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Saturday, January 24,2004 Rl

12:53 a.m. Naomie's Testimony of What Happened Through the Night

We arrived herejust before 7:00p.m. last night. You visited with your younger ladies for a few minutes and then you dictated. Before your dictation, even before we got here, I could feel the heavenly powers come upon you. You went into your heavenly session very quickly as you ended your dictation. You went into a very severe trembling. I couldfeel such a power flowingfrom you, an overpowering burning, knowing that you are in the Lord's hands and He knows what He is doing with you You were conscious until 9:15 p.m., going through a very severe session from 8:30 p.m. until 9: 15 p. m. in your conscious state. It continued in your unconscious state. At 9: 15 p.m. your body jolted and trembled. It was during that time that you went unconscious. You were taken away, not physically, but you were taken away. Your spirit left your body until 9:45 p.m. You groaned and sighed and said, "Gh, my. Gh, my. What is happening? What is happening to me?" Before you went totally unconscious, right around 9:00 o 'clpckl ' told me to g o tell Nenhj to n m )'QU tqlk 1 to Uncle Wendell and Uncle Fred and tell them that the Lord had you in charge and you were not able to meet with them right them, to wait for further instructions from you, that you needed their prayers.
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At 9:50 p.m. you twisted and turned. It didn't last real long, but it was very severe. You said, "I still feel, whether I go to Short Creek earlier or later, I have a training to give to those Canadian men and also some weddings to perform." Then you named Kathie Holm will be going to Moroni Steed. Theil Cooke Jr. would receive Hilary Holm, Berklee Holm's daughter; that Richard Jessop, Clyde Jessop's son, would receive Winford Barlow's daughter Priscilla. You said that you would be taking care of Wendell Jeffs. You didn't name a name, who would go to him. You said you also have a place for Faith Jessop. You didn't name a name for her either. Your body stopped trembling at 9:55 p.m. You came to at 10:05 p.m. and asked what had been happening. It is now ten minutes after 1:00 a.m. I know the Lord will bless you and show you what to do. I know He will. I yearn to be a strength. 4:21 a.m. It was 1: 15 a.m. when Ifinished talking to you last. You got up out of the chair, still going through the heavenly session very intensely. You got into your pajamas and got into the bed, still in very intense suffering. You gave me some instructions on how to be more sensitive and careful, which I am so grateful for, because I know that trust is everything. I know the Lord reveals
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You said HAqv light-minded

moment affects our relationship very greatly. " You said you wanted me to be more prayerful when I took care of these recorders, that I was not being sensitive and that is why it [some files] was lost. You said, "Trust is everything, my dear. "

You were conscious until 2:00 a.m. You got in At 9:45 p.m. your body jolted. You groaned and the bed at 2: 000 'clock a. m. You went unconscious sighed again. You said, "Gh, my. Gh, my. What is happening to me? Everything in me is going to at 2: 15 a.m. You didn't start saying anything until dissolve. Ifeel so weak, so much like everything in probably 2:40 a.m. I couldfeel the power ofyour me is being torn apart." You said, "I don't know Priesthood and how sensitive you are and I realize what the Lord will have me do, whether He will I must be that sensitive. I kept feeling impressed to have me go to this Work Meeting, or if I will just pray harder for you, with more fervency, realizing call in His message. Whether I give it this weekend that if I do not be fervent, it is treating you lightly or next weekend, I do not know -- not only a and Heavenly Father lightly. I kept feeling correction for this people, those who do not hold impressed to pray that the Lord would show you Priesthood, He has a message He wants me to give what He wanted you to do concerning the this whole nation." You groaned and sighed and meetings, the marriages. said, "I will go His pace on it. I will go His pace. " At 2:40 a.m. you sat up on your elbows and you Your body trembled very severely again. said, "What is happening? The Lord sure is
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You went back unconscious right after that and at 3:50a.m. you said, "Gh, my. Gh, my. Whatwill become of this people. I am yearning the Lord to show me what to do. If He wants me to talk at that At 3:00 0 'clock a.m. you sat up on your elbows meeting by phone, I will do it, or ifHe will have me again and said, "What is happening? What is wait and go there in person. Whatever He happening?" You said, "Gh, it is going to be so requires, whatever His will is. Guide me, terrible. It will be the greatest destruction that has Heavenly Father." You said, "The Lord has ever taken place upon this earth, upon this nation. removed the privilege of meetings in Short Creek The ungodly among us will hunt me. They will because ofunbeliefand traitors among the people. come after me in great force, with all the powers of There is so much halfheartedness there, and yet hell combined. They will use every stratagem. It there is much good." You said, "The Lord is will take constant prayer and revelation to keep me revealing to me a few men that can be trusted. out of their hands and keep these people protected They will be laborers, in the Lord's time, at these in these places of refuge. We must be more places of refuge." You named Joseph Jessop, fervent." You groaned and sighed and said, "Gh, Uncle Jerry's son Joseph, and also Jacob wlleh will ihe eullh reSt? There is so mUth Johnson. corruption, so much wickedness. It is groaning At 4:00 0 'clock a.m. you came to and said, beneath us, trembling with pain, and I feel that "Hello, has anything been happening?" I said, pain, that suffering the earth is going through. " "Yes." You said, "Are you awake enough to I could feel father's presence here so strong. I report it to me?" I said, "Yes." You said, "Be know there are others. I know the Prophet Joseph prayerful. First get me a drink of water and you is so close to you, guiding you, telling you how to also. Feel my forehead. " As I touched your head, redeem Zion. The Lord speaks to you daily, I couldfeel the fire flowingfrom you so strongly. I momently. You live in a constant dedication, know the Lord is guiding you. Ifeel His presence. constant revelation. He is still showing you, has you in deep session. I At 3: 15 a.m. you laid back down. Your body can feel His power in you so strong, even unto a trembled, not that severe trembling, but it trembled trembling. It is now 4:45 a.m. to where your back bowed out ofthe bed. You said, 10:22 a.m. "Gh, my. Gh, my. What is happening to me? I This is a reportfrom 4:50 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. this rejoice in the change, this purification. Whatever morning. You went back unconscious about 4:45 it takes, I am willing to go through it. " a.m., still in very intense suffering. I know the Lord At 3:25 a.m. you said, "I won't be going to that shows to you what He wants you to do and also meeting. There is too many people there seeking protects you. At 5:00 0 'clock a.m. you said, "The my life. The Lord is showing me I will not be safe Lord is stopping me. He is stopping me for some
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keeping me away from that meeting. He knows what He wants. He is showing me there is a conspiracy greater than I realize, but He knows. We will be surprised who is involved in it. You will be surprised. Ron Rohbock, Richard Holm, Winston Blackmore are sons of perdition. They are the greatest enemies to this work right now, especially Ron. The Lord has shown me he is my traitor and that he will yet consider it the Lord's will to take my life." You groaned and laid back down and said, "Would to God they would just repent, for I seek only their salvation and their eternal happiness ifthey would just repent. If they would only realize I am there greatest friend on earth, the Lord is through me." You groaned again and said, "Be that as it may, the Lord's will be done. Whatever He requires of me. "

at that meeting. I will go His pace on the marriages and this meeting with the Canadians. There is something I am supposed to do first. Whatever it is, I will do it, the Lord helping me. " You said you would not be giving Faith to Arthur Barlow, she would be going to Jacob Johnson, LaMar Johnson's son. At 3:45 a.m. you sat up on your elbow again and said, "What is happening? What is happening?" You said, "Is there anything to report?" And I said, "Yes." You laid back down and said, "I am worthless." Warren you are not worthless. You are everything. I know the Lord works through you.

reason. He has shown me that there are people said, "When will the earth rest? When will it cease there seeking my life. If I go there, it will be too its groaning in misery? As the earth trembles, I dangerous, but He will have me go later today to tremble. I canfeel its deep pain. And I suffer even perform that ordinance work, to train those men, as Enoch suffered for his people, rejoicing, but I will have to leave at a time that I will arrive knowing he is much greater than I I am the least there in the dark. Your body trembled very of the Prophets. " severely at 5: lOa. m. As I witness you go through At 6: 15 a.m. you were shining so brightly. The such an intense session, the burning ofpeace I feel fire Ifelt in this room, surrounding this place, was is what strengthens me to watch you go through so powerful. There was such a heavenly peace such an intense suffering, knowing that you are here, and yet I couldfeel that peace could only stay sufferingfor me, for all ofus, knowing that our job here through great fervency. At 6:20 a.m. you here on earth is to perfect our characters that we said, "I will do as the Lord directs. I will go His may come into the presence of God; and I know I pace. He has a message for the people in Short don't know how many times I have been in His Creek and also for this nation. He has revealed to presence when I am around you, but I know that me more of my family that will be going to R17. " when I approach you, I am approaching Him and You said, "Melinda is ready and Shirley, and that is what it felt like as you were going through Sheena." Then you said, "I won't be going back such an intense suffering. Your body twisted and until my apartment is finished because I cannot turned in the bed. Your bones were popping. Your stay among the wicked any longer in that place. I head was flipped back. And all the while I felt the will be going on February 1st, taking those ladies, presence offather, and I know the Lord is so close and I pray there will be more named to either come to you, His presence, and also the impression I had to this place or that place by that time. " was that it was the Prophet Joseph. At 6:30 a.m. I heard you say something, but I At 5: 15 a. m. your body was still trembling. The couldn't tell what you said, so I was listening. I severity had lightened, but it was still jolting and knelt up, and you said, "Hello, are you there?" I jerking some. You said, "Every step of the way to said, "Yes, I am right here." You said, "Stand up the redemption ofZion takes an intense sacrifice. I so I know you are awake, " so I stood up. You were am so willing. May the Lord hasten my still in such intense suffering. You told me to go preparation, may I not be slow. " Again your body call Isaac and tell him to call William Jessop and startea to tremble very severely. lou TWlstea agam tell him that you were not able to be at the meeting and turned. The only sound that was coming from this morning, to carry on as usual, that you would you was the difficulty you were having breathing. try to get with him later today. So I went and called That is the only sound you made. him and told him. When I came back, you told me At 5:30 a.m. you said, "The news people are at to go get Ida and then you told me to get my things the meeting house. If I was to arrive there they and go get ready somewhere else and then to get would get me on camera and I am not supposed to the meeting and take my notebook and read what go before the world by television. My message will wasn't recorded and then to tell Uncle Fred that be in private to them, but the Lord will have a the Lord had you in hand all night, ever since you message for this mission. They are only worthy for got here, that you weren't able to meet with him to the judgments of God to be poured out upon listen to this meeting, but you would try to get with them." You groaned and sighed and said, "Oh, him when you could. I typed up what was not said my. Oh, my. It is so terrible, so terrible what is so it would be easier to read. about to happen to our people, and yet it will be Uncle Wendell offered a prayer at the first of more terrible upon the wicked." Your body jolted the meeting because I told him the prayer was cut again and then you went very quiet and still. I off. After the meeting was over and we listened to could hardly tell you were even breathing until the ending prayer, I turned it off right after that. 6:000 'clock a.m. this morning. Then you all the Uncle Wendell said afterwards, "Well, there is sudden took a big breath. Then you twisted and nothing more to be said, that was so heavenly. turned in the bed again. Your body trembled. You Uncle Fred what do you think? Do you think this
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should be our training time, we go and ponder what was said here, instead of meeting, and then meet this afternoon?" Uncle Fred said, "Yes, that is wisdom. We need to ponder what has been said." Everyone was very attentive, alert. 12:27 p.m. At 10:30 p.m. I reported to you what had happened between 4:50 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. Even while I was reporting, I could feel your body still trembling as I held your hand. You took my hand and put it on your heart and said, "What do you feel?" I could feel you were still trembling, that you were still in session. You called Isaac and told him to talk to Jim Oler and MacRae Oler, Spencer and MacRae Blackmore and tell them they just need to wait in Short Creek for you until you are able to meet them, to also get hold ofMoroni Steed and Wendell Jeffs and tell them to just wait there for you until you could talk to them. Isaac gave you a report on what was happening there. At 11:00 0 'clock a.m. your body started to jolt and jerk. There was such a power, just a surge through me. I couldfeel the Lord's presence here. You said, "I think the Lord wants to talk to me. Go tell the men to go do other things until I can get with them. I am not able to go right now. "

pressure I feel. Something is happening inside of me. I am being changed. The desires of this earth are going away from me. All earthly things are becoming so-----, " I couldn't quite tell the word you used. It sounded like you said, "despicable" but I wasn't sure that was the exact word you used. Your body continued to tremble. At 11:45 a.m. you said, "I need the Lord's guidance on the revelation He wants me to give this people. Pray for me. Exert yourself." And I know the Lord will give you the revelation you need. It is for us to pray continually that you will receive that revelation every day, that we may be enlightened by you, through you. At 11:50 a. m. you groaned and sighed and said, "I have got to go talk to Uncle Fred and Uncle Wendell when the Lord allows. I am seeking to know His mind and will ofwhat I should do. 1feel like I am supposed to write something." Your body trembled again. You said, "Oh, my. What is happening to me? Whatis happening?" At 12:05 p.m. you said, "This is the most wicked generation there has ever been on this earth. My whole being trembles for Zion in great suffering. I am yearning for the overthrow of this world and the ushering in of the great redemption of Zion, the Millennium Reign ofpeace, when God Himselfwill dwell upon this earth for a thousand years. I will not cease trembling until that time comes. Then you went very still and quiet until you came to at 12: 15 p.m.

At 11: 15 a. m. you went unconscious. At 11:20 a.m. you said, "The Lord is through with the httljhe(JI teal iii Sho; t C; eek. Ti;ey UJ e h, iaging a greater scourge upon them than they realize. Your body started trembling again outwardly When they drive the faithful and when there is only the ungodly there, the Lord will handle them and right as you came to again. I know it is constantly all their works of darkness will be thwarted. The trembling inwardly, that it never goes away. I can Lord has a message for that people and for this feel the power ofyour Priesthood, the power and nation. He wants me to write something. I am majesty of God in you, that He is working through you. I know that no matter what, you will bring seeking to know. " about, the Lord will through you, the redemption At 11:30 a.m. you came to. You said, "When, of Zion. It isfor us, no matter what it takes, to be oh when, will there be a people?" You asked how willing to go through whatever experience it takes long you had been unconscious. I told you fifteen to qualify to come back into His presence. I know minutes. You asked what time it was and I told you that is your yearning desire for us all. It is now 11:30 a.m. Your body started trembling again, 12:42 p.m. You went jerking and jolting, twisting. 2:39 p.m. unconscious again soon after that. Then you said, "What is the name of Kimball Barlow's I last gotfinished reporting to you at 12:40 p.m. daughter?" I don't know what her name is. You You have been through a very severe suffering all said, "What are the names of the next two oldest night, and all day it has continued. As you were daughters of Richard Allred?" I would have to going unconscious, your body was trembling. You look. I don't know. You said, "This is so great, the told me to sit in the chair. There were times I had
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to come and kneel by you so I could hear what you were saying. At 1:00 0 'clock p.m. as your tremblingbecame more severe, you twisted over in the bed onto your back, your head flipped backwards, your back bowed, your body trembled. Then you turned back onto your side. You said, "What is happening? What is happening to me?" I know the Lord knows what He is doing. At that time you said, "Every revelation comes through great suffering. "

of all what is about to happen to the faithful ones, my whole body trembles for Zion. I am willing to be the sacrifice to make the atonement, whatever it takes; but the Lord will spare my life, and mine will be a living sacrifice. " At 2:000 'clock p. m. you said, "At R17 the Lord wants established, as soon as the storehouse is complete, men in place to take slaughter the animals." You again named Ben Johnson. You also named that Wendell Jeffs would help in that effort. You said you needed one more person. The Lord would reveal to you who He wanted. You didn't name another person yet. You said that you needed to get another trailer house there. You said that as soon as possible Joseph Jessop and his wife were to start organizing the storehouse because he would be the caretaker of that, his family would. You would show him how the Lord wanted it done. You said that you would have Kate and Tammy and Melinda also help in organizing that effort At 2: 15 p.m. you said, "The Lord is pressing me to get that house done. As fast as they get it done, it needs to be filled. There just isn't any time. The faithful will be driven. I need the Lord's guidance to find them. This is no small matter. Again you said, "Ifeellike I am supposed to write something. You groaned and sighed and said, "The Lord will do it. He will do it." Then you went still again until 2:30 p.m. It is now 2:55 p.m.

At 1: 15 p.m. you said, "I also need to give this training to James Dockstader's son and Rulon Jessop Jr." You said, "The Lord has something for me to do before I go to Short Creek, and also He is keeping me here because of what is happening there. I have yearned that He will tell me when to give the "scatter order" but I don't think it will be until I give His message to the nation. " You said, "He is revealing to me more of my enemies. I cannot have any confidence or trust in William Knudson. He is an open enemy. I must be very careful how I handle and what I allow Leon Jessop to do. He is so unstable and has not had the Spirit of God for so long. He will become an enemy." You said you needed to be careful with Marion Jessop and also Robert Steed. You said, "PhlilP Mackert Sr. IS an open enemy. He IS very active in giving information to the government, that someone else gives to him." You said, "The Lord has shown me many men's hearts, some that are very stalwart, some that are in the secret combination and conspiracy against me. Some of the guards that guard me are not with me, the ones that have been at the meeting house, waiting for me, like Steven Barlow. Although he professes loyalty, he is very fearful that I will handle him. " You named another name, but I couldn't tell what you said. The last name was Barlow, but I couldn't tell the first name. At 1:40 p.m. your body trembled very severely again. You twisted over in the bed. The blanket fell onto the floor. I put it back over you. Your body was still trembling very severely. You said, "What is happening? What is happening? As the Lord shows me what is about to happen to the people in Short Creek and to this nation and most
Record of President Warren Jeffs

4:00 p.m. Talking to Jerry Jessop Jr. On the Phone Hello Jerry. This is Warren Jeffs. Can you hear me well? Two weeks ago the Lord told me that you do not hold Priesthood and your wives are released and should return to their father's home. You and your son Ashley should move away at a distance and be in connection with me through letter and go through a process of repentance. And I am officially giving you the word that you can clean up your life, and according to your repentance work toward being cleaned upm that you haven't had the Spirit of God, and that is the word of the Lord to you. Will you do it?
Inform your family right now and arrange for them to go under their own father's direction right now with their own children, and what happens from here depends on the degree of your repentance. You are not the only one the Lord has
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told me to handle, but I'm giving you the official word. Stay in contact, dear brother, so you won't go the wrong way. This is the Lord's love for you to tell you the truth that you don't hold Priesthood, and begin an effort of cleaning up. I will be informing the Bishop and call on you to carry that out. Will you do it? Gather your family right now and see to it. God bless you, if you will do right. Yes, I want you to send me a letter of why the Spirit of God has not been with you and the Lord has withdrawn Priesthood from you. Your next contact with me is a letter of confession. But carry this out. As soon as you can move away with your son Ashley from off ofUEP land, and your wives go to their father's dominion for now. That's the word of the Lord to you, and how quickly you carry it out will show if you are with Him or not. I'm telling you this was told me two weeks ago. If you will take it right, it will be a blessing to you. If you do not, then I must let you go. But I hope and pray you will stay in the path of repentance and seek Priesthood in your life. God bless you and please do this right. I will be calling the fathers of these, your wives, and telling them to gather up their daughters. Okay, gather up your family and arrange that please. Any questions? You can hear me still? Hello? Okay

5. Be a strength to my servant, thy son, whom I have called and chosen to establish the cause of Zion. 6. My servant, thy husband, is often near you as I send him among his family to encourage and bless them from on high. 7. Know this, my daughter, that the heavens rejoice in you and I will be with you. 8. And according to your faith so shall it be. Even so, amen.

Revelation Given to President Warren S. Jeffs

At His Place of Refuge Saturday, January 24, 2004

1. Thus saith the Lord unto you, my servant Warren, travel unto the Short Creek Stake of Zion and perform the work I shall lead you to accomplish. 2. And I will preserve thy life, and upon thy return to this place of refuge begin the work of the setting in order of the families that dwell on this place of refuge, to join in their conferences, to seek unto me to reveal unto thee, my servant, the truths of eternity that will better qualify my people dwelling on this land for the presence of God. 3. And verily, I say unto you, my people, who ou tbis land of refilge be J'e ope and search your hearts and humble yourselves, for I will be with you as you draw near unto me, the Lord thy God.

5:16 p.m. Revelation Given to President Warren S. Jeffs

At His Place of Refuge Saturday, January 24,2004

1. Thus saith the Lord unto my handmaiden, Merilyn Steed Jeffs. 2. Verily, I say unto you, your sins are forgiven you, and I have heard thy prayers, thy yearnings and pleadings before me. 3. And through your faith and continued repentance, you stand clean before me, and you are a chosen vessel called to assist in the fulness ofthe redemption of Zion. 4. I know your heart, and at this time your heart is right before me.

4. And wherein great blessings are offered to you, know this, ye shall be tested greatly, and you must needs be more fervently humble and live unto me, that I may own and bless you as you are tried and proven faithful. 5. And though the devil is raging and every stratagem is used to tum you from this mission, yet I shall be with you, my little ones, through the humility of fervent submission unto God. 6. Receive ye my word through my servant, and trust in my word I send to you through him. 7. Be not of little faith, and seek unto me to strengthen you to fulfill the mission I have placed upon you.

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8. And from this place, through your testimonies and my Spirit attending you, shall the hearts of others of my faithful ones be awakened to reach unto me for the knowledge of God. 9. And from this place shall the fulness of the redemption of Zion increase among my people. Even so, amen. Revelation Given to President Warren S. Jeffs
At His Place of Refuge Saturday, January 24, 2004

husband, that he may lead you into my presence as I shall appoint. 3. And though you are in your youth, through my Spirit shall you come to know God. 4. And through your faithfulness you shall witness to your children and your children's children of sacred truths, wherein you know God lives; that they will seek unto me and be able to come into my presence in their youth, and thus you shall be honorable vessels, part of your husband's kingdom and the kingdom of God upon the earth. 5. Be watchful unto prayer continually and I will be with you, and the powers of earth and hell will not be able to overthrow you. 6. Seek unto me for the gifts that will perfect the love of the Father, my holy love, to bum within you unto a daily and continual increase; and according to your faith so shall it be. Even so, amen. 8:09 p.m. Naomie's Testimony
You have really been through an extreme intense suffering today and through the night. The last time I reported to you I got finished at 2:55 p.m. You got a phone call and you were on the phone for quite a while. You called Jerry Jessop Jr. and told him he didn't hold Priesthood, that the Lord showed you two weeks ago that he did not Fiola Pfieslflool1 and thai he ana' his Sun Ashtey were to move offofthe UEP land and repent from a distance. You took care of many issues at hand and by 5: 20 p. m. the Lord gave four revelations to you that you wrote down. You said that the Lord could just give you this next revelation, that you knew He could, but you needed to seek and pray harder for it. You had me start typing these revelations. You got ready to go out, but as you went to go out the door, you were stopped and you could not. Your body started to tremble. You said, "The Lord will not let me out of this room." You were conscious, going through a very severe intense training, until 6:40 p.m. That is when you went unconscious. At 6:45 p.m. your body jolted and trembledfor just a moment. Then, as I was praying for you, I looked up and you were gone. There was such an overpoweringfeeling here in this room. There was

1. Thus saith the Lord unto my handmaiden, Ruth Eliza Jeffs, I have heard your prayers and your heart is right before me. 2. And verily, I say unto you continue to seek the gift of oneness with me, through thy husband; and through your continued faith, my holy love shall dwell in you. 3. The desires of fulfilled, and you shall and will yet become a children unto me and establishment of Zion. your heart shall yet be be favored from on high mother in Israel to raise to thy husband for the

4. And as ye prepare yourself, the blessing is offered you to come into the presence of God, in connection with thy husband through the Priesthood he bears. 5. Continue to humble yourself; and according to your faith so shall it be. 6. Be ye humble and submissive, and I will be with you. Even so, amen. Revelation Given to President Warren S. Jeffs
At His Place of Refuge Saturday, January 24, 2004

1. Thus saith the Lord unto my handmaidens, Ida Vilate Jeffs, Gloria Ann Jeffs and Veda Jeffs, your hearts are right before me at this time because of your prayers and your desires to be part of the redemption of Zion. 2. And verily, I say unto you, beware light-mindedness, and seek unto me more diligently, and listen to the whisperings of my Spirit to you, and draw close to my servant, thy

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such a power of burning peace here. At 7: 10 p. m. as I looked up again, I could see you laying there. At 7:20 p.m. you said, "The Lord is shutting me down for some reason. I am seeking unto Him what to do." I know He can give you instant energy and increased strength as He chooses and He will do it.

name?" I don't know what her name is. I can find out.

At 9: 15 p.m. you groaned and sighed. Your body started trembling. It didn't tremble severely but it did tremble. You said, "I am just worthless, so worthless." You are the greatest man on earth, the Lord guides you. I know He will keep you where He wants you and send you where He wants At 7:30 p.m. you said, "There is so much happening, so much. It is terrible what is going to you to go. At 9:20 p.m. you said, "Oh, my. Oh, my. take place soon. The Lord keeps warning me to be There is so much on my mind. The pressure is so careful with certain men, that they do not hold great, yet I am so willing to carry it, the Lord Priesthood and are seeking my life and are part of helping me." Then you came to at 9:40 p.m. the conspiracy. He has revealed to me my sister 11:20 p.m. Carol is not with me. " The last I talked to you, Ifinished at 8:30 p.m. At 7:45 p.m. your body was trembling again, You were taken unconscious again. At 9:00 you said, "Uncle Fred's son with red hair, what is o 'clock p.m. you said, "Is Wendell, Uncle Fred's his name?" I am not sure. He has a Wendell with son, LaDonna's son?" As far as I know he is red hair. You said he would be receiving a wife. Karen's. You said, "I am thinking of LaDonna 's You didn't name a name. You said, "The Lord has son." I guess there is one that is old enough to be shown me his heart. He is very sweet and obedient married, but I don't know what his name is. You to Uncle Fred." At 7:50 p.m. you said, "Uncle said, "This is LaDonna 's son that I am thinking of, Fred's daughter Stella, she will also be getting not Karen's, for Richard's daughter." I said, "Okay." You said, "Is his name Edson?" I am married." You didn't name a name for her either. sorry, Ijust don't know. I am sure the Lord reveals You said, "The Lord is showing me that He is to you what their names are. You said, "Find out. through with those men who profess to believe in Before we leave, find out what their names are." I what I am doing and then go and turn state's wasn't sure ifyou wanted me to do it right then. I evidence. He will handle them very soon. What didn't go and do it because you were still in very Ross Chatwin did on Friday is a very grievous sin. dee" session vou said "The 'ord sure is sMPping 1 i 1 1 he Lora WUl handle mm. me. I am just yearning to know what He wants At 8:000 'clock p.m. your groaned and sighed done. " and said, "When, oh when, will there be a people. " At 9:20 p.m. your body trembled for just a You started trembling again. At 8:10 p.m. you moment. There was such an overpoweringfeeling came to and said, "What has been happening? I in this room. Again you were taken away must have been taken away." It is now 8:25 p.m. physically until 10: 10 p. m. I felt very impressed to 9:39 p.m. pray for you to be able to receive whatever I finished talking to you last at 8:25 p.m. You instruction the Lord had, that you would know got off the chair and laid on the bed. You said, "I what to do. At 10: 10 p.m. as !looked up at you and am so miserable. Everything in me is so saw you again, your body trembled very severely miserable." You went back unconscious by 8:50 for afew seconds. Then you said, "Okay, okay. p.m. You said you still would be going to Short You were very still and quiet until 10: 45 p. m. Then Creek, that the Lord would open up the way. You you said, "The Lord is pressing upon my mind to said you were going there to do the weddings and take another young girl. I am just reaching to also to make some corrections and to talk to those know His will. I don't want to be slow." You said, brethren. You said that you would be giving Stella, "LaMar Johnson's daughter Permillia." Then Uncle Fred's daughter, to Eldon Johnson, that his you said, "I am trying to understand it all. This is son Wendell would be receiving the next daughter so amazing, so amazing. You groaned and of Richard Allred. Then you said, "Is Kathryn her sighed and again you went very still and quiet until 11:10 p.m. Then you said, "Whatever the Lord
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requires, I will do, whatever His will is. I am not yesterday, you will see the wicked come at me seeking anything of myself. I only yearn to do His faster than ever, but I am not afraid, for I trust that will, to do as He directs. There is still something I the Lord will guide me as He has so many times; must do here before we leave, still something I and I know He will. Then you said, "It is so great, must do. I am yearning the Lord to show me. You such a great weight I feel, such a great weight. Then you went quiet until 11:20 p.m. you said, groaned and sighed and said, "Okay, okay. At 11: 15 p. m. you said, "With all these "Two more hours have gone by. It is now 11: 33 corrections I have made, with the ones I made p.m.

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