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Unit 2
Geography of Canada – Gr 09
Geologic History
• North America’s amazing physical diversity is
largely the result of it’s geographical development.
• There are 2 types of forces:
• Ones that build up the land.
• Those that wear it down.
• Mountains and other elevated areas are worn
down by a force called: EROSION
• Erosion forces are: wind, rain, running water and
Precambrian Era (earliest life)

Volcanism (magma)


Ancient Sea
Igneous Rock
Precambrian Era (earliest life)
• 4.6 BYA – 570 Million Years Ago (MYA)
• Major Geological Events:
• Canadian Shield
• Brazilian Shield
• African Shield
• Australian Shield
• Major Biological Events:
• First single-celled organisms
• First multi-celled organisms
Paleozoic Era (Ancient life)


Sediments Sediments
Igneous Rock
Palaeozoic Era (Ancient life)
• 570 MYA – 245 MYA
• Major Geological Events
– Periods when large parts of North America are created
and emergence of shallow seas.
– Ex: Appalachian Mountains formed
• Major Biological Events
– Age of amphibians, fish and insects
– Large swamps
– Coal formed from vegetation.
– First plants and animals.
Mesozoic Era (Middle life)

Erosion Sediments

Igneous Rock
Mesozoic Era (Middle life)
• 245 MYA – 66 MYA
• Major Geological events:
• Rocky Mountains formed
• Innuitian Mountains formed (located today Nunavut and
• Shallow seas in the interior of North America
• Major Biological Events:
• Age of reptiles (dinosaurs)
• First birds and mammals
• First flowering plants
Cenozoic Era (Recent Life)
Cenozoic Era (Recent Life)
• 66 MYA to present
• Major Geological Events:
• Ice sheets covering North America
• Continents take on their present shape
• Complete formation of Rocky Mountains
• Major Biological Events:
• Humans
• Age of Mammals
• Modern forms of life evolve
Formation of Canada
What Is The Geologic Time Scale?

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