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Official Case Reports Journal of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology

Respirology Case Reports

Hypotensive episodes associated with azithromycin
infusion: a potentially fatal adverse drug reaction
Jeffrey Wong , Maitri Munsif, Robyn O’Hehir, Mark Hew & Eli Dabscheck
Department of Respiratory Medicine, The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Keywords Abstract
Antibiotics, azithromycin, hypotension, pneumonia.
We report the first case of hypotensive episodes associated with intravenous
Correspondence (IV) azithromycin. This is a potentially fatal adverse drug reaction (ADR),
Eli Dabscheck, Department of Respiratory Medicine, with the risk of irreversible end-organ damage, and therefore must be rec-
The Alfred Hospital, Level 2, 55 Commercial ognized and treated immediately. In our case, the reaction was successfully
Road, Melbourne, VIC 3004, Australia. E-mail: managed by immediate cessation of the azithromycin infusion. It is impor-
tant for clinicians to be aware of this ADR as azithromycin is a commonly
Received: 30 May 2019; Revised: 23 June 2019;
prescribed medication worldwide.
Accepted: 24 June 2019; Associate Editor: Tow
Keang Lim.

Respirology Case Reports, 7 (7), 2019, e00464

doi: 10.1002/rcr2.464

Introduction a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of 3. The patient sponta-

neously regained consciousness after 20 s without adrenaline
We report the first case of hypotensive episodes associated
use. His GCS returned to 15 within 5 min. After the episode,
with intravenous (IV) azithromycin administration. It is a
the patient reported feeling warm, flushed, sweaty, and nau-
potentially fatal complication and must be recognized and
seated. There was no associated laryngeal angioedema, rash,
treated immediately.
or fever during this episode. He was admitted to the intensive
care unit (ICU) for further evaluation.
Case Report Serum troponins, sputum analysis, viral polymerase chain
A 64-year old male Caucasian ex-smoker with a 9-year reaction (PCR), chest X-ray, ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) scan,
history of severe interstitial lung disease (ILD) presented and duplex ultrasound of the lower limbs were all
with dyspnoea. Blood tests showed elevated inflammatory unremarkable. The electrocardiogram (ECG) performed at the
markers, and chest imaging demonstrated a new bilateral time of the episode and as a repeat ECG showed no arrhyth-
infiltrate consistent with the diagnosis of severe mias; however, corrected QT interval (QTc) was slightly pro-
community-acquired pneumonia. He was prescribed daily longed on both occasions (QTc = 471 and 491 ms,
IV azithromycin of 500 mg and IV ceftriaxone of 1 g and respectively). His blood glucose level was high (15.1 mmol/L);
was admitted to the ward. serum urea, electrolyte, and creatinine (UECs) showed mild
His past medical history included well-controlled type 1 dia- acute kidney injury (Creatinine 114 μmol/L, estimated glomer-
betes mellitus and psoriasis. He had no prior known drug ular filtration rate 59 mL/min); and liver function tests (LFTs)
allergies. On multiple previous admissions, the patient had were mildly deranged (Albumin = 31 g/L, alanine aminotrans-
received ceftriaxone and piperacillin/tazobactam (Tazocin) ferase = 63 U/L, gamma-glutamyl transferase = 229 U/L, alka-
without complications. line phosphatase = 214 U/L). Serial serum tryptase
On the medical ward, he became hypotensive with a drop of measurements were within the normal limits on three occasions
blood pressure from 100/70 to 60/30 mmHg. His oxygen satu- (immediate, 2 h, and 24-h).
ration dropped from 97 to 60%, and he became tachypnoeic Over the course of 2 days in the ICU on the monitor,
(26 breaths/min), peripherally cyanotic, and unresponsive with he experienced two further hypotensive episodes. Only

© 2019 The Authors. Respirology Case Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd 2019 | Vol. 7 | Iss. 7 | e00464
on behalf of The Asian Pacific Society of Respirology Page 1
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Hypotensive episodes with azithromycin J. Wong et al.

after the third episode did his medical team realize that In summary, we report the first case of hypotensive epi-
all episodes had occurred during the azithromycin infu- sodes following an infusion of IV azithromycin. It is impor-
sion, with resolution immediately upon infusion cessa- tant to recognize that hypotension could result from the
tion. Azithromycin was then discontinued, with no administration of a commonly prescribed antibiotic. It is a
subsequent recurrences. Telemetry throughout ICU potentially life-threatening condition that may lead to irre-
admission showed no evidence of any arrhythmias. versible organ dysfunction and death if left untreated. The
current consensus guidelines in managing an ADR is to
immediately cease its administration, and that exact manage-
ment was sufficient for our patient without requiring other
Discussion measures such as adrenaline. We would like to emphasize the
lessons learnt from our experience to recognize a potentially
There have been no reported cases of immediate hypo-
serious ADR. The awareness of this potential drug reaction
tensive episodes with IV azithromycin infusion in the lit-
could hopefully benefit future clinical practice worldwide.
erature. Azithromycin is widely prescribed for severe
community-acquired pneumonia. The most common
adverse effects with azithromycin (both oral and IV) are Disclosure Statement
gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea, diarrhoea,
Appropriate written informed consent was obtained for
and abdominal pain [1], followed by hepatotoxicity [2],
publication of this case report and accompanying images.
and QT prolongation leading to sudden cardiac death
(SCD) [3].
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2 © 2019 The Authors. Respirology Case Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
on behalf of The Asian Pacific Society of Respirology

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