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Mustafa Akyurek, M.D.
Raymond M. Dunn, M.D.
Plastic Surgery Educational
Foundation DATA
Worcester, Mass.

here has been increasing interest in the edema, and alcoholic hepatitis. In the United
development of effective agents that can be States, oxandrolone is the only anabolic andro-
safely used to promote anabolism in pa- genic steroid that is approved by the U.S. Food
tients with chronic wasting conditions. Anabolic and Drug Administration to treat weight loss
agents have the potential to improve body com- after severe trauma, major surgery or infections,
position by maintaining or enhancing lean body malnutrition due to alcoholic cirrhosis, and neu-
mass. This class includes growth hormone, insu- romuscular disorders. It has been demonstrated
lin-like growth factor 1, testosterone, dihydrotes- that improvements in body composition, muscle
tosterone, and the testosterone analog strength, and function are evident with oxan-
oxandrolone.1–3 drolone treatment in a variety of chronic wasting
Anabolic androgenic steroids, which are syn- conditions.1– 8
thetic derivatives of testosterone, are inappropri-
ately used to enhance athletic performance or STRUCTURE
appearance. Adverse effects include those on the Oxandrolone is a synthetic androgenic anabolic
liver, serum lipids, and psyche/behavior (mani- steroid with the chemical name 17␤-hydroxy-17␣-
fested as increased levels of irritability, aggres- methyl-2-oxa-5␣-androstane-3-one. Structurally, ox-
sion, personality disturbance, and psychiatric di- androlone is a testosterone-derived substance be-
agnoses), cardiomyopathy, coronary artery longing to the C17␣-alkylated group of anabolic
disease, cerebrovascular accidents, prostatic androgenic steroids. An alkyl group attached at the
changes, and immune function disturbance.4 C17-␣ position of the steroid nucleus allows this
Dehydroepiandrosterone is a weak androgen agent to be formulated as an oral preparation.2
used to elevate testosterone levels and is adver-
tised as an antiobesity and antiaging supplement ABSORPTION, METABOLISM, AND
capable of improving libido, vitality, and immu- MECHANISM OF ACTION
nity levels. However, research demonstrates that Oxandrolone is well absorbed after oral ad-
dehydroepiandrosterone does not increase se- ministration, with peak serum concentrations oc-
rum testosterone concentrations or increase curring in approximately 1 hour.9 Oxandrolone is
strength in men, and it may actually increase 95 percent protein bound. In marked contrast to
testosterone levels in women, thus producing a other anabolic androgenic steroids, such as tes-
virilizing effect.4,5 tosterone, oxandrolone is relatively resistant to
Oxandrolone has been used for more than 30 liver biotransformation, thereby avoiding most
years in such clinical situations as severe burn drug interactions and the liver toxicity often seen
injury, trauma following major surgery, human with other steroids. Approximately 28 percent of
immunodeficiency virus–related muscle wasting, the drug is excreted unchanged in the urine. It is
neuromuscular disorders, hereditary angio- preferentially sulfated to 17-epioxandrolone. The
lack of appreciable biotransformation and the
From the Division of Plastic Surgery, University of Massa- high degree of protein binding result in oxan-
chusetts Memorial Health Care. drolone having higher plasma levels than meth-
Received for publication September 21, 2005; accepted yltestosterone. Oxandrolone has marked anabolic
March 23, 2006. and few androgenic effects, with a high anabolic-
Approved by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ Ex- to-androgenic ratio of 10:1. The anabolic activity
ecutive Committee on September 6, 2005. of oxandrolone in humans is approximately 6.3
Copyright ©2006 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons times that of methyltestosterone after oral dose. It
DOI: 10.1097/01.prs.0000233034.29726.c9 is a schedule III controlled substance, as are all 791
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September 1, 2006

anabolic steroids, which discourages some physi- cebo group on average continued to lose weight,
cians from prescribing it. For treatment in rebuild- while oxandrolone-treated groups on average
ing tissue after a serious illness or trauma, the maintained or gained weight. The oxandrolone
recommended dosage is 2.5 g, two to four times a group receiving 15 mg/day showed significantly
day, for up to 4 weeks. The daily dose may be improved weight gain and a trend toward subjec-
increased up to 20 g. In children, the dose is based tive improvement of appetite, strength, and phys-
on body weight and is 0.25 mg per kg of body ical activity.15
weight. The drug comes in 2.5-mg oval white tab- Oxandrolone is also used in the treatment of
lets. Tablets are stored at room temperature.9 –13 short stature due to Turner’s syndrome and con-
Oxandrolone can interact with other medica- stitutional delay of growth and puberty. It has been
tions, such as oral anticoagulants, oral hypoglyce- found to be reasonably safe and effective for
mic agents, and adrenal steroids. This possible children.16 Murphy et al.17 reported that admin-
interaction should be considered before istration of oxandrolone in severely burned chil-
treatment.14 dren safely improves lean body mass, bone min-
The mechanisms by which oxandrolone pro- eral content, and bone mineral density. Church18
duces weight gain are complex. It is known to conducted a study that indicated that oxan-
stimulate appetite. As a result of direct interaction drolone has an acceptable safety profile in chil-
with androgen or glucocorticoid receptors in mus- dren. In a randomized efficacy and safety trial of
cle, anabolic steroids may promote muscle anab- oxandrolone, Fenichel et al.19 found no adverse
olism through both anabolic and anticatabolic reactions attributable to oxandrolone and re-
pathways.14 ported that it is safe to use in children.
Severe burn injury leads to an acute catabolic
CLINICAL EFFICACY state, with marked loss of lean muscle and visceral
Oxandrolone has been approved by U.S. Food protein. The severity of complications correlates
and Drug Administration since the early 1960s at with the loss of body protein. Increased catabolic
a dosage of 5 to 10 mg/day for conditions that hormones (epinephrine and cortisol) and de-
include weight loss due to extensive surgery, creased anabolic hormones (growth hormone
chronic infection, severe trauma, failure to gain or and testosterone) are in large part responsible for
maintain weight without definitive pathophysio- this situation, along with direct cell injury from
logic reasons, and protein catabolism due to pro- inflammatory mediators. Oxandrolone treatment
longed steroid administration. Some physicians has been shown to decrease the hypermetabolic
have prescribed a higher dose than the Food and response, significantly enhance muscle protein
Drug Administration–approved dose of 10 mg/ synthesis, decrease weight loss and net nitrogen
day, depending on the requirement of the loss, increase body mass and physical function,
patient.1,2 improve healing time, decrease complications,
Oxandrolone has shown to be beneficial in and improve outcome.6,8 In a prospective random-
patients requiring anabolic support and to pro- ized study of patients with major burns, it was
mote beneficial clinical outcomes in catabolic con- demonstrated that oxandrolone given at the dose
ditions, including severe burn injury, trauma after of 20 mg/day combined with increased protein
major surgery, human immunodeficiency virus– intake (2 g/kg per day) significantly increased the
related muscle wasting, neuromuscular disorders, rate of restoration of weight gain after burn.6
alcoholic hepatitis, and chronic illness or muscle Other studies supported the conclusion that ox-
wasting of unclear etiology. In a placebo-con- androlone significantly decreases weight loss and
trolled study encompassing a variety of clinical net nitrogen loss and increases donor-site healing
conditions characterized by muscle wasting, 224 compared with placebo in patients with major
adult patients received 3 weeks of treatment with burns during the acute postburn period.17–23
oxandrolone 5 mg/day or placebo, followed by These changes were found to be associated with
the alternative treatment for another 3 weeks. increased gene expression for functional muscle
Overall, 88 percent gained or maintained weight proteins.24 In fact, it was shown not only that the
during oxandrolone treatment, in contrast to 57 body weight and lean mass lost due to burn-in-
percent during placebo treatment. Eleven percent duced catabolism can be effectively restored in the
lost weight during oxandrolone treatment, com- postburn recovery with oxandrolone but also that
pared with 42 percent during placebo treatment.14 the regained body weight and lean mass are main-
In a community-based study of human immuno- tained 6 months after discontinuation of the
deficiency virus–related muscle wasting, the pla- drug.20 A recent study involving children with se-

Volume 118, Number 3 • Oxandrolone

vere burns demonstrated that long-term adminis- CONCLUSIONS

tration of oxandrolone at 0.1 mg/kg orally twice A variety of clinical conditions are character-
a day safely improves lean body mass, bone min- ized by muscle tissue loss, leading to functional
eral density, and bone mineral content compared impairment, exacerbation of underlying disease
with placebo.17 states, and excess morbidity and mortality rates.
Oxandrolone has a role in the treatment of clin-
ical situations such as severe burn injury, major
ADVERSE EFFECTS trauma after surgery, and disease-related muscle
Oxandrolone has the potential to exhibit wasting, since it has several advantages relative to
many of the adverse effects associated with andro- other anabolic steroids, including oral route of
genic anabolic steroids. Transient elevations of administration, high anabolic:androgenic po-
transaminase levels, as well as reductions in high- tency, absence of evidence of serious or irrevers-
density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, are the most ible hepatic toxicity, and less expensive cost.
common adverse consequences seen in clinical Oxandrolone at therapeutic dosages has been
trials. They appear to be readily reversible upon proven to be a safe and effective drug for treating
discontinuation of treatment.2 a variety of clinical conditions associated with wast-
Hepatic dysfunction associated with the use of ing.
this drug range from elevated liver enzyme levels Mustafa Akyurek, M.D.
and cholestatic jaundice to the more severe he- Division of Plastic Surgery
patic complications of peliosis hepaticus, hyper- University of Massachusetts Memorial Health Care
Hahnemann Campus
plasia, adenomas, and hepatocellular carcinoma. 281 Lincoln Street
Adenomas and carcinomas are known to regress Worcester, Mass. 01605-2192
after drug withdrawal. These adverse effects have
occurred mainly with high dosages, prolonged use
of more than 1 year, multiple concurrent anabolic
agents, and/or in the treatment of aplastic anemia
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