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Name : Mira Nuri Santika 1811040002 4G ( Perbaikan nilai literature)

The two worlds

There are two different worlds, first led by a king and the second President. Suddenly there
was a king who ruled his country, the king named gian iwas a handsome, handsome and
charming man no wonder many women liked him. Seventeen years ago he lost his father the
figure he loved the father, his father died when he was eight years old. The reason his father
died was being killed by his own uncle. His uncle wanted to seize the throne that belonged to
king gian's father, because of a long - held grudge, one day his uncle came to his father gian and
killed his father before his eyes. According to king gian it was the worst day of his life and that
he would remember it at any time. King gian's mother died when she was very young. King gian
lived with his grandparents from the age of 8 who grew up affectionately.

One time when king gian spoke to his grandmother, "I am so grateful to you, because you
raised me in a good way, I love you very much" (while hugging). " Yes, grandson. I also love
you, take good care of your health" (grandma said). As a conversation with his grandmother,
king gian resumed his royal duties immediately. He received the title of king since his father
died and is continuing his father's duties as a king in the gon empire.

King gian also had a great friend he fought not alone with his friend darma. Their friendship
was extended a long time since king gian's father died and they were together. Being an
intimate friend of the darma royal gian army was in charge of protecting king gian from a
dangerous attack. In addition, he also has a handsome face that is ideal in his work and is firm in
his work.

King gian : darma, we are going to a bamboo grove.

Darma : What do we seek there ?

King Gian : Don't ask questions. just follow my orders!!

Darma : yess...
Then the king went with his bodyguard and his friend into the bamboo grove on horseback.
After such a long journey, the bamboo grove finally found itself in the bamboo grove, and its
bodyguards were not sure what to expect in the bamboo grove.

Darma : I'm sorry, Exactly what we want to do here in the bamboo grove?

King Gian : This is what I've been looking for so long I've finally found it. The

traitor escaped through this bamboo grove.

Darma : Who is the traitor ?

Kiang Gian : The traitor who killed my father!!! (angry face)

Darma : Yess..

A few minutes later the king and his bodyguards returned to the palace. Then shortly
thereafter, she came to him with great concern, her grandmother once asked him if his
grandson had left without saying goodbye. And king gian pun felt sorry for his grandmother,
and then he apologized. In a room far too luxurious and majestic to stand still and recall too
much about the past that approached him. King gian promised to reinvent the man who killed
his father.

The next day he apologized permission to his grandmother until permission to leave but
without a bodyguard. He believes he can find the traitor. And gian convinced her grandmother
that she would be okay if she left without her bodyguards. Then is to arrive at the bamboo
forest on its horse, late in front of it is a large gate with no cover or door, with curiosity he
enters it. Once the king entered the gate, he was in a different world. The site was presided
over by a President, and then king gian rode his horse through the middle of the city, where
many saw him, seeing his prowess as the king rode.

Suddenly in the back several policemen followed her, and one of the policemen approached
Police ( Xenia) : You're under arrest, since you broke the traffic laws, you should be riding a
foot in the staging area instead of here.

King Gian : ( Silent )

The great king gian was speechless at the police's beauty as he tied up his long loose hair.
The woman is a police detective. After a few minutes the king was arrested and taken to the
police station. Inside the police station the king was asked many questions, one question he
could not answer when the king was asked his name. He could not tell anyone his name and
had no one to speak it.

Police : Who's your mama and give me your id.

King Gian : No one can call my name because I am king.

Police : You can't mess around, just give me your id

King Gian : I don't have id

Police : ( Pull the hand of the king) quickly you go in there (jail)

And finally the king is put behind bars. Not only was the beautiful woman surprised that the
other police officers were dumbfounded to see the king speaking nonsense. After a few days in
the dungeon, the king was finally brought out. And the handsome king was brought home to
the beautiful policeman. The king had fallen in love with a beautiful policeman named xeina,
but on the other hand, a man who didn't like the king's arrival, so he couldn't get close to him.
The king had fallen in love with a beautiful policeman named xeina, but on the other hand, a
man who didn't like the king's arrival, so he couldn't get close to him.

After a week in another world, finally king gian decided to return to his kingdom. The arrival
of king gian was welcomed by the grandmother, with a tired face the king gian asked her so
that no one would disturb her while she was resting.

Upon awakening from his rest the king engaged in his usual activity, he would greet a
woman who served as the minister. The woman was very beautiful in figure, tall and delicate
and white. But alas, after a woman named Hannah had repeatedly approached king gian and
Hanna thought, if her taste is so great, that she would not make me her own ? The king gian is
so handsome and gallant so many women want to be independent, but unfortunately the king
was unaware of it because of his aloof attitude. Once king gian found out where his uncle went,
he searched endlessly for him despite different worlds.

After many times the king went to the other side and often saw xeina the beautiful police
officer, king gian fell in love. The face of xeina, so innocent and beautiful, reminds him of his
mother. But unfortunately xeina did not like the king because the gian king which he said was
strange and absurd. Often the king gian tell us about his kingdom but xeina does not believe it
and xeina thinks it's just a fairy tale. One day the king took the beautiful policeman to his
kingdom, and xeina could only be silent, as if she were in the fairy tale world of xeina could not
believe what king gian was telling him was true. Xeina is served like a special guest, even king
gian doesn't want anyone to harm her.With such a schedule that the king was unable to watch
xeina all day, his royal gian asked his royal grandson darma to look after him

With discomfort xeina in the magnificent room eventually xeina goes out to surround the city. Once
xeina is in the middle of town. Xeina sees the same figures in this place or in this royal world, only they
have different personalities. All day long xeina surrounds the city and until finally she runs out of money
and she returns to the palace. Until the next day, xeina asked to be sent home. When xeina said so, king
gian was very sad that he did not want her back home.

Xeina : Take me home, I want to go home. my father would've been worried

King Gian : You can't go home, xeina!!

Xeina. : I already believe what you're saying. Now take me home, I don't want to worry
my father.

King gian was sad to send home's xeina.

The king does not forget his first goal of finding the traitor who killed his father. After many times
back from the kingdom to the republic he finally found the traitor, he was in a world different from the
king's. He was in the republic, and the strange thing was that the traitor had not aged he was still so
young, his face still looks so young, and it was surprisingly forty years old that the grudge still remains
intact. After king gian told xeina why he had to be here. And finally after xeina heard the story of king
gian xeina willingly wanted to help king gian find the traitor. It turns out that xeina and her friends find it
hard to find the traitor, she's very good at hiding.

A few days later xeina saw aman who resembled his uncle gian, he in the back of a car that was
parked on the side of the road.

Xeina : Raga did you see that guy walking over there?

Raga : I didn't see anybody

Xeina believes that the person she saw was the person she was looking for. Xeina had been
practicing on the man's path but had lost track of him, he was so fast that xeina did not find
him, xena and raga finally went back to the police station.

Day turned into night. Xeina decided to go home. As soon as xeina finds her home in front of
xeina's house, her royal gian stands in her yard with her white horse. After a while xeina did not
meet the king gian, xeina felt a deep longing for the king gian and xeina thought that he had
fallen in love with king gian, as seen from xeina's eyeballs it had indeed falling in love.

Xeina : How long have you been standing there?

King Gian : Since an hour ago.

Xeina : Come on in. I have something to tell you.

Finally xeina and gian king go inside and xeina tell the king gian about what he has seen.
After xeina went on a long story, it turned out that the king gian came to xeina was not meant
to sing this but wanted to see xeina since she had not seen that pretty policeman for a long
time. Xeina was astonished by the testimony.

The next day king gian returned to the kingdom and he asked xeina to help him find the
traitor. On the way to king gian's bamboo forest, he saw his uncle who wanted to return to the
royal world. The king gian hurried to tell his soldiers to be ready to arrest his uncle. All the
troops are ready, war breaks out between king gian and a traitor. In the end the traitor lost and
died in front of king gian. After all the years king gian waits for that day and then, he kills the
traitor who killed his father seventeen years ago.

A few weeks later the king gian came to xeina and told xeina his true feelings, she saw xeina
standing in front of the window. At that time xeina saw the king gian in his front yard, then
xeina approached the king gian and embraced him.

King Gian. : Xeina, how are you?

Xeina : I'am fine

King Gian : There's something I've been wanting to say to you, and I've been wanting to
say it for a long time.

Xeina. : Just say it

King Gian : I love you xeina, do you want to be my queen?

Xeina with her eye-filled eyes slowly answered king gian's question

Xeina : I want to be your queen

Finally xeina and king gian make their wedding and they live happily ever after

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