Adaptive Backstepping Sliding Mode Control For Quadrotor UAV

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Scientific Programming
Volume 2021, Article ID 3997648, 13 pages

Research Article
Adaptive Backstepping Sliding Mode Control for Quadrotor UAV

Sibo Huang ,1 Jianfeng Huang ,2 Zhaoquan Cai,3,4 and Han Cui 2

Network and Information Center, Huizhou University, Huizhou, China
School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Huizhou University, Huizhou, China
Shanwei Polytechnic, Shanwei, China
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Huizhou University, Huizhou, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Han Cui;

Received 13 August 2021; Accepted 26 August 2021; Published 14 September 2021

Academic Editor: Punit Gupta

Copyright © 2021 Sibo Huang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Quadrotor UAV has a strong mobility and flexibility in flight and has been widely used in military and civil fields in recent years.
An adaptive backstepping sliding mode control (ABSMC) method is proposed to address the trajectory tracking control problem
of quadrotor UAV based on actuator fault and external disturbance. In the proposed method, the switching gain of adaptive
sliding mode control is constructed in the backstepping design process in order to suppress the chattering effect of sliding mode
control effectively by differential iteration. Firstly, the dynamic model of quadrotor UAV with actuator fault and external
disturbance is proposed, and then the controllers are designed based on the ABSMC method. Finally, the comparison experiments
between sliding mode control (SMC) method and ABSMC method show that the ABSMC method can not only effectively
suppress the chattering problem for the SMC method but also perform a perfect control effect.

1. Introduction can always be introduced. The sliding mode control method

[8] was often used to control the nonlinear system with
In recent years, UAVs have been widely used in military and random noise because it was insensitive to noise and did not
civilian applications, such as environmental supervision, need to estimate the disturbance online.
geological analysis, agricultural operations, search and And the sliding mode control (SMC) method is widely
rescue, and mail delivery [1, 2]. In particular, due to its used in the field of UAV control because it has a strong
simple mechanical structure and good maneuverability, the robustness to disturbance and unmodeled dynamics and
quadrotor UAV can take off vertically, land vertically, hover, good control effect to nonlinear systems [9–12]; however,
or move in a small and disorderly area, which has been the setting of its switching gain often causes severe chat-
developed rapidly [3, 4]. tering on the control input signal, which often generates a
The control problems of a quadrotor UAV are com- huge burden on the operation of the actuator [13–15].
plicated, which contain some parts: its own highly coupled Usually, setting a small gain can reduce the chattering of the
nonlinear problems, unstable and multivariable nature, control signal, but it can weaken the robustness of the sliding
possibly nonminimum phase, underactuated, existence mode control method under disturbance. Therefore, it is
parameter uncertainties and external disturbances, and the necessary to make the switching gain follow the disturbance
actuator fault [5, 6]. Aiming at the external disturbance or adjust it adaptively according to the corresponding cri-
encountered during the flight of quadrotor UAV, a double teria so that it can select the switching gain adaptively under
closed-loop active disturbance rejection control scheme was different disturbances. To construct an adaptive switching
proposed and the extended state observer was used to es- gain method, the sliding surface was used as a benchmark
timate the external disturbance online and in real time [7]. [16]. The size of the switching gain changes following the
However, if the observer was used to obtain the external change of the sliding surface to ensure that there is an
disturbance information in the high-order system, noises appropriate switching gain corresponding to the tracking
2 Scientific Programming

error when the tracking error is large or small, which can

avoid over adaptation of the gain. In addition, with the help X
of the neural network model, the switching gain can be
y ω3
considered as a dynamic model approximation value, and

the tracking error can be reduced. Neural network was used
to estimate unknown dynamics and disturbances [17]. ω4
As a kind of controller design method, the backstepping
method is widely used because of its brief design process.
The designed controller can guarantee the system conver- X ω2
gence in finite time, and the convergence time can be proved. y
Moreover, the combination of the backstepping method and ω1

other methods can organically integrate the advantages of
the two methods. Accordingly, the backstepping method
and sliding mode method were combined to ensure the
system convergence [18], where the fuzzy control method
combined with the backstepping method was used to control
a multi input multi output nonlinear input saturation system
[19] so that the controller can make the system converge to
Figure 1: A structure diagram of quadrotor UAV.
the expected value in finite time within a given range. In
addition, there are a lot of research studies on controller
design [20–25].
Considering that the traditional sliding mode control UAV. According to reference [20, 21], the expression of its
method is insensitive to the nonlinear problems such as dynamic equation is shown in equation (1) based on the
disturbance and failure in the flight of the quadrotor UAV actuator fault and external disturbance.
system and the setting of its switching gain can cause huge
chattering of input, an adaptive backstepping sliding mode ⎪

⎪ 1

⎪ x€ � ux U1 + εU1 􏼁 + f1 ,
control (ABSMC) method is proposed in this paper, which ⎪
⎪ m

can estimate the upper bound of the sliding mode switching ⎪

gain in real time and modify the sliding mode controller in ⎪

⎪ 1
combination with the backstepping method to suppress the ⎪

⎪ y€ � uy U1 + εU1 􏼁 + f2 ,
chattering of the sliding mode control. The switching gain ⎪
⎪ m

adaptive method proposed in this paper can update the ⎪

switching gain adaptively when the upper bound of dis- ⎪

⎪ 1
turbance is unknown so as to ensure the robustness of ⎪

⎪ €z � (cos(ϕ) cos(θ)) U1 + εU1 􏼁 − g + f3 ,
sliding mode control as well as the control tracking accuracy. ⎪
⎪ m

Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified ⎪

by comparing the control effect of the ABSMC method with ⎪ (1)

⎪ I − Iz Jr
the SMC method. ⎪
⎪ _ + l U + εU 􏼁 + f ,

⎪ ϕ€ � θ_ ψ_ y + θω

⎪ I x I x
Ix 2 2 4

2. Dynamics Model of Quadrotor UAV ⎪

The motion of a quadrotor UAV in space has six degrees of ⎪

⎪ €θ � ψ_ ϕ_ Iz − Ix − Jr ϕω
_ r + l U3 + εU3 􏼁 + f5 ,
freedom, which are roll, pitch, and yaw around its center of ⎪

⎪ I I Iy
mass and its translational motion in three-dimensional ⎪
⎪ y y

space with two horizontal and one vertical direction. The ⎪

quadrotor UAV can be regarded as an underactuated rigid ⎪

⎪ Ix − Iy 1

body with four inputs. Its thrust is generated by four pro- ⎩ € � ϕ_ θ_ I
⎪ +
Iz 4
U + εU4 􏼁 + f6 ,
pellers, which can be controlled by command to keep the z
UAV in a certain attitude and follow the desired trajectory.
Figure 1 shows the structural diagram of the quadrotor in which
Scientific Programming 3

⎧ ux � cos(ϕ)sin(θ)cos(ψ) + sin(ϕ)sin(ψ), 3.2.1. The Design of the Altitude Controller. Firstly,

⎪ the controller for quadrotor UAVs’ height based on

⎪ uy � cos(ϕ)sin(θ)cos(ψ) − sin(ϕ)sin(ψ), the adaptive backstepping sliding mode method is

⎪ designed.

⎪ In equation (1), the second-order system controlling

⎪ U1 � b􏼐ω21 + ω22 + ω23 + ω24 􏼑,

⎪ the height of quadrotor UAV can be equivalent as

⎨ follows:
⎪ U2 � b􏼐ω24 − ω22 􏼑, (2)

⎪ 1

⎪ z€ � (cos(ϕ) cos(θ))U1 − g + Δz . (3)

⎪ U3 � b􏼐ω23 − ω21 􏼑, m

⎪ In equation (3), z represents the height of quadrotor

⎪ U � d􏼐ω2 + ω2 − ω2 − ω2 􏼑,

⎪ 4 2 4 1 3 UAV and Δz � cos(ϕ)cos(θ)εU1 + f3 . Let z1 � z and

⎩ _ equation (3) can be rewritten as follows:
z2 � z,
ωr � ω4 + ω2 − ω1 − ω3 ,
⎧ z_1 � z2 ,

where U1 −U4 are the control input of UAV; εU1 −εU4 (4)

denote the unknown actuator fault; f1 −f6 are defined as ⎩ z_2 � 1 (cos(ϕ) cos(θ))U1 − g.

the unknown external interference; Ix , Iy , and Iz present m
the inertia matrix; b and d are the drag coefficient and lift
Firstly, an integral sliding surface is defined as follows:
coefficient, respectively; m is the mass of the quadrotor
UAV; g is the gravity acceleration; l represents the length sz1 � 􏽚 ez + kz e_z 􏼁. (5)
of the quadrotor UAV from the end of each rotor to the
center of gravity; Jr is the moment of inertia of the motor
rotor; [ϕ, θ, ψ] represent the roll angle, pitch angle, and In equation (5), kz is a positive constant and ez � z − zd ,
yaw angle, respectively; [x, y, z] are the position coor- where zd is the reference height. The first and second de-
dinates of the center of mass of the quadrotor UAV rivatives of equation (5) are defined as follows:
relative to the fixed coordinate system; and sz2 � s_ z1
ωi (i � 1, 2, 3, 4) are the rotation speed of four propellers of (6)
� ez + kz e_ z ,
quadrotor UAV.
sz3 � s_ z2
3. Adaptive Backstepping Sliding Mode (7)
� e_z + kz€ez .
Control for Quadrotor UAV
In particular, we use the sliding mode differentiator to
3.1. Control Strategy. The quadrotor UAV is a nonlinear obtain the differential value of the state as follows:
system with strong coupling and is an underactuated
system. As an underactuated system, it has only four ⎨ z􏽢 � v + k1 |z − z􏽢|2/3 sign(z − z􏽢),

control inputs, but it has to control six states. The control ⎩ (8)
v_ � k2 |z − z􏽢|1/2 sign(z − z􏽢),
strategy adopted in this paper is double loop control, and
the outer loop is position control, which is composed of where k1 and k2 are normal numbers, and the differentiator
altitude and horizontal position. The difference between the can ensure that v converges to z_ in finite time. In the fol-
real value and the expected value is calculated, and then the lowing controller design process, v is used instead of z_ to
altitude and level control of the ABSMC method are used to construct the sliding surface and related error terms.
design control input terms, the desired attitude angle is It can be obtained by combining equations (3), (6), and
obtained by inverse solution, and then the inner loop is (7):
used for attitude control, which mainly controls the pitch,
yaw, and roll motion of UAV. The specific control flow is ⎪

⎪ s_z1 � sz2 ,

shown in Figure 2. ⎪

⎨ s_ � s ,
z2 z3

3.2. Controller Design. Firstly, the design process of the ⎪

controller U1 is given based on the ABSMC method, and ⎩ s_z3 � d 􏼒e_z + kz 􏼒 1 (cos(ϕ)cos(θ))U1 − g + Δz − z€d 􏼓􏼓.

then the controllers ux , uy , U2 , U3 , and U4 are obtained dt m
based on the same design process. (9)
4 Scientific Programming

Desired zd U1
trajectory Controller

Quadrotor UAV
xd,yd Horizontal ux,uy pitch ϕd,θd Attitude U2,U3,U4
Controller and roll Controller
ψd Angle

x,y ϕ,θ,ψ

Figure 2: Control flow chart.

Then, according to the backstepping method, combine differential of equation (16), which is the Lyapunov function
equations (5)–(7), with following transformation: V2 as follows:
σ z1 � sz1 , (10) V_ 2 � V_ 1 + σ z2 σ_ z2

σ z2 � sz2 − α1 , (11) � −ξ 1 σ 2z1 + σ z1 σ z2 + σ z2 σ z3 − ξ 2 σ z2 − σ z1 􏼁 (18)

� −ξ 1 σ 2z1 − ξ 2 σ 2z2 + σ z2 σ z3 .
σ z3 � sz3 − α2 , (12)
Similar to equation (14), when σ z3 � 0 and
where α1 and α2 are the virtual controllers to be designed. V_ 2 � −ξ 1 σ 2z1 − ξ 2 σ 2z2 ≤ 0, σ z1 and σ z2 can be asymptotically
Combining equation (11) and deriving equation (10), we stable.
can get According to the above derivation, we define a Lyapunov
function with the following equation:
σ_ z1 � s_z1
� σ z2 + α1 . 1
V3 � V2 + σ 2z3 . (19)
A Lyapunov function is defined as V1 � 1/2σ 2z1 .
Let the
virtual controller α1 � −ξ 1 σ z1 , and we can get the derivative Then, combining equations (9) and (19), we obtain the
of V1 as follows: following equation by deriving equation (19):
V_ 3 � V_ 2 + σ z3 σ_ z3
V_ 1 � σ z1 σ z2 + α1 􏼁
� σ z1 σ z2 − ξ 1 σ 2z1 . � −ξ 1 σ 2z1 − ξ 2 σ 2z2 + σ z2 σ z3

In equation (14), ξ 1 is a positive constant. When σ z2 � 0 d 1

+ σ z3 􏼠 􏼒e_z + kz 􏼒 (cos(ϕ) cos(θ))U1 − g + Δz − z€d 􏼓􏼓 − α_ 2 􏼡.
and V_ 1 � −ξ 1 σ 2z1 ≤ 0, σ z1 can be asymptotically stable. dt m
Similar to equation (13), by combining equations (11) (20)
and (12) with derivation, we can get the following equation:
Thus, the controller U1 can be designed as follows:
σ_ z2 � s_z2 − α_ 1 m
U1 � u − u1s 􏼁. (21)
� σ z3 + α2 − α_ 1 (15) kz (cos(ϕ) cos(θ)) 1n
� σ z3 + α2 + ξ 1 sz2 . In equation (21), u1n and u1s can be given as equations
(22) and (23), respectively.
A Lyapunov function is defined as follows:
1 u1n � −kz (−g − z€ d) − e_z + α2 − 􏽚 ξ 3 σ z3 + σ z2 􏼁, (22)
V2 � V1 + σ 2z2 . (16)
According to equation (15), the virtual controller α2 can u1s � 􏽚 Λz + ςz 􏼁sign σ z3 􏼁􏼁. (23)
be defined as the following equation:
α2 � −ξ 2 σ z2 − σ z1 − ξ 1 sz2 . (17) In equations (22) and (23), ξ 3 and ςz are positive con-
stant and Λz is the gain of sliding mode switching.
In equation (17), ξ 2 is a positive constant. Combined Substituting equation (21) into equation (20) yields the
with equation (17), we can get equation (18) through the following:
Scientific Programming 5

d adaptive switching gain function, and then equation (23) can

V_ 3 � −ξ 1 σ 2z1 − ξ 2 σ 2z2 − ξ 3 σ 2z3 + σ z3 −u1s + kz Δz 􏼁 be updated as follows:
􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌 􏽢 z + ςz 􏼑sign σ z3 􏼁􏼑,
≤ − ξ 1 σ 2z1 − ξ 2 σ 2z2 − ξ 3 σ 2z3 − Λz + ςz 􏼁􏼌􏼌σ z3 􏼌􏼌 + Γ􏼌􏼌σ z3 􏼌􏼌. u1s � 􏽚􏼐􏼐Λ (26)
(24) 􏽢 z is the adaptive switching gain, and the adaptive law
where Λ
In particular, it can be seen from equation (24) that if no is shown in following equation:
switching gain is set to counteract the influence of inter- 􏼌 􏼌
ference, equation (24) needs to be rewritten as follows: 􏽢_ z � 1 􏼌􏼌􏼌σ z3 􏼌􏼌􏼌.
Λ (27)
􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌 δz
V_ 3 ≤ − ξ 1 σ 2z1 − ξ 2 σ 2z2 − ξ 3 σ 2z3 + Γ􏼌􏼌σ z3 􏼌􏼌
􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌 (25) In equation (27), δz is a positive constant. Let
≤ − ξV3 +‖Γ‖􏼌􏼌σ z3 􏼌􏼌. 􏽥z � Λ
Λ 􏽢 z − Λ∗ , where Λ∗ is the optimal switching gain, and
z z

Λz ≥ |Γ|; then, combined with equation (19), we define a
In the above equation, ξ � min(ξ 1 , ξ 2 , ξ 3 ); under the Lyapunov function as follows:
influence of interference term ‖Γ‖, V3 cannot converge to
zero but can only converge to the neighbourhood 1 􏽥2
V4 � V3 + δ z Λ . (28)
V3 ≤ ‖Γ‖|σ z3 |/ξ. Therefore, by setting the switching gain, i.e., 2
introducing formula (23), the tracking error can be guar- Then, we can obtain the following equation through
anteed to converge to zero. deriving equation (28):
In equation (24), Γ � kz (d/dt)Δz ; when |Γ| ≤ Λz , V_ 3 ≤ −
ξ 1 σ z1 − ξ 2 σ 2z2 − ξ 3 σ 2z3 ≤ − ξV3 is strictly negative, in which
2 􏽥Λ
V_ 4 � V_ 3 + δz Λ 􏽥_
ξ � min(ξ 1 , ξ 2 , ξ 3 ). As a result, the proposed control method
can ensure that the tracking error converges to zero. � −ξ 1 σ 2z1 − ξ 2 σ 2z2 + σ z2 σ z3 + δz 􏼐Λ 􏽥_ z
􏽢 z − Λ∗ 􏼑 Λ
However, uncertain fault or external disturbance Δz is
usually time-varying in the actual control system, and the d 1
+ σ z3 􏼠 􏼒e_ + kz 􏼒 (cos(ϕ) cos(θ))U1 − g + Δz − z€d 􏼓􏼓 − α_ 2 􏼡.
upper bound of function Γ cannot be obtained accurately. If dt m
the value of switching gain Λz is too large, it can counteract (29)
the influence of interference Γ and ensure the robustness of
the control method, but it will cause chattering to the control Substituting equations (20) and (21) and equation (26)
input because of the too large switching gain. into equation (29), then equation (29) can be updated as
If Λz in equation (23) is a tiny fixed constant, it cannot follows:
well counteract the effect of Δz . Thus, we construct an

d 􏽥_ z
V_ 4 � −ξ 1 σ 2z1 − ξ 2 σ 2z2 − ξ 3 σ 2z3 + σ z3 􏽢 z − Λ∗ 􏼑Λ
u + kz Δz 􏼁 + δz 􏼐Λ
dt 1as z

� −ξ 1 σ 2z1 − ξ 2 σ 2z2 − ξ 3 σ 2z3 + δz 􏼐Λ

􏽢 z − Λ∗ 􏼑Λ 􏽢 z + ςz 􏼑sign σ z3 􏼁 + kz 􏼠 d 􏼡Δz 􏼡
􏽥_ z + σ z3 􏼠−􏼐Λ (30)
􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌
≤ − ξ 1 σ 2z1 − ξ 2 σ 2z2 − ξ 3 σ 2z3 − Λ∗z + ςz 􏼁􏼌􏼌σ z3 􏼌􏼌 + Γ􏼌􏼌σ z3 􏼌􏼌,

⎪ ux � uxn − uxas 􏼁,
in which Λ∗z ≥ |Γ|, so we have V_ 4 ≤ − ξ 1 σ 2z1 − ξ 2 σ 2z2 − ⎪

⎪ k x U1
ξ 3 σ 2z3 ≤ − ξV3 . It can be concluded that V_ 4 ≤ 0 is strictly ⎪

negative. Therefore, σ z1 , σ z2 , and σ z3 can converge to zero in ⎪

limited time eventually, and the system can be asymptoti- ⎪

⎪ uxn � kx x € d − e_x + ax2 − 􏽚 ξ 3 σ x3 + σ x2 􏼁,
cally stable; finally, the UAV can track the expected position ⎪

accurately. (31)

⎪ uxas � 􏽚􏼐􏼐Λ 􏽢 x + ςx 􏼑sign σ x3 􏼁􏼑,

3.2.2. The Design of Horizontal Plane Motion Controller. ⎪

The horizontal motion control includes two parts: x-axis and ⎪

⎪ 􏼌 􏼌
y-axis. The derivation process of horizontal plane motion ⎪
⎪ 􏽢_ x � 1 􏼌􏼌􏼌σ x3 􏼌􏼌􏼌.
controller is the same as that of altitude controller; therefore, only ⎩Λ
the derivation of the x and y direction controller is given here.
The controller in the x direction can be expressed as The controller in the y direction can be expressed as
follows: follows:
6 Scientific Programming

Table 1: Physical parameters of quadrotor UAV.

Parameters Numerical value The physical meaning of parameter
m 1.0 The mass of the quadrotor UAV (kg)
g 9.8 Gravity acceleration (m/s2 )
Iy 0.005 The moment of inertias of the Y-axis (kg/m2 )
Ix 0.005 The moment of inertias of the X-axis (kg/m2 )
Iz 0.01 The moment of inertias of the Z-axis (kg/m2 )
l 0.2 The length of the quadrotor UAV from the end of each rotor to the center of gravity (m)
Jr 0.00002 The moment of inertia of the motor rotor (kg/m2 )
b 0.00003 The drag coefficient
d 0.00000006 The lift coefficient

Table 2: Parameters of controller. 3.2.3. The Design of Attitude Controller. Likewise, the design
process of attitude controller is the same as that of altitude
The parameters of controllers Numerical value
controller. Therefore, only the derivation of the controllers
ki (i � x, y, z) 0.5 of attitude ϕ, θ, and ψ is given here.
kj (j � ϕ, θ, ψ) 0.3
According to equation (2) and combined with equations
ξ i (i � 1, 2, 3) 3
δi (i � x, y, z) 0.5 (31) and (32), the expected values of pitch angle and roll
δi (i � ϕ, θ, ψ) 5 angle can be obtained as follows:

⎪ ϕd � arcsin􏼐ux sin ψ − uy cos ψ 􏼑,

m ⎪

⎪ uy � 􏼐u − uyas 􏼑, (34)

⎪ ky U1 yn ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ux − sin ϕd sin ψ

⎪ ⎪
⎩ θd � arcsin􏼠 cos ϕ cos ψ 􏼡.

⎪ d

⎪ uyn � ky y € d − e_y + ay2 − 􏽚􏼐ξ 3 σ y3 + σ y2 􏼑, The controller of attitude ϕ is as follows:

(32) ⎪

⎪ I

⎪ ⎪
⎪ U2 � x 􏼐uϕn − uϕas 􏼑,

⎪ ⎪
⎪ k ϕl
⎪ 􏽢 y + ςy 􏼑sign􏼐σ y3 􏼑􏼑, ⎪

⎪ uxas � 􏽚􏼐􏼐Λ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎨ Iy − Iz Jr

⎪ uϕn � −kϕ 􏼠θ_ ψ_ + θω_ −ϕ €d 􏼡 − e_ϕ + aϕ2 − 􏽚􏼐ξ 3 σ ϕ3 + σ ϕ2 􏼑,

⎪ ⎪ Ix r
⎪ 􏼌 􏼌 ⎪
⎪ Ix

⎩Λ􏽢_ y � 1 􏼌􏼌􏼌􏼌σ y3 􏼌􏼌􏼌􏼌, ⎪

δy ⎪

⎪ 1 􏼌􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌􏼌

⎪ 􏽢 􏽢_
⎩ uϕas � 􏽚􏼐􏼐Λϕ + ςϕ 􏼑sign􏼐σ ϕ3 􏼑􏼑, Λϕ � δ 􏼌􏼌σ ϕ3 􏼌􏼌.

where in equations (31) and (32), ϕ


⎪ ex � x − xd , ey � y − yd , σ x1 � sx1 , σ y1 � sy1 ,

⎪ The controller of attitude θ is as follows:

⎪ σ x2 � sx2 − αx1 , σ x3 � sx3 − αx2 ,

⎪ Iy
⎪ σ y2 � sy2 − αy1 , σ y3 � sy3 − αy2 ,
⎪ ⎪

⎪ U3 � u − uθas 􏼁,

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ kθ l θn
⎪ ⎪
⎨ αx1 � −ξ 1 σ x1 , αy1 � −ξ 1 σ y1 ,
⎪ ⎪

(33) ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ I − Ix J r _

sx1 � 􏽚 ex + kx e_x 􏼁, sy1 � 􏽚􏼐ey + ky e_y 􏼑, ⎪
⎪ uθn � −kθ 􏼠ψ_ ϕ_ z
⎪ − ϕωr − €θd 􏼡

⎪ ⎪
⎨ Iy Iy

⎪ e x � x − xd , e y � y − y d ,

⎪ ⎪ (36)

⎪ ⎪

⎪ sx2 � s_x1 , sx3 � €sx1 , sy2 � s_y1 , sy3 � €sy1 , ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ −e_θ + aθ2 − 􏽚 ξ 3 σ θ3 + σ θ2 􏼁,

⎩ k , k , δ , δ , ς , ς > 0, ⎪

x y x y x y ⎪

⎪ 􏼌 􏼌
where xd and yd are the reference values in x direction and y ⎪

⎩ uθas � 􏽚􏼐􏼐Λ 􏽢_ θ � 1 􏼌􏼌􏼌σ θ3 􏼌􏼌􏼌.
􏽢 θ + ςθ 􏼑sign σ θ3 􏼁􏼑, Λ
direction, respectively. δθ
Scientific Programming 7



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
t (s)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
t (s)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
t (s)

Figure 3: UAV’s position tracking.

The controller of attitude ψ is as follows:

⎪ I

⎪ U4 � z 􏼐uψn − uψas 􏼑,

⎪ k ψl

⎨ Ix − Iy
⎪ uψn � −kψ 􏼠ϕ_ θ_ € d 􏼡 − e_ψ + aψ2 − 􏽚􏼐ξ 3 σ ψ3 + σ ψ2 􏼑,
−ψ (37)

⎪ Iz

⎪ 1 􏼌􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌􏼌

⎪ 􏽢 􏽢_
⎩ uψas � 􏽚􏼐􏼐Λψ + ςψ 􏼑sign􏼐σ ψ3 􏼑􏼑, Λψ � δ 􏼌􏼌σ ψ3 􏼌􏼌,


where in equations (33) to (35),

8 Scientific Programming


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
t (s)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
t (s)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
t (s)

Figure 4: UAV’s attitude tracking.

⎪ eϕ � ϕ − ϕd , eθ � θ − θd , eψ � ψ − ψ d ,

⎪ σ ϕ1 � sϕ1 , σ θ1 � sθ1 ,
⎪ σ ψ1 � sψ1 ,

⎪ σ ϕ2 � sϕ2 − αϕ1 , σ ϕ3 � sϕ3 − αϕ2 ,

⎪ σ θ2 � sθ2 − αθ1 , σ θ3 � sθ3 − αθ2 ,

⎪ σ � sψ2 − αψ1 , σ ψ3 � sψ3 − αψ2 ,

⎨ ψ2
⎪ αϕ1 � −ξ 1 σ ϕ1 , αθ1 � −ξ 1 σ θ1 , αψ1 � −ξ 1 σ ψ1 , (38)

⎪ sϕ1 � 􏽚􏼐eϕ + kϕ e_ϕ 􏼑,

sθ1 � 􏽚 eθ + kθ e_θ 􏼁, sψ1 � 􏽚􏼐eψ + kψ e_ψ 􏼑,

⎪ eϕ � ϕ − ϕd , eθ � θ − θd , eψ � ψ − ψ d ,

⎪ sϕ2 � s_ϕ1 ,

sϕ3 � €sϕ1 , sθ2 � s_θ1 , sθ3 � €sθ1 , sψ2 � s_ψ1 , sψ3 � €sψ1 ,

⎩ k , k , k , δ , δ , δ , ς , ς , ς > 0.
ϕ θ ψ ϕ θ ψ ϕ θ ψ
Scientific Programming 9

0.2 0.5 5

0.18 0.45 4.5

0.16 0.4 4

0.14 0.35 3.5

0.12 0.3 3

|ey| [m]

|ez| [m]
|ex| [m]

0.1 0.25 2.5

0.08 0.2 2

0.06 0.15 1.5

0.04 0.1 1

0.02 0.05 0.5

0 0 0
0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40
t (s) t (s) t (s)


Figure 5: The absolute error of UAV’s position tracking.

4. Simulation Results MATLAB 2019b. The expected trajectory of the UAV is set as
shown in equation (39). Actuator fault and external distur-
To verify the effectiveness of the proposed ABSMC method, bance of the aircraft are set as shown in equation (40). The
the SMC method and ABSMC method are used to perform relevant physical parameters of quadrotor UAV are shown in
trajectory tracking control of quadrotor UAV based on Table 1, and the control parameters are shown in Table 2.

⎧ πt

⎪ xd � 20􏼒1 − cos􏼒 􏼓􏼓,

⎪ 20

⎪ πt

⎨ yd � −14 sin􏼒 􏼓,

⎪ zd � 5,

ψ d � 0,

10 Scientific Programming

0.35 1.2 0.5



|eϕ| [rad]

|eψ| [rad]
|eθ| [rad]
0.6 0.25


0.1 0.15


0 0 0
0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40
t (s) t (s) t (s)


Figure 6: The absolute error of UAV’s attitude tracking.

⎧ εU1 � 0.4 sin(t)U1 , εU3 � 0.2(sin(t) + cos(t))U3 ,

⎪ εU2 � 0.4 cos(t)U2 , εU4 � 0.2(sin(t) − cos(t))U4 ,

⎪ f1 � −cos(2t) − 3 cos(t), f2 � −cos(2t) − 3 cos(t), (40)

⎪ f3 � −3cos(t), f4 � cos(2t) + cos(t),

f5 � − cos(2t) − 3cos(t), f6 � cos(2t) + cos(t).

It can be seen that the sliding mode control method has a method significantly suppresses the chattering phenomenon of
good control effect in the case of actuator failure and external sliding mode control input after the adaptive switching gain
interference, as shown in Figures 3–6; however, since its being introduced and the backstepping method being used for
switching gain is fixed, it still has disadvantages in the face of correction, as shown in Figures 7 and 8. And the chattering
interference beyond the upper bound of its gain. At this time, caused by the SMC method is limited in a small range.
the adaptive backstepping sliding mode control method with Therefore, the adaptive backstepping sliding mode control
adaptive switching gain can adaptively adjust its switching. method shows better control performance from the pose
Compared with the SMC method, it is clear that the ABSMC tracking effect in Figures 3 to 6.
Scientific Programming 11


60 15

20 22 24
20 -1.5
20 22 24
0 -2
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
t (s) t (s)



-0.5 0 -0.2
-0.2 -0.04
20 22 24 20 21 22 23 24 25
-1 -0.4
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
t (s) t (s)
Figure 7: Control input based on the ABSMC method.

200 2

15 1

0 0.1

5 0
20 22 24 -1
0 -0.1

-50 -2 20 25
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
t (s) t (s)

1.5 0.2
1 0
0.5 -0.2
20 22 24


-0.2 0

-0.5 -0.3
20 21 22 23 24 25
-1 -0.4
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
t (s) t (s)
Figure 8: Control input based on the SMC method.
12 Scientific Programming

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