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A Research Paper presented to

The College Faculty

Indiana Aerospace University

Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree



Balais, Kianne Richee G.

Bataluna, John Howard E.
Calumia, Ainie A.
Dicto, John Cielo L.
Kilat, Justine G.
Ligan, Lalaine M.
Pagsiat, Jonnel John L.
Paras, Abegail A.
Taclendo, Kendrick S.
Verano, Venz Olive O.

July 2023
Aims of the Study
This study aims to determine the impact of LMS (Learning Management System) to
Aircraft Maintenance Technology Students of Summer Class 2023. This study aims to address
the following questions:
1. Determine the profile of the students in terms of year level.
2. Assess the effects of the absence or non-use of the Learning Management System to
Aircraft Maintenance Technology students with regards the following:
1.1. Learning Tools;
1.2. Accessibility of Students;
1.3. Dissemination of Information.
3. Rank the problems encountered by the Aircraft Maintenance Technology Students.

4. Propose an action plan based on the result of the study.


The effect of the absence or non-use of the Learning Management System to Aircraft
Maintenance Technology students is presented and tabulated in terms of Learning Tools,
Accessibility of Students, and Dissemination of Information.


Online learning tools refer to any program, app, or technology that can be accessed via an
internet connection and enhance a teacher's ability to present information and a student's ability
to access that information.
Learning Tools provide students tools to improve their learning experience. Students can
increase their capacity to think and learn by utilizing these resources, which helps them raise
their academic performance. Learning tools are thing that used to help students learn more
effectively and efficiently.
Table 3 presents the effects of the absence or non-use of the Learning Management
Systems in terms of Learning Tools.
n = 50

Indicators Description
The LMS does not provide unlimited access to eLearning materials. 2.02 Disagree

The LMS (ALTIMETER) does not provide a range of learning

tools and functionalities to facilitate the management of online 1.98 Disagree
learners in the environment.
The LMS (ALTIMETER) is not effective in generating learning to
1.92 Disagree
The LMS (ALTIMETER) does not make the student improve its
1.86 Disagree
learning enhancement
The institutions’ LMS called the ALTIMETER is not a useful tool
1.84 Disagree
in teaching and learning.

Average Weighted Mean 1.92 Disagree

Table 3. Learning Tools

3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51-3.25 Agree (A)
1.76-2.50 Disagree (D)
1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree (SD)

In table 3, a wide range of platform in educational aspects attained the average weighted
mean of 1.92 which reflect that the Learning Tools by the LMS (altimeter) was “Disagree”. The
highest mean, which is 2.02, exposed that our respondents are positive with their results that the
LMS does provide unlimited access to eLearing materials. The lowest mean with 1.84 interpret a
vast effect for the students learning management in learning.
The lowest mean proved that the LMS (ALTIMETER) is effective in terms of Learning
Tools. Students find the LMS (ALTIMETER) useful and is effective in their learning. The
lowest weighted mean signifying that the respondents agree with the positive result in learning
tools in any educational aspects in learning management systems.
The survey further showed that the implementation of LMS (altimeter) can provide the
ability to track students progress and facilitate the access to resources required for courses.
Students can access course resources with any internet-ready device from anywhere as many
times as they need. According to (Khan 2005) "This teaching concept has allowed increased
flexibility, eliminated geographical barriers and improved the effectiveness of individual and
collaborative learning. These tools have come to change how individuals live, work,
communicate and learn." As such, Online learning is one of the ways in which the Internet can
be used as a learning tool which can provide support to educators in a classroom.

Accessibility refers to the quality of being easy to approach, reach, enter, speak with, use,
or understand. It also refers to the quality of being usable, reachable, obtainable.
Accessibility are essential aspects of any learning management system (LMS). It ensures
that learners can access, navigate, and interact with the online courses and content without
barriers or difficulties.
Table 4 presents the effects of the absence or non-use of the Learning Management
Systems in terms of Accessibility of Students.
n = 50

Indicators Description
Technical difficulties can lead to frustration among students who
2.60 Agree
cannot access the LMS (ALTIMETER).
It is inconvenient to students to develop their skills and knowledge
2.16 Disagree
using the LMS (ALTIMETER).
The LMS (ALTIMETER) is not accessible than other Online
2.04 Disagree
Learning Platforms.
The LMS (ALTIMETER) is not a useful learning management
1.94 Disagree
system in enabling students to complete their tasks effectively.
The LMS (ALTIMETER) is very complicated to use in terms of
1.90 Disagree
answering quizzes, tests and other paperwork.

Average Weighted Mean 2.13 Disagree

Table 4. Accessibility of Students

3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51-3.25 Agree (A)
1.76-2.50 Disagree (D)
1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree (SD)

In Table 4, the different LMS (ALTIMETER) aspects obtained the average mean of 2.13
which showed that the accessibility of students was “Disagree”. The highest mean, which is 2.60,
revealed that there was a Technical Difficulties can lead to frustration among students who
cannot access the LMS, it is inconvenient students to develop their skills and knowledge using
the LMS with a mean of 2.16. Further, The LMS is very complicated to use in terms of
answering quizzes, tests and other paperwork since the weighted mean of 1.90 is on the average.
The highest mean proved that Technical Difficulties can lead to frustration among
students who cannot access the LMS (ALTIMETER), extended deadlines if technical difficulties
persist for an extended period, consider extending deadlines for assignments, quizzes, and other
paperwork to accommodate the disruption in students’ access to the LMS. Ensure that technical
support is readily available to assist students with any issues they may encounter while using the
The survey further showed that LMS (ALTIMETER) can lead to frustration if technical
difficulties happen, the LMS providers should upgrade its systems to prevent this inconvenience
situations and this will also affect the students’ learning and performance. Alsmadi, et. al., stated
“service quality is concerned with overall support provided by distance learning service
providers or technology. Service quality can be measured through access to technical support,
rapid responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and subsequent services”.
The Brightspace company offers services such as Learning Management Tool where this
offers Subject tool for each rooms for the subject, Grades toolbar for the computation of
integrated scores, Assignment toolbar where you can submit your activities and assignments,
Video classroom for the recorded discussion and the Announcement toolbar where the instructor
will post an announcements to the students.

Dissemination of Information refers to the distributing of a specific information to the

public, whether through printed or electronic documents, or other forms of media. To
disseminate information or knowledge means to distribute it so that it reaches many people or
Dissemination of information is essential to ensuring that the object being targeted
audience understands it. Effective dissemination promotes collaboration and enhances awareness
in addition to ensuring distribution of newly acquired information.
Table 5 presents the effects of the absence or non-use of the Learning Management
Systems in terms of Dissemination of Information.
n = 50

Indicators Description
The LMS (ALTIMETER) enables timely and efficient distribution
2.90 Agree
of announcements and updates to learners.
Absence of LMS (ALTIMETER) would result to students’
confusion with regards to announcement of having face to face 2.70 Agree
classes and quizzes.
The LMS (ALTIMETER) sometimes fails to send the message to
2.38 Disagree
the recipient.
The LMS (ALTIMETER) sometimes fails to confirm the
2.12 Disagree
submission of tasks on time.

The LMS (ALTIMETER) does not support given links by the

2.02 Disagree

Average Weighted Mean 2.43 Disagree

Table 5. Dissemination of Information

3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51-3.25 Agree (A)
1.76-2.50 Disagree (D)
1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree (SD)

Table 5 shows that the LMS (ALTIMETER) acquired the average weighted mean of 2.43
which revealed that the dissemination of information by LMS (ALTIMETER), was “well
executed”. The highest mean which is 2.90 revealed that the efficient and effective distribution
of announcements and information to learners was effectively addressed by the LMS. As well as
that when the announcement of face-to-face classes and tests was made without the LMS
(ALTIMETER), it would leave the students perplexed with a mean of 2.70. On top of that,
Learners dispute the claim that the LMS (ALTIMETER) does not support links provided by the
instructors where it resulted in the lowest mean of 2.02.
The highest mean showed that the LMS (ALTIMETER) supports effective class
materials distribution. Both educators and learners will have access to the lesson's objectives,
activities, resources, announcements, and updates, which facilitate and advance conventional
The survey further showed above that how LMS (ALTIMETER) is relevant with regards
to disseminating information among the students such as providing timely and efficient
distribution of announcements and updates to learners. It plays an important role in helping the
Aircraft Maintenance Technology students to be aware and be updated of the activities in online
and face to face. In terms in submission of tasks, students can upload their task directly to the
LMS, eliminating the need for physical submissions. Instructors can provide timely feedback,
grades, and comments through the LMS, fostering a more efficient and transparent evaluation
process. It is also stated that the LMS has boasted many advantages and functions like
announcements, assessments, and assignments and so on stated the usefulness and usability of a
LMS (Awad et al., 2019).
The problems encountered by the Aircraft Maintenance Technology Students of Indiana
Aerospace University’s learning management system called the “ALTIMETER”.
Table 6 contains the top 5 problems encountered in the institutions learning management
system ranked by the Aircraft Maintenance Technology Students.
Multiple Responses

Indicators Frequency Rank

Students experience log in difficulties in LMS (ALTIMETER). 28 1

The LMS (ALTIMETER) consumes a massive amount of mobile data. 25 2

Video learning materials requires long downloading time. 24 3

The LMS (ALTIMETER) fails to notify the students on time when it

19 4
comes to having quizzes and exams on time.
Lack of digital literacy on using LMS (ALTIMETER) can cause confusion
16 5
to students.
Table 6. Problems Encountered

The top 5 problems encountered by the Aircraft Maintenance Technology Students in the
Learning Management System are as follows: Students experience log in difficulties in LMS
(ALTIMETER), The LMS (ALTIMETER) consumes a massive amount of mobile data, Video
learning materials requires long downloading time, The LMS (ALTIMETER) fails to notify the
students on time when it comes to having quizzes and exams on time, Lack of digital literacy on
using LMS (ALTIMETER) can cause confusion to students.
The first highest problem encountered in the learning management system is that Aircraft
Maintenance Technology Students experience log in difficulties with a frequency of 28. Most of
the time the website often crashes, causing students to have a hard time logging in to the LMS
(ALTIMETER) which results to students not attending their respective classes, answering their
quizzes, and passing their requirements on time.
The second problem encountered is that the LMS (ALTIMETER) consumes a massive
amount of mobile data with a frequency of 25. The institutions learning management system
called the ALTIMETER use up a large number of data in terms of virtual class, submitting large
files such as videos and photos which causes students to go through financial problems. One of
the main reason why students tend to suffer financially is due to often reloading mobile data to
access online learning.
The third problem encountered is that video learning materials requires long downloading
time with a frequency of 24. To relate this problem to the second problem, this is also a factor as
to why students run out of data instantly. Downloading of video learning materials needs a
massive amount of mobile data and requires long downloading time due to the fact that some
students resides in rural areas wherein their internet connection is much more slower compared
to those who are living in urban areas.
The fourth problem encountered is that the LMS (ALTIMETER) fails to notify the
students on time when it comes to having quizzes and exams on time with a frequency of 19. The
learning management system (ALTIMETER) fails to disseminate announcements to students,
which causes students to not turn in their corresponding tasks on schedule which students are
very concerned of, for they could get a really low grade due to this matter.
The fifth problem encountered is Lack of digital literacy on using LMS (ALTIMETER)
can cause confusion to students with a frequency of 16. This problem can be related to the other
problems mentioned above, if the student utilizing LMS (ALTIMETER) is digitally illiterate,
he/she may encounter difficulty in logging in, may consume a lot of mobile data for the reason of
downloading unnecessary files, and he/she may fail to check the announcements since he/she
does not know where is the notification tool, and this problems are all due to the lack of digital

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