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Expt. No. Page No.

Brake test onshuntmotor

AIM Conduct load test on D shunt motor amd obtain pator
man(e chanactensts

DC motor 220V, 12A,lboorpm
- MC
Voltmetex O-30V
Rheostal 502,5A

Rheo stat Goo,1A


Theory load test o machine (onducted to deteAMine

opexatonal Yange shen loaded , Cer tatn fractong input
fs lost Tnstdo mac hine and appeabd as heat intyeastngly
témpatue af machine. Tð tenperatuse Ae is bveakdoo
then i a•tects Tnsolatons ulEima tely (oading to
d maching

foutput shat xu= TshafX 2T 60N

The masimurn continouj load an delivere& by machine
Teacher's Signature.
Date Expt. No.. Page No.

wsithout eX(eedthg tempenatre xise. for Insulations. Thusload

gives ropex informaton f rating and help in meauolng

) Take the name plate details of motos ahmd Select meters

and gheostat Propey (onnectons ae madQ ad Shon
9) shupt otor Shall be Staited ho oad so laose the belt (ompletely"
keep Re fieid contrcl sheostat In mintmom bcaistamte posion
and staten in the inital stabt Position .Stat the motor by
moig soly statet handle to the folly on positcnl
Staster isnot provded appropriate staot Eing swsistane Shall
be roxfde).Adjust R¹ to qet the sated speed Nae Hhe
Machine Aunning uden no-load.Take the beadig AfAy load
in deps ñto the fel load by tqhtening the bell amd co
respending Meadig shall be noted
3) Ding lcading (ool the brake doum by oate . Remove
the load by (ooseaig the beit after the tst. then Jwith
fhe moor.
shy seed f notor falls on loading?
4 The shunt motr, torque developed by tt t diectly propational
to atmatal , curet as flut öalmost a constant So fat
apantulat torqu Speed 8diecty Propor ional to backenf
Teacher's Signature
Page No.
Expt. No..

So load 'n creases and Spee&
) Stale the Importante of andback ernf is zero ni tially Hencethe
A) Armature sOSistane is the machne, hente stattet
Coyent is htgh wohich could& destroq value of cuoount
used.Ohfch q vadually fncreases the

the merits amd denetts ot bíake test

5) State only. ncasea age motor.
on motor
A ThS test Ts petormel aunount o< heat at the brala af
the lange
It is deunt to discipata OCCubng fn sptng balan(e
brake test, even Cannot dermtne
dermine eors

Probems wstth spring dynancmetes measutiment?

4) sthat aehe sprig Û1e Very susceptbe to
A) The cheiactere stfcs ol the
chanqes ymeasaement accuacy fs wsually poor.

S) shat wfl happen the fred cirurt gets opned for a

de motor undo load?
A) The machie uDn't qpeal
ae eVexsel under
6) what oil hapn if the reld tem nals
loadd stunnhg at siated specd?
Hatd toa
A) The crect'on Hotation wil not Chang

Teacher's Signature
Expt. No, Page No.

How do you Change the ciection of votation of ocmotor?

Inyerting the poloity 4 the apple& Valtaqe
l Are Dc stil in use ? 8tate the mertts of oe motors?
Aes,Computers lED'S Solaon (ells amd electric Vechicles, onn
al Vaotes on 0c Powe .0cmotors o!fe highly Controtlable

AS torque increaes, Eb dereases, since EpsN Speed decveases
,it qives alineat plot ufth -ve slope. the peed
Ns outputpouex also qtves lineat plot Loth neqate lcpe

Snce spee& « otput pouoe, cuoonto Output powe.

test on
Ma Xîmun ef[icienty s obtained as 86.457. Brake
Shunt motor is poormed Successfally and pexformanle
chasactE tecs kaphs has been plote.

Teacher's Signature.
Expt. No, 5 Page No.

load test in a phase Sa°rel cage înducton motor

in delta & Stan modo':

Aio)* To petorne the load test in a B-phasse sqârrel Coge Iodutton

moor in delta &staAmode.

conduct the brake test on he 3phase bquiret ta ge Tndcton
mator wfth windings Connected in stas and delta.
1) obtain amd plot perfomane chasactexistis , the cuooent,
e(erCenty, Power factor, Sitp torque
3) Compate Chatacte islcs unden delta and stan
H) obtoin he o loading upto whith stat moce Ps more
eiiet lecamital
8 obtain 15NA, output chosactexfs tislor both modes and
Lind savings in kvA under Star mode ofth 20% ¢ftency

Apmatus Quantty
Matexfal Rattng
Voltmetet 0-600v MI
-1oA MI
Goov, lOA UPF 2
Inducton motor

Teacher's Signature
Datc. Expt. No.. Page No.

Theorg' A 3-Phase Squirel cage induction motor isa tyee

o 3Å indar on motor ohich functon S baed on principe 4
electro- magnetfsm.It is CaileA cauirrel Cage inducton motor,
ohen an altnatng Cvtont s suun through stator
oindingß a otatg ftid ts produed. hf's indutes(uvont
in rotor Loindings tohich produces its Ouon magnettcçreld.


(R. Radius o! brake drum

q- acceleration du to
SS- loads inkg


Touer<actor otwz
Connect_ the TPDT Suottch and keep the brake drumundo
slo load
Connect the Teo1 Softch and Sta the motor uot th
Loinding tonnected nstas
5) Take the oad reading .in ease the load in step Say upto
Teacher's Signature
Date Expt. No... Page No.

30-407% o[ the Yated toad and take doLon aul the Yeadings.
5) Release the Complete load,then plot the Suottch from Sta
to delta Now the motr lotnding& aou in dalta.
e) Release the load and Soitch off the motor.

explain hy there s saving in Sa mode for on undon

loaded Ihduction motor.
A Runng_ a endey oade& inducton motor in Stal mode ste du es
fhe voltage appltd tos inding ths lowH Atactiye pouoey
Con sumptin improvig erugg eftaengy -ta motos magnatig
vunt ecreases Eblt neneigy in quirring du to seduce d
losses. HouEVeY ths efcrciency qum is most promnen t at
ICad, as hi_het load mtq nt ylequie the htghe voltage-of delta.

problemns an undesloaded inductton motor?

a what au expetene Yeduce eftiency
A) ndex loaded induction motor an
duto los orquo addfes this, cons te
&unstable opeatton motor speed
[requnty Cives lo adfust
ng Vasiable uttlYsatton to prevent
babed on load, exculing proper
Ovethalig or) poradicaly rmabitaing motor.

Teacher's Signature,
Expt. No. Page No.

d why do oe need astaster for 3Phase cage fnductton trator?

LOhat ooe the Stauiqmetods?
A Stastot limtta high În ssh Cuount during motor
Jatt up Aeventng damage matntaining stable poue

Teacher's Signature.
Date. Expt. No. 6 Page No..

Lood test on 3 slip -Xing Tnducfon

To Conduct load test on 3-phase stp rng nducton motor
watimetey 500V, lOA -

voltmeteX O- 500V MI
Ammetek O-lOA - MI
3o SIP in duction 5lP
- |
Staating neatstox
Inductton motos is an Ac motoY nuohich the electric
Cuovont in the otoy needed to produce torque 's
obhained by electro magnetc induckfon from the magnettc
tield of stator wnding
Input poet = wtng, wg coe watmetet leading
Torque of the s ha t -(s,-S)Yg
out put poue Pout

Efficiency = Pout

Teacher's Signature.
Expt. No. Page No.

Pouoer factr (os

pro cecuoc
) Take dousn th machine details and Select
te meter.
a) Set no loa& conditon
tnitialy .obsexve the errorS
and keep fhe rotor Staing estox in propet posttton
3)) taxt the moto by giving Xated valtaqe ,adjust tha
stotting Yesistox to out post ton 3loaly.
9 ~looly increae the load in steps upto dated Output and note
douon the xea dlings .MeasQ speed in all Conditions amd brake
dsum (an be cooled doon by water

Can e stayt sp xíng incuction motox th load compahe the
Stasting toxque of cage and sip Xig motox q Same Xating
Yes, we an Stort the motox asinq no (oad au it has hiph
Akasting torque .In the slip sing ,motor can be adjusted wsing
sfasting Hesstor tchexeas n Cage, motoy foqu Camno
be Controlled. Thus slp sting motor has beter stating
logue compaoied to cagemotox ef Same Sating.
Lshy do loe provide Stanting Yeststor in totoy ciicuit

Teacher's Signature.
Date Expt. N0. Page No.

oth no Slasling veistor, Yotor sUtstane is lao

gfving h'gh cwunt n motox and hente avevy touo Jtating
tor que by adding st ting susistor in sltp Xrng înducton motor.
Tfe tolor Yesistane fntreabe' toading to hiqh 3tasting torul.
) shat is mant by slip? what is the ftquny cf
indured en in Yotor
9 slip is diffeunte btoeen 3ynchronicus peå af magnefic
(elá and peed ef shafl

fre qyanity o nduted emf inam induction mooris altoay, les

than Jugply frequsny. Tnduc tlon nctor béing a ynch ronos
hotor Yons at a speed les than ynchronous sped at
slp?. Ns-N xico then the frequenty om£ in Hoto r 5tineA
thu supply prquny
9 find the load at whtch matimum ef iciency
falls opon (oad.
Maxmomn efrrciency s obtained at Ie- 5,6Aand no6. 67.
picikncy drop afto thelr effYieny as the manufatttner
desiznad the motor ctrcuit by Keeping the eçeicterncy
maziuum and thes drop ialso due to satuXation.
uohat s neant by 'POllout torgua"?
pull out Can breakdoon tOrgy nthe marfmum tor
the notor an pYoduce ok full voItage and
Teacher's Signature
ixpt. No, Page No,

d nictor s lamig nd is loaded besond the pualtot toge

as ol Pultout on Shost.

Aextn the thmpact of Shyle phabing

Sigk phasing in in ducton motoy 0twu, chen one af thyee phaxs
ciruit fn a 3Ñ nnctor is opened rhente tem aining circuits
(qotqing eXess (uwwnt inpacts
a Ið Motor is in Stpped Conditcn, It Canhot be stasted
as a Shglk Phasmotar
b) If metor rs in qpe on (nditen zl sil Contiou to
Tun becaue oltorque Produced by Iemainig too phases
Rmaining fhases get cverhealtd tesalting in (rucial da may
Sped of mofor steduces.
) hythe sped falson loadrg?
A) sped of motoy s dietiy Poportonal to en ndued acros
toter Shaçt the load . The enny Cuses the toYque cverthe
otor Sha(t the ioad. torgue depends on load dut to Shat
heras EM torgue is yesponsibie tor Shalt yotattonal
Speed As Load increaßes, load torqlu incVeaes, EM decrentye,
thus the cpeed e< motor also detveates.

Teacher's Signature

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