TAC
was locked in afterburner and Aircrew of Distinction Award.

It just wasn't enough
A n F-4 crew had just returned from an out-and-back
.ftsortie when the dearm crew informed them that
their cargo pod door was open and all the contents
were missing. Another ''parts distribution'' run with
aircraft parts such as spare drag chutes, gear down-
locks and safety pins left all over the countryside.
Prior to that flight, the IP had noticed the transient
alert crew opening the Phillips head fasteners on the
cargo pod door with the corner of a flathead screw-
driver. During the walk- around and check of the air-
craft forms, neither the aircraft commander nor the
IP had noticed anything out of the ordinary. An
inspection of the cargo pod door after the incident
showed that the top two fasteners on the front edge of
the door were missing and the sheet metal was torn,
indicating that those were the only fasteners locked
prior to the flight. Closer examination of the air lock
fasteners found that they can appear to be secure
when they actually aren't locked. If the locking screw
chock talk is only turned enough to compress the shaft spring
and move the lock overcenter, the locking screw head
will be flush with the metal but still a quarter turn
short of being locked. In this condition, the screw
remains closed until it is jarred or pulled loose by
pressure on the door. You can't successfully close the
air lock fasteners without a Phillips screwdriver
What's the rub? because a flat blade screwdriver will break away from
the fastener slot before the job is done.

D uring a routine training mission, a rocket-loaded

OV-10 was making a run-in to the target when
the pilot bumped the bomb release button with the
Each of us must do all we can to lick the dropped
object problem. When you open aircraft panels, make
sure that you get them all fastened back properly.
Master Arm switch in the Off position. Five rockets Make sure you don't inadvertently set someone else
fired as a result. up to miss a panel, a door or a fastener that you forgot
When they got the airplane back on the ground, the to reinstall completely.
maintenance folks found that the weapons power cir-
cuit breaker for station five had chafed and shorted,
resulting in power being applied to the entire arma-
ment bus. When other aircraft in the unit were also
inspected, three more OV-lOs were discovered with
chafed wired beneath the circuit breaker panels.
When you've got panels pulled off an aircraft for an
electrical job or work of any sort, t;:tl\e a close look at
the areas you can see and check for any signs of chaf-
ing or misrouted wiring. Catching a problem in the
early stages could prevent an unexpected "hot-wired"
airplane later.
catapult was pulled from his hands and it fell about nine
feet to the ground. Fortunately the man on the ground
wasn't injured; but the drop didn't do the catapult much
Teamwork means using our combined talents and
efforts to perform a job better than we could individu-
ally. How would you and a co-worker have done this task
differently to ensure a better ending?

SOP (Standard
Operating Procedure)-
There's a reason
I t's amazing what lengths some people will go to in
order to save a minute or two. F:or example, how
much would you be willing to invest in order to cut two
minutes off a task? Would it be worth some fingers, an
armor a leg?
One individual recently invested quite a lot to save a
couple of minutes. He was towing an aircraft from a
hangar by himself. The hangar had two electrically-
driven, horizontal moving doors which were operated
by an Open/Close button that had to be held manually
in order to operate them. The doors traveled from the
fully open to the fully closed position in approximately
two minutes.
This guy depressed the Close button and wedged a
screwdriver between the button and switch guard so
the doors would move without his assistance. As the
doors started to close, he towed the aircraft out of the
hangar. Once clear of the closing doors, he got off the
tug and went to retrieve his screwdriver. The doors
were nearly closed by that time, but he still reached
inside to remove his tool from the switch box. As a
result, he was trapped by the closing doors- and
Help, don't hinder crushed to death.
'Thking a shortcut or disregarding standard operat-

T wo technicians were sent out to remove the ACES L

ejection seat from an F-15 so other maintenance
could be performed. The seat came out without any
ing procedure is never OK. When you find yourself
tempted to do something like that, consider such an
urge a warning light going off and think twice before
problems. But as one technician was lifting the catapult you continue. Hopefully you'll decide to return to the
and stepping onto a maintenance stand, the other techni- approved tech order method of doing something. If all
cian stepped onto the bottom step of the stand. The tech- else fails, ask yourself if the time you think you'll save
nician holding the catapult lost his balance and stepped is worth personal injury to you or damage to equip-
\.._. onto a safety streamer attached to the catapult. The ment you're working on. Believe me, it's not.
it nearly happened

Janet Gaines

A h, summer at last! The sun,

the sand, the sound of rolling
waves as they wash onto the beach
After a few hours basking in the
sun in what I thought was an over-
cast sky and cool breeze, I decided
and the cool breeze flowing gently I'd better call it quits while I was
over your body as you bask in the still ahead. I had already begun to
warmth of the rays! feel queasy (one symptom
Sound like fun? You bet it does! associated with heat exhaustion)
Vacation time is here and guess and I was soon to feel much worse.
where a lot of people plan on spend- As I started packing my things to
ing their vacation- the beach! leave, I thought, "Boy, do I feel sick!
That's okay- but some of the Well, I'll probably feel better once I
things we put our bodies through get something to eat and drink?'
are not. The arrival of summer Shortly after that, my heart
brings not only fun and relaxation,
The arrival of swnmer started beating very rapidly, waves
but possible heat-related illnesses brings not only fun and of nausea swept over me, I felt very
from overexposure to the heat and relaxation, but possible lightheaded and thought I was
sun. Your unawareness of the sun's going to faint. I immediately sat
effects can also cause life-long
heat-related illnesses down and my friends could see
damage to your skin, expensive from overexposure to the from my flushed face and an
medical bills, and a possible life- heat and sun. unnatural profusion of perspiration
threatening situation. Before you that I was very ill. They immedi-
enjoy the delights of the summer ately went for cold water. Neither I
sun, prepare appropriately. nor my friends realized the signifi-
One summer not long ago, I sunglasses, suntan lotion, towel cance of my symptoms; if so, they
headed for a day at the beach. and other necessities I thought would have sought medical help for
Unfortunately, I was one of those might be needed for the day's me. I had all the classic symptoms
ill-prepared individuals who had to events. Needless to say, I did not of heat exhaustion- nausea,
learn firsthand about the hazards realize that I was in for some real headache, lightheadedness, weak-
of summer. I had packed water, education that day as well. ness, heavy sweating.

14 AUGUST1988
My friends got me back to the better. We finally reached home this summer. There are several
mar, turned the air conditioner on to and I immediately went to bed. I different types of heat illnesses:
cool me off, applied cold cloths to was very uncomfortable and rest- (1) heat cramps; (2) heat exhaus-
my body, and gave me sips of water less throughout the night and tion; and (3) heat stroke. These
to drink. Eventually the air in the when I awoke the next morning, I illustrations will give you an idea of
was still feeling the symptoms the symptoms of each and what you
MEMINNIN from the day before. I went to the. should do if you ever experience
doctor as soon as possible and after these problem Unlike cold in the
I had all the classic telling him about my symptoms, he winter which warns you by caus-
symptoms of heat told me how serious the risk to my ing unusual shivering, heat does
health had been - heat exhaustion not warn you so easily.
exhaustion - nausea. from overexposure to the sun and Here are some good steps you
headache, loss of body fluids and salt. Besides can take to prevent heat illness:
lightheadedness, that, I was severely sunburned. remain in the shade as much as
I certainly learned my lesson possible; drink plenty of fluids;
weakness, from all of this. I could have lost my wear lightweight, loose-fitting,
heavy sweating. life but, fortunately, I only lost a light-colored clothing; wear a hat;
few days from work plus the cost of use sun protection cream; and,
my medical bills, although long- most importantly, be well prepared







1800 WARMTH,

car cooled and we started for home. term problems with my skin are for your vacation in the sun.
I was unable to talk because of the likely. Staying well is your first priority
continuous waves of nausea and my Being well informed and pre- for an enjoyabie vacation in the
rapid heart beat. I really began to palvd for the heat and sun should sun; so be aware and have a great
worry when I did not begin to feel be your first priority for having fun summer.

33d Tactical
Fighter Wing,
Eglin AFB, Florid~

1987 Winner
Colombian l

of the
~~ht Safety Award
SFOs a honed skill


Maj Dan Runyan that would blow your chances for Broken ventral fins, dented
TAC Flight Safety an EQ checkride. You think you can nozzles, scraped speedbrakes, and
make it. Over the overrun you per- a busted checkride were the end ~
Imagine yourself in this scenario. ceive a very high sink rate and results of this scenario. Does it
You're flying a qual check in an F-16 finally realize the SF{) can't be sound realistic? It happened! In
with a SEFE on your wing. Every- saved. You start a mil power go- fact, during the last six months
thing has gone remarkably well- around ... but WHAM! ... you weve had three such mishaps occur
so well in fact that you are positive still touch down- hard- in the during F-16 practice SFOs. This
an "EQ" may be in the works. Now
you're up to high key for an SFO
(simulated flameout). No sweat,
you've done lots of these. No mat-
ter that the last one was several
weeks ago; weather, traffic, or
something always seemed to keep
you out of the SFO pattern.
Through high key down to base
key, the SFO is going fine. But, you
haven't added enough extra air-
speed to cover all your fuel and
stores, the wind is blowing you long
and tight, and the speedbrakes are
nearly full open. Turning base you
see the low airspeed and drop your
nose to try to get it back. On final,
you adjust your aim point. You see
you're a bit shallow and the air-
speed is still lower than you want.
You think about going around, but

18 AUGUST1988
A successful SFU requires a
degree cl pilot judganent
C damage. Another involved a two-
and experUse not called for leaving little margin for error.
seat F-16 with an IP and a student In most other phases of A famous aviator once said that
on board. Their landing was hard flight the best pilots are those who fly a
enough to bend both gear out- lot. The same can be said of SFOs.
board, impact the external tanks, It is an acquired skill and must be
and bend enough of the aircraft to teach SFO techniques and proce- constantly honed. As single- engine
result in Class B damage. The third dures. The Dash One and phase fighter pilots, an F-16 pilot's incen-
SFO landing mishap was hard manuals do a very good job of that. tive for proficiency in SFOs is obvi-
enough to collapse the gear and The intent is to heighten your ous. Have you ever noticed how
result in Class A damage. We were awareness of the high degree of air- busy a wing's SFO pattern gets
lucky the only pilot injuries were manship required to successfully following a highly publicized
bruised egos and damaged accomplish an SFO. Think about engine problem? Past history
confidences. the variables involved: aircraft shows several pilot "saves" of glid-
These mishaps occurred to pilots drag and weight, altitude, air- ing F-16s. We need to keep our skills
of varying experience levels belong- speed, descent angle, winds, traffic honed so we can add to that list if
ing to three different MAJCOMs, sequencing, configilration point, the only motor we have decides to
but there are some common fac- required radio calls, etc.; all must quit. But, to ding an aircraft while
tors. First, all the pilots were be considered and handled practicing these skills negates the
either new to the F-16 or had gone properly to accomplish a safe SFO. value of practice. The engine is still
several weeks since accomplishing A successful SFO requires a good (hence the Sin SFO); so if
~n SFO. All were flying heavier degree of pilot judgement and things don't look good, exercise
configurations than a basic clean A- expertise not called for in most some pilot judgement and take it
model. All allow:ed their airspeeds other phases of flight. The proper around- early! Fighter pilot ego
to decrease below the Dash One execution of an SFO is more and supreme confidence are good
limits. And, none recognized the demanding than a "guns track;' or a things to have, but don't let them
need to go around until it was too "shack" bomb. It requires putting it lead you to press when all the
late. all together, in close proximity to indicators are telling you to
The intent of this article is not to the ground and at a low airspeed, knock-it-off. _.::::....

nine people are waiting

Down to Earth


occurred when the buildup of glue open element heaters, equipment
vapors ignited as the refrigerator's not properly grounded and non-
compressor came on. explosion proof electrical equip-
Recently I discovered several ment. Sparks resulting from the
cans of glue stored in the refriger- accumulation of static electricity
ator of another life support shop. can also cause ignition of flamma-
They were quickly removed when I ble vapors or gases
told the assistant shop NCOIC the The caution/warning statements
above story. lb avoid a repeat in our technical orders alert us of
occurrence of that incident of the dangers involved in handling
MS THAT CAN AFFECT YOU several years ago, I'd like to share the various glues we use. The label
THE 0 141D All some information that might be of
value to you.
on the glue for helmets and anti-
exposure suits states that it should
First of all, the labels on all glues be stored at 40° to 60°F. It also says
indicate what their flash points are. to store it in a cool, dark place but
MSgt Bobby McElwain A flash point is the maximum tem- that should not be a mfrigerator.
35 TTW/DOTL at which a liquid gives off
George AFB, CA vapor in sufficient concentration to approved indoor storage cabinets
form an ignitable mixture with air is arailable at your local ground
In the late 1970-s, a room inside a near the surface of the liquid. The safety office. These cabinets are
TAC life support shop was com- flash point of the glue used on anti- great for storing glue, alcohol,
pletely destroyed by fire when a exposure suits and flying helmets, paint and so forth. The capacity of
partially closed gallon can of glue for example, is -7° C (20° F). Glue flammable and combustible liquids
exploded in a refrigerator. The can with a flash point this low is for these cabinets will be in accord-
had been placed there overnight extremely flammable and should ance with AFOSH Standard
for storage; and the explosion be kept away from open flames, 127-43.

20 AUGUST 1988
Sgt Gregory A. Harper nothing of it since I had driven it embankment, tearing down the
390ECS countless times before. I was wear- loosely strung wire fence used to
Mountain Home AFB, Idaho ing my seatbelt, but I noticed my keep cattle in. The car finally wound
roommate was not wearing his. At up on its side. I was still strapped in

I have always been an advocate of

the wearing of seatbelts. Mter
joining the Air Force, it was manda-
that very instant, he put his seat-
belt on as if reading my mind. I felt
good about that. I was driving at
my seatbelt and kind of hanging in
the air with my roommate below
me. Mter gathering my wits, I
tory to wear seatbelts on base and it about 60 miles per hour when I managed to push my side of the
recently became mandatory in noticed a pickup truck coming door open and hold it so my room-
Idaho. Thus, it become second toward us in the oncoming lane and mate could climb out. I then
nature for me and whoever I rode slightly over the yellow line that climbed out myself. We both looked
with to ''buckle up?' However, I had separates the two lanes. I figured at the car; it was totalled.
never experienced firsthand just once he saw me he would move over, We thought of all the things that
what a life-saving piece of equip- considering how narrow each lane could have happened if we had not
ment the seatbelt is. I was to find was. Th my surprise, he didn't! I been wearing our seatbelts. For one
out on a late April afternoon. thought I had enough room to my thing, we both could have fallen out
Me and my roommate were com- right to adjust ever so slightly- I of our respective side windows as a
ing back from Strike Dam Marina didn't! I wound up off the road just result of the tailspin. Second, since
about 20 miles north of the base. We enough that my right side tires the car landed on the passenger
had just completed a long day of were on the soft ground which was a side, I would have fallen onto my
fishing around different areas of the slight embankment. I tried to turn roommate who was literally under-
dam and landed four nice sized bass. the wheel to the left to get back neath me. I weigh nearly 200 lbs and
Actually, my friend caught them. I onto the road but it was difficult surely would have caused my room-
only managed a couple of bites and since there was a "lip'' between the mate extensive damage.
two bass that were too small to road and dirt. I managed to get back Well, we both wound up with no
keep. Despite that, it was a pleasant on the road, but I overadjusted my significant injuries except a
day and a good way to unwind after turn to the left and tried to recover few small scratches. Other than
working hard all week. by turning back to the right, and, that, were both fine. Next time you
While driving back to the base, it hopefully, end up going straight. think of not wearing a seatbelt, take
was near dusk and the road we were Well, none of that worked; the car the time to think again. Why not
on was a little narrow, but I thought tailspinned and flipped over into the wearthem? _::;:....


T he 703d Tactical Air Support

Squadron has demonstrated
an outstanding safety record dur-
ing its 21-year history. Between its
reactivation in 1967 and its deacti-
vation in May of this year, the only
CH-3 Jolly Green Giant unit in Tac-
tical Air Command had no Class A
mishaps and only one Class B. The
703d TASS demonstrated sus-
tained superior performance dur-
ing the period as an integral part
of the Air Force's Tactical Air
Control System.
The unit's support of 507th Tactical
Air Control Wing radar sites took
it on missions ranging from Canada
and California to the Florida Keys,
earning it a reputation of excel-
lence and dependability. Whether
deploying to the Smoky Mountains
of Tennessee for high altitude
mountain flying, participating in
combat search and rescue exer-
cises, performing paradrops for 703d Tactical Air Support Squadron (TASS)
Army and Air Force units, or con- 507th Tactical Air Control Wing
ducting helilift training at each of ShawAFB,SC
the wing's six radar detachments,
the 703d demonstrated the highest
standards of flight discipline, mili- titionjudges were flown to the far record resulted from thorough
tary professionalism and mission reaches of the California and planning, preparation and sound
accomplishment. Flexibility and Nevada desert. All of these ele- professional judgment. The unit's
endurance were proven repeatedly ments combined to produce a safe distinctive accomplishments have
during unit support of HQ TAC and successful flying operation. earned it the TAC Outstanding
Gunsmoke '85 and '87 when compe- The 703d's unparalleled safety Achievement in Safety Award.

22 AUGUST1988
D uring an F-15 alert turn-
around, SSgt Clayton discov-
ered a leaking number two engine
problem prevented the destruction
of the engine core and a potential
aircraft mishap.
oil tank and a cracked tower shaft During another inspection, SSgt
on the number one engine augmen- Clayton detected a cracked brake.
tor section. Had these malfunc- Due to his comprehensive inspec-
tions gone undetected, it could tion techniques, a possible disin-
have resulted in major damage to tegration of the brake and
both engines and the possible loss subsequent aircraft mishap was
of the aircraft. averted. His thoroughness has also
On another occasion, SSgt Clay- led to the discovery of cracked
ton performed an F-15 alert wing panels on several occasions.
preflight inspection. He did the These are high stress panels which
engine intakes first and proceeded are critical to aircraft flight.
to the rear of the aircraft to look in SSgt Clayton exemplifies the
the engine exhaust area. Upon professional qualities that are
inspection of the number one desirable in today's aircraft techni-
engine exhaust, he detected a dis- cians: integrity, quality main-
lodged number four bearing air tenance, and in-depth knowledge of
supply manifold. While this is not a aircraft systems. His outstanding
carded item on the preflight work performance has earned him the
cards, SSgt Clayton's attention to TAC Crew Chief Safety Award.
detail and early detection of the
SSgt Arnold C. Clayton Det 1, 318 FIS Castle AFB, CA

Lt Col Patrick J. Smith
Capt Travis M. Wheeler
TFWC Office of Safety
Nellis AFB, NV

T he young soldier lay dying in

his buddy's arms. 'Thars
streamed down his buddy's
cheeks- somewhat from sorrow,

Your wing weapons safety officer

24 AUGUST1988
c1t mainly from frustration and suffered several casualties- eight that; so we can do the job quickly
"-:i:nger. As he looked at his dying dead and twelve wounded?' and correctly the first time in war.
friend and then at the white flag fly- ''Yes, sir, were still launching air- As a person who handles, stores,
ing over their destroyed machine- craft, but we lost four sorties- the transports, or uses explosives, what
gun position, he felt rage well up as ones scheduled to hit the bridge at do you think when you see the
he noticed the bridge spanning the point Delta?' weapons safety officer (WSO)
river just below where he knelt. It On the flight line, a weary on- or NCO walk into your work area?
was still standing and enemy troops scene commander watched the last A. Great! Now I can get my ques-
and tanks now streamed across it. ambulance drive away and glanced tions answered and find out if I'm
Realizing that his friend was dead, at the blackened piles of metal that doing this safely.
he gently straightened the body, had once been four combat aircraft B. Oh, crap! Now I've got to do
slowly stood up and, putting his as he turned to the base weapons this his way!
hands on top of his head, began safety officer and said, "Okay, cap- Your wing WSO hopes you
walking down the hill. As he did, tain, do your job?' marked answer A. However, if you
one thought kept repeating itself in The captain winced, knowing if he didn't, let's make some points clear.
his head: "Only one more bomb and had done his job this nightmare First, the WSO represents your
that bridge would have been would never have happened. wing commander for anything
destroyed!" Made up story? You bet. Possible weapons safety-related. The WSO
Meanwhile, at an American for- story? Right again. Likely story? was appointed by the wing command-
ward operating location, the com- We certainly hope not. er to do exactly what he or she is
mander talked into a red phone. What is the job the weapons doing, i.e., make sure all munitions
"No, sir, we weren't attacked, we safety officer didn't do? Like most of operations are done correctly and,
had an accident. Several MK-84s us, his job was to get the ''bombs on hence, safely. They are not there to
detonated on the flight line. We target?' In peacetime, we train for make you do it their way, but the

safe way- the Air Force way, your Lowry AFB, Colorado, covering rectly. Not an easy task- and not a
wing commander's way. explosives safety rules and regula- fun one!
Second, the WSO/WSNCO is t ions, investigations, inspections, Your wing WSO cannot possibly
highly qualified to do the job. All site planning, hazard reporting, ''know it all." Explosives safety is a
WSOs must be either fully qualified deployment planning, training, and complicated business because it is
munitions maintenance officers or much more. This combination of an inexact science based on mishap
experienced 461XX or 462XX technical qualifications and experience. Changes to some of the
munitions maintenance technicians experience allows the WSO to be rules and requirements are inevita-
and complete a six- week course at the ''base explosives safety expert?' ble. Due to the constant updating of
Probably most important, the explosives safety standards, your
wing commander expects you to do wing WSO must continue to read
The WSO was appointed by your job correctly and safely and and study to keep current. When
expects the WSO to report you if
the wing commander to do you don't. The WSO would be
exactly what he or she is ecstatic if he could report to the The wing commander
doing, i.e., make sure all wing commander, "No discrepan- expects you to you to do
cies, sir. Everybody's doing their
munitions operations are job correctly?' Every time the WSO your job correctly and safely~
done correctly and, hence, reports an unsafe act, he or she and expects the WSO to
safely. must also come up with suggested report you if you don't.
procedures to convince you and
your fellow workers to do it cor-

your wing weapons safety officer

26 AUGUST1988
repeated violations of clear-cut generating paperwork. However,
explosives safety standards. For you can be sure that he or she will
Explosives safety is a example, transporting impulse ejec- formally elevate the problem to the
complicated business because tion carts unsecured in the back of a unit commander via a TAC Form 5 if
pickup truck could be such a viola- the individual, shop chief, or branch
it is an inexact science tion. Carelessness, a disregard for chief remains unresponsive.
based on mishap experience. directives, a lack of discipline- or Your wing WSO is there to help
any combination of these- often you solve your explosives safety
show up in minor violations. These problems. If you suspect an explo-
you ask a question pertaining to minor violations by themselves sives safety hazard exists or have an
explosives safety, don't be surprised might not cause a lot of harm, but idea that will make your job safer,
if you don't always receive an on-the- they point out that a serious tell your supervisor. Your wing
spot answer. Sometimes the WSO problem might be on the way. WSO is always looking for better
must do extensive research before Your WSO's marching orders from ways to improve all aspects of
the correct answer can be provided. the wing commander are to con- weapons safety at your unit.
This should reassure you that the front explosives safety problems So, the next time your wing WSO
WSO is conscientious and cares head-on. Either it's right or it's not! walks into your work area, you'll
bout the job being done correctly. You don't get a second chance when know that he or she is there to help
~ Sometimes, unfortunately, your it comes to explosives accidents. you solve your explosives safety
wing WSO is forced to ''write people The wing WSO works to solve problems. Why? So you can do your
up:' However, most of these write- explosives safety problems at the job to get the ''bombs on target" and
ups result from serious and lowest possible level, without blow those bridges the first time.__;:;;-

Safety: Policy or Attitude?

Major Frank Mcintire

Capt Hugh Forde
USAF Academy

' ' Pilot experienced tumbling 48 hours before the flight that he over-the-counter cold tablet about
vision, followed by uncon- was suffering from the symptoms of six hours before takeoff and pressed
trollable rapid eye movement_ upper respiratory infection. on with the mission. The incident
Declared emergency and returned Instead of taking himself off the occurred when the unit was
to base. Investigation revealed that schedule and going to the flight sur- deployed ... " (TAG Attack,
the pilot had recognized for at least geon, the pilot elected to take an June 1986.

28 AUGUST1988
------ -------------------------------------------

Ve're all familiar with such had spent a sleepless night up with tude is something "you can feel" all
examples- stories about aviators a fussy baby. He was simply not over the squadron. In this excellent
who consciously make decisions to operating at 100 percent and he unit, the rule is "when you don't feel
press the envelope, bend the rules, knew it. His response was not the good, take yourself off the schedule
and then end up as safety statistics. easiest, but it certainly made sense. and nothing will be said:' The mes-
Many commanders and their folks in He probably felt uncomfortable sage is clear- mission first with the
the operations, logistics and safety upsetting the scheduler's "grand safety attitude being a means to
business lose sleep trying to under- plan;' but he spoke up anyway. The that end.
stand why aircrew error mishaps operations officer's response was A group of captains interviewed
continue despite copious safety "Fine, take care of yourself and we'll in the unit emphasized that "Fly
procedures and specific directives. see you tomorrow:' No other ques- Safe" is more than just a sticker on
the safety officer's briefcase; it's a
way oflife. In other squadrons fly-
ing safety was preached, but not
practiced, and "You had a lot of
A recent study of explaining to do to the operations
officer if you took yourself off the
excellent tactical schedule for anything less than
fighter squadrons major surgerY:'
points to one solution: In the excellent squadron the
safety policy is in print, but the
the transfonnation safety attitude is ingrained. From
of safety policy into the commander on down, the safety
a usafety attitude." attitude is demonstrated day after
day. When the lieutenant takes him-
self off the schedule in accordance
with the commander's stated policy,
tions were asked in an exchange he can predict his supervisor's
A recent study of excellent tacti- tl).at lasted less than two minutes. response. The commander is more
cal fighter squadrons points to one The lieutenant headed for the books concerned with the lieutenant's
solution: the transformation of and the sortie was lost. positive display of good judgment
safety policy into a "safety attitude:' When asked about the situation than the disruption to the schedule
A major conclusion is that excellent later, the pilot was quick to point or the loss of a sortie. Additionally,
squadrons are characterized by a out that he had no qualms about the safety attitude becomes an
safety attitude which permeates all taking himself off the schedule. Thk- internalized standard or "norm'' for
levels of the organization and acts ing care of a fussy infant is a good behavior. It originates with the
as an "auto-pilot" to keep fighter reason to lose a sortie, but a misera- commander and is adopted by the
crews operating with the mission as ble one for losing an aircraft or squadron members. Notice that in
top priority and safety as a means crew. He added that this safety atti- this particular squadron, a crew-
to that end. The self-medicating member can make a safety call
fighter jock probably had the best without subtle pressure to press his
of intentions: to accomplish the mis- limits. ''We don't press limits"
sion. But without a safety attitude Taking care of a fussy becomes one norm in the squadron
even the best intentions can prove possessing the safety attitude.
fatal. This article describes the infant is a good reason Every squadron has a safety policy;
safety attitude observed in one an excellent squadron has the
excellent tactical fighter squadron.
to lose a sortie, but a
safety attitude.
A first lieutenant walked up to the miserable one for losing Editor's Note: Maj Mcintire and
duty desk and asked the scheduler an aircraft or crew. Capt Forde are both instructors in
to stand him down for the day. He the Department of Behavioral
was not DNIF (duty not involving Science and Leadership at the
'---- flight), grounded or ill. Instead, he USAF Academy. __;:>

1987 USAF
T he Air Force Inspection and
Safety Center has announced
the recipients of the 1987 USAF
35th Tactical Training Wing USAF Explosives Safety Plaques
safety awards.
318th Fighter Interceptor Explosives safety plaques are sent
Squadron each year to organizations below
Colombian Flight Safety Award
347th Tactical Fighter Wing MAJCOM level for outstanding
33d Tactical Fighter Wing
355th Tactical Training Wing achievement in, or contribution to,
Eglin AFB, Florida
366th Tactical Fighter Wing explosives safety. The TAC
388th Tactical Fighter Wing recipients were:
Director of Aerospace Special
474th Tactical Fighter Wing 366th Tactical Fighter Wing
Achievement Safety Award
552d Airborne Warning and 836th Air Division
MSgt Robert Brendle
Control Wing USAF Tactical Fighter Weapons
31 TFW, Homestead AFB, Florida
602d Tactical Air Control Wing Center
USAF Flight Safety Plaques
USAF Motorcycle Safety Plaque
Flight safety plaques are sent to
USAF Missile Safety P laques The Air Force Motorcycle Safety
Air Force organizations below air
Missile safety plaques are awarded Award is presented to organiza-
division level for meritorious
to organizations below MAJCOM tions below MAJCOM level for out-
achievement in mishap prevention.
level for outstanding achievement standing achievement in, or
The TAC recipients were:
and contribution to missile safety. contribution to, mishap reduction
4th Tactical Fighter Wing The TAC recipients were: and safety education in motorcy-
5th Fighter Interceptor 832d Air Division cling. The TAC recipient was:
Squadron 833d Air Division Seymour Johnson Air Force Base



T he TAC Commander's Award

for Flight Safety honors a
numbered air force for promoting
the lowest command-controlled
Class A and B flight mishap rate of
active units in a calendar year. The
flight safety. Selection is based on 1987 award goes to First Air Force.

30 AUGUST1988
FY 88





5/0 18/0
0/0 0/5
3/0 12/0
D.10 0/4 1 1/0
0/0 0/0

TAC'S TOP 5 thru JUN 1988

1st AF

318 FIS
325 TTW
57 FIS
48 FIS

110 TASG 482 TFW 28 AD


114 TFG 507 TFG

155 TRG 917 TFW



r1 L
FY 88

FY 88





III 2.8 Illtr._

AFR FY 88 0.0 10.6 7.7 5.9 9.5 7.9 6.7 5.8 1.7
. ,

FY 88 4.3 2.9 2.4 2.2 2.5 3.2 31 3.1 15


UNITED STATES PRINTING OFFICE: 1987 - 1988 625 -031/8

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