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High school and university time are some of the most precious and memorable periods that

students experience. Along with certain similarities, the life and learning aspects of these two
levels of education also show a lot of differences.

The most obvious resemblance is that high school and university both create favorable
conditions for students to gain academic knowledge with a huge workload, such as
assignments from different subjects or modules that are submitted in person or by uploading
on school websites, especially with university students. Besides, another similar point is that
almost all students constantly get support from their families in the form of taking care of,
consulting, and sharing everything in life with them when they feel down or need to make a
hard decision.

Despite having some common features, the differences between senior high school and
academe are undeniable. In terms of learning, universities give students a broader horizon
since students have to learn not only specialized knowledge from their major but also
numerous soft skills are acquired. For example: Skills of teamwork, presentation, and
problem-solving… are gained through the learning process at school, part-time jobs, or by
meeting a lot of other students with different backgrounds, frames of reference, and
characteristics. Thus, they can both cultivate their experience and earn more income. In
addition, while high school life goes by mostly leaning on students’ guarantors, university life
requires more independence. That students have to do everything by themselves will
gradually establish a mature thought for them of taking responsibility for their own lives.

In conclusion, high school and university meet each other at certain points but also differ in
some aspects. Both play a crucial role in providing knowledge, savvy, and life experience for

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