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CMC (Call & Message Continuity) Data Detail

File Name CMCAccount.csv

Media attachment(s) in MMS/RCS

File Description
1) CMCAccount: CMC service account and device related information 2)
CallAndMessageHistoryList: Call Log and Message Log History related in
3) MessagesList: SMS/MMS/RCS message information
- Additionally, Text/Image/Video/RCS chatbot message files can be includ
ed depending on the type of user’s messages sent and received on the Me
ssage App
4) RCSGroupChatInfoList: Group chat related information if the user h
as RCS group chat message(s)
5) Media attachments in MMS/RCS: Original media attachment file(s)
with extensions (.txt, .jpg, .jpeg, .mp4, etc.) in MMS and RCS messages

1) CMCAccount.csv
Field Name Field Description

Account Type Account server type

MSISDN Mobile number of primary device

MCC Mobile country code (3-digit)

Line Creation Time CMC service subscription time

Device Name Device nickname

Device Type Device type (e.g., Phone, Tablet, Watch, etc.)

Model Number Model number of device

Device Join Time Join time in CMC service per device

2) CallAndMessageHistoryList.csv
Field Name Field Description
Flags Message status by user action
Attributes Log metadata which is sent by client message app:
To: Sender of message or call
From: Recipient info of message or call
TextContent: Message log text info
Date: Log generated time
Message-Context: Log type, x-msg-log denotes message log and x-call-log denot
es call log
Direction: Direction of log (IN means incoming and OUT means outgoing)
Call-Disposition and Call-DispositionExt: Call disposition info by user Call-Duratio
n: Duration time of call

3) MessagesList.csv
Field Name Field Description
Flags Message status by user action
Message metadata which is sent by client message app
To: Sender of message
From: Recipient of message
TextContent: Message text content
Date: Date and time of message
Message-Context: Message type such as SMS, MMS, MMS notification, RCS et
Direction: Direction of message (IN means incoming and OUT means outgoing)

4) RCSGroupChatInfoList.csv
Field Name Field Description
UpdatedTimestamp Timestamp value sent by client app during group chat create/update request
GroupType Group type sent by client app
MyStatus User status value sent by client app during group object create/update request
Participants RCS group chat participants which are sent by client message app
Group state notification uploaded timestamp value sent by client app

Subject Group chatroom title

5) Media attachments in MMS/RCS
- Original media file(s)

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