NMAT Question Paper 5 Solutions

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NMAT Question Paper 5 Solutions

Question 1. If A and B are two mutually exclusive events, then

(1) P(A) < P( B )
(2) P(A) > P( B )
(3) P(A)<P(B)
(4) None of these

Answer. None of these

Solution. The correct statement for two mutually exclusive events A and B
is: (1) P(A) + P(B) = 1
This means that the sum of the probabilities of A and B is equal to 1
because if they are mutually exclusive, either A or B can occur, but not
both. Therefore, none of the options (1), (2), or (3) is correct. The correct
answer is (4) None of these.

Question 2. A train whose weight is 16 metric tons, moves at the rate

of 72 kmph. After applying brakes it stops in 500 meters. What is the
force executed by brakes?
(1) 600 N
(2) 1600 N
(3) 3200 N
(4) 6400 N

Answer. 6400 N

Solution. To calculate the force exerted by the brakes, you can use the
following formula:
Force (F) = (Mass * Acceleration)

First, convert the speed from km/h to m/s:

Speed (in m/s) = (72 km/h) * (1000 m/km) / (3600 s/h) = 20 m/s
The acceleration (a) can be calculated using the formula:

Acceleration (a) = (Change in Velocity) / (Time)

The change in velocity is the initial velocity (0 m/s because the train is
stopping) minus the final velocity (20 m/s). The time (t) is given as the
distance (500 meters) divided by the speed (20 m/s):
a = (0 m/s - 20 m/s) / (500 m / 20 m/s) = (-20 m/s) / (25 s) = -0.8 m/s²
Now, you can calculate the force (F):
F = (Mass * Acceleration) = (16,000 kg * (-0.8 m/s²)) = -12,800 N
The negative sign indicates that the force is acting in the opposite direction
of motion (braking force). So, the correct answer is:
(4) 6400 N

Question 3. Three groups A, B and C are contesting for position on

the Board of Directors of a company. The probabilities of their
winning are 0.5, 0.3 and 0.2 respectively. If the group A wins the
probability of introducing a new position is 0.7 and the corresponding
probabilities for group B and C are 0.6 and 0.5 respectively. The
probability that a new position introduced is
(1) 0.52
(2) 0.63
(3) 0.74
(4) None of the above

Answer. 0.63

Solution. To find the probability that a new position is introduced, you need
to calculate the weighted average of the probabilities based on each
group's probability of winning.
Let P(new position introduced) be the probability that a new position is
introduced. Then, you can calculate it as follows:
P(new position introduced) = P(A wins) * P(new position introduced by A) +

P(B wins) * P(new position introduced by B) + P(C wins) * P(new position

introduced by C)

P(new position introduced) = (0.5 * 0.7) + (0.3 * 0.6) + (0.2 * 0.5)

P(new position introduced) = 0.35 + 0.18 + 0.1
P(new position introduced) = 0.63
So, the correct answer is (2) 0.63.

Question 4. If a boy can throw a cricket ball 100 m, then the time
required for the ball to touch the ground is?

Answer. 100 meters

Solution. To calculate the time it takes for a cricket ball to touch the ground
when thrown horizontally, you can use the following formula:

d = ½ ⋅ g ⋅ t2

● d is the distance the ball travels vertically (in meters).

● g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s²).
● t is the time (in seconds).

In this case, d is the vertical distance the ball falls from the height it was
thrown, which we'll assume is negligible compared to the horizontal
distance (100 m).
So, d=0.1m (assuming a negligible height).
Now, we can solve for t:
0.1 = ½ ⋅ 9.81 ⋅ t2
First, multiply both sides by 2 to isolate t2:
0.2 = 9.81 ⋅ t2
Next, divide both sides by 9.81:
t2 = 0.2 / 9.81
Now, take the square root of both sides to find t:
t = √(0.2 / 9.81) ≈0.14 seconds​

So, it takes approximately 0.14 seconds for the cricket ball to touch the
ground when thrown horizontally for a distance of 100 meters.

Question 5. A biased coin with probability p; 0<p<1 of head is tossed

until a head appears for the first time. If the probability that the
number of tosses required is even is 2/5, then p equals to
(1) 1/5
(2) 2/3
(3) 2/5
(4) 3/5

Answer. 3/5

Solution. Let's denote the probability of getting a head on a single toss as

p, where 0 < p < 1.
The probability of getting a tail on a single toss is then q = 1 - p.
Now, to find the probability of needing an even number of tosses to get the
first head, we can consider the following:

1. You can get a head on the first toss (probability = p).

2. You can get a tail on the first toss (probability = q) and then get a
head on the second toss (probability = p).

The total probability of needing an even number of tosses is the sum of

these two cases:
P(even number of tosses) = p + (q * p)
Now, we're given that P(even number of tosses) = 2/5. So:
p + (q * p) = ⅖
Now, substitute q = 1 - p:
p + ((1 - p) * p) = ⅖
Now, solve for p:
p + (p - p^2) = ⅖
Combine like terms:
2p - p^2 = ⅖
Multiply both sides by 5 to get rid of the fraction:

10p - 5p^2 = 2
Rearrange the terms:

5p^2 - 10p + 2 = 0
Now, we can solve this quadratic equation for p. We can use the quadratic
p=−b±√(b2−4ac) / 2a
In this case, a = 5, b = -10, and c = 2.
p=−(−10)±√((−10)2−4(5)(2)) / 2(5)
p=10±√(100−40) / 10
p=10±√60 / 10​
Now, simplify:
p=10±2√15 / 10
Factor out 2 from the numerator:
p=2(5±√15) / 10
Now, cancel out the common factor of 2 in the numerator and denominator:
p=5±√15 / 5
So, the possible values of p are:

1. p=5+√15 / 5
2. p=5−√15 / 5

Since 0 < p < 1, the correct value of p is p=5−√15 / 5

Therefore, the correct answer is (4) ⅗.

Question 6. A club consist of members whose age are in AP. The

common difference between the ages is 3 months. If the youngest
member is 7 years old and the sum of the ages of all the members is
250, then the number of members in the club is?
(1) 15
(2) 25
(3) 20
(4) 30

Answer. 25

Solution. Let's denote the number of members in the club as 'n'.

We are given that the youngest member is 7 years old, and the common
difference between the ages of the members is 3 months, which is
equivalent to 1/4 years.
So, the ages of the members can be represented as an arithmetic
progression (AP):
7, 7 + (1/4), 7 + 2(1/4), 7 + 3(1/4), …
To find the sum of the ages of all the members, we can use the formula for
the sum of an arithmetic series:
Sum = (n/2) * [2a + (n-1)d]

● n is the number of terms (number of members),

● a is the first term (age of the youngest member, which is 7 years),
● d is the common difference (1/4 years).

We're given that the sum of the ages of all the members is 250.
Substituting these values into the formula:
250 = (n/2) * [2 * 7 + (n-1) * (1/4)]
Now, simplify:
250 = (n/2) * [14 + (n-1)/4]
Next, remove the fraction by multiplying both sides by 4:
1000 = n * [56 + (n-1)]
Now, distribute n on the right side:
1000 = 56n + n(n-1)
Now, expand and simplify further:
1000 = 56n + n^2 - n
Combine like terms:
0 = n^2 + 55n - 1000
Now, we need to solve this quadratic equation for n. You can factor it or use
the quadratic formula:
n=−b±√(b2−4ac) / 2a
In this case, a = 1, b = 55, and c = -1000.

n=−55±√(552−4(1)(−1000)) / 2(1)
n=−55±√(3025+4000) / 2
n=−55±√7025 / 2

n=−55±5√281 / 2​
Now, we have two possible solutions:

1. n=−55+5√281 / 2​
2. n=−55−5√281 / 2

Since the number of members in the club should be a positive whole

number, we can ignore the negative solution.
So, the number of members in the club is approximately:
N≈−55+5√281 / 2 ≈ 25.67
Since the number of members must be a whole number, we can round
down to the nearest integer.
Therefore, the number of members in the club is 25.
So, the correct answer is (2) 25.

Question 7. In a forest there are as many Santa Trees as there are

Ajanta Trees. One-fourth of all the tree are old. One-half of the total
trees are in flowering stage. Which of the following statement is true?
(1) All Ajanta Trees are in flowering stage
(2) All Santa Trees are in flowering stage
(3) Atleast half Ajanta Trees are old
(4) None of the above

Answer. None of the above

Solution. Let's break down the information given:

1. There are as many Santa Trees as there are Ajanta Trees.

2. One-fourth of all the trees are old.
3. One-half of the total trees are in the flowering stage.

Now, let's analyze each statement:


(1) All Ajanta Trees are in flowering stage: We cannot determine this from
the information given. The flowering stage is not specified for either Ajanta
Trees or Santa Trees.
(2) All Santa Trees are in flowering stage: We cannot determine this from
the information given. The flowering stage is not specified for either Ajanta
Trees or Santa Trees.
(3) At least half Ajanta Trees are old: Since one-fourth of all the trees are
old, this implies that one-fourth of both Ajanta Trees and Santa Trees are
old. We cannot conclude that at least half of the Ajanta Trees are old.
Given the information provided, none of the statements (1), (2), or (3) can
be determined to be true. Therefore, the correct answer is:
(4) None of the above.

DIRECTIONS : Each of the questions below consists of a question

and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to
decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to
answer the question. Read both the statements and give
answer as
(1) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the
question, while the data in statement II alone are not
sufficient to answer the question.
(2) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the
question, while the data in statement I alone are not
sufficient to answer the question.
(3) if the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are
sufficient to answer the question.
(4) if the data even in both statements I and II together are not
sufficient to answer the question.

Question 6. What is the original number?

I. Sum of two digits of a number is 10. The ratio between the two
digits is 1:4.

II. Product of two digits of a number is 16. Quotient of the two digits is

Answer. if the data even in both statements I and II together are not
sufficient to answer the question

Solution. Let's analyze each statement:

Statement I:

● Sum of two digits of a number is 10.

● The ratio between the two digits is 1:4.

Statement II:

● Product of two digits of a number is 16.

● Quotient of the two digits is 4.

Now, let's consider each statement separately:

Statement I: From the first part, "Sum of two digits of a number is 10," we
can have multiple pairs of digits that sum up to 10, such as (1, 9), (2, 8), (3,
7), and so on. The ratio between the two digits being 1:4 does not uniquely
determine the original number.
Statement II: From the second part, "Product of two digits of a number is
16," we can have multiple pairs of digits that multiply to 16, such as (1, 16),
(2, 8), and (4, 4). The quotient of the two digits being 4 does not uniquely
determine the original number.
Now, let's consider both statements together: When we consider both
statements together, we can narrow down the possibilities a bit. The sum of
the digits being 10 and the product of the digits being 16 means that the
two digits must be 2 and 8. However, this still doesn't uniquely determine
the original number because we don't know their order.
Since even with both statements together, we cannot uniquely determine
the original number, the correct answer is:
(4) if the data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to
answer the question.

Question 7. In what time does a sum of money become four times on

simple interest?
I. Rs.4000 amounts to Rs.4800 in two years on SI.
II. The difference between compound interest and simple interest at
the end of two years is Rs.40.

Answer. if the data even in both statements I and II together are not
sufficient to answer the question

Solution. Let's analyze each statement:

Statement I: Rs.4000 amounts to Rs.4800 in two years on simple interest.

This statement provides information about a specific sum of money
(Rs.4000) and the time it takes for it to grow to Rs.4800 with simple
interest, which is two years.

Statement II: The difference between compound interest and simple

interest at the end of two years is Rs.40. This statement provides
information about the difference between compound interest and simple
interest for a specific time period (two years).

Now, let's consider each statement separately:

Statement I: Statement I alone tells us the time it takes for Rs.4000 to grow
to Rs.4800 with simple interest, which is two years. However, it doesn't tell
us whether this is a general rule or if it applies to any other sum of money.

Statement II: Statement II alone tells us the difference between compound

interest and simple interest for a specific time period, but it doesn't provide
information about the principal amount or the rate of interest.

Now, let's consider both statements together: Combining both statements,

we know that for a sum of Rs.4000, it takes two years to grow to Rs.4800
with simple interest (Statement I), and the difference between compound
interest and simple interest for two years is Rs.40 (Statement II).

However, this information is still not sufficient to determine the rate of

interest or whether this scenario holds true for all sums of money. We
would need additional information to answer the question definitively.

Since even with both statements together, we cannot determine the time
required for a sum of money to become four times on simple interest, the
correct answer is:

(4) if the data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to
answer the question.

Question 8. A train crosses a signal post in X seconds. What is the

length of the train?
I. The train crosses a platform of 100 meters in Y seconds.
II. The train is running at the speed of 80 km/hr.

Answer. if the data even in both statements I and II together are not
sufficient to answer the question

Solution. Let's analyze each statement:

Statement I: The train crosses a platform of 100 meters in Y seconds. This

statement provides information about the time it takes for the train to cross
both the signal post and the platform.

Statement II: The train is running at the speed of 80 km/hr. This statement
provides information about the speed of the train but doesn't directly give
us information about the length of the train.

Now, let's consider each statement separately:

Statement I: Statement I alone provides information about the time it takes

for the train to cross a platform of 100 meters. However, this information is
insufficient to determine the length of the train because it doesn't provide
the time it takes to cross just the signal post or the train's speed.

Statement II: Statement II alone provides information about the speed of

the train but doesn't provide any information about the time it takes to cross
the signal post or the platform.

Now, let's consider both statements together: Even when both statements
are considered together, we have information about the time it takes to
cross the platform and the speed of the train, but we still don't have
information about the time it takes to cross just the signal post. Therefore,
we cannot determine the length of the train definitively.

Since even with both statements together, we cannot determine the length
of the train, the correct answer is:

(4) if the data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to
answer the question.

Question 9. Ram works for 5 days and leaves the job. Then in how
many days will the remaining work be done by Vikas and Sarfaraz
I. Ram alone can do the entire work in 30 days and Sarfaraz is twice
as efficient as Vikas.
II. 33 ⅓ % of the work is done by Ram in 10 days whereas Vikas and
Sarfaraz together can do 33 ⅓ % work in 2 days.

Answer. if the data even in both statements I and II together are not
sufficient to answer the question

Solution. Let's analyze each statement:

Statement I: Ram alone can do the entire work in 30 days, and Sarfaraz is
twice as efficient as Vikas. This statement provides information about the
individual work rates of Ram and Sarfaraz in terms of days per job.

Statement II: 33 ⅓ % of the work is done by Ram in 10 days, whereas

Vikas and Sarfaraz together can do 33 ⅓ % work in 2 days. This statement
provides information about the time it takes for Ram and the time it takes

for Vikas and Sarfaraz together to complete a certain percentage of the


Now, let's consider each statement separately:

Statement I: Statement I alone provides information about the individual

work rates of Ram and Sarfaraz, but it doesn't provide information about
Vikas's work rate. We cannot determine how long it would take Vikas and
Sarfaraz together to complete the remaining work based on this statement

Statement II: Statement II provides information about the time it takes for
Ram to complete a certain percentage of the work and the time it takes for
Vikas and Sarfaraz together to complete the same percentage of work.
However, it doesn't provide information about their individual work rates, so
we cannot determine their relative efficiencies or the total work to be done.

Now, let's consider both statements together: Combining both statements,

we have some information about the individual work rates of Ram and
Sarfaraz, but we still don't have information about Vikas's work rate or the
total work to be done. Without knowing Vikas's work rate, we cannot
determine how long it would take Vikas and Sarfaraz together to complete
the remaining work.

Since even with both statements together, we cannot determine the time it
would take Vikas and Sarfaraz together to complete the remaining work,
the correct answer is:

(4) if the data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to
answer the question.

Question 10. Ram’s efficiency is 50% more than Shyam’s. In how

many days can Shayam alone do the whole work?
I. Ram and Shyam together can do the whole work in 12 days.
II. Ram worked for 4 days and left the work and the remaining work
was done by Shyam alone in 24 days.

Answer. if the data even in both statements I and II together are not
sufficient to answer the question

Solution. Let's analyze each statement:

Statement I: Ram's efficiency is 50% more than Shyam's. This statement

provides information about the relative efficiencies of Ram and Shyam, but
it doesn't give us specific information about the number of days Shayam
alone can do the whole work.

Statement II: Ram worked for 4 days and left the work, and the remaining
work was done by Shyam alone in 24 days. This statement provides
information about the number of days it took Shyam alone to complete the
remaining work after Ram worked for 4 days.

Now, let's consider each statement separately:

Statement I: Statement I alone provides information about the relative

efficiencies of Ram and Shyam, but it doesn't give us specific information
about the number of days Shayam alone can do the whole work.

Statement II: Statement II alone provides information about the time it took
Shyam alone to complete the remaining work after Ram worked for 4 days.
However, it doesn't provide information about their relative efficiencies or
the total work to be done.

Now, let's consider both statements together: Combining both statements,

we know that Ram's efficiency is 50% more than Shyam's, and Shyam took
24 days to complete the remaining work after Ram worked for 4 days. This
gives us some information about their relative efficiencies and the total
work, but we still don't have enough information to determine the number of
days Shayam alone can do the whole work.

Since even with both statements together, we cannot determine how many
days Shayam alone can do the whole work, the correct answer is:

(4) if the data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to
answer the question.

Question 11. By selling a product at 20% profit, how much profit was
I. The difference between cost and selling price is Rs.40.
II. The selling price is 120 per cent of the cost price.

Answer. if the data even in both statements I and II together are not
sufficient to answer the question

Solution. Let's analyze each statement:

Statement I: The difference between cost and selling price is Rs. 40. This
statement provides information about the difference between the cost price
and the selling price, but it doesn't directly provide information about the
profit earned.

Statement II: The selling price is 120 per cent (120%) of the cost price. This
statement provides information about the relationship between the cost
price and the selling price as a percentage.

Now, let's consider each statement separately:

Statement I: Statement I alone tells us the difference between the cost

price and the selling price, which is Rs. 40. However, it doesn't provide the
actual cost price or selling price, so we cannot determine the profit earned.

Statement II: Statement II alone tells us that the selling price is 120% of the
cost price. This gives us a percentage relationship, but it doesn't provide
the actual values of the cost price, selling price, or profit.

Now, let's consider both statements together: Combining both statements,

we know the difference between the cost and selling price (Statement I)
and that the selling price is 120% of the cost price (Statement II). However,
we still don't have the actual values of the cost price, selling price, or profit.

Since even with both statements together, we cannot determine the actual
profit earned, the correct answer is:

(4) if the data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to
answer the question.

DIRECTIONS: The following questions are accompanied by three

statements (A), (B) and (C). You have to determine which statement(s)
is/are sufficient/necessary to answer the questions.

Question 12. How much marks did Mohan obtain in Hindi? To get the
answer which of the following information is/are necessary/sufficient?
A . The average marks obtained by Mohan in Hindi, Math and Biology
are 72.
B. The total marks obtained by him in Hindi and Math are 129.
C . The total marks obtained by him in History and Biology are 143.
(1) Only A and B together are sufficient
(2) Only A and C together are sufficient
(3) Only A and B or C are sufficient
(4) All A, B and C even together are not sufficient

Answer. All A, B, and C even together are not sufficient

Solution. Let's analyze each statement and the combinations to determine

which one(s) are necessary or sufficient to answer the question.

The question asks for Mohan's marks in Hindi.

Statement A: The average marks obtained by Mohan in Hindi, Math, and

Biology are 72.

● This statement alone does not provide the specific marks obtained by
Mohan in Hindi. It only gives the average of three subjects.

Statement B: The total marks obtained by him in Hindi and Math are 129.

● This statement provides information about the total marks in Hindi

and Math but does not specify how many marks are from Hindi alone.

Statement C: The total marks obtained by him in History and Biology are

● This statement does not provide any information about Mohan's

marks in Hindi.

Now, let's consider the combinations:

Combination (1): A and B together

● With statements A and B together, we know the average of Hindi,

Math, and Biology (A) and the total marks in Hindi and Math (B).
However, this is still not sufficient to determine the specific marks in
Hindi alone.

Combination (2): A and C together

● With statements A and C together, we know the average of Hindi,

Math, and Biology (A) and the total marks in History and Biology (C).
This combination does not provide any information about Hindi or
Math, so it's not sufficient.

Combination (3): A and B or C

● This combination includes statement A and either statement B or C.

However, it's clear that neither statement B nor C alone provides
sufficient information about Mohan's marks in Hindi.

Combination (4): All A, B, and C together

● Even with all three statements together, we still don't have enough
information to determine Mohan's marks in Hindi because we are
missing direct information about Hindi.

Therefore, none of the combinations is sufficient to determine Mohan's

marks in Hindi.

The correct answer is (4) All A, B, and C even together are not sufficient.

Question 13. What is the ratio of the present ages of X and Y?

A . The ratio between the present ages of X and Y after 10 years is
B. The present age of Y is 66 ⅔ % more than that of X.
C . The product of the present ages of X and Y is 240 years.
(1) Any of them
(2) Only C and either A or B
(3) Any two of them
(4) Only A and B together

Answer. Only A and B together

Solution. Let's analyze each statement and the combinations to determine

which one(s) are necessary or sufficient to find the ratio of the present ages
of X and Y.

Statement A: The ratio between the present ages of X and Y after 10 years
is 11:15.

● This statement provides information about their future ages but does
not directly provide their current ages.

Statement B: The present age of Y is 66 ⅔ % more than that of X.

● This statement provides a relationship between their current ages,

indicating that Y's age is 66 ⅔ % more than X's age. However, it
doesn't give their exact current ages.

Statement C: The product of the present ages of X and Y is 240 years.

● This statement provides information about the product of their current

ages but does not give their individual ages.

Now, let's consider the combinations:

Combination (1): Any of them


● If we consider any one of the statements alone, none of them

provides sufficient information to determine the exact ratio of X and
Y's present ages.

Combination (2): Only C and either A or B

● If we combine statement C (the product of their ages is 240) with

either A or B, we still cannot determine their individual ages or the

Combination (3): Any two of them

● If we combine any two statements, we still lack sufficient information

to determine the exact ratio of X and Y's present ages.

Combination (4): Only A and B together

● Combining statements A and B together gives us valuable

information. Statement A provides the ratio of their ages after 10
years, and statement B provides a relationship between their current
ages. With these two pieces of information, we can find their current
ages and the ratio.

Therefore, the correct answer is (4) Only A and B together.

Question 14. A company has two kinds of employees - supervisors

and clerks. The total monthly salary of the employees is Rs.2,85,000.
What is the total number of employees in that company?
A . The ratio of the number of supervisors to that of clerks in the
company is 4:5.
B. The total monthly salary of all the supervisors is 28% more than
that of clerks.
C . 20% of the clerks' monthly salary is Rs.25,000.
(1) Only A and B together
(2) Only A and C together
(3) Only C
(4) Question can't be answered even after using all the information

Answer. Question can't be answered even after using all the information.

Solution. Let's analyze each statement and the combinations to determine

if we can find the total number of employees in the company.

Statement A: The ratio of the number of supervisors to that of clerks in the

company is 4:5.

● This statement provides information about the ratio of supervisors to

clerks but does not give the total number of employees.

Statement B: The total monthly salary of all the supervisors is 28% more
than that of clerks.

● This statement provides information about the salary relationship

between supervisors and clerks but does not provide the total number
of employees.

Statement C: 20% of the clerks' monthly salary is Rs. 25,000.

● This statement gives information about the monthly salary of clerks

but does not provide information about supervisors or the total
number of employees.

Now, let's consider the combinations:

Combination (1): Only A and B together

● Combining statements A and B provides information about the ratio of

supervisors to clerks and the salary relationship between them.
However, this information alone is not sufficient to determine the total
number of employees.

Combination (2): Only A and C together

● Combining statements A and C provides information about the ratio

of supervisors to clerks and the monthly salary of clerks. However,

this information alone is not sufficient to determine the total number of


Combination (3): Only C

● Statement C alone provides information about the monthly salary of

clerks but does not provide information about supervisors or the total
number of employees.

Combination (4): Question can't be answered even after using all the

● Combining all three statements does not provide enough information

to determine the total number of employees. We have information
about the salary and the ratio of supervisors to clerks, but we still
don't know their individual salaries or the total number of employees.

Therefore, the correct answer is (4) Question can't be answered even after
using all the information.

Question 15. Rajnish buys 30 books and 65 pens. What money does
he have to pay for this?
A . At a profit of 20% he sells all the objects for Rs.3,828.
B. The CP of one book and one pen is Rs.90.
C . The difference of sum and difference of buying price of one pen
and one book is Rs.28.
(1) Only A alone is sufficient
(2) B and C together are sufficient
(3) A alone or B and C together are sufficient
(4) All together are necessary

Answer. B and C together are sufficient

Solution. Let's analyze each statement and the combinations to determine

if we can find the total cost Rajnish has to pay for the 30 books and 65

Statement A: At a profit of 20%, he sells all the objects for Rs. 3,828.

● This statement provides information about the selling price but does
not directly provide the cost price of each book and pen or the total

Statement B: The CP of one book and one pen is Rs. 90.

● This statement gives the combined cost price of one book and one
pen, but it doesn't provide the total cost of 30 books and 65 pens.

Statement C: The difference of the sum and difference of the buying price
of one pen and one book is Rs. 28.

● This statement provides a relationship between the cost of one pen

and one book but doesn't give the total cost of all the books and

Now, let's consider the combinations:

Combination (1): Only A alone is sufficient

● Statement A alone provides information about the selling price but

does not directly give the cost price. We cannot determine the total
cost from this statement alone.

Combination (2): B and C together are sufficient

● Combining statements B and C provides information about the

combined cost price of one book and one pen (B) and the relationship
between the cost of one pen and one book (C). With this information,
we can determine the individual cost of one book and one pen, and
therefore, calculate the total cost.

Combination (3): A alone or B and C together are sufficient

● As we determined earlier, A alone is not sufficient, but B and C

together are sufficient to find the total cost.

Combination (4): All together are necessary

● Even with all three statements together, we still need B and C

together to calculate the total cost. Statement A alone does not
provide enough information.

Therefore, the correct answer is (2) B and C together are sufficient to

determine the total cost Rajnish has to pay for the 30 books and 65 pens.

Question 16. Find the length of the side of a square.

A . Total cost of flooring the square is Rs.1,000 at the rate of Rs.40 per
square meter.
B. A rectangle whose perimeter is 20 m is equal to the perimeter of
the square.
C . A square of area equal to 50 sq. m can be made on the diagonal of
the given square.
(1) Any of them
(2) Any two of them
(3) Either B or C only
(4) Either A or B only

Answer. Either A or B only

Solution. Let's analyze each statement and the combinations to determine

if we can find the length of the side of the square.

Statement A: Total cost of flooring the square is Rs. 1,000 at the rate of Rs.
40 per square meter.

● This statement provides information about the total cost of flooring

the square and the rate per square meter. From this, we can calculate
the area of the square and then find the length of its side.

Statement B: A rectangle whose perimeter is 20 m is equal to the perimeter

of the square.

● This statement relates the perimeter of a rectangle to the perimeter of

the square. However, it doesn't directly provide information about the
length of the side of the square.

Statement C: A square of area equal to 50 sq. m can be made on the

diagonal of the given square.

● This statement provides information about the area of a square that

can be made on the diagonal of the given square. However, it doesn't
directly give the length of the side of the given square.

Now, let's consider the combinations:

Combination (1): Any of them

● Considering any one of the statements alone does not provide

enough information to find the length of the side of the square.

Combination (2): Any two of them

● Combining any two of the statements does not provide enough

information to determine the length of the side of the square.

Combination (3): Either B or C only

● Combining statements B and C together still does not provide enough

information to find the length of the side of the square.

Combination (4): Either A or B only

● Combining statements A and B provides enough information to

calculate the length of the side of the square. Statement A gives the
area of the square (from the cost of flooring and rate), and statement
B provides the relationship between the perimeter of the square and
a rectangle.

Therefore, the correct answer is (4) Either A or B only.


DIRECTIONS: Each question is followed by three statements. You

have to study the question and all the three statements given and
decide whether any information provided in the statements) is
redundant and can be dispensed with while answering the questions.

Question 17. An article is sold at 12% discount. Find the % gain.

A . If the article had been sold for Rs.120 less, there would have been
no profit no loss.
B. Had the article been sold for Rs.30 more, the gain would have been
C . Cost price of the article is Rs.1,200.
(1) Any two of them
(2) Only C
(3) Either A or B only
(4) Any of them

Answer. Any of them

Solution. Let's analyze each statement and the combinations to determine

the percentage gain on the article.

Statement A: If the article had been sold for Rs. 120 less, there would have
been no profit no loss.

● This statement provides information about the selling price and

implies that there is no profit or loss in that scenario. However, it
doesn't directly provide the percentage gain.

Statement B: Had the article been sold for Rs. 30 more, the gain would
have been 12.5%.

● This statement provides information about the selling price and the
percentage gain in another scenario.

Statement C: Cost price of the article is Rs. 1,200.


● This statement gives the cost price of the article, which is essential
for calculating the percentage gain.

Now, let's consider the combinations:

Combination (1): Any two of them

● Combining any two of the statements does not provide enough

information to determine the percentage gain.

Combination (2): Only C

● Statement C provides the cost price, but it alone is not sufficient to

calculate the percentage gain. We need information about the selling

Combination (3): Either A or B only

● Combining either statement A or statement B with statement C

provides enough information to calculate the percentage gain.
Statement A gives information about the selling price (with no profit or
loss), and statement B gives information about the selling price and
the percentage gain.

Combination (4): Any of them

● Consider all three statements together. We have information about

the cost price (C), information about a scenario with no profit or loss
(A), and information about a scenario with a percentage gain (B).
With this combination, we can calculate the percentage gain.

Therefore, the correct answer is (4) Any of them.

Question 18. A person deposited two sums with a moneylender at 5%

simple interest for 2 years and 3 years respectively. Find the two
A . The two sums are equal.

B. Difference between the interests is Rs.250.

C . Had the sums been deposited at 5% compound interest, the
difference would have been Rs.275.60.
(1) A and either B or C
(2) Only A
(3) Only B
(4) Any one of them

Answer. A and either B or C

Solution. Let's analyze each statement and the combinations to determine

the two sums.

Statement A: The two sums are equal.

● This statement tells us that the two sums are equal. However, it
doesn't provide the specific values of the sums.

Statement B: Difference between the interests is Rs. 250.

● This statement provides information about the difference in the simple

interest earned on the two sums. It doesn't directly provide the values
of the sums, but it does give us a relationship between the interests.

Statement C: Had the sums been deposited at 5% compound interest, the

difference would have been Rs. 275.60.

● This statement provides information about the difference in the

compound interest earned on the two sums. Similar to statement B, it
doesn't directly provide the values of the sums but gives a
relationship between the interests.

Now, let's consider the combinations:

Combination (1): A and either B or C

● Combining statement A (equal sums) with either statement B

(difference in simple interest) or statement C (difference in compound

interest) should provide enough information to determine the two

sums. This combination gives us a relationship between the interests
and the equality of the sums.

Combination (2): Only A

● Statement A alone tells us that the two sums are equal but doesn't
provide the specific values of the sums.

Combination (3): Only B

● Statement B alone provides information about the difference in simple

interest but doesn't provide the specific values of the sums.

Combination (4): Any one of them

● Considering any one of the statements alone does not provide

enough information to determine the two sums.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is (1) A and either B or C.

Combining the equality of the sums with either the difference in simple
interest or the difference in compound interest should allow us to calculate
the values of the two sums.

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