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Institución Emblemática “Nicolás La Torre”

UNIT IV - Activity 1.2 “What did you do yesterday?” 3ERO

CAPACIDAD : Qué haremos?:
- Obtiene
COMPETENCIA -Leemos un texto en Inglés e identificamos algunos
información del
circunstanciales de tiempo: yesterday, some years ago,
• Lee texto escrito.
-Infiere e two years ago….etc
tipos de -Identifica verbos regulares e irregulares en presente
información del
textos texto escrito.
y pasado. Respondemos las preguntas de comprensión

I. Match the pictures with the verbs

1.- write
2.- read
3.- eat
4.- take a shower
5.- clean
6.- wash
8.- run
9.- drive
IV. Change the verbs into past of exercise I
Regular verbs Irregular verbs
1.- ________________________ 1.-_________________________
2.- ________________________ 2.-_________________________
3.- ________________________ 3.-_________________________
4.- ________________________ 4.-_________________________

II. Read the dialoge and answer the questions

Carlos: Hi,Jorge! How are you?

Jorge: Hello, Carlos! I am fine! And what about you?

Carlos: I am fine too! What did you do yesterday in the


Jorge: In the morning? I got up early, I took a short shower

and I helped my mother to prepare breakfast. And you?

Carlos: Yesterday, I got up late, because I was watching a

movie, then I took a shower, and I got dressed. I didn’t have
time to have breakfast because I had to go my job.

Jorge: You must have a good breakfast because it is the most

important meal a day.

Carlos: Of course! It was the first time. What did you have
for breakfast?

Jorge: I had oat with milk, and two avocado sandwiches.

Answer the questions:

1.- Jorge got up early or late? _____________________________________________

2.- Who got up early? ___________________________________________________

3.-Who didn´t have breakfast? ____________________________________________

4.-Why must Carlos have breakfast? ________________________________________

5.-What did Jorge have for breakfast? ______________________________________

6.-What did Jorge do in the morning? _______________________________________

Write true (T) or false (F)
1.-Jorge had a long shower. ( ) 4.- Carlos has a Delicious breakfast ( )

2.-Jorge said that breakfast is the ( ) 5.- Jorge had oat with milk and avo- ( )

Most mportant meal a day. Cado sándwiches.

3.-Carlos said that he didn’t have ( ) 6.- Carlos was working all night. ( )


III. Complete the text with the words in the box

Was had ate drank went saw took gave

Sara _____________ to a party yesterday in the afternoon. She _________

Lots of hamburguers and ice cream. She __________ lots of lemonade. After
that she ____________ not well. She had a stomachache. She _______ to the
doctor and he ___________ her some medicine. She __________ the
medicine everyday for a week. Now she is well.

Write a paragraph about what you did yesterday in the afternoon and paste


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