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Task 1
Cách trả lời:
Trả lời đúng trọng tâm câu hỏi (Thích gì? Làm gì? Tại sao? Ở đâu? Với ai?)
Mở rộng ý:
 Đưa ra ví dụ: For example, For instance, such as,...
 Thêm thông tin: In addition, Furthermore, also, too, like, similar to, especially,...
A. Activity/Hobby
Những câu hỏi thường gặp:
- What did you do yesterday/last weekend/last night/...?
=> What do you like to do in your free time?
- How do you like to spend your holidays or vacations?
=> Please tell me about your hobbies.
- Describe something you are planning to do in the future.
=> I like playing games/ travelling because....
Lợi về cảm xúc:
- It helps me to be happy and excited.
- It helps me to relax and unwind after hard-working days.
- It helps me to release stress
Mặt kiến thức:
- It helps me to enrich/ improve knowledge and learn about many things
- It helps me to discover other cultures and norms
Kinh tế:
- It helps me to get a high paying job in the future
- It helps me to make money
- It helps me to save money
Gia đình/ bạn bè:
- It helps me to improve family relationship/ relation
- It helps me make friends with many people from all walks of life
Sức khỏe:
- It helps me to improve my health
- It helps me to stay away from health problems such as obesity and eyes problems
- It helps me to stay healthy and keep fit
Văn hóa:
- It helps us to protect cultural identity/ cultures and customs
Please describe your typical day
- I get up at 5am to start my new day. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and then have
breakfast at home. My class starts at 7am, so I ride to school at half past six. After ten
hours at school, I come home and help my mother to cook dinner. I spend more time
engaging in my homework. Finally, I often watch TV after a hard – working day. I go to
bed at 11pm.
- I really like travelling, so I spend all day travelling to many countries because it helps
me to... (IDEAS)
Tell me about your hobby
- Honestly, I am keen on playing sports, especially playing basketball. I often play
basketball with my friends after a hard-working day. I started playing basketball when I
was a child. My father taught me how to play basketball. Playing basketball helps me
to keep fit and stay healthy. I love it very much.
- I really like going shopping/ playing games/ travelling/ studying English/ sleeping
because (ideas).....

B. Places/City
Những câu hỏi thường gặp:
Please tell me about a famous place in your country.
Describe the place where you live.
Tell me about your first school.
Describe this room.
Tell me about your favorite place.
- I was born in a (famous) countryside/ city. I really like it/ my first school/ this room. When I
am free, I often go there/here because it helps me to (ideas)
Describe the place where you live
- I am living with my family in Hanoi, which is the one of famous capital at Southeast Asia.
Hanoi has Hoan Kiem Lake, West Lake, Hanoi Old Quarter and many famous places. For
me, Hanoi is a poetic and peaceful beauty, that makes its own beauty. People in Hanoi are
very generous and sociable, they are always very willing to help tourists. I hope Hanoi will
be more develop in the future.
Please describe this room
- This room is located on the second floor of the C3B building of Hanoi University of Science
and Technology. This room is large and modern with many chairs, tables, and computers.
The pane is white. There are a lot of people in the room, because having an exam today.
Everyone looks serious. I hope I can do the exam well to get good marks.
C. Person
Cách trả lời:
 Người đó là ai? :friend, singer, actor,...
 Tính cách, ngoại hình? : generous, sociable, confident, tall, short, beautiful, thin,...
 Người đó làm gì với bạn hay truyền cảm hứng cho bạn như thế nào?
Những câu hỏi thường gặp:
Please tell me about your best friend.
Please tell me about your favorite film star.
Please tell me about your favorite singer.
® I would like to tell about Mr. Nguyen Nhat Anh, (my best friend, my favorite film star,
favorite singer). I really like him and he is my best friend. When I am free, I often chat with
him because it helps me (ideas)...
Please tell me about your best friend.
My best friend is Tram. She is a student at Hanoi Medical University and she’s nineteen
years old. I met her when we studied at our high school together. She is a beautiful girl with
long black hair and brown eyes. She always brings private energy to me when I have some
trouble in my life. I hope everything is doing well with her and I promise I never leave her alone.

D. Others questions
What are you wearing today?
® I am wearing a black T-shirt and black jeans today. I am a person loves modern fashion but
I am wearing this basic outfit today, because the weather is raining cats and dogs. I don’t
want my clothes wet, so I decided to wear something that makes me comfortable and
confident. Today, I hope I can do the exam well to get good marks.

® I am wearing T-shirt/ jeans today. I think that it is very easy to wear T-shirt/ jeans. In my
opinion, I think that wearing T-shirt/ jeans helps me to (ideas)...
Kể về một lần xem phim
® Last weekend, I went to the movie theater with my friend. We decided to watch a film
called “Nha Ba Nu”, which was one of the best famous films in Vietnam. We bought two
tickets with the price is one hundred twenty thousand dong. This film was shown for over
two hours. It’s really very absolute. “Nha Ba Nu” conveys messages about love, family,
friendship and life. It creates the sensation that you are “in” the movie. The main reason
why I love this movie is that it is a heartwarming film with positive messages. I think you
® Last week, I watched a famous film at the theatre in Hanoi. I really liked it, and I met
Nguyen Nhat Anh, my best friend, he is also a famous film star. We talked a lot to each
other. We usually talk to each other because it helps me (IDEAS).....

Task1: Miêu tả 1 người bạn của bạn.
® I have a close friend named Linh. I've known her since university and then we became
close when we shared a room during the first 2 years of college. She is very beautiful and
smart. I really like her.
Part 1:
Please tell me the best way to travel around your country.
® When coming to our country, the best way to travel is by motorbike. People will move
more quickly, and seeing everything around will be clear. The atmosphere of traveling by
motorbike will be great,
especially in Vietnam, the motorbike can take us everywhere.
® The best way to travel around my country is by bike/ car/ plane. It is very easy to travel by
car... I really like travelling by...because it helps me to (ideas)......
Please describe your journey here today.
® I wake up at 5 a.m, take a shower, and have breakfast. After that, I took a grab car to a
friend's motel room and we both went to Hanoi capital to take the aptis exam in Hanoi.
We called to rent a limousine to make the fastest trip on time for the exam because we
live in Thai Nguyen, a city 100 km from the capital.

® I went/go to here by car....I came/ come from Hanoi. I go by car because it helps me to

Please tell me about a famous place in your country.

® One of the most famous places I would mention is Sapa, which is in the north of Vietnam.
Sapa is famous for its natural scenery, and the cultural beauty is definitely an attraction.
Visitors can enjoy local food and try on the local costumes in Sapa. You can get
memorable experiences without worrying about the price.
Part 1:
Please tell me about your favorite book.
® My favorite book is the “Thainguyen”, which is very famous in Vietnam. It is a about a
good boy who has a passion for sport and helping poor people in Vietnam. He likes
donating clothes and books for people in the countryside and remote areas. He also likes
playing sports such as football and volleyball, because he think that will help him to stay
What sport do you like?
® My favorite book is Nguyen Nhat Anh. I really like it. I read it when I am free in the
evening. I like reading books because it helps (ideas) .....

® I am really into playing Badminton because it contains mind and body exercise. I play
badminton every evening with my sister. When my friends come for a visit, I play
badminton with them too as my friends like it too. Playing an outdoor game gives us lots
of benefits like it provides strengthens health, losing weight, etc...,
What did you do last night?
® Last night I studied for my Aptis test and I could not sleep very well because I was very
nervous for this exam. The aptis test will help me to graduate.
Part 1:
1. Tell me your country
® I want to tell you about my country - Vietnam - a beautiful country located in Southeast
Asia. Vietnam has tropical weather, so it is great for daily trips throughout the year. You
can visit Sa Pa to feel the cool and fresh air. In the city, you will feel the warm atmosphere
of the people and taste Pho and other special dishes. People in my country are very
2. Tell me your best friend
® I have a close friend named Linh. I've known her since college and then we became close
when we shared a room during the first 2 years of college. She is tall and thin. She has
long curly, dark hair, brown eyes, and a short nose. She is very beautiful and smart. I really
like her.
3. Tell me your hobby
(Chọn 1 trong 2)

® My hobby is collecting souvenirs. I like small and cute things. I usually keep them in a
separate box. Or every time I go to a bookstore I will buy at least one small item to take
home. Most of them are just for decoration. But I love them so much, I'll find something
unique to keep in my collection.
® My hobby is reading books. I read many types of books such as comic books and novels.
The reason why I like reading books is because it helps me to relax and unwind after long
days of study and work.

Part 1:
1. What do you often do in your free time?
® In my free time, I often watch TV, listen to music and read some books.
2. How often do you watch TV?
® I often watch TV in the evening. I enjoy the film with my family. It helps me to relax after
hard-working days.

Part 1: describe a typical meal in your country?

® I think the typical meal in Vietnam is rice with soup, pork and eggs. it is very tasty and
nutritious. I feel happy when I have dinner with my family. Because my family can share
stories together.
Part 1: Miêu tả phòng bạn đang ở( phòng thi)
® Vietnamese people often have 3 meals a day. We often have 3 meals with our family
members. I really like that because it helps us ...(ideas).. to improve family relationship/
relation, protect cultural identity/ culture and customs.

® I am there in the exam room. it is very bright and quite spacious with 4 rows of computers
and many devices such as headphones, and air conditioners. The space made me feel
comfortable while taking the test.
Par1: Bữa ăn đặc biệt trên đất nước bạn. (What is the special meal in your
® Tet holiday is a holiday and enjoy many special dishes. The meal includes traditional dishes
such as banh chung, boiled chicken, spring rolls, noodles, and many more. The members
gather together and eat together.

® My country has special meals. We often have special meals at TET holiday. I really like it
because it helps us to (ideas).....
Thời gian trong năm bạn yêu thích (What is your favorite time of year?)
® There are four seasons in Vietnam: spring, summer, autumn and winter. My favorite
season is spring for the following reasons. First, spring has a lot of time for me to go out
for Tet. Second, the weather is very comfortable and a bit cold. Moreover, this season is a
symbol of a new beginning. I love spring so much.

® I really like summer/ spring because I can travel to Hawaii. Travelling helps me to (ideas)

Các loại sách mọi người thích đọc (What types of books do people like to
® In my oipion, it depends. People who are always curious will like novels. Young people like
to read comic books. In my opinion, many people like to read self-help books because they
want to become a better person with a peaceful life.

® I do not know what types of books people like to read, but I think that people really like
reading books because it helps them/ us to ...(ideas)

Part I:
1. What is your occupation/ job/ career?
® Currently, i am a student at the University. I’m keen on my field of study. In addition, I
appreciate my teachers and friends.\

® I am a student now and I am very busy. I have to study English all day. But I really like
studying English because it helps me to (ideas)....

2. What's your favorite color?

® I’m crazy about yellow because it is the color of the sun that gives life to people.
Moreover, it makes me feel joyful, fresh and wealth.
® I really like blue/ red. I often were T-shirts or jeans in blue/red because it helps me to...
 It helps me to be happy and excited.
 It helps me to relax and unwind after hard-working days.
 It helps me to release stress

3. How's the weather today?

® I love the sky when t’s sunny and clear today.
® The weather is very hot today, and I want to travel to Hawaii/ go shopping/ play games
because... (ideas)

Speaking 1
Part 1:
1. Tell me about your typical day

® Everyday morning, I get up at 5:30. I usually have breakfast at 6:30 a.m. I go to work by
motorbike and be there at about 7:15 a.m. It takes me about 15 minutes from my house
to get to my school. I usually start my work at 7:30 a.m. I stop at 11:45 a.m for my lunch in
my school office. In the afternoon, I finish my work at 5:30 p.m, then I go home. I always
spend my time on cooking dinner, and I usually have dinner at 7:30 p.m. After dinner, I
often read book. Then, I prepare my lessons and go to bed at 11:00 pm. On weekends, I
usually go out with my family or friends.

2. What is your favourite place

® My favorite place is the beach. It’s very beautiful and bright blue sea. It makes me relaxed
after hard- working day. I love to go on picnics on the beach with my family. It is always a
lot of fun. I will go back again one day.

Part 1:
3. Tell me about a time going to the cinema/theatre ( kể 1 lần bạn tới rạp chiếu
® As I remember, about 3 months ago, I went to the cinema with my friend. We went there
on Wednesday and saw a movie called Lion King. Moreover, we ate popcorn and coke and
had many funny memories together.

® Last week, I went to Thainguyen Cinema. It is very famous in Thainguyen city. I really like
going to this cinema because it helps me....(ideas)

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