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Odisha- 754029

Mobile No : 7749083222


Developing my carrier in the field of working with marginalize communities artisans and
entrepreneurs towards a property society to let them live with dignity

Educational Qualification

 Completed Graduation(B.Sc) from G.SC Autonomous College, Athagarh Under Utkal

University on 2012 with 55% mark.

 Completed +2 Science (CHSE) from G.SC Autonomous College, Athagarh on 2009

with 50% mark.

 Completed Matriculation(HSC) from SRBP High School, Samsarpur on 2007 with

67% mark


 Forest and Environment issues

 Community organization
 Community shop and farming
 Youth leadership training
 Non-Formal education
 Community Health
 Promotion of Scientific temperament
 Rural sanitation
 Promotion of Handicrafts and Cottage Industries
 Social Capital Restoration
 Integrated handicrafts development program through cluster approach 1654 artisans
 Promotion and strengthening SHGs- 545 SHGs economic freedom
 Entrepreneurship Development-320 artisan, youth and women
 Rural Industrial Service centre.- 120 artisans
 Promotion of art, craft and cultural heritages
 Women and Child development.
 Income Generation activities for women-1200 women
 Promotion of human rights.
 Promotion of Leather crafts under Indian lether Development
programme and sustainable livelihood promotion for 860 leather
 Skill development to youth in traditional and modern trades for
generating employments 870 youth
 Entrepreneurship development for 1440 women, artisan and disadvantaged youth.
 Skills for Life for 720 disadventaged youth
 Integrated tribal evelopment project in Keonjar and Mayurbhanja district for 7 years


1. Community Health program
2. National Env. Awareness campaign
3. Community education and organization
4. Development of women and Children in rural areas.
5. Life skill education
6. Social animators training
7. Training cum Production centers
8. Entrepreneurship development program
9. Community fund raising
10. Crèches and Pre- school education.
11. Promotion of cultural heritages. ( research, study, Dissemination of folk

tribal art and culture)

12. Integrated handicrafts Development program
13. Vocational trainings
14. Construction of cross dam. Individual work sheds, community work sheds.
15. Community work camps
16. Formation and linkage of SHGs
17. Women empowerment.
18. Micro finance, Micro enterprise
19. Promotion of public awareness on Industrial pollution in river belt areas
of Dhenkanal and Angul District
20. Entreprenurship and skill development in traditional and modern trades.Indian leather
development programme
20. Knowledge in Computer
21. Skills for life
22. Leadership development of Minority women
23. capacity building on entreprenurship Development
24. Social Capital restoration.
 Organizational Planning
 Project Planning, Formulating, Monitoring and Evaluation
 Accounting
 Organization of Rural poor
 Social activists training Participatory action research
 Community Health training
 Social security for rural poor


 420 women self help group have been formed & strengthened in 10 villages those are practicing
savings and credit facility at present.
 By taking up awareness and education program on panchayatiraj, 12 no women are already
representing Sarapancha, panchayatsamiti members and ward members.
 140 No of women artisans have been imparted skill up gradation training & increased their income
level from Rs. 1000/- to 12000/- per month.
 Integrated handicrafts development program for 254 rural artisans are being worked out at present.
 Environmental awareness program for 1200 forest & slum Dwellers.
 Arranged 8 out side and inside exhibition cum sales program for the women artisans representing
from different SHGs.
 Created 125 acres of new forest by mobilizing the target people.
 Research work in tribal areas of Orissa on their art, craft and culture.
 Dissemination of Tribal art and culture through workshop, Seminar Exhibitions etc.
 Development attitude towards preservation of tribal art, craft and culture.
 Constructed 25 individual work shed, 2 community work centers for the use of artisan
 Entrepreneurship Development program for the 40 deaf and dumb. And

 20 rural youths and 309 entrepreneurs including women, artisans, widows and trying their
 Rehabilitation economically.
 Integrated handicrafts development program through cluster development Program in Dhenkanal
and Angul District covering 1654 Artisans
 Rehabilitation of 250 Dhokra artisans under social capital restoration program.
 Mobilized and covered 128 entrepreneurs under Janashree Bima jojana 62 artisans under Rajiv
Gandhi shilpi Swasthy Vima Jojana for getting health facilities.
 Organized 10 outside state Handicrafts Exhibitions and one state level handicrafts
 exhibition. Skill development training and escort support service for 24 entrepreneurs on Jute Diversified
products, 20 entrepreneur’s on Leaf cup and Pressing,
 20 women entrepreneurs on palm leaf and palm products and 20 on Dhokra casting.
 During 1992 to 1997, organizing the tribal people conducted 30 pre-school programs
in Angul Districts of Orissa state. During that period more than 3000 children were benefited under the

At present conducting 2 no of Crèche for the children of allied and poor working women in
Chhendipada block of Angul district of Orissa state..

At present organizing vocational education program for the high school students and
adolescents. The basic concept of the program is to strengthen the contents of educational
institutions there by adding job oriented vocational education to mitigate the unemployment
scenario in rural Orissa.
As the chief functionary of Janajagaran Kendra , has been able to become the active partner
of Office of the development commissioner, Handicrafts.Government of India. In order to
create a temperament among the students and adolescents for revival and promotion of village
industry and handicrafts sector every year the organization adopts 5 to10 schools and arrange
special training on the issue. So far The organization has adopted 107 schools in Orissa and
completed the training programs.
To make the students aware and consciousness on different aspects of environmental
pollution and role of the students and remedial measures ,Organised of different awareness programs
like audio visual shows,padayatra, rally, competitions, workshops, seminars ,documentary film show
involving the students is being conducted every year in different schools in Angul district.

Under entrepreneurship and skill development programme skill training has beenprovided to
4500 rural youth, women, adolescents and more than 78% have been provided self employment
through proper escort support service.
Different socio-economic interventions for 860 leather artisan families of Odisha have
been intervened in cluster approach.
 Skill training and placement for 720 disadventaged youth under skills for life.
 1700 women ( minority) covered under Leadership Development of Minority
 50 Youth trained under Capacity Building of sc and St youth on
Entrepreneurship Development training

The expertise/experience of the organization

I have the skill and expertise towards the revival and promotion of Handicrafts, Entrepreneurship
development, Promotion of Self Help groups and T &C, Poverty eradication through various income generation
activities, in rural areas of Orissa state since last 20 years .I have a good expertise & experience in
implementing the following activities during yester years

uiding the Organization for successfully implementation of Ambedkar Hastashilpa Vikas Yojana
under the sponsorship of Office of the Development Commissioner Handicrafts, ‘Ministry
Textiles, Govt. of India. Under the 5 years project the organization is covering 254 rural artisans.
The interventions like Social mobilization through mini mobilizations camps, workshop ,
trainings,large group discussions, formation and strengthening SHGs,T & C s, formation of
Federations , Skill enhancement training for 160 artisans Design dissemination and technical input
through 6 No of Design & technical development workshops, two no of Integrated Design &
Technicaldevelopment projects, 8 No of outside and 3 No of Inside state handicrafts exhibitions has so far
been implemented in the area and increased the level of income of the adopted artisans cluster.
(b) Two no of Community work shed and 25 No of Individual work sheds ahs so far been
Constructed and handed over to artisans, 160 artisans and 5 SHGs have so far been supported
basic tools kits as a part of developing infrastructure facilities.
(c ) Involved with the rural sanitation mission and creating awareness for low cost sanitation and it’s uses in
Dhenkanal and Angul district of Orissa state.750 sanitary latrines have been so far installed in remote rural

(d) Successfully completed “Support to artisan program under Indian Leather development program .
860 cobbler leather artisans are involved in the program and getting their livelihood support.( 12
Skill trainings, 4 DDPs, 4 IT&TDPs, 8 marketing events,One CFC etc)
(e) Promoting the Naturopathy and Yoga treatment in rural areas with the help of National Institute
of Naturopathy.
(f) In rural areas promoting women rights through different campaigns, lobby, advocacy and
awareness programs.
(g) Successfully completed study and research in Leather sector and livelihood of cobbler
communities in Odisha and during 2010-2013.
(h) Completed 7 test marketing study, marketing potentiality of Handicrafts sector from micro level
to macro level, 4 base live study of Dhokra craft, Leather craft and one Brass and Bell metal
(i) Successfully completed 28 Leadership Development programme for minority women
under “NAI ROSHNI”

 Entrepreneurship and skill development

 Support to artisan under Indian leather development program (Follow up)
 Development of Socio- economical status of 860 traditional cubler families.
 Promoting Naturopathy and yoga treatment in rural areas.
 Health and sanitation activities in Rural areas
 Campaign on Producers co-operative movement in Odisha.
 Social capital Restoration.
 Net working among the youth mass for involving them in nation building.
 Environmental awareness campaign
 Skills for life (skill development, placement, support services)
 Integrated handicrafts Development programme under AHVY


 Office of the Development commissioner. Handicrafts. Govt. of India. –Financial support

for the revival and promotion of Handicrafts..
 Regional Design and Technical Development centre, Kolkotta- Technical Guidance
 KVIC, Odisha –Financial support & Technical Guidance
 DIPP, Govt. of India- -Technical and Financial support in the field of
Promoting Leather Handicrafts.
 Marketing and Service Extension service Centre. Govt. Of India,
Sambalpur - Marketing opportunity for the artisans and entrepreneurs
of our locality
 ORMAS, Odisha - Marketing opportunity for the artisans and
entrepreneurs of our locality
 SIRD, Odisha – Financial support & technical guidance for Capacity
building of PRI members
 Department of Culture, Govt. of India-Financial Support for
promotion of Indian Cultural heritages.
 Central Leather research Institute, Chennai- in the field of Design
Dissemination, Technical Guidance,
 ni-msme, hyderabad –Financial and Technical support for ESDP,TOT,
Skill Training & Capacity building Trainings.
 CFTI, Chennai - Supporting for providing technical guidance, Need
base assessment study, Supporting us Faculity members for training on
leather sector
 National Youth Foundation, Luknow building for designing
 NIPCCID, Gohwati - Supporting for women awareness generation programs
 SSWAB, Odisha - Supporting for women awareness generation programs
 District Administration, Of the six operational districts of the organization
 FDDI, Noida - Supporting for providing technical guidance, Need base assessment
study,Supporting us Faculity members for training on leather sector
 DAG, Dhenkanal-Angul programs etc A Forum of NGOs of
Dhenkanal and Angul Jointly working in the field of Environmental
Pollution, Janajagaran Kendra is an active member of this forum
 Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India –Environmental awareness support
 Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt.of India-Leadership development of Minorities.
 Ministry of Youth Affairs and sports, Govt.of India.- Financial support
 for Career guidance support
 RGNIYD, Govt. of India, Chennai- Technical and Financial support
for Youth Development
 Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, Monitoring, Evaluation and certification.
 Swades Foundation-HSBC skills for Life project Partner
 Ministry of Rural Development. Govt. of India. DDU-GKVY.-Partnering for skill
 training
 CCRYN-Ministry of Ayush, Govt.of India.-Financial support
 Vitamin angels-USA, Mumbai & Minakshi Mission , Chennai.
 Tata Institute of Sicial Science, Mumbai-Monitoring, Evaluation and feed back
 KPMG, NOIDA- Mumbai-Monitoring, Evaluation and feed back support
 SUREWIN –INDORE-Assessment & Trgaining in franchise mode
 OSCIT,OKCL-ODISHA- Assessment & Training in franchise mode
Professional &Technical Skills

Team Management, Client Management, Operations Management, General administration,

Analytical, interpersonal & Problem solving skills.

Software Known: Proficient in the use of MS-office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Internet.

Personal Details

Name : Rasmita Nayak.

Father’s Name: Udayanath Nayak.

Date of Birth: 07/07/1991.

Language Known: English, Hindi, Oriya

Nationality: Indian

Marital Status: Married

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