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Coordinated Responses to Oxygen and

Sugar Deficiency Allow Rice Seedlings to
Tolerate Flooding
Kuo-Wei Lee,1,6 Peng-Wen Chen,2 Chung-An Lu,3 Shu Chen,4 Tuan-Hua David Ho,5 Su-May Yu6*
(Published 6 October 2009; Volume 2 Issue 91 ra61)

Flooding is a widespread natural disaster that leads to oxygen (O2) and energy deficiency in terrestrial
plants, thereby reducing their productivity. Rice is unusually tolerant to flooding, but the underlying
mechanism for this tolerance has remained elusive. Here, we show that protein kinase CIPK15 [calci-
neurin B–like (CBL)–interacting protein kinase] plays a key role in O2-deficiency tolerance in rice.
CIPK15 regulates the plant global energy and stress sensor SnRK1A (Snf1-related protein kinase 1)
and links O2-deficiency signals to the SnRK1-dependent sugar-sensing cascade to regulate sugar and
energy production and to enable rice growth under floodwater. Our studies contribute to understanding

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how rice grows under the conditions of O2 deficiency necessary for growing rice in irrigated lowlands.

Partial or complete submergence in water restricts O2 diffusion to plants proceed satisfactorily under hypoxic or anoxic conditions (9–11). This indi-
and thereby inhibits their aerobic respiration. Rice (Oryza sativa) has cates that these rice cultivars might use a Sub1A-independent mechanism to
developed various adaptive mechanisms to survive periods of hypoxia cope with low-O2 stress during germination and coleoptile elongation.
(limited O2) or anoxia (no O2). These include generating energy in the Following imbibition (water adsorption) of rice seeds, sugars in the
absence of O2 through fermentative metabolism (1), developing specific embryo are rapidly consumed, leading to sugar depletion and activation
morphologies (such as aerenchyma in parenchymal tissues) that improve of a-amylase expression in the scutellum between the embryo and en-
access to O2 (2), activating gibberellin (GA)- and ethylene-promoted in- dosperm (12, 13). Meanwhile, the embryo synthesizes GAs, which are
ternode elongation to allow plants to extend above the water surface for released to aleurone cells surrounding the starchy endosperm to activate
gas exchange (an adaptation found in deepwater rice) (3), and repressing the synthesis and secretion of a-amylases and other hydrolases. These
growth and conserving energy until floodwater recedes (an adaptation enzymes digest starch and other nutrients stored in the endosperm to
found in lowland rice) (4). These abilities have enabled the global cul- small molecules that are taken up by scutellum and transported to the
tivation of rice in a wide range of ecosystems, ranging from rain-fed and embryo to support seedling growth (14). Rice carries out these processes
irrigated lowlands to deep water (5). under conditions of O2 deficiency, thus obtaining fermentable carbohydrates
Submergence-1 locus (Sub1), a major quantitative trait locus that to provide adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) to the germinating embryo,
controls submergence tolerance in flood-prone lowland rice (6), contains whereas other cereal seeds fail to do so and, consequently, do not germi-
two or three genes with ethylene response factor (ERF) domains that are nate under comparable conditions (15–18). However, the mechanisms
transcriptionally induced by submergence (4, 7). Sub1B and Sub1C are through which a-amylases are produced in germinating rice seeds under
present in the Sub1 locus of many rice varieties, whereas Sub1A is lim- O2-deficient conditions are largely unknown.
ited to only a few varieties (7). Sub1A enables mature plants to tolerate The yeast sucrose nonfermenting 1 (Snf1) protein kinase and its mam-
10 to 14 days of complete submergence by stimulating the expression of malian and plant counterparts, adenosine monophosphate (AMP)–activated
the gene encoding alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh), an enzyme necessary protein kinase (AMPK) and Snf1-related protein kinase 1 (SnRK1), re-
for fermentative metabolism, and repressing GA-mediated induction of spectively, are highly conserved metabolic sensors that monitor cellular
the genes encoding a-amylase and expansin, which are respectively glucose or the ATP/AMP ratio to adjust energy homeostasis under condi-
involved in starch degradation and cell elongation in leaves, thereby pre- tions of nutrient deficiency, stress, or both (19–21). An Arabidopsis SnRK1
serving energy until floodwaters recede (4, 8). However, in some japonica homolog (KIN10) mediates both hypoxia and glucose starvation re-
rice cultivars that lack Sub1A and whose mature plants are submergence in- sponses of two dark-induced genes (22). In humans, hypoxia-inducible
tolerant (7), such as Nipponbare, seed germination and coleoptile elongation factor 1a (HIF-1a), which is essential for cancer cell survival under hy-
poxic conditions, is also activated by both sugar starvation and hypoxia
through an AMPK-dependent signaling pathway (23). These findings
Graduate Institute of Life Sciences, National Defense Medical Center, suggest that conserved mechanisms regulate crosstalk between sugar
Neihu, Taipei 114, Taiwan, ROC. 2Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology,
National Chiayi University, Chiayi City 600, Taiwan, ROC. 3Department of and O2 deficiency–signaling pathways in eukaryotes.
Life Sciences, National Central University, Jhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, Our earlier studies showed that, in rice, sugar signaling regulates ex-
Taiwan, ROC. 4Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Wufeng, Taichung pression of the gene encoding a-amylase by controlling its transcription
413, Taiwan, ROC. 5Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia rate and messenger RNA (mRNA) stability (24, 25). Transcriptional reg-
Sinica, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan, ROC. 6Institute of Molecular Biology,
Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan, ROC.
ulation is mediated through a sugar response complex (SRC) in a-amylase
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: sumay@imb.sinica. promoters, in which the TA box (TATCCA) is the key regulatory element (13, 26, 27). The transcription factor MYBS1 interacts with the TA box 6 October 2009 Vol 2 Issue 91 ra61 1


and stimulates a-amylase promoter activity under conditions of sugar

starvation (28). Protein kinase SnRK1A is an essential upstream positive
regulator of MYBS1 in the response to sugar starvation and plays a key A WT
role in stimulating seed germination and seedling growth in rice (20). Air Water
Calcium signals mediate a multitude of plant responses to various
stimuli, including abiotic stresses, light, pathogens, and hormones, and reg-
ulate a wide range of physiological processes (29, 30). Ca2+ has also been
proposed to act as a physiological transducer of low O2 signaling in plants,
because transient increases in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration can be detected B dry 12 hours 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days dry 12 hours 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days

soon after flooding of maize roots or anoxic or hypoxic treatment of Ara- CIPK15
bidopsis (31, 32). Furthermore, Ca2+ signaling is required for the activation
of glycolytic enzymes and Adh in maize and Arabidopsis under conditions Amy3
of low O2 (32, 33). However, the pathway that links the sensing of O2 de-
ficiency to production of Adh—and the identity of the key regulator(s) of mRNA
this pathway—remains elusive. Amy8
Calcineurin B–like (CBL) proteins are calcium-binding proteins that
interact with the CBL-interacting protein kinases (CIPKs) and propagate Adh2
plant Ca2+ signaling through a complex network (34). CIPKs are a group

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of plant-specific Ser-Thr protein kinases containing a conserved 24–amino
acid motif, called the NAF (Asn-Ala-Phe) domain, which is in the C- MYB S1
terminal nonkinase region and is sufficient and necessary for CIPK inter- Protein
action with CBL (35). The Arabidopsis CBL-CIPK network consists of 10
CBLs and 25 CIPKs (36) that act in combination with one another, and
different pair combinations have been found to participate in signaling C cipk15
pathways related to abiotic stresses, including salt, drought, osmotic, cold,
Air Water
and ABA (abscisic acid) (34, 36).
Here, we show that the protein kinase CIPK15 plays a critical role in the
response to O2 deficiency and acts through the SnRK1A-MYBS1–mediated
sugar signaling pathway to regulate carbohydrate catabolism and fermen-
tation, allowing rice to grow under floodwater.
D dry 12 hours 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days dry 12 hours 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days

CIPK15 integrates sugar- and O2-deficiency signaling Amy7
We observed an intriguing similarity in the sequences of the CIPK family mRNA
kinases to those of the Snf1-AMPK family upstream protein kinases (fig. Amy8
S1) and hypothesized that CIPKs might act upstream of SnRK1A and be
involved in integrating sugar- and O2-deficiency signaling. We screened
several rice CIPK mutants and found that the CIPK15 knockout mutant Tubulin
(cipk15) of Nipponbare rice (fig. S2) was hypersensitive to the effect of
anaerobic germination under water. Shoots of the wild type elongated in MYB S1
air and under water, but growth of true green leaves from coleoptiles and Protein
of roots was delayed under water (Fig. 1A). Two allelic cipk15 knockout
mutants (fig. S2) showed the same hypersensitive phenotype, which was
only apparent in homozygous (–/–) plants; heterozygous (+/–) mutants Fig. 1. CIPK15 controls seedling development and expression of enzymes
showed the wild-type phenotype. necessary for sugar production and fermentation in rice under water.
Of eight commonly-studied rice a-amylase genes, aAmy3 is the most Seeds were germinated in air or under water. Thirty seeds were used
prone to transcriptional activation by both sugar starvation (12, 13, 24) and for each treatment at each time point. Germinated embryos with shoots,
anoxia (9). In wild-type seedlings, the abundance of CIPK15, aAmy3, and roots, and endosperms excised were divided into two, with each half used
Adh2 mRNAs and MYBS1 protein increased under water (Fig. 1B). In air, for extraction of total mRNA and proteins for RT-PCR and Western blot
cipk15 growth was similar to that of wild-type seedlings, but under water, analyses, respectively. (A) Wild-type (WT) shoots elongated in air or under
cipk15 growth was severely arrested (Fig. 1C). In cipk15 seedlings, accu- water. (B) The abundance of CIPK15, aAmy3, and Adh2 mRNAs and
mulation of CIPK15 and aAmy3 mRNAs was abolished and that of Adh2 MYBS1 protein increased in embryos germinated under water, whereas
mRNA was reduced with germination in air, whereas accumulation of that of aAmy7 and aAmy8 mRNAs remained constant. (C) cipk15-1 –/–
all tested gene mRNAs was abolished and that of MYBS1 protein was shoots and roots elongated normally in air but was arrested under water.
reduced with germination under water (Fig. 1D). The expression of two (D) In cipk15-1 –/– germinated embryos, aAmy3 mRNA was not apparent;
other a-amylase genes, aAmy7 and aAmy8, which was similar in air and the abundance of aAmy7, aAmy8, and Adh2 mRNAs was reduced in air
under water in wild-type seedlings (Fig. 1B), was reduced in air and abol- and these mRNAs were not apparent and the abundance of MYBS1 pro-
ished under water in cipk15 seedlings (Fig. 1D). The expression of aAmy7 tein was reduced under water. 6 October 2009 Vol 2 Issue 91 ra61 2


Fig. 2. CIPK15 integrates sugar A WT cipk15 C

Sucrose + – – – – 160 Effector:
and O2-deficiency signaling. (A) +

Luciferase activity (+ 102)

+ Suc 24.4X
CIPK15 is necessary for the in- Time (hours) 24 48 24 48 140
– Suc
Lane 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ubi-SnRK1A
crease in SnRK1A and a-amylase 120
in response to sugar starvation. CIPK15 100 Reporter:
WT and cipk15-1 suspension 80 SRC-Luc
cells were cultured in medium SnRK1A 10.5X
60 7.8X
containing 90 mM sucrose for 7.8X
48 hours, and then transferred to 40
α Amy3 mRNA 20 1X 0.7X
3X 2.7X
medium without sucrose for 24 1.4X 1.4X

and 48 hours. Cells were col- 0

lected and total mRNA and pro- rRNA CIPK15 – + – + – + – +
SnRK1A – – + + – – + +
teins were extracted for RT-PCR
and Western blot analyses, re- WT cipk15
spectively. (B) CIPK15 is suffi- D
cient for rescuing SnRK1A and Nipponbare (C15ox) Tainung 67 (C15ox)
a-amylase expression in cipk15. Input IP Input IP
Suspension cells of cipk15-1–/– α -Amylase Protein +S -S +S -S +S -S +S -S

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were transformed with constructs
containing Ubi::GUS control (CK)
or Ubi::CIPK and cultured with or
without 90 mM sucrose for 24
hours. Total proteins were ex- B
tracted for Western blot analysis. + – + – + – + –
(C) CIPK15 and SnRK1A syner- Lane 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
gistically enhanced SRC activity SnRK1A
in transfected suspension cells
[analysis of variance (ANOVA);
P < 0.01]. WT or cipk15-1 sus- Tubulin
pension cells were cotransfected
with effector and reporter constructs, incubated with (+) or without (−) sucrose Transformed rice suspension cells overexpresssing Ubi::HA-CIPK15 (C15ox)
(Suc), and luciferase activities were assayed. The luciferase activity in WT were cultured in medium with or without 90 mM sucrose for 24 hours. Total
embryos transfected with the reporter only and in the + Suc condition was proteins (Input) were extracted, and the HA-CIPK15-interacting proteins
assigned a value of 1×, and other values were calculated relative to this value. were precipitated with the antibody against HA (IP) and subjected to a
Error bars: SE from three repeats. (D) CIPK15 interacts with SnRK1A in vivo. Western blot analysis with the antibodies against SnRK1A.

and aAmy8 seems to participate in starch degradation in cipk15 in air. wild-type and cipk15 cells, cotransfection with plasmids encoding CIPK15
These studies show that CIPK15 regulates a-amylase and Adh production and SnRK1A synergistically activated SRC compared with overexpression
required for the sugar production and fermentation necessary for seedling of SnRK1A alone, regardless of sucrose availability (Fig. 2C).
growth under water. To determine whether CIPK15 interacts with SnRK1A, we performed
The kinase domain of CIPK15 is homologous to those of SnRK1A, coimmunoprecipitation (co-IP) experiments on stably transformed suspen-
AMPKa1, and Snf1 and to those of the protein kinases upstream of sion cells of Nipponbare and Tainung 67 rice bearing influenza hemag-
AMPKa1 and Snf1 (37, 38), but, of these, only CIPK15 contains the glutinin (HA)–tagged CIPK15. The HA antibody-precipitated protein
NAF motif (figs. S3 and S4). To determine whether CIPK15 regulates complex containing CIPK15 reacted with SnRK1A antibodies only when
SnRK1A, we cultured rice cells in suspension under conditions of su- cells were sucrose starved (Fig. 2D). This study suggests that CIPK15 may
crose starvation. Sugar starvation led to an increase in the abundance interact with SnRK1A in vivo. Together, the above studies show that CIPK15
of CIPK15 and aAmy3 mRNAs and of SnRK1A and a-amylase proteins and SnRK1A connect sensing of the O2-deficiency signal to the flooding
in wild-type but not in cipk15 cells (Fig. 2A). To investigate whether the response of seedling growth through the sugar signaling cascade.
lost increase in SnRK1A and a-amylase abundance in cipk15 cells could
be rescued by the introduction of a CIPK15 and other CIPKs, cipk15 CIPK15 is required for growth of rice under
suspension cells were transformed with several different CIPKs under flooded conditions
the control of the maize ubiquitin (Ubi) promoter. CIPK11 is closely re- We investigated the role of CIPK15 in seedling and mature plant growth
lated to CIPK15, whereas CIPK21 is more distantly related (fig. S1). under submerged conditions further by germinating seeds in air or under
The increase in SnRK1A and a-amylases in sucrose-starved cipk15 cells water with or without sucrose. In air, both wild-type and cipk15 seed-
was rescued by complementation with CIPK15 and to a lesser extent lings grew normal shoots and roots regardless of sugar availability (Fig.
with CIPK11, but not with CIPK21 (Fig. 2B). 3A), although shoot elongation in cipk15 seedlings was slightly slower
We used a transient expression assay to delineate the relationship than in wild-type seedlings (fig. S5A). In submerged seedlings, the re-
between CIPK15 and SnRK1A in sugar signaling. In cipk15 cells, trans- tarded shoot and root elongation of cipk15 was rescued by sucrose so that
fection with plasmids encoding either CIPK15 or SnRK1A activated tran- seedling growth was comparable to that of wild-type seedlings (Fig. 3B
scription from the SRC derived from aAmy3 promoters (Fig. 2C). In both and fig. S5B). 6 October 2009 Vol 2 Issue 91 ra61 3

Fig. 3. CIPK15 controls sugar A C
production necessary for under- WT cipk15
-Suc + Suc
water seedling growth, as well
as mature plant growth under
partially-flooded conditions. (A) Air

In air, neither WT nor cipk15 seed-

ling growth required exogenous
sucrose. WT and cipk15-1
seeds were germinated in air by
placing on filter papers wetted Water

with water or 90 mM sucrose so-

lution. (B) With anaerobic germi-
nation, WT coleoptile elongation cipk15
did not require exogenous su-
crose but cipk15 coleoptile elon- Water
+ Suc
gation did. WT and cipk15-1–/–
Dry 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dry 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
seeds were germinated under hours day days days days days days hours day days days days days days

water or under 90 mM sucrose


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solution. (C) Root growth was Water
impaired in WT and arrested in -Suc + Suc Flooded 3 cm above soil

Plant height (cm)

cipk15 ( )
cipk15 under water, but both 60 WT ( )
were rescued by exogenous su-
crose. WT and cipk15-1 –/– seeds WT
were germinated on the surface 20
of 5-cm-high 0.3% agarose gel
in a 500-ml glass bottle and in- 80
Flooded 10 cm above soil

Plant height (cm)

cubated at 28°C under a 16- WT ( )
hour light/8-hour dark condition 60
7d 8d
for 7 days. Seedlings were di- cipk15 40 cipk15 ( )
vided to three groups and kept
in air submerged in water or sub- 20

merged in 90 mM sucrose so- 0

Dry 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dry 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
lution for another 7 days. (D) hours day days days days days days hours day days days days days days
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The growth rate of wild-type and cipk15 plants in soil was similar when flooded with 3 cm water, Weeks after flooding

but slower in cipk15 than in wild type when flooded with 10 cm water (ANOVA; P < 0.01). Error
bars: SE (n = 30). Experimental details are described in the legend of fig. S7. (E) Six weeks after
transplantation to paddy flooded with at least 5 to 10 cm of water, plant growth was impaired in
cipk15-1 –/–.

cipk15 WT

The ability of roots to grow and to deliver inorganic nutrients to that CIPK15 controls sugar production required for seedling growth un-
shoots is essential for plant survival (39); thus we paid particular attention der water. Additionally, root growth is more sensitive than shoot growth
to the effect of the cipk15 mutation on root growth. Paddy rice is typically to O2 deficiency.
grown in flooded soil to limit weed growth, forcing roots to grow under Nipponbare rice does not contain Sub1A and has thus been regarded
highly O2-deficient conditions. Seedlings were grown in air for 7 days as submergence intolerant (7). To determine whether CIPK15 is essen-
and then maintained in air or submerged in water or sucrose solution. tial for growth of Nipponbare plants under partial flooding (not fully
Root growth was similar for wild-type and cipk15 seedlings grown in submerged) conditions, 2-week-old seedlings (13 cm tall) grown in pot
air (Fig. 3C and fig. S6A). Shoot growth was also similar for wild-type soil were flooded with water to a depth of either 3 cm or 10 cm above
and cipk15 seedlings submerged under water, but primary and lateral root the soil surface (fig. S7A). The growth of wild-type and cipk15 seed-
growth was reduced for submerged wild type and arrested in submerged lings grown under 3 cm of water was similar, and both reached 60 cm
cipk15 seedlings (Fig. 3C and fig. S6B). Exogenous sucrose increased after 10 weeks (Fig. 3D and fig. S7B). When flooded to 10 cm, all wild-
root growth of wild-type and cipk15 seedlings by 36 and 44%, respec- type seedlings continued to grow but 30% of cipk15 seedlings died within
tively (Fig. 3C and fig. S6C). For submerged seedlings, cipk15 roots were a few days. The growth of wild-type seedlings was rapid and plants
on average 14 to 15% shorter than wild-type roots, regardless of sucrose reached 70 cm within 10 weeks, whereas cipk15 seedlings grew slowly,
availability (fig. S6, compare B with C). These studies further indicate reaching only 40 cm by 10 weeks (Fig. 3D and fig. S7B). To determine 6 October 2009 Vol 2 Issue 91 ra61 4

Fig. 4. CIPK15 confers hypoxia A D
Total amylase activity
tolerance on rice through the co-
WT cipk15
ordinated production of sugars Flooding
and Adh through the sugar star- DAI 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
vation signaling pathway. (A)
CIPK15 increases both total am- CBL/Ca+2 starvation
ylase and a-amylase activity in 7
6 WT total amylases

Unit/mg proteins
germinated seeds under water.
Top, zymogram assay. Bottom, 5 WT -amylase CIPK15
quantitative activity assay. DAI, 4
cipk15 total amylases
days after imbibition. (B) The abun- 3
2 cipk15 -amylase
dance of Adh mRNA was in- SnRK1A
creased by sucrose and hypoxia,
and CIPK15 was necessary for 0 1 2 3 4
the hypoxia-dependent increase DAI MYBS1
in Adh expression. Seeds were
germinated in air for 3 days and WT cipk15
Promoter mRNA
then incubated in air or under wa- Sucrose + — + — + — + —

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ter with or without 90 mM sucrose Hypoxia — — + + — — + + SRE
for 24 hours. Germinated em- Lane 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
bryos with shoots, roots, and en- Amylases
dosperms excised were used cipk15
for mRNA extraction for RT-PCR Starch
analysis. (C) In transfected rice Adh1 (Seeds) Photosynthesis
embryos, sucrose (Suc) and hy- (Leaves)
poxia induced Adh2 promoter Adh2
activity. Rice embryos were trans- Sugars
fected with constructs indicated, Tubulin
incubated in the presence (+) or
absence (−) of sucrose (left panel) C Glycolysis
or in air or under hypoxic condi-
Suc Air
Relative luciferase activity

tions (right panel) for 24 hours. 7 + Suc

0.3X Hypoxia 4.2X
Proteins were extracted for lucif- 6 Adh1-Luc Pyruvate
Adh1-Luc Adh2-Luc
erase activity assays (ANOVA; 5 CaMV35S-Luc
P < 0.01). X, fold induction. Error 4 Amy3-Luc Essential Alcohol
bars: SE. (D) Proposed role of 4.6X Energy
3 metabolites dehydrogenases
CIPK15 in flooding adaptation 2.3X 0.5X
in rice. SRE, sugar response el- 2.0X
ement. Dashed line indicates a Germination
possible pathway. 0
Adh1 Adh2 Amy3 Adh1 Adh2 CaMV35S Seedling & plant growth

whether CIPK15 is required for plant growth in fields, we transplanted 2- and in a CIPK15-dependent manner, because the induction was observed
week-old seedlings to irrigated paddies and showed that, after 6 weeks, in the wild-type but abolished in the cipk15 germinated embryos (Fig.
cipk15 plants were stunted relative to wild-type plants (Fig. 3E). These 4B, compare lane 2 with lane 4 and lane 6 with lane 8). The expression
studies indicate that CIPK15 is required for rice to grow in floodwater. of Adh seems also to be induced by sucrose (Fig. 4B, compare lane 1 with
lane 2 and lane 5 with lane 6); however, there were high background
CIPK15 connects the O2-deficiency response to sugar amounts of Adh mRNA in both wild-type and cipk15 air-germinated
and energy production embryos in the absence of exogenous sucrose (Fig. 4B, lanes 2 and
Next, we investigated the role of CIPK15 in controlling carbohydrate 6). This could be due to transport of sugars from the endosperm, result-
metabolism in germinated rice seeds. The mobilization of starchy en- ing in rise in soluble sugar concentrations in rice embryos 2 days after
dosperms of germinated cereal seeds into sugars requires a number of germination (12).
hydrolytic enzymes (40); however, a-amylase has been considered the To further determine whether transcriptional activity from the Adh
key enzyme capable of hydrolyzing native starch granules in endosperms promoter is up-regulated by sugar and hypoxia, we performed a rice embryo
(40, 41). In the present study, total amylase and a-amylase activities were transient expression assay. We found that both Adh1::Luc and Adh2::Luc
higher in wild-type than cipk15 germinated embryos (Fig. 4A), indicating were transcriptionally activated by sucrose and hypoxia in transfected
CIPK15 regulates all of these hydrolytic enzymes. wild-type embryos (Fig. 4C). Together, these data suggest that, in rice
In wild-type embryos germinated for 3 days, expression of CIPK15 seedlings, the production of sugars and induction of Adh under hypoxic
was induced by sucrose starvation regardless of O2 availability (Fig. 4B), conditions appear to be coordinately regulated by CIPK15. This is phys-
similar to that observed in cultured rice suspension cells (Fig. 2A). In iologically meaningful because soluble sugars are substrates of glycolysis,
contrast, the expression of two Adh genes was induced by hypoxia and pyruvate produced during glycolysis enables Adh to reoxidize NADH 6 October 2009 Vol 2 Issue 91 ra61 5

Table 1. Seedling flooding tolerance is independent of mature plant submergence tolerance in rice varieties.

Relative growth
rate (%)* Amylase Mature plant
Seedling flooding Sub1A
O. sativa cultivar Subspecies activity submergence
phenotype† allele§
Air Water Water + sucrose in seedling‡ phenotype§
M202 japonica 100 47 94 Tolerant High Intolerant Absent
Swarna indica 100 57 81 Tolerant High Intolerant Absent
Nipponbare japonica 100 48 65 Tolerant High Intolerant Absent
Goda Heenati indica 100 43 55 Tolerant High Tolerant Present
Haboganj aman indica 100 7 96 Intolerant Low Intolerant Absent
FR13A indica 100 8 43 Intolerant Low Tolerant Present
Kurkaruppan indica 100 10 42 Intolerant Low Tolerant Present
Rice seeds were germinated in air or under water with or without sucrose for 15 days, and the relative growth rate was determined as described in Materials and Meth-
ods. †Seedling flooding phenotype is represented by relative growth rate: tolerant, >40%; intolerant, <10%. ‡Amylase activity determined 4 days after germination in air
or under water. §Mature plant submergence phenotype and presence of Sub1A allele were reported in Xu et al. (7).

(reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) to produce ATP energy consumption. This phenomenon is even more evident in cipk15

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under conditions of reduced O2 (42, 43). Indeed, in maize and Arabi- than wild-type seedlings under water.
dopsis roots, production of key glycolytic enzymes and Adh are induced The characterization of CIPK15 function contributes to our understand-
by hypoxia, a process that is mediated by Ca2+ (32, 33). The current ing of the mechanisms of O2 deficiency tolerance and sugar sensing in
work ties all these points together by showing that CIPK15 integrates rice. The synergism between CIPK15 and SnRK1A in activation of the
sugar- and O2-deficiency signaling processes relevant to germination aAmy3 SRC (Fig. 2C) suggests that CIPK15 may act in parallel or co-
and seedling growth under floodwater and in mature plants grown under operate with SnRK1A in the sugar starvation signaling pathway. And,
partial flooding (Fig. 4D). indeed, this possibility cannot be eliminated. However, several lines of evi-
The shoots of some submergence-intolerant rice cultivars that lack dence suggest that, in rice, CIPK15 acts as the main upstream positive reg-
Sub1A, including Nipponbare (7), elongate vigorously under water (11, 44), ulator of SnRK1. First, CIPK15 is necessary (Fig. 2A) and sufficient (Fig.
whereas shoots of some submergence-tolerant rice cultivars that contain 2B) for accumulation of SnRK1A in response to sugar starvation. Second,
Sub1A (7) elongate well in air but poorly under water (11, 44). Here, we SnRK1A is sufficient to complement the loss of CIPK15 in the cipk15
compared the relative seedling growth rate under water of seven rice cul- mutant for activation of aAmy3 SRC (Fig. 2C). Third, knocking down
tivars containing or lacking Sub1A. We found that poor seedling develop- SnRK1A in transgenic rice to barely detectable amounts virtually abolishes
ment under water correlated with lower amylase activities in germinated MYBS1 and aAmy3 expression under conditions of sugar starvation (20).
embryos but not with Sub1A genotype (Table 1 and fig. S8). This result is This suggests that SnRK1A is necessary for increased MYBS1 abundance
consistent with a similar study using different rice cultivars (44). The seven and aAmy3 expression and that the direct role of CIPK15 in regulation of
rice cultivars used in our studies all contain genes that encode CIPK15 with MYBS1 and aAmy3 expression, if any, could be minor. Fourth, SnRK1A is
almost identical amino acid sequences, indicating that CIPK15 is essential regulated at the posttranscriptional level (20), which we have now shown
for survival or flooding tolerance or both. But genes downstream of CIPK15 to be regulated by CIPK15 (Fig. 2A). The possibility that CIPK15 may
might have changed through evolution, leading to reduced amylase produc- phosphorylate and activate SnRK1A remains a focus of future studies.
tion and therefore reduced germination and seedling tolerance to flooding in It is still unclear how the O2 deficiency signal is transmitted to CIPK15.
some rice cultivars. CBL-CIPK pairing has been considered necessary for the transduction of
Ca2+ signals in response to various environmental stresses into regulation
of the expression of downstream genes (46–49). It remains to be deter-
mined which of the 10 CBLs encoded by the rice genome (36) interacts
with CIPK15 in relaying the O2-deficiency signal. It is noteworthy that
Although much remains to be learned about the biochemical and molec- CIPK15 itself is transiently activated at the mRNA level by sugar or O2
ular basis of rice germination and seedling growth under conditions of O2 deficiency (Figs. 1B and 2A), suggesting that other factors could regulate
deficiency, the capacity of rice seedlings to produce amylases and Adh is the expression of CIPK15 in response to either of these two conditions.
crucial to these processes. Sugars derived from starch hydrolysis are me- Many terrestrial plants have evolved mechanisms to survive transient
tabolized through the glycolytic pathway to generate energy and other es- hypoxic conditions that are generated by flooding. Transcript profiling by
sential metabolites (such as precursors for amino acids, nucleic acids, and microarray analyses of anoxic rice coleoptiles and Arabidopsis seedlings
fatty acids) needed for biosynthesis and growth (Fig. 4D). Fermentation is revealed a common approach in their responses to anoxia, increasing the
the principal pathway of anaerobic carbohydrate metabolism for the gen- expression of genes that may provide energy, such as those encoding pro-
eration of ATP and essential metabolites in plants. Cultured rice cells have teins involved in starch degradation, glycolysis, pyruvate metabolism, and
similar ATP concentrations under anoxic and aerobic conditions (45). Con- fermentation (10, 42, 50). However, the mechanism regulating flooding
sequently, ATP could be initially produced in both wild-type and cipk15 tolerance in plants is complicated (51). It would be interesting to deter-
germinated embryos. However, as O2 was depleted, ATP consumption mine whether a CIPK15 homolog is present and regulates genes involved
by wild-type and cipk15 embryos decreased because of slower seedling in carbohydrate metabolism in flooding-intolerant plant species.
growth under water than in air (fig. S9). This indicates that lower rates Here, we show that at least two genes control flooding tolerance in rice.
of sugar production in hypoxic embryos could limit the supply of essential Sub1A- and CIPK15-based O2-deficiency tolerance complement each other
metabolites and thereby constrain cell growth, which in turn would reduce in protecting rice plants against flooding stress at different developmental 6 October 2009 Vol 2 Issue 91 ra61 6


stages and under different growth conditions. As shown in Table 1, the was 0.13 to 0.15 mol m-3 in nonautoclaved water and 0.09 to 0.1 mol m-3
presence of Sub1A correlates with mature plant submergence tolerance, in autoclaved water.
which is primarily based on growth retardation to outlast the flooding situa-
tion. However, Sub1A does not appear to be related to flooding tolerance Primers
at the germination and seedling stages, when the young plant needs to All primers are listed in table S2.
quickly establish itself by reaching the surface of the floodwater. The role
of CIPK15 is to regulate a-amylase abundance for sugar production and Semiquantitative RT-PCR
Adh abundance for energy production even under O2-limited conditions. The same plant samples were used for both reverse transcription poly-
Therefore, the combination of Sub1A- and CIPK15-mediated processes merase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and protein gel blot analyses. Total
would provide rice plants two complementary strategies to survive partial RNA was extracted from 25 germinated embryos with the TRIZol kit
and complete flooding during their entire life cycle. (Invitrogen). Single-stranded complementary DNA (cDNA) was synthe-
The solubility of O2 in water is low, with concentrations reduced from sized from 15 mg of total RNA with SuperScript II reverse transcriptase
~266 × 10-6 g cm–3 (8.31 mol m–3) in air to less than 8.26 × 10–6 g cm–3 (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The cDNA
(0.25 mol m–3) in water (52). When O2 concentration declines to = <5%, mixture was diluted 10-fold with ddH2O to reduce the amount of cDNA
plants are subject to O2-deficiency stress (53). Maize mutants lacking template for end-point RT-PCR. RT-PCR was performed in a 25-ml reac-
functional Adh1, and thus the ability to carry out fermentation in roots, tion mixture containing 5 ml of diluted cDNA solution, 2.5 ml of 10× PCR
succumb more quickly to anoxia than does wild-type maize (39). CIPK15 buffer, 0.1 mM primers, 0.2 mM deoxynucleotide triphosphate, 6% di-
controls root growth and Adh expression, thereby apparently enabling methyl sulfoxide, and 1.25 U of Taq DNA polymerase (Qiagen). The num-

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seedlings and autotrophic plants, which are capable of carrying out ber of cycles with each primer pair for PCR amplification was adjusted to
phytosynthesis, to withstand partial flooding. CIPK15-mediated flooding be in the linear range.
tolerance is important for underwater growth of seedlings; this ability
may be particularly critical for roots, which could be constantly Transient expression assays
submerged. A similar situation applies to the roots of mature plants that Particle bombardment–mediated transient expression assays were per-
are partially flooded. These features allow rice to grow in irrigated low- formed as described (13, 20). Rice suspension cells or embryos were co-
land systems practiced in nearly 80% of world rice production areas (5). bombarded with reporter, effector, and internal control plasmids (Ubi::GUS)
Rice varieties with higher seedling vigor (13) in standing water that re- at a ratio of 2:1:0.25. Bombarded suspension cells or embryos were incu-
cedes over time are generally preferred for direct water seeding (44), a prac- bated in Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium containing 90 mM sucrose for
tice gradually replacing seedling transplantation in many tropical and 3 hours and divided into two halves, each incubated in MS medium con-
temperate rice-growing areas, because of faster and easier planting, reduced taining 90 mM sucrose or 90 mM mannitol. For hypoxia treatment, bom-
labor, more efficient water use, and less methane emission (54). Coexpres- barded embryos were incubated in MS medium containing 90 mM sucrose
sion of seedling and mature plant flooding tolerance traits exists naturally in for 3 hours and divided into two halves, each incubated in air or under
the Goda Heenati cultivar (Table 1), suggesting that both traits could be hypoxic conditions (1% O2) with an oxygen-controlled system (Model
incorporated in a breeding program to generate new rice varieties with 101, Prosperous Instrument Co., Ltd.) at 30°C for 24 hours. aAmy8::Luc
greater seedling vigor under floodwater, vigorous growth in irrigated low- and CaMV35S::Luc were used as negative controls in the sucrose and
lands, and complete submergence tolerance in flood-prone areas. Similar hypoxia treatment assays, respectively. GUS and luciferase activity as-
approaches might be applied to improve flooding tolerance in other crops. says were performed as described (20, 27). All bombardments were re-
peated at least three times.


SnRK1A-specific antibody was produced against synthetic peptides (5′-
Plant materials and cell culture SSLAQVTPAETPNSA-3′, amino acid residues 347 to 361) (56) derived
Rice (O. sativa) cultivar Nipponbare and cultivar Tainung 67 were used in from SnRK1A (20). Polyclonal anti-MYBS1 antibodies against a syn-
this study. Rice suspension cell cultures were established as previously de- thetic peptide (5′-VRRHYEALVEDVAAI-3′, amino acid residues 64 to
scribed (55). Two independent Tos17-tagged Nipponbare mutant lines 79) derived from MYBS1 (28) were raised in rabbits and purified by im-
(cipk15-1 and cipk15-2) were obtained from the Rice Tos17 Insertion Mu- mobilized peptide affinity chromatography (Biosource). Mouse monoclonal
tant Library ( antibody against a-tubulin (Sigma) and mouse monoclonal antibody–
en). The homozygote and heterozygote mutants and segregated wild-type conjugated beads against HA (AFC-101P, COVANCE) were purchased.
lines (fig. S2) were propagated for up to three generations (T3). Seeds of
six rice varieties (Oryza sp.) in addition to Nipponbare and Tainung 67 Western blot analysis
were obtained from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Germ- Western blot analysis was performed as described (20). Horseradish
plasm Center (IRGC) (table S1). peroxidase–conjugated antibody against rabbit immunoglobulin G
(Amersham Biosciences) was used as a secondary antibody. Protein sig-
Seed germination in air or under water nals were detected by chemiluminescence with ECL (Amersham Bio-
Rice seeds were sterilized with 1.5% (v/v) sodium hypochlorite and rinsed sciences). Tubulin protein detection was used as an international control.
with double-distilled water (ddH2O). For germination in air, seeds were
placed on 3M filter papers wetted with water in a 50-ml centrifuge tube. Plasmids
For germination under water, seeds were placed in a 50-ml centrifuge tube, pAHC18 contains the firefly luciferase (Luc) cDNA fused between the
autoclaved water was carefully poured into the tube to avoid any air bub- maize Ubi promoter and the nopaline synthase gene (Nos) terminator (57).
bles, and tubes were sealed with lids. Seeds were germinated at 28°C under pUGIII contains the Ubi::GUS (27). p3Luc.18 contains the SRC (–186 to
16 hours light (4802 lux)/8 hours dark conditions. The O2 concentration –82 relative to the transcription start site of aAmy3-CaMV35S minimal pro- 6 October 2009 Vol 2 Issue 91 ra61 7


moter (–46 bp upstream of the transcription site)–Luc fusion gene (27). Determination of seedling growth rate
pUSnRK1A contains the rice SnRK1A cDNA fused downstream of the Heights of seedlings grown in the air or under water were measured daily
Ubi promoter (20). Coding regions of rice CIPK15, CIPK11, and CIPK21 for up to 15 days. Slopes of growth curves were determined for each rice
(with sizes 1302, 1506, and 1491 bp, respectively) were PCR-amplified, variety with a linear regression equation (Microsoft, Office Excel 2003).
with primers on the basis of their identified genomic DNA sequences (36) The relative growth rate was calculated by dividing the slope of seedlings
and fused to the Ubi promoter in the pSMY1H binary vector (58) for grown under water with that in the air and is presented as a percentage. Ten
rice transformation. There is no intron in the genomic DNA of these seedlings per replicate and a total of three replicates were used for each rice
CIPKs. Promoter regions of rice Adh1 and Adh2 (–1 to –1140 and –18 to variety under each treatment.
–1220 bp upstream from the translation initiation codon ATG, respective-
ly) were PCR-amplified with primers based on sequences in GenBank
(accession nos. AC123521 and AC123515, respectively), and fused to ATP assay
the Luc cDNA in p35mAluc (27). Rice seeds were germinated in air or under water. Twenty-five isolated
embryos were grounded in liquid N2 and homogenized with 500 ml of
sterile distilled water. The crude extract was centrifuged at 13,000 rpm at
Rice stable transformation 4°C for 30 min. An aliquot of the supernatant was used for luciferin-
Plasmid was introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA101, luciferase assay with an ATP bioluminescent assay kit FL-AA (Sigma).
and rice transformation was performed as described (26). The amount of light produced was measured with a luminometer (Lumat
LB 9507, Berthold).

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Coimmunoprecipitation analysis
Transformed suspension cells of Nipponbare and Tainung 67 rice carrying
Ubi::HA-CIPK15 construct were cultured in the presence or absence of Fig. S1. Dendrogram showing the evolutionary relationship of members of the rice CIPK
sucrose for 24 hours, and total soluble proteins were extracted. In the family and other Snf1-related protein kinases from rice, mammals and yeast.
co-IP experiment for detection of the in vivo interaction between CIPK15 Fig. S2. Genotyping identified two allelic Tos17-tagged CIPK homozygous (–/–) and het-
and SnRK1A, the protein extract containing HA-CIPK15 was immuno- erozygous (+/–) Nipponbare rice mutants.
Fig. S3. Amino acid sequence of CIPK15 closely resembles that of the rice SnRK1A,
precipitated with antibody-conjugated beads against HA with slow rotation mammalian AMPKa1 and yeast Snf1 protein kinases.
at 4°C for 18 hours. After precipitation and washing four times with the Fig. S4. Amino acid sequence of CIPK15 resembles that of protein kinases upstream of
protein extraction buffer, the IP product was eluted three times with 0.1 M SNF1 and AMPK.
glycine (pH 2.8). The IP product was then concentrated through a Micro- Fig. S5. Sucrose rescues underwater seedling shoot development in the cipk15 mutant.
Fig. S6. CIPK15 controls underwater root development.
con filter (YM-30, Millipore) and subjected to Western blot analysis with
Fig. S7. CIPK15 control mature plant growth under partially-flooded conditions.
antibodies against SnRK1A. Fig. S8. Seedling hypoxia tolerance varies among rice varieties.
Fig. S9. ATP is consumed more slowly in WT and cipk15 embryos germinated under wa-
ter than in air.
Amylolytic activity assay Table S1. The IRRI Germplasm Center (IRGC) accession number of rice germplasms
used in the present study.
Total soluble proteins (TSPs) were extracted from embryos and endo- Table S2. Primers used in the present study.
sperms as described (20). For in-gel zymogram assay, 10 mg of TSPs were
separated with 10% native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at 4°C. REFERENCES AND NOTES
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Coordinated Responses to Oxygen and Sugar Deficiency Allow
Rice Seedlings to Tolerate Flooding
Kuo-Wei Lee, Peng-Wen Chen, Chung-An Lu, Shu Chen,
Tuan-Hua David Ho and Su-May Yu (October 6, 2009)
Science Signaling 2 (91), ra61. [doi: 10.1126/scisignal.2000333]

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