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Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Contents Hil ... A Friend in Need. Home Sweet Home .... ike Father, like Son. An Early Bird or a Night Owl. Birds of a Feather... Come Rain or Shine Enjoy your Meal Times Change... The Price of Fame All's Well that Ends Well... See New Places, Meet New Faces .. Time will Tell . Dos and Don'ts: Take a Break ...... Progress Tests... Video Projects. @ Vocabulary 1 Look at the objects and guess the people's jobs. B He is an Af She is an .. 6 Sheisa 2 Choose words from the list to complete the sentences. years old, student, job, capital, favourite, name, old 1 HOW oenssn is Richard? 2. Richard is twenty-four . . 3 “What's his .............0+ 2" “He's an engineer.’ 4 His friend is a(n) at Mortimer College. 5 “What's her 2” “Helen.” 6 “What's her ... sport?” “Golf.” 7 The of Australia is Canberra. Ba @ervonseons eo0cm 10 Match the ordinal numbers to the cardinal numbers, as in the example. CARDINAL ORDINAL twenty-two, a twelfth three b tenth twelve © first one d_ twenty-second ten e fiftieth thirty f third fifty g thirteenth thirteen h thirtieth Write the words for these numbers. 4. 1 42 16. g 60... 28... ho77 9. iu 33 ... j 55 Choose words from the list to complete the sentences. Swi Spanis gyptian, American, Russian, French, Chinese, Polish, Bulgarian, Japanese h, ‘A: What nationality are you? B:I'm ..Japanese... . (Japan) ‘A; What nationality is she? B:She's ... . (the USA) ‘A: What nationality are they? B: They're . sevsenen « (France) ‘A: What nationality is he? B: He's (Switzerland) ‘A: What nationality are they? B: They're - (Spain) ‘A: What nationality is he? B:He's sevsmtneneinenesnens « (POIANA) ‘A; What nationality is she? B: She's ... sosssee soveee » (Egypt) ‘A: What nationality are you? B:l'm - - (Bulgaria) ‘A: What nationality is he? B:He's (Russia) ‘A: What nationality is she? B: She's » (China) Hil 6 Complete the sentences. 1 He's..ten years 2 She's ...sixteen She's .. cone 5 years old... . essen 7 Look at the map and fill in the names of the countries. Spain, Gree ich Republic, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland Poland, Hungary, aly, the Athens is in .. Rome is in ..... Bere is in ..... Lisbon is in Warsaw is in Prague isin .. Madrid is in .... Berlin is in Budapest is in l Hil 10 Complete the short text with the correct o Grammar form of the verb “to be” (am/is/are). 8 Fill ina or an. 2 umbrella 3... git neighbours. We 5) iends. | 6) ree years A erubey § =S enna S iaaiepple old and Mary 7) . Twenty-seven. We 8) veennsnsstnansnese ftom Edinburgh, Scotland. 11 Fill in the gaps with the correct personal pronouns. LL 4A: Where are from? Troe PEN Bane bicycle 9 vn... WOMAN B: __'m from Italy. ~ — 2A WhO ate nsnninn? * B: are my neighbours, Ann and David. 3 A: How old is Margaret? Ba is eighteen. 4 A: Where is John? B: cewen i8 at the party. : 2 Godeen 4 2 ia lect 6 A: Isthis your umbrella? Br YES, snnecne iB 12. Fill, és, are,'s, ‘re, 'm, aren't or isn't 1A: sss Ann from Poland? B: No, she .. She rom Spain. 2A) What... YOUr favourite sport? B: My favourite sport .n...n football 3. AS sun they from Finland? Be NO, they wesenne « THEY wns British. 4. AS msn BOB ten years old? B: No, he He thirteen, 5 A: Howold you? B | forty-four. Hil | @ Communication Introducing people 13 Read the dialogue and fill in the missing questions, then in pairs read it out John: Hello. I'm John Taylor. 1D) 7 ae ? Beth: My name is Beth White. John: 2) stsdasensestsesnssencdansonsesnscanssonsesorsonseens ? Beth: I'm nineteen years old. John: 3) . ee 7 Beth: I'm from Manchester, England. Are you from Manchester too? John: No, I'm not. I'm from Swansea. Beth: 4) ... a John: I'ma vet. Beth: 5) .. John: I'm thirty years old. 44 Read the short dialogues and fill in the gaps. A: Hello, John. John, this is Cindy. She's my friend from Canada. Pleased to meet you. Hello, Tracy. Tracy, this is Steve. He's my friend from Spain. Pleased to meet you, too. 15 Put the words in the correct order to form sentence 1 years/l/old/thirty/am 2. favourite/goltihis/sportis 3. Egypt/are/Pyramids/inithe 4 sixteen/Tony/old/years/is 5 Budapest/is/from/she o Reading 16 Read the sentences | to 6, then read the texts and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). (Omar is twenty-six years old. Omar is a pilot. Mark is from India. Julie is an artist. Mark is a basketball player. Julie’s favourite sport is football. A. This is Omar. He's trom India. Omar is forty years old. He's a pilot His favourite sport is football. ww B This is Mark and this is Julie. They're married and they're from America. ts Mark is twenty-nine years old and Julie is twenty-six years old, Mark is a postman and Julie is an artist. His favourite sport is basketball and her favourite sport is volleyball o@ Writing 17 information from the table below agraph about Julie 16 as| Use the to write a short pi Use text A in a model. Juliet Origin: | Paris, France _| Age: 22 ] Job: _| waitress Favourite} Sport: | tennis A Friend in Need . @ Vocabulary 1 Complete the sentences with the colours. green, white, yellow, black 1 Alemon is .... 2 AN egg is nnn 3 Atreeis ... 4 Apenguin is and white. a) Read the following 3 1 Ann has got blue eyes and short grey curly hair. 2. Jean has got green eyes and long red hair. 3 George has got brown eyes and short black hair. 4 a) Label the parts of the body with words from the list. chest, head, hand, arm, leg, foot, finger, toe b) Now close your books, point to the parts of your body and name them. and colour the people's eyes and hair Eric has got dark brown eyes and light brown straight hair. Jean b) Look at the pictures above. In pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the example. SA: What colour eyes has Eric got? SB: He's got dark brown eyes. SA: What sort of hair has he gol? SB: He's got light brown strarght hair A Friend in Need ... / @ a) Read the following paragraphs and match ——— them to the pictures. [ Name: Age: Height: Build Hai Nose: Lips: 2 Other Characteristics: b) Read the paragraphs again and fill in the tables, as in the example. c) Cover the texts, look at the pictures and the tables and describe each person. a. Peter is twenty years old. He is young. He is tall and well-built. He has got short curly hair. He has got full lips and a wide flattish nose. a ee b Kim is twenty-two years old. She is young. She is short and slim with full lips. She has got long straight hair. She has got slanting eyes and a small nose. —_Sf © Robert is seventy years old. He is ol Id. He is short and slim. He has got short white hair. He has got thin lips and a big nose. — - le-aged. He is d_ lan is fifty-two years old. He is mid of medium height and he is fat. He has got grey straight hair, a beard and a moustache. He has got a large nose and full lips. ane 7 Name: Kim, Age: 22 Height: short + long, straight oO Grammar Nose: small z Lips: full Other Characteristics: slanting eyes 5 Write questions and answers as example. 1A: you / from Argentina? Are you from Argentina? B: No / Brazil No, I'm from Brazil 2 A: your car / new? B: No / very old 3. A: he/ Portugal? Other Charact B: No / Turkey ? A Friend in Need ... 10 4 A: they / tall? 8 a) Look at the table and fill in has, hasn't, have - or haven't. B: No / quite short 5 A: he / fair hair? B: No / dark hair Jennifer C4 & v x Richard x v v x 6 2) Look at the table and fill in can or can't. Helen &Chris x x v v 14 Jennifer .../ias... got a camera and a TV. She play cricket v x x got a computer. ren 7 x 7 2 Richard and Jennifer ... ... got a mobile % 5 z i phone. coor 3. Helen and Chris .. got a camera or a sing x v v computer, but they gota TV anda speak English v v v mobile phone. use computers v v x 4 Richard .. got a. computer and a TV, but he got a camera or a mobile phone. 1 Kate play cricket, but she .. awim b) Look at the table above. In pairs, ask and 2 Daniel . sing very well and he .. answer questions, as in the example. use computers but he play cricket. Susnasysuteribarawarer ° orcket cook bat he + Play $B Yes, she has. Has Jennifer got a computer? 4 Ben, Daniel and Kate soe Speak English. SAPNoj sha hamee ete 5 Ben and Daniel.............. COOK, but they .. computers. ss 9 Match the questions to the answers, as in the le. b) Look at the table again. In pairs, ask and smal answer questions, as in the example. 1 Where are yourfriends< a Red. SA: Can Ben play cricket? tom? |, Ne-liindinithe: SB: Yes, he can. 2 What's your nationality? ‘school football SA: Gan Daniel play cricket? 3 Howold |s she? fam. SB: No, he can't. ete. 4 Are you a doctor? “=e They're from 5 What's your favourite Portugal colour? In Spain Listen and repeat after your teacher. F Liatescenid eepaar sfier poor semcbe 6 Are you in the school e 660068. basketball team? f She's 17. Aa Bb Cc Dd ce Ff Gg 7 What's your hometown? gq. We're from 8 What's your favourite Germany, band? hh She'sa Hho} Ke Mim Nn 9 What's your telephone hairdresser. number? i'm tralian’ Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu 10 Where is Barcelona? j_ Paris, France. 11. What's her job? k Yes, lam. 12 Where are you and your 1 The Spice wwe YW 2 friend from? Giris. A Friend in Need . il 10 Write the nationalities in the right group, according to their endings. Sweden, Canada, France, Japan, Italy, Turkey, Brazil, China, Egypt, Mexico, Poland, the USA, Spain, Hungary, Britain, Portugal, Wales. Scotland, Germany, Gree Australia, Lebanon other san -ian__| -ish endings 0 Communication Asking names, telephone numbers and addresses 11 Complete the dialogue, then, in pairs, read it out. A 2 B: A last name? B: A .. Spell that, please? B: A 5 2 B: 27, “Apple Street. A: 5). 2 B: t's 688 3456. Greeting people 12 Complete the dialogues, then read them out. B: Hello, Jean? J: Hi Bob, B: J: D: Good afternoon, Mrs Brown, B: Good afternoon, Mr Dobbins. I'm very well, you. And you? Be Bac . thank you. o Reading 13 Read the text and fill in the table. Hello. My name is Juan Lopez. | am ten years old and | live in Barcelona, Spain. | have got short straight brown hair and brown eyes. | am tall and quite slim. | love playing football and | can run very fast. Please get in touchl | First name: en i ily name: Lope en Barcelona | age: | appearance: | Like: | | one : @ Writing 14 Write out the adver sentences. jsement in full Hi/My/name/be/Ingrid Jénsson./I/be/sixteen years old./ Mlive/Stockholm, Sweden //have got/iong fair hair/blue eyes,/I/be/tall/slim./INike/skiing//love/swimming./l/ cookivery well /Be/my/pen-friend. i UNE Home Sweet Home ___ 1 @ Vocabulary BATHROOM LIVING-ROOM. HALL OUT: to the appropriate spaces provided in the diagram. bookcase, garage, swimming-pool, garden, desk, dining-table, armchairs, fridge, toilet, washbasin, chairs, stairs, sofa, sink, cooker, dressing-table, dishwasher, shower, towels, pillows, cushions, fireplace, wardrobe, bedside cabinet b) Look at the picture, then, in pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the example. SA: Where's the desk? SB: It's in the study. SA: Where are the chairs? SB: They're in the dining-room. /E THE HOUSE DINING-ROOM “BEDROOM KITCHEN. Fill in the adjectives. room. My bedroom has got a balcony with a | view. There aretwoe living-room. The house is in aq, centre. My house has got a beautiful garden with al__ swimming-pool. armchairs in the _ street far from the city Home Sweet Home 3 @ Grammar 3 Match the pictures to the correct prepositions, then make sentences as in the example. behind, in, on, under, in front of, near 1 The cat is near the basket 4 Fill in the correct prepositions. ..« the fourth floor. i . Kent. 25, Momon Street. 1 I live .. 2 Tom lives 3 She lives .. 4 His flat is 5 They live .. 6 Jason lives half a mile .. 7 Her house is .... 8 Is there a supermarket .. 9 There is a swimming-pool 10 a 12 13 14 15 She lives . ‘We live ... @ houseboat. The houseboat is the River Thames. ‘That house is sale. There is a study the attic. Chalets are made .. wood. a Swarvansenae N ovonsens Bene Fill in a, an, some or any. There are . flowers in the vase. Are there . shops near your house? Is there . park near here? There isn't ... bathroom upstairs. + Chairs in the kitchen. good restaurants near here? There aren't... Are there ...... There's .... armchair in the living-room. There are . cushions on the sofa. Are there books on the desk? There aren't... .. towels in the bathroom. Look at the picture and fill in the correct prepositions. on, in, under, behind, near, in front of the table. the sofa. the sofa. the sofa. the table. There is a rug .... There is an armchair There are some cushions ......... There is a table There are some books ‘There are some armchairs There is a big window .. . There is a lamp ‘the table next to the sofa. Write questions and answers as in the ‘example. Use the prepositions in, on and at. John?/school ...WWhere’s John? He's at school... my bag?/table your books?/my bag . the boys?/garden 13 14 o , Home Sweet Home Look at the picture. In pairs use the prompts 10 Complete the sentences, as in the examples. to ask and answer questions, as in the example. Use the prepositions: next to, under, near, behind, in front of and on. table(fireplace; cushions/sofa; lamp/fireplace; window/sofa; painting/window; carpet/table SA: Is there a table in the room? SB: Yes, there is. Where is i? SB: IU in front of the fireplace. a banana and .. * -o- & Fill in the correct preposition. 7 -- ahat and ... Milan iS seen. the north of - @ = Italy. Patras is a city . alemon and the west coast of Greece, London is the south of England. MrJones lent [ east) Addresses & Phone Numbers home. He 11 Complete the questions, then, in pairs, read is work. the dialogue aloud. My house is ses ‘A; Can you deliver the bicycle to my house? Regent Street. B: Certainly. 1) What's please? San Francisco is A: It's 27, Beechwood Lane, Milltown. the west B: 2) Can yor please? t of the USA. A Fi cosstokine B: Thank you. 3) Have you Norway is a country ....... -northern Europe. a: Yes, it's 4772839, Southampton is the south coast of |B: Okay. We'll bring it on Thursday. Is that alright? England. A: Yes, that's fine. Home Sweet Home 3 Asking For Information about a House 12 Read the dialogue and fill in the questions. How many rooms has it got? Where is it? When can I see it? What's it like? Is there a garden? How much is it? Hello. Is that Ms Powers? Yes. Who's speaking? 'm Tony Black. | want to rent your house. 1). 2 It’s on the other side of town, in Silverdale Drive. 2) ssensnsssranserseesussanesons 2 It's a big house, actually and it's not very expensive. 3) * . 2 It's only £500 per month. That's a great price.4) .. Pr PRPBEw There are two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living- room, a dining-room, a kitchen and a garage. ee = . 2 Yes, there is a small garden at the front of the house and a larger garden at the back. It's lovely. A: Itssounds perfect. 6)... aa B: How about Saturday afternoon? ‘A: Great. I'll see you then. 2 Pe o Reading 13> Read the text and make notes under these headings, then use your notes to talk about Steve's house. TYPE OF PLACE - WHERE - SIZE - INSIDE THE HOUSE - OUTSIDE THE HOUSE - FEELINGS My family and | live in a pretty house near the centre of Brighton, Brighton is a lovely city on the south coast of England. My house is quite big and it is in a very nice area. There are seven rooms in it. Upstairs, there are two bedrooms and a bathroom. My bedroom is quite big and it has got a comfortable single bed and lots of posters on the walls. Downstairs, there is a big kitchen, a spacious living-room, a study and a small bathroom. My favourite room is the study because there is a big bookcase with lots of books there. Outside our house, there is a garage for my parents’ car and a huge garden with lots of trees and flowers. | love my house because it makes me feel safe and relaxed. After all, there is no place like home. oa Writing 14 TYPE OF PLACE: | flat WHERE: in the centre of Banbury SIZE: big INSIDE THE —_| five rooms — two small bedrooms FLAT: (each with wardrobe & double bed); one small bathroom (shower, washbasin, toilet); one small kitchen; one spacious living- room (sofa, two armchairs, TV, big fireplace) OUTSIDE THE | small balcony (lots of flowers) FLAT: garage FEELINGS: a great flat — small but comfortable; home is where the heart is Dear Brian, At last, Rachel and | are in our n At last, ew hi we're very happy with it a It's a big There are five Our flat has also got Rachel and ‘are having a hous ti y ise-warming part next weekend. Lots of people are coming, so please try and come too. Hope to see you soon, Best wishes, ~ Terry 1 Like Father, like Son @ Vocabulary 1 Look at the family tree. Choose words from the list to complete the sentences 1 to 12. grandparents, parents, son, daughter, cousin, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, nephew, niece, wife, husband, granddaughter, grandson, children, grandfather, grandmother, grandchildren Mary Simon is George's ...uncle.. Susan and Paul are George's Mary is Liz and Tim's Sarah is Tim’s George is Mary and John's Susan and Paul are Tim and Sarah's . Mary is Sarah and Simon's .. George is Tim and Liz’s Sarah is George's 10 John is Mary's .. 11 Mary is Susan and Paul's 12. Simon is Sarah's .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ros 10 "1 12 Look at the family tree and fill in the missing words. Liz is Tim's wife. She is his wife. Tim is «a. Husband, He is .......... husband. Susan and Paul are George, Mary and grandparents. They are . ... grandparents. Mary and John are Sarah and ... children. They are ..... . children. Sarah is aunt and Simon is his unele. Mary is Tim and niece. She is niece. John is Liz and ..... nephew. He is nephew. George is Tim's son. He is .. soe SON. Susan is Mary's grandmother. She's .. grandmother. John is . cousin. He is his cousin. John is brother and Mary is . sister. Mary is Sarah and ... daughter. She is daughter. Look at the family tree and answer the questions. Whose father is Simon? He's Mary and John’s father. ‘Whose mother is Liz? She's .... 2 Whose daughter is Sarah? Whose cousins are Mary and John? They're ... Whose brother is Tim? Choose the correct item. He gets angry easily. He is Akind B aggressive *"G clever He always tells people what to do. He is Arude Bgorgeous C bossy He isn't polite. He is very ...... Aclever Brude C friendly She leams easily because she's very Aclever — B pretty € good-looking Like Father, like Son 5 She doesn’t get angry easily. She's .. oe 6 Look at the pictures and fill in the possessive A bossy B beautiful C patient pronouns/adjectives or the people's names. 6 She doesn't like working. She is ...... Mark and John A rude B friendly Clazy _ 7 The boy makes a lot of noise. He is Akind Baggressive C noisy 8 What's she like? She’s kind and ...... Afriendly _ B aggressive Crude o@ Grammar 5 Label the people with their jobs, then ask and answer questions, as in the example. surgeons, actress, astronaut, doctor, taxi driver, dentist Are these pencils Lucy's? : Yes, they're hers. They're her pencils. ‘Are those CDs Rob and Jane's? : No, they aren't They're... ts that Sarah's cat? : Yes, it's t's Is that Jeff's dog? : No, it isn't .... It's. ‘: Is that Mark and John's bicycle? : No, it isn't ..... ans « IES : Is that Rob and Jane's car? : Yes, it's Hs . : Are those Carol's books? : Yes, they're .... «They're ... : Are those my boots? No, they're not : Is that your basketball NO, ILENE ornnrene : Is that Bill's hat? B: No, itisn't... cat. . They're basketball hat. 1 4 Like Father, like Son 7 Fill in the gaps with: he, she, they, them, him, it, 1. 10 First, look at the language key, then use the . prompts to write sentences, as in the 1A: Does Kate like George? example. Remember, we use the -ing form ; after the verbs love, like, not like, hate. love © © (GS) not ike e hate 3. A: Do you like Tom's brother? 1 James & 4) Iwindsurt. James loves windsurfing. B: No. ... . don't like ...... much. x ‘S rude. 2 Jenny and Chris (—) Awatch horror films. 2 A: Do your grandparents like pop music? B: No. . don't like at all . think 's terrible. think 4 A: Does your sister like romantic films? B: Yes. on HIKES alot. svoenes tHIDKS "re great. 8 Fill in the correct prepositions. 1 “When is the party?” “It's........ Sunday evening.” 2 “Where is Bournemouth?” “It's the south coast of England.” 3 What do you do «.....e.e- your free time? 4 She's quite tall ..- brown curly hair and brown eyes. 5 Welive a big house near the city centre. 6 His mother is a teacher . .. a primary school. 7 Do you like listening . rock music? 8 Weil, that’s alll ..csecee. ME. 9 There are four sos US . our family. 10 My house is .... . fifteen minutes’ walk the city centre. 11 My father works a very big company. 12 His mother is a surgeon. She works . Memorial Hospital. 13. He plays football Sundays. 11 Complete the dialogues. 14 He lh lk . his de eee senna '$ C09 4. A: Does she like walking in the park? 45 [live in Carisle. It's a city .. the north .. B: Yes, she does. . England. 28 . live in Barcelona? 9 Match the letters to the numbers to form 3A + YOU ? sensible orders, B: . a student, 4 . her mother like? 1 ‘a some water please. B. kind and patient. 2 b to bed. It's very late. 5 swe Mary look like? 3 © your room. B: ...w.-e. Beautiful. She's got green eyes and 4 d the baby. black hair. 5 Please, clean @ here, the water isdiry.| 6 A: . . like meeting new people? 6 Don't wake up f your car here. B: Yes, they .... . 7 Don't park g here. FBS ssecssnen like cleaning the house? 8 Help hh the cupboards. B: No, she _ | 9 Please, don'tsmoke | i down, please. BAS nerve - live in the city centre? 10 Don't stand up. Sit | j_me, please. | B: No, they Like Father, like Son 4 @ Communication Asking Personal Questions 12 Fillin the missing questions, then, in pairs, read out the dialogue. A 1). B: My name is Linda Richardson. A 2). i B: I’m twenty years old. A: 3). te secennecanenoneansnsnseon B: I'ma student at Bournemouth University. A 4) ne B: We live in a big house near the town centre. Al 8) sxrcermecors B: There are six of us in our farnly. BSB) vasssecsnmrernnnne = B: My mother's name is Judy and my father's name is David. TD) cossesssssesee My father is a dentist. 8) He is kind and generous. 9) 3 e My mother is a teacher. TY) res Yes, | have got one brother and two sisters. 12) saison ; Ilike reading and watching TV in my free time. 13)... . No, | don't like playing sports in my free time. DEDEOSOEDr>aeae Reading 13 Read the text and fill in the table. Then, correct the sentences I to 7. AGE: escnes OCCUPATION: 1 Stewart is a vet Stewart is a policeman. 2 Stewart lives in Dover, in the north-east of England. 3. Stewart lives on a farm with his wife Sally and his brother Tom. 4. Stewart has long brown hair and green eyes. 5 Stewart is a rude man and a very bad father. 7. Stewart doesn't like going to the theatre. @ Writing 14 Use the information in the table below to write an article about Bill. Write your article in four paragraphs (100-120 words). stewart Jones is twenty-nl policeman. He lives in Dove ee flat with his wife, ives in a small, comfortable flat Stewart Inttnair son, Jason. Jessica is twenty-eight ind their yours od She is a vet. Jason is seven years old. He from 9 am to 3:30 pm. 9298 1 oung He is tall and well-built ah short brown hair and brown eyes. Everybody ites Bgcauge he is a kind man and a very loving Fanner Tn his free time Stewart likes playing bas! doesn't ike watching TV. He thinks itis Boring. ine years old. He is a , in the south-east of NAME: Bill Brown AGE: 40 OCCUPATION: pilot LIVES: Bristol, west coast of England HOUSE: large house FAMILY MEMBERS: wife — Polly/nurse; daughter — Lisa/student at University of Bristol APPEARANCE: tall, slim, curly fair hair, blue eyes CHARACTER: pleasant, patient LIKES: reading, travelling DOESN'T LIKE: going fishing - too boring 19 Ut O Vocabulary 1 Look at the key and write the times, as in the example. [before 12 noon} [after 12 noon) six o'clock in the morning. six o'clock in the evening.. h 7:20 pm = 2:30 ... half past two | 7:50 seven fifty | 920 .. twenty past nine 3:45 three forty-five An Early Bird or a Night Owl?_ 2 Fill in the gaps in the chart below. 11:15 eleven fifteen a quarter past eleven. 3 Write the month before and the month after, as in the example. APR Lose MAY . NOVEMBER... . JULY ~MARCH . SEPTEMBER .. aeons 4 a) Look at Philip's daily routine and make sentences, as in the example. Philip gets up at 7 am. b) In pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the example. SA: What time does Philip get up? 20 SB: He gets‘up at seven o'clock. Read what each person says. Then, choose adjectives from the list to make sentences about how each person feels, as in the example. tired, stressed, bored, satisfied, happy JENNY Tee the same hinge a6) ~_and again. JAMES KAREN Tike the way | ive. Jenny feels satisfied because she has gol u great job. TIM 6 Fill in the table with DO, GET, HAVE, GO, then make sentences using them, Ja bath/ your homework | home lup Ishower the washing-up | shopping dressed breakfast) ona picnic llunch/dinner ‘out (with friends/family) @ Grammar 7 Look at the chart below and make sentences, as in the example. [CO Bob doctor ‘hospital Bret | ife-quaré | swimming poo! dean reporter | newspaper office ...Bob is a doctor. He works at a hospital. He starts work at half past six in the morning.He finishes work at half past eight in the evening.... An Early Bird or a Night Owl? 0 | 8 Use the drawings, the adverbs of frequency and the prompts below to talk about Faye and her activities. 0% 10% 25% 50% 75% 100% never rarely sometimes often usually always. 1 gS have/ drink/coffee! } shower! night evening (%) C4 2 play/ weekend 3 tennis/ (0%) Q\ afternoon (25%) 3 eatia 6 fisterdmusio! croissant evening moming (10%) (100%) Faye usually has a shower in the exening. Rewrite the sentences in the correct order. 1. early/up/Sarah/gets/never ..Sarah never gets up early.... 2. Alan/lunch/two o’clock/usually/has/at . friends/oftenimeetimy/schooV/atter/ Claire/picnics/rarely/on/goes sometimes/to/go/cinemaytheiwe 21 22 i An Early Bird or a Night Owl? 10 a) Fill in: at, in 4 indestine the A: Excuse me, : No, he paverte of I help you? frequency. . ‘What does 0A Sally always/ usually/ sometimes do during the weekend? May, spring, Monday, 5 o'clock, the weekend, What do you 1959, the evening, 13th May, winter, Friday, always/usually/} ’ the morning, night, 11:30, noon, Wednesday sometimes morning, 2 o'clock, 4th January, Tuesday night do during the weekend? . you from Egypt? from Canada. ... that man a doctor? but I... How can - you Mr Smith? lo, | 12 Put the following into the correct boxes: 1 ets up Saturdays, Sally always OF a early 2). ~'the moming — 3) very early about half past six. First, she has @ Rotor then she gets dressed. After that, she goes to the newsagent’s to collect the Lge - She fishes her paper ound #) wi ter | @ Communication o'clock, then she goes cls Aet breakfast, she vsuay goes Sonor | 45 sake cinema nncbnard ain mum, and then, 8) nav on, | cl tte ina nscboar ann times go to pairs, ee ea she meets her tend, They sometimes 9010 pasa cinem Se cnren wry nee has dinner with her Devens Sne usualy Mering, then she plays | THE ODEON CINEMA 2 ier igames. She always goes to bed late 8) Saturday night. | Screen 1 Geol Expectations Screen 2 __loslin Space Screen 3 dence Do Screen 4 _Tilonie__ 11 Fill in do(n’t), does(n’t), am(not), is(not) or are(not). Screen 5 Goll DAS cose . you like playing football? SA: What's on at Screen 1? B: Yes, | . SB: Great Expectations. a AGS . these your shoes? SA: What time does it start? BE NO they sesernne THEY sevens SORN’S SB: It slaris at half past twoftwo thirty 3A -- James like jazz music? B i“ Read the dialogue then, in pairs, have 4A conse Kirsty a USE? similar dialogues using the prompts below. BE Noahs = A: Let's go to the cinema tonight 5A » you happy with your life? B: Oh no, | don't want to go to the cinema again! Br vee! + ut My JOB wns VOrY tFing Let's go out for dinner for a change. 6 AL. like doing the washing-up. A: Okay That's a good idea. B: | agree — boring. TA eorge often play football? * play tennis/Saturday/go fishing 8: | but Jack ... ... © play cards/this evening/watch a video . An Early Bird or a Night Owl? ia @ Reading @ Writing 14 a) Read the text and fill in the gaps with the 15 Study the table below and use the notes to verbs in the list in the correct form. Some write an article about Kyle Thompson's daily of the verbs can be used more than once. routine. g0, say, meet, get up, work, listen, have, read ADAY IN THE LIFE OF GORDON HIG i1NS Gordon Higgins, the author of ‘Brakers’ and un at five o'clock ‘The Sword’ 1) . ‘every morning and 2) ... .» a shower. He 3) au. breakfast at five thirty, then he 4) .. to his study and 5) from six till twelve, when he | lunch. Gordon usually 7 ‘back to his study to work from one till five, but sometimes he 8) ... his publisher to talk about his new books. He always 9) the news on the radio at five, and after that he 10) ... dinner. After dinner, he usually 11). ‘a book, but sometimes he 12) .. out with his friends. He usually 13) to bed at ten o'clock. In his free time, Gordon often 14) ... fishing or sailing on the lake near his house. Gordon likes being a writer. “I am very happy with my life at the moment,” he 15) .. Interesting job, lots of money ... yes, it is perfect!” a al NAME: Kyle Thompson JOB: tennis coach IN THE 8am - get up & have breakfast MORNING: | 8:30am - go to the gym 9:30am - have a shower 10am - go to the tennis club 10:30am-12:30pm - give tennis lessons to children INTHE 42:30pm - have lunch AFTERNOON: | 1pm - 4:30pm - give tennis lessons to, adults / 4:30pm - go home IN THE Spm - 6:30pm - play with EVENING: | children/help wife cook dinner 6:30 pm - have dinner 7pm - 11pm - watch TV/listen to music b) Now correct the statements below. 11pm - go to bed Gordon gets up at nine o'clock. He sleeps from six tll twelve. Ho always meets his publisher in the afternoon. He always watches the news on TV at five. After dinner, he usually writes a book. He usually goes to bed at twelve o'clock. He's very stressed with his life at the moment. INHIS FREE | go to tennis matchesiplay the guitar TIME: FEELINGS: _| feel very satisfied - “It's a great way to keep fit and earn a living at the same time!” Nouaonas 2B LUE Birds of a Feather... 4 4 a) Match the definitions with the correct kind 0 Vocabulary oof opus, | 1 They are small creatures, 1 Tick the correct item. They have got six legs and] @ reptiles usually two pairs of wings. 1 Dolphins have got fins O tet O = = 2 They have babies and they| 2 Lions have got feathers O amane (] Mis fecomnee tad b birds 3. Mice have got a beak along tat Q Leen 4 Sharks have got grey skin [1] fur o 3 They haven't got wings. They] insects 5 Camels have got long legs [] ears i be comealll of them sreleae 6 Eagles have got sharp paws [] claws O Fay F seat J [4 They have got feathers, two] gq mammals 7 Cats have got wings 0 whiskers [) wings'and two lege. They lay 8 Elephants have got arms = [] atrunk [] ‘eggs'and thev:can fi Sean ona wna o © @eVansena Fill in the correct word from the list. warm, seas, play, claws, smile, eggs, have, black, feathers, funny Birds and reptiles both lay Grey seals have got thick fur to keep them Mammals ... babies and feed their young ‘on milk. ‘Sharks live in warm Zebras have got .. and white stripes. Dolphins can easily learn how to games. Penguins have got thick ... Koalas have got very sharp .. Penguins look .. Dolphins have got a big .... when they walk. Use the words from the list below to fill in the gaps. kittens, feed, friendly, live, weigh, puppies, groups, strong, easily, world Fish ‘ .... in water. Kangaroos have got back legs. Penguins bout twenty kilos. Mammals ..... their young on milk. Parrots can learn how to talk.... % Dogs are Dolphins live in small . Snakes live in many different parts of the .. and dogs have b) Label the animals using the words below. dolphin, snake, penguin, cow, butterfly, parrot, lion, fly, duck, crocodile, ladybird 1 5 Put the animals from Ex. 4 into the correct boxes. REPTILES ona BIRDS ow o Grammar 6 Look at the picture and say how many animals you can see, as in the example. I can see three giraffes. _ MAMMALS Birds of a Feather... 7 Use the key and the prompts to make sentences, as in the example. long + very ++ quite +++ long trunk/big ears ++ big eyes ++ long legs +++ short tail/big antlers ++ small ears/big eyes +++ long tail +++ sharp claws ++ small eyes 8 GAME Work in teams. Use the words in the boxes and take it in turns to make sentences, as in the example. Each correct sentence gets one point. The team with the most points wins. dolphins monkeys butterflies ty penguins , kangaroos ae crocodiles — swim climb tigers sea lions dogs Team ASI: Dolphins can't fly Team B SI: Penguins can swim. 2 1b i Birds of a Feather. 9 Fill in the correct question words from the list. Some of them can be use more than once. Then, match the questions to the answers. How much, Where, What, How long, How 1 is this animal? a All kinds of fish. 2 does it live? b Sharp teeth and 3 joes it eat? pointed fins. 4 has it got? ¢ 1200 kilos. 5 -s0es it weigh? dA White Shark. 6 ngisit? e 30-40 years. 7 does it live for? f In tropical and warm seas. g 3-6 metres. 10 Read the sentences below about green turtles and make questions for the statements. Green turtles live in warm oceans. They have got a shell to protect them They eat fish and plants. They weigh about 270 kilos. They lay about 100 eggs at a time. They live for about 50 years. 11. Read the text below. Then put the words in the sentences that follow in the correct order, to form questions. Finally, answer the questions. GREY;SEA! “These lovely mammals live in the north-east and north-west pars of the Aanic and in the Batic sea. They are great Swimmers and can swim very fast. They are also excellent divers and can stay underwater for about 15 minutes. Grey seals have got big eyes to help them see well in dark waters, as well as long whiskers and thick grey fur to keep them warm in cold seas. They weigh from 150 to 230 kilos. They eat various kinds of fish and they spend most of their time in the ‘sea. When they are notin the water, they like to rest and dry their coat on rocky islands or sandy beaches. Grey seals ive for about 25 to $0 years. 10 FIND OUT MORE ABOUT WHAT YOU CAN DO TO SAVE THEM CALL 911 7063, 1 grey seals/are/what? 2 whereflive/they/do? 3. they/do/can/what? 4 havelthey got/what? ... 5 havelthey got/why/ big eyes? 6 they weigh/how much/do? 7 they/eat/what /do? ss 8 do/they/how longflive 101? s.r @ Communication Expressing preferences 12 Read the short dialogues below. Which dialogues are positive? Which are negative? Now, use the prompts to act out similar dialogues. dolphins - intelligent, cats - lazy, horses - clever, lions - scary 1 A: Do you like dogs? B: Yes, | love dogs. They're very friendly animals. 2 A; Do you like snakes? B: No, [hate snakes. | think they're very dangerous. 3. A: Do you like monkeys? B: Oh, yes. | like monkeys. They're funny. 4 A: Do you like parrots? B: No, | don't. | think they're very noisy. Asking about pets 13> Match the answers to the questions, then. read out the dialogue. In pairs, act out a similar dialogue about your pet. @ @e 1 ‘What's your cat's Amale. name? 2 Is it a male or a , He's four years female? old. [3 |_| What kind of cat is : he? He's a Persian. [4] | How old is he? Pinky, Reading 14 Read the text about golden eagles and mark the statements as T (true) or F (false). Golden eagles are birds. The . They lay eggs and keop them in a nest. They are excellent wnters. They can see very well and they can fy very fast. They have got big wings and long tai. They have si got very strong and sharp Ip them hunt. Thi i to seven kilos, Speen ona ies Golden eagles live in forests i and mount in many different parts of the world, They ive alone or in pairs and they eat small birds and mammals. They live for about twenty years, ta ae Golden eagles are mammals. Birds of a Feather... WW 15 Use the information from Ex. 14 to fill in the chart below. Kind of animal: They can: They've got: They weigh: They live for: @ Writing 16 Use the information in the table below and write a text about Orang-utans. Kind of animal: mammal They can: climb very well They've got: Tong and strong arms, brown fur and very big cheeks They weigh’ 40-85 kg They are excellent hunters. ‘They weigh from four to eight kilos. They lve: in the tropical forests of Borneo and ‘Sumatra, Indonesia Golden eagles live in forests and mountains. 1 * 3 4 They can't see very well 5 6 They live for about twelve years. oO They eat: fruit, nuts, leaves, insects and eggs They live for: 30 to 50 years 1] TINS Come Rain or Shine __ O Vocabulary 1 Look at the picture and use the words in the two lists below to say what the people are wearing and what they are doing, as in the example. T-shirt, shorts, shirt, blouse, skirt, jeans, dress, climb/a tree, eat/a sandwich, ride/a bicycle, pick/flowers, trousers, jean shirt, cap, trainers, hat, a jacket | drink/a Goke, take/photographs, reada book, listen to music 1. What is Barry wearing? What is he doing? ...Barty is wearing a T-shirt and shorts. He is climbing a tree. 2 What is Linda wearing? What is she doing? 3 What is Anne wearing? What is she doing? 4 What is Ryan wearing? What is he doing? 5 What is Amanda wearing? What is she doing? © What is Tony wearing? What is he doing? 7 What is Stanley wearing? What is he doing? 8 What is Mavis wearing? What is she doing? B Come Rain or Shine i Choose the correct item. 6 a) Look at the picture. What are they wearing? What are they doing? We wear .. . to keep our hands warm. A socks B gloves C shorts On the beach, people wear ..on their féet. A boots B hats C sandals Most people wear in bed. A pyjamas B trousers C shoes When it's cold, | wear my A swimming-costume B coat Fill in the missing words. ts ESD ...snowing, Ben wearing a suit and tie. He is dancing. Hannah .. . Joanna Thomas .. Amanda Adam. Onreona b) Correct the false statements as in the example. 1 Ben and Hannah are talking to Adam. No, they aren't talking to Adam They ae dancing 2 Joanna is eating. tsa... 3. Thomas is dancing. 4 Adam is talking to Amanda... 4 Now answer these questions. 6: Ace 6 drinking, 1 What's the weather like today? 2 What season is it now? ... 3. What's your favourite season? 7 Make questions as in the example. 4 What do you like about it? - 1 you/cook/dinner Are you cooking dinner?... 2 Jennifet/ride/her bicycle o Grammar 3 : 5 Write the -ing form of the verbs below. 4 the dog/sleep/in the garden 1 swim .... 5 decorate 5 what/he/do/at the moment 2 shine .. 6 sit Aisin kai eine 3 make 7 read 6 she/cook dinner 4 tun .. 8 do... - 29 i Come Rain or Shine . Bob is never swimming in the sea. . Bob never swims in the sea. 8 Fill in the missing sentences as in the example. 3 op 1 Frank usually watches TV in 4 the evenings. Is he watching TV now? No, he isn’t. He is workingon 5 a computer... work on a computer 6 . Phil is getting up every morning at 7:00. . Phil gets up every morning at 7:00. . What do you do in your free time? . What are you doing in your free time? . Be quiet! The baby is sleeping. . Be quiet! The baby sleeps. gp op op Heo 2 Joe usually works very hard in 11 a) Fill in the correct form of the verbs in the the mornings. list, we Ise wortng very/hard now? leave, go, clean, get, play ~ Every day my father 1) .. to work. He sleep 2) . up early and he 3) home at about 8:00. My sister and I 4) to school every morning. Mother usually 5) 3. The children often play in the the house. She sometimes 6) in the garden garden. shopping. The dog 7) Are they playing in the garden _in the mornings. now? it play on the beach 9 Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Nick sometimes «2... (Work) long hours. 21 . (have) lunch now. 3. Mother (make) the beds every day. 4 Itoften {snow) in January. 5 We .u.. see (decorate) the Christmas tree every year. 6 TRE MAN wc eseinees (HM) the ions now. 7 She - (go) to the cinema twice a week. 8 They «.. (drive) to the beach every Saturday. 8 Diane: (eten) to music b) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct at the moment. oe 10 My sister . (clean) her room now. Today it's Sunday. We are all at home. Father 8) . site (sit) on the sofa, He 9) 10 Tick (VY) the correct sentences. (read) a newspaper. Mother 10) .. (not/clean) the house. She 11) . (talk) on the phone. My sister 12) (have) tea and | 13) .. dog 14) on 15) 1a. Dad is watching the football game now. ¥ b. Dad watches the football game now. sve (Watch) TV. The (not/play) in the garden. 2 a. Do the dancers practise every day? b. Are the dancers practising every day? (sleep) 30 Enterprise 1 Workbook Come Rain or Shine | 12 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. Dear Donna, 7) (write) to you from wales. on holiday with my family. we 2) (visit) my grandparents in @ lovely village called st John’s. we 3) (come) here every year. Sometimes it 4) .. (rain) in March but this time the weather is beautiful and the sun 5). (shine). St John’s is a very quiet place and it is nice to go for walks on the beach or have picnics in the countryside. | This week we 6) 1am . (be) very busy, because there is a special celebration on Saturday. The is village is having a street party. Everyone 7) ~ (work) very hard to decorate the streets and to build a stage for dancing and playing music. All the women 8) . (cook) delicious food and 9) .. - (make) cakes. | 10) .. swnmne (have) @ really good time. See you soon. Love, Sandra ene © Communication: Buying Clothes 13> Use the questions below to fill in the blanks. What's her favourite colour, What about a nice dress, Can I help you, What do you think of this T-shirt, How old is she,What size is she Hello. 4) .. . Yes, thank you. I'm looking for a present for my daughter. 2) She's sixteen. 3) Oh no! She never wears dresses. Okay. What would your daughter like? Perhaps a nice T-shirt 4) ese : Well, she likes red a lot. 5) She's a twelve. Here you are. 6) It's lovely, Be DEDEDE aenerae 14 A B: ° 15 lan: Paul: lan: Paul: lan: Paul: lan: Paul: lan: Paul: lan: Paul: Noasenae ° 16 a) Use the questions below to fill in the blanks. How much are they, Do you have any, Gan I help you, How many would you like Hello. 1) Yes, I'm looking for some pencils. 2) Yes, of course. 3) . Four please. 4) . They're 50p each. Good. I'd like these four. How much is that? That's two pounds please. b) In pairs, use the prompts to act out similar dialogues. envelopes, pens, rubbers, pencil sharpeners Reading Read the telephone conversation and answer the questions. Hello? Hilan, it’s Paul Paull How are you? How's Sonia? Fine, we're both very well. You can't imagine how lovely it is here in Jamaica What's the weather like? It's very hot and the sun’s shining Where’s Sonia? Is she with you? Sonia is sunbathing in her swimming costume near the pool. And where are you phoning from? At the moment,|'m sitting on the balcony of our hotel room. I'm enjoying the wonderful view. Hey, have you got Jack's address? Yes, why? Because I want to send him a postcard. Which country are Paul and Sonia in? What is the weather like? Where is Sonia? What is she wearing? What is she doing? Where is Paul? What is he doing? Writing Using your answers from Ex. 15 write Paul's postcard to Jack. 31 EE Enjoy your Meal 2 @ Vocabulary 1 a) Label the pictures with words from the list. saucer, bacon, bread, butter, chips, cream, eggs, fish, fork, fruit, knife, pepper, salt, strawberries, vegetables, cup eVonsons b) Use the words from a) to complete these collocations as in the examples. eNoanaenns 2 a) Write the words from Ex. 1 in the correct boxes. ‘some (plural) chips. ‘some (uncountable) bacon, b) Say what there is/are in the pictures in Ex. 1. SI: There is a knife. $2: There are some eggs. S32 There is some butter 3 Fill in the correct preposition from the list. at, for, from, in, on, to, with 1 usually have lunch alot of work to do. the office when I've got 2 The restaurant is open .......... 8 pm till midnight. 3. I'd like to book a table.......... two people, please. 4 My favourite food is pasta .......... tomato sauce. 5 Is there any milk the fridge? 6 Shall | put the plates........ the table? 7 Would you like to go the new Chinese restaurant .... dinner tonight? 8 Brazilians have dinner sw about 10 o'clock smnaacscy night 9. the Philippines, it's polite to leave a little food . your plate ........» the end of a meal. 10 Finnish people sometimes eat........ their friends on . the weekend @ Complete the table with words from the list. banana, beef, coffee, ham, lettuce, mitk, onion, orange, pear, sausage, tea, Coke, cherry, carrot Enjoy your Meal 5 a) Read the advertisement and fill in the gaps with adjectives from the list below. home-made, busy, reasonable, tasty, helpful, rich, perfect Luigi's is the new Italian restaurant on Compton Street. It's open for lunch and dinner every day. There are many 1) . pizzas and delicious pasta dishes to choose from. Try the Special Spaghetti with 2) ..... garlic sauce and of course the 3) garlic bread! The waiters here are always very 4) .. : and the prices are quite 5) ....... Two people can eat at Luigi's for only £10. It is open from eleven in the morning till ten in the evening, Luigi's is the 6) svseee Place to enjoy a meal with friends. However, make sure you book first because it is always very 7) sic in the evenings. Pr ng b) Read the people's comments and fill in the gaps with words from the list below. Do the people agree with the advertisement above? expensive, hard, empty, horrible, terrible, cold, rude 1 The food is h. think 2 The garlic bread is very h. it's about three days old! peed N\ 3 I don't like this spaghetti — it's ¢ 4 The waiters are very r. restaurant — this 5 it's avery tiny pizza costs £5! H: Six, please. XS 6 Itsat We're leaving now! place for a meal with friends! 7 You don’t need to book a table! Look — it's o Grammar 6 Write C for countable or U for uncountable. 1 ham Usewee 8 butter 2 olive sens 9 ~foney 3 sugar ww 10. steak 4 pear wean 14 bread 5 milk . 12 egg 6 potato . 13 apple 7 flour soe 14 coffee 7 a) Mrs Hardy is at the supermarket. Look at her shopping list and complete it with these words. bottles, cartons, kilos, loaves, packets, slices Shopping List .. of wine .. of potatoes .. Of milk of salami of bread .. of flour 6 eggs 2 lettuces 12 sausages 2 frozen pizzas 5 bananas 6 oranges b) Choose the correct words to complete this dialogue between Mrs Hardy and a supermarket assistant. some/any, is/are, much/many H: I'd like 1) A: Certainly. How 2) .. H: Two loaves, please. 3) . A) vase . eggs? A: Of course. How 5) bread, please. do you want? ©) Now, in pairs, have similar dialogues. Use words from the shopping list to replace the words in bold above. SA: I'd like some potatoes, please. SB: Certainly. How many would you like? SA: Two kilos, please. Is there any wine? etc 33 Enjoy your Meal 8 Fill in how much, how many, a few, a little, some or any. 1A . apples do you need, sir? B:Just 5 . please. 2. A:Would you like « - milk in your coffee, madam? B: Yes, but only .. please. 3A «are the chicken sandwiches? B:I'm sorry. We haven't got .. chicken sandwiches lett. A: Oh, can | have a hamburger then? B: Yes, of course. 4 A:Mum, can | have B:Sorry. There isn't... 5 A:John, have we got B: Yes, but there are only orange juice? left. . bananas? do we need? A: About five. © Correct the mistakes. I'd like S8r% glass of Coke, please. Would you like an bread? How many does this cost? We haven't got much tomatoes. I'd like a milk in my tea, please. Could | have some orange, please? How much cherries do you need? I'd like many fish for lunch. How many sugar have we got? I'd like some apple, please. Sweorvansena 10 Tick (/) the correct sentences. 1 a Would you like some ice-cream? ...W... Do you like some ice-cream? os Is there something to drink? b Is there anything to drink? a No thanks. I don't like fish. b I wouldn't like fish. I'd like pizzas. b I like pizza. How many is that? b How much is that? 6 a How much it costs? b How much does it cost? 7 a There isn't any Coke in the fridge. b There isn't some Coke in the fridge. @ Communication Ordering Food 11 a) Look at the restaurant menu and fill in drinks, starters, desserts and main courses Tomato soup Onion soup Garden salad Ice-cream ‘Apple pie Strawberries and cream Grilled fish with rice Pepper steak with potatoes Roast chicken with carrots. Wine Beer Mineral water Coffee b) Fill in the questions, then, in pairs, act out similar dialogues. And for the main course, What would you like to drink, Would you like some dessert, What would you like to start W: 1)... C: I'd like a garden salad, please. Wy Okay. 2) .. C: Can | have the roast chicken with carrots, please? W: Excellent choice. 3) .. C: I'll have some apple pie, w: C: Ww: please. A) sssisnsvisis : A cup of coffee, please. Thank you, sir. 12. The following dialogue is in jumbled order. Put the sentences in the correct order, then act out the dialogue. B: Thank you. B: Good evening. Have you got a table for four? ‘A; Would you like to see the menu? A: Good evening, sir. B: Yes, please. A: Yes, sir. Over here, near the fireplace. 34 Enjoy your Meal 13. Read the dialogue between Tom and Kevin, then use the prompts below to make similar dialogues with Bill, Tamzin and Elaine. Tom: Would you like a drink, Kevin? Kevin: Yes, please. Tom: What would you like? Kevin: I'd like a glass of Coke. Tom: Would you like something to eat? Kevin: Yes, please. Can | have some biscuits? Tom: Yes, of course. Bill — a cup of tea, a packet of crisps Tamzin — a glass of milk, a piece of cake Elaine — a cup of coffee, a sandwich 14 Complete the dialogue with words from the list. Then, in pairs, read the dialogue aloud. some, any, would, much, many, can, is, are ‘A: Excuse me — What kind of sandwiches have you got? B: We've got 4) . tomato. Which 2) A: 3) please? B: Of course. Here you 4) .. ‘A: Thank you. How ) ..... they? B: They're £3.60, please. Anything else? ‘A: Oh, yes — 7) | have 8) bananas, please? B: Sure. How 9) .. ham, cheese,tuna and seve YOU like? sou [have three ham sandwiches 10) .oeroneenee YOU lik? o Reading 15 Read this text from a radio advertisement, then look at the poster advertising the same restaurant. Find the mistakes in the poster and correct them, as in the examples. Come to The Wild West, the all-new fast food restaurant on Baker Street! ‘The meals are wonderful, with lots of tasty dishes to choose from. Try our hamburgers, pizzas and toasted sandwiches — and don't fniss our special ice-cream and milkshakes! Bring your friends, and enjoy our rock music, friendly service and low prices. Wo'te open from 10 am to 10 pm every day. Come to The Wild West — it's great! Wz luo Wasp SEAFOOD- RESTAURANT fast £004 29, Compron Sraeer A Lai RL eC aace vx Hamburgers: Spaghetti xx Toasted Rolls x Fresh Cream + Milkshakes Classical Music! Friendly People! Lots of prices! every day Open 8 am — 11 Pm, Monpar~Fripay— o Writing 16 Look at the newspaper advertisement for Spangles, and use the information to write a radio advertisement for the restaurant. Use the text from Ex. 15 asa model. Start each paragraph as shown below. © Come to Spangles © The food is © Bring your children © We're open << family restaurant 104, Menevosie RosD Déucious FOOD - INTERESTING DISHES © Roast Beef © Vegetorian Meals * Home-made Soup® Chocolate Coke © Fresh Fruit Solod live piano music, helpful waiters, friendly olmosphore (pe 17 am = 71 pm Money 0 Sania 35

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