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Factors for Welds in Pressure

Vessels and Piping
Fatigue-strength-reduction factors (FSRFs) are used in the design of pressure vessels and
piping subjected to cyclic loading. This paper reviews the background and basis of FSRFs
that are used in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, focusing on weld joints in
Carl E. Jaske Class 1 nuclear pressure vessels and piping. The ASME Code definition of FSRF is
CC Technologies Laboratories, Inc., presented. Use of the stress concentration factor (SCF) and stress indices are discussed.
6141 Avery Road, The types of welds used in ASME Code construction are reviewed. The effects of joint
Dublin, OH 43016-8761 configuration, welding process, cyclic plasticity, dissimilar metal joints, residual stress,
e-mail: post-weld heat treatment, the nondestructive inspection performed, and metallurgical fac-
tors are discussed. The current status of weld FSRFs, including their development and
application, are presented. Typical fatigue data for weldments are presented and com-
pared with the ASME Code fatigue curves and used to illustrate the development of FSRF
values from experimental information. Finally, a generic procedure for determining
FSRFs is proposed and future work is recommended. The five objectives of this study were
as follows: 1) to clarify the current procedures for determining values of fatigue-strength-
reduction factors (FSRFs); 2) to collect relevant published data on weld-joint FSRFs; 3)
to interpret existing data on weld-joint FSRFs; 4) to facilitate the development of a future
database of FSRFs for weld joints; and 5) to facilitate the development of a standard
procedure for determining the values of FSRFs for weld joints. The main focus is on weld
joints in Class 1 nuclear pressure vessels and piping. 关S0094-9930共00兲02703-7兴

Introduction ‘‘Fatigue strength reduction factor is a stress intensification factor

which accounts for the effect of a local structural discontinuity
Fatigue cracks can initiate and grow in pressure vessels and
共stress concentration兲 on the fatigue strength.’’ Extending this
piping subjected to cyclic loading if the amplitude and number of
definition to include weld joints
stress fluctuations are sufficiently high. The likelihood of fatigue
damage increases as the magnitude of the local stress increases S f 共 component without discontinutiy or weld joint兲
and as the inherent fatigue resistance of the material decreases. FSRF⫽
S f 共 component with discontinuity or weld joint兲
Design rules for Class 1 nuclear pressure vessels and piping re- (1)
quire that the possibility of fatigue damage caused by cyclic load-
ing be taken into account. Section III of the ASME Boiler and Weld FSRFs can be determined experimentally by fatigue testing
Pressure Vessel Code 共ASME Code兲 provides design fatigue both unwelded and welded specimens or components of the same
curves that relate the allowable stress-intensity amplitude 共S兲 to configuration.
the number of cycles 共N兲. The nominal weld-joint FSRF is a function of fatigue life. Only
Welded joints are the most likely sites of fatigue damage in at long lives, where the fatigue curves approach a fatigue limit,
pressure vessels and piping because they often contain geometric does the FSRF approach a constant value. The FSRF usually in-
irregularities that produce local stress concentrations. These ir- creases as a function of fatigue life for pressure vessel and piping
regularities may be details of the joint configuration, normal varia- steels, so the FSRF at the fatigue limit can be used as a conser-
tions in the weld profile, or weld flaws. Fatigue strength is the vative estimate of the FSRF for shorter fatigue lives. As will be
value of applied cyclic stress corresponding to a certain value of shown later, a constant FSRF can be employed if the factors that
cyclic life. Also, the weld metal and the heat affected zone 共HAZ兲 cause the variation in its nominal value are taken into account.
of base metal adjacent to the weld may have either lower or higher The ASME Code provides procedures for experimentally deter-
fatigue strengths than the normal base metal. Such differences in mining FSRFs. However, the cost and time required to perform
fatigue strength are a result of local variations in material compo- fatigue tests on weld-joint specimens and components makes it
sition and microstructure. All of the above factors can reduce the desirable to use analytical estimates of FSRFs for typical fatigue
local fatigue strength of a welded joint compared with that of the design applications.
base metal. To account for reductions in local fatigue strength, Stress-Concentration Factor. Stress-concentration factors
fatigue-strength-reduction factors 共FSRFs兲 and/or stress- 共SCFs兲 are used to estimate FSRFs because fatigue strength is
concentration factors 共SCFs兲 are employed in the fatigue design of related to stress amplitude.
Class 1 pressure vessels, while stress indices are employed in the
fatigue design of Class 1 piping. S p 共 at notch兲
SCF⫽ (2)
Fatigue-Strength-Reduction Factor. Article NB-3200 in S p 共 away from notch兲
Section III of the ASME Code provides the following definition: The SCF is determined by elastic analysis. Handbooks contain
SCFs that have been developed for typical discontinuities encoun-
Contributed by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division and presented at the tered in engineering equipment and structures. SCF values can be
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Seattle, Washington, July 23–27, 2000, of
readily calculated by means of finite-element stress analysis.
the PVP Division, March 1, 2000; revised manuscript received April 17, 2000. Tech- When a SCF is used to estimate a weld FSRF, it is implicitly
nical Editor: S. Y. Zamrik. assumed that the reduced fatigue strength of the weld joint is

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology Copyright © 2000 by ASME AUGUST 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 297

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caused by the increased stress at a local discontinuity associated
with the weld. The SCF usually overestimates the geometric
FSRF or what is commonly referred to as the effect of notches on
fatigue strength, especially in the low-cycle fatigue 共LCF兲 regime
where there is significant plasticity at the notch. In the high-cycle
fatigue 共HCF兲 regime, where there is only a small amount of local
plasticity, the SCF is closer to the FSRF than in the LCF regime.
In fatigue design, the SCF is often adjusted to estimate the
FSRF using an empirical relationship that takes the notch sensi-
tivity of the material into account. However, both local properties
of the weld and HAZ metal and residual stresses produced by the Fig. 1 Typical welded joint locations and categories „from
welding process may also affect the fatigue strength of the weld Section III of the ASME Code…
joint. Additional adjustments must then be made to account for
local material properties and residual stresses.
Stress Indices. The design of Class 1 piping is covered by have the desired integrity. The design and fabrication of weld
Article NB-3600 in Section III of the ASME Code. Instead of joints has a direct effect on their fatigue strength.
using the FSRFs applicable to pressure vessels, these piping de-
sign rules employ stress indices. The local value of S p is com-
puted using equations that apply stress indices to the internal pres- Parameters That Affect FSRFs
sure 共K 1 and C 1 兲, moment 共K 2 and C 2 兲, and thermal 共K 3 and C 3 兲 A number of important parameters may influence the FSRFs for
loading. C 1 , C 2 , and C 3 are the secondary stress indices, while welded joints in pressure vessels and piping. They include joint
K 1 , K 2 , and K 3 are the local stress indices. For example, for configuration and weld detail, welding process and practice,
moment loading, the nominal bending stress (S b ) is used to com- amount of cyclic plasticity, dissimilarity of metals joined, residual
pute S p : stress, post-weld heat treatment 共PWHT兲, type and degree of non-
destructive examination 共NDE兲, and local variation of material
S p ⫽K 2 C 2 S b . (3) properties.
For a girth butt weld between items of nominally equal wall thick- Joint Configuration and Weld Detail. Joint configuration
ness, C 2 is equal to 1.0. If this joint is flush, K 2 ⫽1.1. If this joint and weld detail normally have the greatest influence on weld-joint
is as welded, K 2 ⫽1.8. Thus, this K 2 index (C 2 ⫽1.0) for piping is FSRFs because they are the primary factors that determine the
the same as a FSRF for moment loading of a vessel girth butt amount of local stress in a welded joint. Increased local stress at a
weld. constant nominal stress decreases fatigue strength and increases
the FSRF.
Type of Weld. The type of weld can significantly affect the Partial penetration welds have significantly lower fatigue
fatigue strength of a welded joint. The main focus of this study strength than full penetration welds. In fact, as pointed out previ-
was on the fatigue performance of welded joints in Class 1 com- ously, the ASME Code requires use of a FSRF of at least 4 for
ponents that conform to the requirements of the ASME Code. partial penetration welds because of the large SCFs associated
Article NB-3200 provides requirements for design by analysis with such welds.
and, as pointed out previously, defines fatigue strength reduction As shown in Fig. 2, the amount of weld reinforcement can
factor. Excluding bolting, cracklike defects, and certain specific significantly affect the fatigue strength of welded joints 关2兴. Weld
piping configurations, FSRFs greater than five do not need to be reinforcement or overfill refers to the extra thickness of the weld
used. bead compared with the thickness of the base metal. The FSRF
The fatigue performance of welds other than those used in increases as the amount of reinforcement increases. The maxi-
Class 1 components also is covered because a large amount of mum fatigue strength (FSRF⫽1.0) is obtained when the weld is
fatigue data have been developed for weldments used in other ground flush.
applications. Even though the specimens used to develop these Single-V butt welds tend to warp in the direction of the widest
fatigue data do not strictly contain ASME Code welds, the welds part of the V, reducing their fatigue strength, as reported by lida
used in the test specimens are often of comparable quality to and lino 关3兴. For this reason, a double-V configuration is typically
ASME Code welds. For this reason, such data can provide valu- recommended for a welded joint that is subject to cyclic loading.
able guidance on methods for establishing FSRFs.
Welds in Pressure Vessel and Piping Design. Welds are a
key factor in the design of pressure vessels and piping. Most joints
in vessels and pipes are made by welding to avoid the potential
problems that are associated with mechanically fastened joints.
The ASME Code divides welded joints into four categories—A
through D, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Category A includes longitudi-
nal joints, all joints within spheres, and circumferential joints that
connect hemispherical heads to main shells. Category B includes
circumferential joints within the main shell, communicating
chambers, or nozzles and circumferential joints that connect non-
hemispherical formed heads to main shells. Category C includes
joints that connect flanges, Van Stone laps, tubesheets, or flat
heads to the main shell, communicating chambers, or nozzles.
Category D includes joints that connect communicating chambers
or nozzles to the main shell, spheres, or heads; it also includes
joints that connect nozzles to communicating chambers.
Each category of welded joint has different fabrication and ex-
amination requirements, as reviewed in WRC Bulletin 432 关1兴. Fig. 2 Effect of butt-weld reinforcement on fatigue-strength
The requirements are prescribed to ensure that the welded joints reduction factor „from †2‡…

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Fillet welds and welded socket joints can be susceptible to fa- residual stress. If the residual stress can be accurately predicted or
tigue damage. When fillet welds are used for transitions between measured, the design fatigue curve can be adjusted to take into
parts or for seals, they must be ground to provide a smooth sur- account the effect of the actual level of mean stress and greatly
face with transition radii between the weld and base metal. Fillet reduce the conservatism in the HCF regime but will have little
welds also can be used to make structural attachments to pressure effect in the LCF regime.
vessels, provided that a FSRF of at least four is used if the weld is
Post-Weld Heat Treatment. Post-weld heat treatment
subject to cyclic loading. Socket joints should be avoided for ma-
共PWHT兲 is employed to relieve residual stresses and to modify the
terial and environment conditions that can cause crevice
material’s microstructure. Relief of residual stresses is important
for welded joints that are subjected to HCF loading, because it can
Welding Process and Practice. The American Welding So- significantly improve their fatigue strength. Stress relief is less
ciety 共AWS兲 has developed standard terminology for defects that important for LCF loading than for HCF loading because the cy-
can be produced by improper welding 关4兴. Such flaws and cracks clic plasticity associated with LCF tends to relieve residual
will reduce the fatigue strength of a welded joint. Since fatigue stresses, as discussed previously. Beneficial microstructural
cracking usually starts at a surface, surface-connected flaws and changes from PWHT are usually related to modifications of car-
cracks are normally more detrimental to fatigue strength than im- bides or grain size in the HAZ. The ASME Code provides specific
bedded ones. Important factors affecting the fatigue strength of guidelines for PWHT and exemption from PWHT 关1兴.
welded joints are incorporated into the AWS design fatigue Type and Degree of NDE Performed. The NDE flaw accep-
curves 关5兴. tance criteria affect the fatigue resistance of welded joints. The
The welding process must be controlled to avoid or minimize nature and severity of indications that are allowed can affect weld-
the formation of flaws and cracks. Also, the weld must be exam- joint fatigue strength. The type and degree of NDE performed
ined nondestructively to make sure that significant flaws and influences the probability of finding rejectable indications. Both of
cracks are not present or to make sure that locations that require these factors should be taken into account in establishing a FSRF
repairs are properly identified. Producing sound, fatigue-resistant for a welded joint.
welded joints requires the use of proper welding processes and The ASME Code requires both radiographic and liquid pen-
practices. etrant or magnetic particle method examinations for most welded
Cyclic Plasticity. Cyclic plasticity plays a major role in the joints. In some cases ultrasonic examination can be used instead
fatigue damage process. Ductile pressure vessel and piping steels of radiography. Radiographic and ultrasonic examination are
are more tolerant of defects and notches in the LCF regime than in volumetric techniques that can detect internal defects, whereas the
the HCF regime because local plastic flow tends to reduce the liquid penetrant and magnetic particle methods can detect surface-
stress concentrating effects of defects and notches in the LCF breaking defects. Because fatigue cracking often initiates at the
regime. However, these stress concentrating effects are not re- surface, it is important to perform surface NDE on welded joints
duced in the HCF regime. Nominal FSRFs tend to be relatively that are subjected to cyclic loading. In some cases, fatigue crack-
small at short fatigue lives and increase to larger values at long ing can initiate below the surface. For example, the fatigue crack-
fatigue lives. This effect of cyclic plasticity is evident when fa- ing of socket joints often initiates at defects in the root pass weld,
tigue curves for different types of weldments are compared; they and ultrasonic examination should be used to find such defects.
tend to converge at short lives and diverge at long lives. Metallurgical Notch Effect. Local variations in material
Dissimilar Metal Welds. Welds between ferritic and austen- properties can cause a corresponding localization of stress or
itic alloys are called dissimilar metal welds. The fatigue strength strain in a component even when no notch or discontinuity is
of these welds is affected by the same factors that affect the fa- present. This type of stress or strain concentration is referred to as
tigue strength of other welds. Also, the unique nature of these a metallurgical notch. Metallurgical notches can develop at a
welds makes them sensitive to thermal fatigue cracking. Because welded joint because there is often a significant variation in local
ferritic and austenitic alloys have significantly different thermal materials properties at welds. Depending on local variation in cy-
expansion and thermal conductivity properties, dissimilar metal clic hardening or softening, strain may accumulate in the weld or
welds experience higher local strain than similar metal welds HAZ metal. This type of behavior is complex and difficult to
when they are subjected to thermal cycling. Fatigue cracks de- model analytically, so these effects are usually quantified by test-
velop in the HAZ of the ferritic base metal of dissimilar metal ing welded joints rather than by analysis. The test results then
reflect both metallurgical and geometric notch effects.
welds. Thermal diffusion of carbon at high temperature can re-
duce the fatigue strength of the ferritic material. The complexity
of this problem makes thermal fatigue susceptibility difficult to Data on Weld FSRFs
characterize by an FSRF. Procedures have been developed for
It is a well-established engineering practice to use FSRFs to
predicting the creep-fatigue life of dissimilar metal welds 关6兴. account for the effect of notches on fatigue strength 关8兴. Fatigue
Residual Stress. Residual stress has a major effect on the curves for notched and unnotched specimens are compared on the
HCF strength of welded joints. It acts like a mean stress that basis of net-section stress, and the FSRF or fatigue-notch factor
increases both the maximum and minimum values of cyclic stress. (K f ) at the fatigue limit is the ratio of the fatigue limit for un-
In the LCF regime, residual stress becomes decreasingly impor- notched specimens to that for notched specimens. When a mate-
tant as the number of cycles to failure decreases because of the rial does not exhibit a fatigue limit, the value of K f is determined
corresponding increase in the amount of cyclic plasticity. Plastic at a specific fatigue life, such as 108 cycles to failure.
deformation mechanically relieves the residual stress, so when the Because different investigators use different definitions for fa-
cyclic stress amplitude is equal to or greater than the cyclic yield tigue failure, it was necessary to make judgements as to which
strength, there is no significant effect of residual stress on fatigue data were reasonable to compare. For example, in the long-life
strength. regime near or more than 105 cycles to failure, the fracture of
The ASME Code accounts for residual stress by applying a small 6-mm-diam specimens was assumed to give comparable
mean-stress reduction factor to the design fatigue curve 关7兴. This results to through-wall leakage in pipe specimens with a similar
curve is reduced in the HCF regime to account for the maximum wall thickness. Although this approach is subject to some error, it
effect of mean stress. This approach assumes that the residual is reasonable to use considering the inherent variability in fatigue
stress will always be as high as the cyclic yield strength. data and the variations in test procedures used by various
Heat treatment or special fabrication procedures may reduce the investigators.

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology AUGUST 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 299

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The determination of FSRFs is generally much more complex
for weldments than for notches. In addition to the effect of stress
concentrations at local details, weld imperfections and residual
stress influence the fatigue behavior of weldments 关13兴. Typical
weld imperfections, such as slag inclusions and porosity, are not
crack-like defects, so they cannot be evaluated using fracture me-
chanics and fatigue-crack propagation data. These imperfections
should be considered as potential sites for fatigue-crack initiation
and accounted for in FSRFs that are developed from fatigue tests
of weld joint specimens or components.
Development of design information on weldments, including
FSRFs, has concentrated on fatigue testing of weldments because
of the inherent complexities involved in analytically predicting
their fatigue behavior. Barsom and Vecchio 关14兴 and Lundin 关15兴
have reviewed much of the available fatigue data for weldments.
Fig. 3 Neuber constant for fatigue of low-alloy steel „from †9‡…
Examples of weldment fatigue testing are the studies of Andrews
and Jones 关16兴, Baudry et al. 关17兴, Booth 关18,19兴, Cole and Vittori
关20兴, Higuchi et al. 关21,22兴, Lawrence 关23兴, Nishijima, et al. 关24–
32兴, Radziminski et al. 关33兴, Vaessen et al. 关34兴, Vosikovsky and
To minimize fatigue testing, values of K f are often estimated Bell 关35兴, and Yagi et al. 关36,37兴. This type of weldment fatigue
from values of K t , which can be determined from elastic stress data has been used to develop design fatigue curves for highway
analysis. The notch sensitivity factor 共q兲 is used to characterize bridges 关14兴, offshore structures 关5兴, and Class 2 and 3 nuclear
the effect of notches on a material’s fatigue strength: piping 关38兴. The direct use of weldment fatigue data in this fash-
q⫽ 共 K f ⫺1 兲 / 共 K t ⫺1 兲 (4) ion eliminates the need for employing FSRFs in design
The value of q can vary from 0 to 1. When there is no effect of a The ASME Code design fatigue curves for Class 1 nuclear
notch on fatigue strength, K f ⫽1 and q⫽0. The maximum notch pressure vessels and piping are based on tests of polished un-
effect occurs when K f ⫽K t and q⫽1. Peterson 关9兴 developed the notched specimens 关7,39,40兴, so FSRFs should be employed when
following correlation between q and the notch root radius 共r兲 that they are applied to the design of weld joints. To evaluate fatigue
is widely used in fatigue design: design methods, Rodabaugh and Moore 关41兴, Rodabaugh 关38兴,
q⫽1/共 1⫹a/r 兲 (5) Koves 关42兴, and Scott and Wilkowski 关43兴 have compared fatigue
data for weldments and welded components with the ASME Code
where a is Neuber’s constant, a material-dependent parameter. For design fatigue curves. Since the ASME curves incorporate safety
example, a⫽0.0025 for quenched and tempered steels, a⫽0.01 factors, these comparisons do not yield direct measures of FSRFs.
for annealed and normalized steels, and a⫽0.02 for aluminum Weldment fatigue-crack initiation data should be compared
alloys. Peterson 关9兴 developed values of Neuber’s constant for with the average fatigue curves from which the ASME design
low-alloy steels as a function of ultimate tensile strength (S u ), as fatigue curves were developed to obtain direct measures of FS-
shown in Fig. 3. RFs. When fatigue lives for weld joints are compared with those
Since the Peterson approach uses K f values based on the fa- for unnotched polished specimens, it should be kept in mind that
tigue limit or long-life fatigue strength, it applies only to HCF. In the former values include some amounts of crack growth that are
the LCF regime, where stresses exceed the yield strength and K f
expected to vary as a function of size and section thickness, while
is much less than K t , an alternative approach is required. For this
the latter values include data scatter.
reason, Topper et al. 关10兴 applied Neuber’s rule to LCF of
Once a significant fatigue crack initiates, remaining fatigue life
notched specimens
should be based on crack-growth analysis. Maddox 关44兴 showed
K t ⫽ 共 K ␴ K ␧ 兲 1/2 (6) that fracture-mechanics methods and fatigue-crack propagation
data can be used to develop fatigue curves for weldments with
Values of K ␴ and K ␧ are not constant when yielding occurs. To
lack of penetration defects.
apply Neuber’s rule to fatigue, Topper et al. 关10兴 used K f in place
The average fatigue curves that were used to develop the
of K t and defined K ␴ and K ␧ in terms of stress and strain ranges.
ASME design fatigue curves for carbon and low-alloy steels 关39兴
They found that the parameter K f (⌬S⌬eE) 1/2⫽(⌬ ␴ ⌬␧E) 1/2
and austenitic steels 关7,40兴 and are shown in Fig. 4. The curves for
would correlate the fatigue strength of notched specimens with
that of unnotched specimens, where ⌬S is nominal stress range, carbon and low-alloy steels extend to only 106 cycles to failure,
⌬e is nominal strain range, E is elastic modulus, ⌬␴ is local stress whereas the curves for austenitic steels extend to 1011 cycles to
range, and ⌬␧ is local strain range. When the nominal stress-strain failure. All of the curves fall close together in the LCF region less
behavior is essentially elastic, K f ⌬S⫽(⌬ ␴ ⌬␧E) 1/2. Topper et al. than 104 cycles to failure. Beyond that region, the curves for car-
关10兴 estimated values of K f using Eqs. 共4兲 and 共5兲. This method bon and low-alloy steels fall well below those for austenitic steels.
provides a constant FSRF that applies to LCF as well as HCF The curves for carbon and low-alloy steels were lowered in the
because it accounts for the effect of cyclic plasticity. region of 105 to 106 cycles to failure (N f ) to include the maxi-
Van der Zanden et al. 关11兴 used the K f (⌬S⌬eE) 1/2 parameter mum effect of mean stress. Beyond 106 cycles to failure or below
to predict the fatigue life of both notched weld-metal specimens 375 MPa 共54.4 ksi兲, there are three curves 共A, B, and C兲 for
and T-weldment specimens made from a carbon manganese struc- austenitic steels. Only curves B and C apply to austenitic steel
tural steel. To account for the effect of weld residual stress pro- welded joints.
ducing a cyclic mean stress under fatigue loading, they modified As reviewed by Rodabaugh 关38兴, the ASME Code fatigue
the parameter, based on the work of Smith et al. 关12兴, by incor- evaluation methods for Class 2 and Class 3 piping are based on
porating maximum local stress ( ␴ max) in place of ⌬␴. Monotonic the Markl’s 关45兴 fatigue testing of SA106 Grade B steel pipe with
and cyclic stress-strain curves for the steel were used to compute girth butt welds. For bending fatigue with failure defined as the
the values of ( ␴ max⌬␧)1/2 for their fatigue life predictions. Thus, development of a through-wall crack in the carbon steel pipe, he
simplified inelastic analysis is required to apply this approach to found that the mean trend of the data for were represented by the
weldments. following expression:

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stress amplitudes for Markl’s work were computed from the elas-
tic stiffness for tests conducted in displacement control.
FSRFs determined by direct comparison of results in the LCF
range often depend on fatigue life because they include effects of
plasticity. As discussed previously, an alternate approach is to
determine a single FSRF for HCF and account for the effects of
plasticity by analysis. Elastic-plastic analysis can be used to com-
pute strain-based stress amplitudes for Markl’s results, so they can
be compared with the ASME Code fatigue curve. For example,
the ASME Code’s elastic-plastic factor (K e ) can be computed and
multiplied times the nominal stress amplitude to estimate the local
stress amplitude.
(K e ) values were calculated and multiplied times stress ampli-
tudes calculated from Markl’s equation to construct the short-
dashed curve shown in Fig. 5. Also, Markl’s equation was com-
pared with the ASME average curve at 105 cycles, and a FSRF of
Fig. 4 Average fatigue curves used to develop ASME design approximately 2.0 was found. Applying the FSRF of 2.0 to the
fatigue curves †7,40‡ ASME curve gave the long-dashed curve shown in Fig. 5. These
two curves are in good agreement, indicating that the ASME Code
evaluation methods with an FSRF of 2.0 can be used to predict the
fatigue behavior of butt-welded carbon steel pipe.
⌬S⫽490,000 N ⫺0.2
f (7) In design applications, (K e ) values are applied to calculated
where ⌬S is stress range in psi and N f is in cycles. In a similar values of stress amplitude so that the allowable number of fatigue
fashion, Lawrence 关23兴 found that the mean trend of a large col- cycles can be obtained from the design fatigue curve. In the cur-
lection of fatigue data for AISC Category C weldments 关14兴 were rent study, they were applied to fatigue data so a FSRF could be
represented by the following expression: estimated. The value of 2.0 can be used to evaluate FSRFs for
cases where stress intensification factors have been developed for
⌬S⫽394,050 N ⫺0.196
f (8) other carbon steel weldments, as follows:
Equation 共8兲 has essentially the same slope as Eq. 共7兲, but it has a FSRF⫽2.0i, for carbon steel (10)
smaller coefficient, indicating that the Category C weldments
have lower fatigue strength than the butt-welded pipes. For example, a FSRF for the AISC Category C weldments 共see
To account for weldments having different fatigue strengths Eq. 共9兲兲 is estimated to be 2.0⫻1.24⫽2.48. In estimating FSRFs
when their fatigue curves had the same slope, Markl introduced from stress intensification factors, one should keep in mind that
the stress intensification factor, i. Using i, the more general form the definitions of specimen failure differ 共for example, leak versus
of Eq. 共7兲 is crack initiation兲 for different types of tests. The effects of failure
criteria on fatigue life should be constant or small to utilize this
i⌬S⫽490,000 N ⫺0.2
f (9) approach for estimating a FSRF.
Then, the fatigue curve for Category C weldments could be ap- Rodabaugh 关38兴 compared the results of fatigue tests of
proximated by letting i⫽490,000/394,050⫽1.24. 152-mm 共6-in.兲 diameter piping components of SA106B carbon
Markl’s fatigue curve for butt-welded carbon steel pipe 共Eq. 共7兲 steel and Type 304 stainless steel with Markl’s equation. The tests
and dotted line兲 is compared with the average ASME Code fatigue were performed by the General Electric Company 关46兴 and speci-
curve for Class 1 carbon steel components 共solid line兲 in Fig. 5. men failure was defined as the development of a through-wall
Markl’s curve for welded pipe falls well below the ASME curve crack. Rodabaugh 关38兴 found that the results for butt-welded car-
for unnotched base-metal specimens, and the two curves diverge bon steel pipe were close to or slightly above Markl’s mean curve.
in the LCF region. This divergence implies that the FSRF varies In contrast, most of the results for butt-welded stainless steel pipe
as a function of fatigue life. The problem with this comparison is were slightly below Markl’s mean curve, as shown by the open
that the stress amplitudes for the tests of unnotched base-metal circles in Fig. 6. After applying K e values to the data for stainless
specimens were computed from strain amplitudes, whereas the steel pipe 共solid circles in Fig. 6兲, an FSRF of 2.50 was applied to
Curve A for austenitic steels to obtain a reasonable correlation

Fig. 5 Comparison of Markl’s equation for girth butt-welded Fig. 6 Comparison of fatigue data for girth butt-welded Type
carbon steel pipe with the average ASME Code fatigue curve 304 stainless steel pipe with ASME Code fatigue curve and
for carbon steel Markl’s equation

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Fig. 7 Fatigue of butt-welded steel plate †24,25‡
Fig. 9 Effect of mean stress on fatigue strength of butt-welded
plates at 107 cycles to failure †24,25,29‡
with the test data. This FSRF value of 2.50 for butt-welded stain-
less steel pipe is greater than the value of 2.00 developed for
butt-welded carbon steel pipe. effect of mean stress. The Goodman relation is a conservative
Nishijima et al. 关24,25,29兴 developed fatigue data for butt- representation of the data for the carbon steel, but a nonconserva-
welded plates of carbon steel, low-alloy steel, and stainless steel. tive representation of the data for the low-alloy steel and the stain-
They tested axially loaded specimens made from 20-mm thick less steel.
plate and evaluated the effect of stress ratio 共R⫽ratio of minimum The maximum effect of mean stress is estimated to occur when
to maximum cyclic stress兲 on fatigue strength. Their data for tests the stress amplitude plus mean stress equals yield strength for
at R⫽⫺1 共fully reversed loading兲 are compared with the ASME carbon and low-alloy steels or cyclic yield strength for stainless
average curves in Figs. 7 and 8. FSRF values of 2.00 for the steel. The horizontal dashed lines in Fig. 9 indicate these stress
carbon steel and 1.25 for the low-alloy steel provided a reasonable amplitudes. The data for the carbon and low-alloy steel are con-
correlation with the ASME curves for carbon and low-alloy steel servatively bounded by the predicted maximum effect of mean
共Fig. 7兲. An FSRF value of 2.50 provided a reasonable correlation stress, but the data for the stainless steel at R⫽0.5 fall below the
for Type 304-HP stainless steel 共Fig. 8兲. The FSRF value of 2.00 predicted maximum effect of mean stress, indicating that this ap-
for carbon steel is the same as that for Markl’s data, while the proximation is slightly nonconservative for stainless steel.
FSRF value of 2.50 for Type 304-HP stainless steel is the same as Higuchi et al. 关21,22兴 evaluated the fatigue strength of small-
that deduced from the data for butt-welded Type 304 stainless diameter 共20 to 50 mm兲, socket-welded pipe joints and developed
steel pipe 共Fig. 6兲. Thus, as noted by Rodabaugh 关38兴, butt welds FSRFs for those joints. They performed rotating bending fatigue
in stainless steel have larger FSRFs than comparable butt welds in tests on 20-mm-diam carbon steel and Type 316L stainless steel
carbon steel. joints to develop fatigue curves up to 108 cycles to failure 关21兴.
Figure 9 presents a modified Goodman diagram of fatigue Also, they performed four-point bending fatigue tests on 20-mm,
strength 共stress amplitude versus mean stress兲 at 107 cycles to 25-mm, and 50-mm-diam joints of these same steels to develop
failure for the data of Nishijima et al. 关24,25,29兴. The symbols at fatigue curves up to 107 cycles to failure 关22兴.
stress amplitudes greater than zero indicate the fatigue data, while The ‘‘standard’’ fatigue curves for socket weld joints developed
those at stress amplitudes equal to zero indicate the ultimate by Higuchi et al. 关21,22兴 are compared with the ASME average
strength of the steels. The dotted lines are best fits to the data for fatigue curves in Figs. 10 and 11. A FSRF of 2.50 was needed to
each steel, while the solid lines are Goodman relations for each correlate the results for carbon steel joints with the ASME average
steel. The Goodman relation is a straight line between the fatigue curve 共see Fig. 10兲, while a FSRF of 4.00 was needed for the
strength at R⫽⫺1 共zero mean stress兲 and the ultimate strength stainless steel joints 共see Fig. 11兲. The value for carbon steel joints
and is used to adjust the ASME fatigue curves for the maximum is different from that of Higuchi et al. 关22兴 because they based

Fig. 8 Fatigue of butt-welded stainless steel plate †29‡ Fig. 10 Fatigue of carbon steel socket weld joints †21,22‡

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The author acknowledges the support of the Pressure Vessel National Research Institute for Metals, Tokyo, Japan.
Research Council 共PVRC兲 of the Welding Research Council, Inc. 关27兴 Nishijima, S., et al., 1985, ‘‘Data Sheets on Fatigue Crack Propagation Prop-
for the research described in this paper. erties for Butt Welded Joints of SPV50 共Si-Mn, 500N/mm2 YS兲 Steel Plate for

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National Research Institute for Metals, Tokyo, Japan. gineers, New York, NY, pp. 305–313.
关28兴 Nishijima, S., et al., 1985, ‘‘Data Sheets on Fatigue Properties for Weld and 关37兴 Yagi, J., Machida, S., Tomita, Y., Matoba, M., and Soya, I., 1991, ‘‘Thickness
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