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Automatica 68 (2016) 87–91

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Chattering-free discrete-time sliding mode control✩

Haibo Du a , Xinghuo Yu b,d , Michael Z.Q. Chen c , Shihua Li d
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui 230009, China
School of Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
School of Automation, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210096, China

article info abstract

Article history: To avoid the chattering problem in the reaching-law-based discrete-time sliding mode control (DSMC)
Received 29 January 2015 and the generation of over-large control action in the equivalent-control-based DSMC, a new DSMC
Received in revised form method based on non-smooth control is proposed in this paper. Since there is no use of any switching
4 January 2016
term in the proposed DSMC, it is a chattering-free SMC method. Meanwhile, it is shown that the newly
Accepted 9 January 2016
Available online 22 February 2016
proposed non-smooth control-based DSMC can guarantee the same level of accuracy for the sliding mode
motion as that of an equivalent control-based DSMC. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
approach, a simulation example is presented.
Discrete-time controller © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sliding mode control
Non-smooth control

1. Introduction Zhang, 2014) (usually called reaching-law-based DSMC), the study

of discretization effect on continuous-time SMC systems (Galias &
As a popular nonlinear control method, sliding mode control Yu, 2007; Li, Du, & Yu, 2014; Wang, Yu, & Chen, 2009; Xia & Zinober,
(SMC) has been widely studied in the theoretical research 2006; Yu, Wang, Galias, & Chen, 2008). The other direction is based
community (Utkin, 1992) and successfully applied in industry on the equivalent control for discrete-time system, which is called
(Perruquetti & Barbot, 2002). The main reason is due to its many equivalent-control-based DSMC (Su, Drakunov, & Ozguner, 2000;
advantages, such as simple design idea and good robustness (Yu Utkin, 1994).
& Xu, 2002). Since more and more modern control systems are In the reaching-law-based DSMC, since the switching term is
implemented by computers, the study of SMC in the discrete-time still employed, the chattering problem will be inevitable. In the
domain, i.e., discrete-time SMC, has been an important topic in the equivalent control-based DSMC, although there is no switching
SMC literature (Yu, Wang, & Li, 2012). term, it will generate an over-large control effort since there is
The main difference between discrete-time SMC (DSMC) and no reaching process. Actually, in practice, due to the existence
continuous-time SMC (CSMC) lies in that the switching frequency of disturbances, no matter which kinds of DSMC methods are
of DSMC is limited, which leads to the celebrated invariance employed, the sliding mode state cannot be precisely kept at zero.
property of CSMC systems no longer holds (Drazenovic, 1969). In In such a case, the central issue is how to guarantee a smaller
this case, the study of DSMC has been paid attention by many boundary layer for the sliding mode motion. In this regard, some
researchers and can be divided into two directions. One direction improved DSMC methods have been proposed, such as disturbance
is to follow the design idea of CSMC and the switching term is observer-based DSMC (Su et al., 2000), discrete-time integral SMC
still preserved, e.g., the design of DSMC law directly based on (Abidi, Xu, & Yu, 2007), etc. However, these improved DSMC
discrete-time systems (Gao, Wang, & Homaifa, 1995; Qu, Xia, &
methods belong to the equivalent-control-based DSMC.
In this paper, we provide a new DSMC design method
which is based on non-smooth control. The advantage of non-
✩ This work is supported in part by the Natural Science Foundation of smooth control lies in its good performances such as better
China (61304007, 61374053, 61473080) and the Australian Research Council robustness (Bhat & Bernstein, 2000). In this new DSMC, to
(DP130104765). The material in this paper was not presented at any conference. avoid the chatting phenomenon and the generation of overly
This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor
Keqin Gu under the direction of Editor André L. Tits.
large control action, a non-smooth term (continuous function) is
E-mail addresses: (H. Du), (X. Yu), employed instead of the switching term and a reaching process (M.Z.Q. Chen), (S. Li). is added. Under the proposed DSMC, a rigorous theoretic analysis
0005-1098/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
88 H. Du et al. / Automatica 68 (2016) 87–91

shows that the same accuracy for the sliding mode motion can Under this reaching law, the sliding mode state will enter the
be obtained as that of the equivalent-control-based DSMC, who vicinity of sliding mode surface s(k) = 0 with thickness ∆ and stay
provides a higher precision than that of the traditional reaching- there forever. That is, |s(k)| ≤ ∆ for all k > k∗ with a constant k∗ .
law-based DSMC. Finally, an example is provided to demonstrate Clearly, the size of ∆ is important, which determines the accuracy
the potential of the proposed method. of sliding mode motion and eventually the steady-state of system
state. Solving Eq. (4) based on (2) and (3) leads to
2. System description and some existing results u(k) = −(C Γ )−1 [C Φ x(k) − (1 − qh)s(k)
+ ε h · sgn(s(k)) + Cd(k)]. (5)
2.1. System description
Due to the unavailable information d(k), as that in Su et al. (2000),
As in Wang et al. (2009) and Su et al. (2000), consider the the disturbance can be estimated by using the so called delay
following single-input continuous-time system with matched estimate method, i.e.,
d̂(k) = x(k) − Φ x(k − 1) − Γ u(k − 1) = d(k − 1), (6)
ẋ = Ax + Bu u + Bd f , (1)
which yields the final realizable controller
where x ∈ Rn , u ∈ R, and f ∈ R are the state, input, and u(k) = −(C Γ )−1 [C Φ x(k) − (1 − qh)s(k)
disturbance, and A, Bu , Bd are constant matrices of appropriate
dimensions. The matching condition implies that rank[Bu , Bd ] = + ε h · sgn(s(k)) + C d̂(k)]. (7)
rank[Bu ]. The disturbance f is assumed to be smooth and bounded.
Under this controller, it can be concluded that
Assume the control law u is digitally implemented through
a zero-order-holder (ZOH), i.e., u(t ) = u(k) over the time in- s(k + 1) = (1 − qh)s(k) − ε h · sgn(s(k)) + C δ(k). (8)
terval [kh, (k + 1)h), where h is the sampling period. Then, the
By Lemma A.1 and Assumption 2.1, it can be concluded that the
continuous-time system (1) under the discrete-time control law
sliding mode state s(k) will enter the following region in a finite
u(k) can be written in a discrete form as follows:
number of steps and stay there forever
x(k + 1) = Φ x(k) + Γ u(k) + d(k), (2)
{s(k) : |s(k)| ≤ ε h + δ ∗ = O(h)}. (9)
where Φ = eAh , Γ = 0 eAτ dτ Bu , d(k) = 0 eAτ Bd f ((k + 1)h −
h h
τ )dτ . By Abidi et al. (2007), the system matrices of discrete-time Remark 2.2. The main problem of this method is to use the
system (2) have the following properties. switching function sgn(s(k)), which leads to the well-known
A2 h2
chattering problem in practice. And from the control law (7), it can
Property 2.1. (1) Φ = I + Ah + 2!
+ · · · = I + O(h); be found that the switching gain, i.e., the amplitude of chattering,
ABu h2 is (C Γ )−1 ε h. Since C Γ = O(h), then (C Γ )−1 ε h is in the order of
(2) Γ = Bu h + + · · · = O(h);
(3) d(k) = O(h); O(1).
(4) The change rate of the disturbance δ(k) = d(k) − d(k − 1) =
O(h2 ). 2.2.2. Discrete-time SMC based on equivalent control
To avoid the chattering problem, another method called
2.2. Problems of the existing discrete-time SMC equivalent control is proposed in Su et al. (2000) to design a
chatter-free DSMC law. Directly solving s(k + 1) = 0, i.e., Cx(k +
To design a discrete-time SMC law, as that in Su et al. (2000), a 1) = 0 leads to
discrete-time switching function is usually chosen as:
u(k) = −(C Γ )−1 [C Φ x(k) + Cd(k)]. (10)
s(k) = Cx(k), (3)
As that in (7), the disturbance d(k) can be substituted by the
where C ∈ R 1×n
is a constant matrix and is chosen such that C Γ is estimate value d̂(k) defined in (6), which yields the final realizable
invertible and the matrix (Φ − Γ (C Γ )−1 C Φ ) has 1 zero pole and controller
(n − 1) poles inside the unit disk in the complex z-plane. Based on u(k) = −(C Γ )−1 [C Φ x(k) + C d̂(k)]. (11)
matrix C and Property 2.1(4), the following assumption is imposed.
Under this discrete-time controller, the dynamical behavior of
Assumption 2.1. There is a constant δ ∗ such that |C δ(k)| ≤ δ ∗ , sliding mode state is given by
k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , and the constant δ ∗ is in the order of O(h2 ).
s(k + 1) = Cx(k + 1) = C Φ x(k) + C Γ u(k) + Cd(k)
Remark 2.1. This Assumption is satisfied if the change rate of the = C [d(k) − d̂(k)] = C δ(k). (12)
disturbance f (i.e., f˙ (t )) for the system (1) is bounded, whose
proof can be found in Lemma 1 in Abidi et al. (2007). In practice, By Assumption 2.1, s(k) is bounded by
many kinds of disturbances satisfy this property, such as the load |s(k)| ≤ δ ∗ = O(h2 ). (13)
disturbances for permanent magnet synchronous motor (Liu & Li,
2012), etc.
Remark 2.3. Compared with the reaching-law-based DSMC, the
2.2.1. Discrete-time SMC based on reaching process sliding mode state s(k) under the equivalent-control-based DSMC
has a higher accuracy. However, the magnitude of equivalent-
Similar to the continuous-time SMC, a method called reaching-
control-based DSMC law u(k) in (11) is in the order of O(h−1 )
law-based DSMC approach is firstly introduced in Gao et al. (1995).
The reaching law for sliding mode is designed as: because (C Γ )−1 = O(h−1 ), C Φ = O(1), and C d̂(k) = Cd(k − 1) =
O(h) from Property 2.1(3). Clearly, if h is sufficiently small, the
s(k + 1) = s(k) − qh · s(k) − ε h · sgn(s(k)), equivalent-control-based DSMC needs an over-large control input
with ε > 0, q > 0, 0 < 1 − qh < 1. (4) which may be undesirable due to the control saturation constraint.
H. Du et al. / Automatica 68 (2016) 87–91 89

3. New chattering free discrete-time SMC then

q1 h · s(k) + q2 h · sα (k) − C δ(k)

How to guarantee not only a smaller boundary layer for sliding
mode motion but also avoidance of the chattering phenomenon ≥ q1 h · s(k) + ψ α (α)δ ∗ − |C δ(k)|
will be an interesting problem. In this section, we will employ a ≥ q1 hρ + [ψ α (α) − 1]δ ∗ := µ. (21)
non-smooth control method to design a non-smooth control-based α
DSMC, which is a chatter-free DSMC method. Since 1 < ψ (α) < 2 and δ > 0, then µ is a positive constant.

On the other hand, by noticing that

Theorem 3.1. For the discrete-time system (2) under Assump- 1
 q h  1−α
tion 2.1, if the discrete-time sliding mode surface is chosen as (3), the s(k) > ψ(α) ,
1 − q1 h
disturbance estimation d̂(k) is defined as (6), and DSMC law is chosen
as: it can be concluded that

u(k) =−(C Γ )−1 [C Φ x(k) − s(k) + q1 h · s(k) (1 − q1 h)s1−α (k) > ψ 1−α (α)q2 h. (22)

+ q2 h · sigα (s(k)) + C d̂(k)], (14) By a further calculation, it can be obtained that

where 0 < q1 h < 1, 0 < q2 h < 1, 0 < α < 1, and sig (s(k)) = (1 − q1 h)s(k) > ψ 1−α (α)q2 h · sα (k) > q2 h · sα (k), (23)
sgn(s(k)) · |s(k)|α is a continuous function,
which means that
• the sliding mode state s(k) from any initial state will enter the
region Ω within at most K ∗ steps, where1 s(k) > q1 h · s(k) + q2 h · sα (k). (24)
 Based on this inequality and (21), it can be estimated for the latter
Ω = s(k) : |s(k)| ≤ ρ term in (19) that
1/α  2s(k) − q1 h · s(k) − q2 h · sα (k) + C δ(k)
δ∗ 1 
q2 h  1−α
= ψ(α) · max , ≥ q1 h · s(k) + q2 h · sα (k) − |C δ(k)| ≥ µ. (25)
q2 h 1 − q1 h
α 1 As a result, we have △V (k) ≤ −µ2 .
with ψ(α) = 1 + α 1−α − α 1−α , (15)
s2 (0) − ρ 2 Case 2: s(k) < −ρ
K ∗ = [m∗ ] + 1 with m∗ = , By a similar proof procedure, it can be shown that the relation
µ 2
△V (k) ≤ −µ2 still holds. Hence, based on the results in Case 1
µ = q1 hρ + [ψ α (α) − 1]δ ∗ , (16) and Case 2, if s(i) ̸∈ Ω , i = 0, 1, . . . , m − 1, then △V (i) =
s2 (i + 1) − s2 (i) ≤ −µ2 , which implies
• once the sliding mode state s(k) enters the region Ω , it cannot
escape from it. s2 (1) ≤ s2 (0) − µ2 ,

Proof. By (2) and (3), we obtain s2 (2) ≤ s2 (1) − µ2 ≤ s2 (0) − 2µ2 , . . . , s2 (m) ≤ s2 (0) − mµ2 .
s(k + 1) = C [Φ x(k) + Γ u(k) + d(k)]. (17)
By directly solving s (0) − mµ = ρ , it can be obtained that the
2 2 2
Under the proposed DSMC law (14), we obtain real number solution is m∗ defined in (16). That is to say that after
K ∗ = [m∗ ] + 1 steps, |s(K ∗ )| ≤ ρ.
s(k + 1) = s(k) − q1 hs(k) − q2 hsigα (s(k)) + C δ(k). (18)
Next, we will prove the fact that if s(k) ∈ Ω , then s(k + 1) ∈ Ω .
Next, we will show that the sliding mode state s(k) will enter the  1/α  1 
 1−α
region Ω in a finite number of steps. Since there is a fractional For the sake of brevity, denote Φ = max q2 h
, 1−q2qh1 h ,
power term, the Lyapunov analysis method is employed. Construct which means that ρ = ψ(α)Φ . Then we have the following
a Lyapunov function V (k) = s2 (k). From (18), it can be obtained proposition (see Appendix for proof).
Proposition 1. δ ∗ ≤ q2 h · Φ α ≤ (1 − q1 h)Φ .
△V (k) = V (k + 1) − V (k)
  Since −ρ ≤ s(k) ≤ ρ , we can assume that
= − q1 h · s(k) + q2 h · sigα (s(k)) − C δ(k)
  s(k) = θ · ρ = θ ψ(α)Φ , −1 ≤ θ ≤ 1. (27)
× 2s(k) − q1 h · s(k) − q2 h · sigα (s(k)) + C δ(k) . (19) By (18), it can be obtained that

Now, we consider the two cases when s(k) ̸∈ Ω . s(k + 1) = (1 − q1 h)θ ρ − q2 hsigα (θ ρ) + C δ(k)

 1/α  1 
 1−α ≤ (1 − q1 h)ψ(α)θ Φ − q2 hsigα (ψ(α)θ )Φ α + δ ∗ . (28)
Case 1: s(k) > ρ = ψ(α) · max , q2 h
q2 h 1−q1 h
. Using Proposition 1, we get when ψ(α)θ ≥ 0, then
In this case, sigα (s(k)) = sα (k). Since
s(k + 1) ≤(1 − q1 h)ψ(α)θ Φ − (ψ(α)θ )α δ ∗ + δ ∗ .
 1/α
s(k) > ρ = ψ(α) δ ∗ /(q2 h) , (20) If ψ(α)θ ≥ 1, then s(k + 1) ≤ (1 − q1 h)ψ(α)θ Φ ≤ ψ(α)Φ = ρ .
If 0 ≤ ψ(α)θ < 1, then s(k + 1) ≤ [1 + ψ(α)θ − (ψ(α)θ )α ](1 −
q1 h)Φ ≤ (1 − q1 h)Φ < ψ(α)Φ = ρ. When ψ(α)θ ≤ 0, it follows
from Proposition 1 that
1 For the sake of statement, the notation [m∗ ] denotes the maximal integer
bounded below the real number m∗ . s(k + 1) ≤−(1 − q1 h)|ψ(α)θ |Φ + |ψ(α)θ |α (1 − q1 h)Φ + δ ∗ .
90 H. Du et al. / Automatica 68 (2016) 87–91

If ψ(α)θ ≤ −1, then s(k + 1) ≤ δ ∗ ≤ (1 − q1 h)Φ < ψ(α)Φ = ρ.

If −1 < ψ(α)θ ≤ 0, then
s(k + 1) ≤ −[|ψ(α)θ | − |ψ(α)θ |α − 1](1 − q1 h)Φ . (29)
By Lemma A.2, we obtain |ψ(α)θ |−|ψ(α)θ |α −1 ≥ −ψ(α), which
leads to s(k + 1) ≤ (1 − q1 h)ψ(α)Φ < ψ(α)Φ = ρ.
Next, we will prove that s(k + 1) ≥ −ρ . By the first line of (28)
and the definition of ρ , we have
s(k + 1) ≥ (1 − q1 h)ψ(α)θ Φ − q2 hsigα (ψ(α)θ )Φ α − δ ∗ .
Similarly, by Proposition 1, if ψ(α)θ ≥ 1, then s(k + 1) ≥ −δ ∗ ≥
−(1 − q1 h)Φ > −ρ . If 0 ≤ ψ(α)θ < 1, then s(k + 1) ≥
[ψ(α)θ − (ψ(α)θ )α − 1](1 − q1 h)Φ ≥ −ψ(α) · (1 − q1 h)Φ >
−ψ(α)Φ = −ρ. If −1 < ψ(α)θ ≤ 0, then s(k + 1) ≥
−(1 − q1 h)|ψ(α)θ |Φ + |ψ(α)θ |α δ ∗ − δ ∗ ≥ −[1 + |ψ(α)θ | −
|ψ(α)θ |α ](1 − q1 h)Φ ≥ −(1 − q1 h)Φ > −ρ. If ψ(α)θ ≤ −1,
then s(k + 1) ≥ (1 − q1 h)ψ(α)θ Φ + |ψ(α)θ |α δ ∗ − δ ∗ ≥ (1 −
Fig. 1. Response curves of the closed-loop system under the non-smooth-control-
q1 h)ψ(α)θ Φ > −ψ(α)Φ = −ρ .
based DSMC with parameters q1 = q2 = 3, α = 1/2.
Therefore, −ρ ≤ s(k + 1) ≤ ρ , that is to say that s(k + 1) ∈ Ω .

Remark 3.1. It should be pointed out that the continuous function

sigα (·) has been used in Yu, Yu, Shirinzadeh, and Man (2005)
to design a continuous-time SMC law. However, to the best of
authors’ knowledge, this is the first time to use this kind of
functions to design a discrete-time SMC law.

Remark 3.2. Note that the boundary for the sliding mode state s(k)
is determined by the value ρ . Since δ ∗ = O(h2 ) by Assumption 2.1,
it follows from (15) that
 1/α  1 
 1−α
ρ = ψ(α) · max O(h) , O(h) . (30)

To obtain the smallest boundary for the final sliding mode motion,
it is better to choose α = 1/2 such that 1/α = 1/(1 − α) = 2,
which leads to ρ = O(h2 ). That is to say that sliding mode motion
can reach the same level of accuracy as that of the equivalent-
control-based DSMC. In addition, for the proposed new DSMC law
(14), since C Φ x(k) − s(k) = C (Φ − I )x(k), it can be found that the Fig. 2. Response curves of the closed-loop system under the reaching-law-based
magnitude of u(k) will be in the order of O(1), which avoids the DSMC with parameters q1 = ε = 5.
need of over-large control effort if h is sufficiently small. Since that
there is no switching term, there is no chattering phenomenon in is x(0) = [−1 0]T . The sampling period is selected as: h = 1
the control signal. ms. The matrix C is chosen as: C = [0.5 0.5]. For comparison,
three kinds of DSMC methods are employed, i.e., reaching-law-
Remark 3.3. Note that the steady-state for system’s state is not based DSMC, equivalent-control-based DSMC, and non-smooth-
discussed in this paper. Actually, by substituting the three kinds control-based DSMC. The response curves are given in Figs. 1–3. It
of DSMC laws, i.e., (7), (11) and (14), into the discrete-time system is shown that the non-smooth-control-based DSMC considers both
(2), it can be shown that the nominal part of closed-loop system the performance requirement and the control signal quality.
x(k + 1) = (Φ − Γ (C Γ )−1 C Φ )x(k), 4. Conclusions

is the same. The difference lies in the part from the sliding A new chattering-free DSMC method based on non-smooth
mode state. Therefore different steady-state of sliding mode state control has been presented. It has shown that there is no chattering
directly affects the final steady-state for system’s state, which is phenomenon and no need for an overly large control effort in
shown in the following example. the proposed DSMC. By synthesizing the benefit of non-smooth
control, the high precision for sliding mode motion can be kept
Example. Consider the high-precision position control for a under the proposed DSMC, who provides a new choice for the
piezomotor-driven linear stage system (Abidi, Xu, & She, 2009), design of DSMC law.
whose dynamical equation is:
kf kv
ẋ1 = x2 , ẋ2 = u− x2 + f , (31)
m m This Appendix collects some useful lemmas. The first lemma is
where x1 is the linear displacement, x2 is the linear velocity, u is the a simple extension of Lemma 2 of Yu et al. (2008), whose proof is
voltage input, and f is an unknown disturbance. In the simulation, similar and is omitted here.
the parameters are chosen as: m = 1, kv = 144, kf = 6, and the Lemma A.1. For the scalar dynamical system z (k + 1) = a · z (k) +
unknown disturbance is given by: f (t ) = 1 for 0 ≤ t ≤ 10 and g (k)−ε · sgn(z (k)) with 0 ≤ a ≤ 1, if |g (k)| < γ , 0 ≤ γ < ε , there
f (t ) = 1 + 2.2 sin(0.5π t ) for 10 ≤ t ≤ 20. The initial condition is a finite number K ∗ > 0 such that |z (k)| ≤ ε + γ < 2ε , ∀k ≥ K ∗ .
H. Du et al. / Automatica 68 (2016) 87–91 91


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