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Speech 1

(This speech is by John Forrey, a former president of the United States)

“First and foremost, I would like to thank you all for coming. There is an issue here that
does need to be addressed and that is why I am here today.

As we all know about the problems in Wellspan I am here to share my opinions and
solutions that will hopefully be taken into consideration to help.

As most of you know, there is a rising conflict in Wellspan healthcare with misdiagnoses
and their issue with over pricing. There have been multiple reports of patients who have been
misdiagnosed with Lymes disease, different cancers, etcetera etcetera.

I recently talked with a woman who used to work at the front desk for Wellspan, her
name is Rachelle. She was explaining to me how she felt guilty, and as if she was robbing these
people of their money when she had to check them out. She elaborated on how she would know
what Wellspan was doing to get the most money out of their patients that they could. She further
explained her guilt and how it hurt her as a person to charge someone as much as she had to
for their health. She would make comments like “Wellspan was robbing their money”
She also gave me some insight about the unnecessary biopsies that Wellspan would
conduct on patients just to get more money from them.

She would tell me that Wellspan would misdiagnose people with cancers that they later
found out they never even had. Patients would pay for treatments, biopsies, medications, you
name it… that weren't necessary for their particular illness or injury.

Wellspan most commonly misdiagnosed Lymes disease, when in reality it was just
another bacterial infection. It’s sad how common Lymes disease is misdiagnosed. In the United
states, twelve million people are misdiagnosed through healthcare each year. It is estimated that
anywhere from 40,000-80,000 people die each year, because of misdiagnoses. Statistics say
that women and minors are 30%-40% more commonly misdiagnosed.

Wellspan also has a reputation of being sloppy with their work after surgeries. I have a
friend who had her tonsils removed through Wellspan. She had to sue Wellspan because a
nurse put her old mask back on her face after she just got done with her surgery. Her tonsils got
infected and she had to pay for more medicines and treatments to heal her infection, when the
situation was easily avoidable if the nurse had just put a new, clean mask on her.

Wellspan has been known to take as much money from their patients as they can, no
matter how they do it. They will increase health insurance, prescribe unnecessary medications,
as I already went over. Rachelle talked to me about how when people of the Amish community
would come in, they would only pay in cash and had nothing to do with credit or debit. She told
me that she had to personally speak to the mayor of the Amish community when he would come
in to try and negotiate better prices.

I believe that this is a heavy situation and it needs to be addressed as quickly as

possible. People should not be overpaying for a treatment that is unnecessary or overpaying at
all for that matter.
Thank you all for coming out to listen, my goal with this speech is to make sure that the
situation gets addressed and hopefully fixed and that everything starts moving in a better

Speech 2

(This speech is given by Dean Martin Jr. the current governor)

“First and foremost, I would like to thank you all for coming. There is an issue here that
does need to be addressed and that is why I am here today.

As we all know, the Roe vs Wade law was passed in June of 1972 and there is lots of
controversy surrounding it. As a christian man I have my morals and beliefs that I will be open
and willing to share today.

I just want to state that as I am about to rightfully state my opinions and christian beliefs I
will not tolerate being discriminated against.

There has been a skyrocketing increase in abortions ever since the law has been
passed, the purpose of my speech today is to hopefully provide some perspective on why it
should be overturned.

First, I’m going to start with my opinions on it. I think that abortions should be illegal
unless a woman has been sexually assaulted or if she has serious medical conditions that could
result in much worse for either her or the baby.

If a man and woman get involved with intercourse, and they choose not to take the extra
measures with contraceptives and they get pregnant, it should not be a choice to abort the child.
There is lots of controversy surrounding the fact that abortion is murder, and personally I back
up that opinion. If a woman gets pregnant because of a mistake, I believe that it should be
illegal to abort the baby.
On a side note, I am not saying that the person(s) should keep the child as a part of their
family after giving birth, as financial stability is often a big issue in some people's lives. If a
person cannot afford a child, they can put them up for adoption. Personally I feel like a mistake
that someone made should not be, quote, murdered. Is it really a mistake if you knew the risk?
Is it really a mistake if you chose not to take the extra precautions?

Revisiting my first point however, I feel like a woman has more than a right to abort a
child if she was sexually assaulted or if she has some existing medical conditions that might
affect her or the baby in a negative way.

Though supreme law ersonally I feel as if the law of Roe vs Wade should be overturned
and if not, at least changed so that all women are not allowed to just abort a baby if she doesn’t
have a valid reason.

I would like to thank you all for coming out today to listen to my speech. I hope I was
able to provide some insight and perspective and hopefully this speech is taken into
consideration and moves forward in a direction that is less controversial.”

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