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Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Karachi

Assignment:2 Freshman English

Name: Mubashir Zafar Date: 25-04-2020

Student ID: SP20-BBAH-0008

Program: bachelors in business administration (BBA)

Q1: Read the passage carefully and answer the given questions. /10

The average North American driver travels 12,000 miles per year. In order to get the maximum
life out of an automobile, you must provide it with proper maintenance. Proper maintenance can
reduce air pollution, extend the value of the vehicle, save on fuel bills, prevent breakdowns, and
lead to better performance.
You should change the oil in all of your vehicles every 3,000 miles. Whenever you change the
oil you can also change the oil filter. Oil filters remove dirt and debris from oil. As the car runs
the oil filter will become clogged with excess debris from the oil. In order for an engine to run it
also requires air. This air must be filtered to stop dirt from damaging the engine. Every time you
change the vehicle's oil you should inspect the car for any unexpected wear and tear.
Due the performance and sheer heat of combustion car engines it very hot. Antifreeze is used as
a coolant in for your vehicle system. This coolant should be replaced every two years. By doing
this you extend the life of your radiator. Other fluids that require maintenance at 60,000 miles
and include brake fluid, transmission fluid, and power steering fluid. The use of properly inflated
and will maintain tires is critical. The tire holds the car to the road is your first line of safety.
Tires usually have a life expectancy dictated by the manufacturer. It is recommended that you
follow this life expectancy which usually averages 30,000 miles.
A vehicle should be driven properly by not exerting extra stress. Extra stress can lead to
overheating. Overheating is the prime cause of premature life of belts, gaskets, hoses, and seals.
If any of these parts become a problem it is a much better idea to replace the part than to repair it.

Answer the question using the information from the paragraph. Give evidence if needed.

1. On average, how many times a year should a North American driver change their oil?

Answer: In order to get the maximum life out of an automobile they must change the oil of
their vehicles in every 3,000 miles. Whenever they change oil, they can also change the oil
filters because oil filter removes dirt and debris from oil. When car runs the oil filter become
clogged with debris from the oil. This will give the better performance and maintain the car

2. How often should you inspect your car for internal damage?
Answer: Every time they change the vehicle's oil, they should inspect the car carefully for any
unexpected wear and tear. Due to the performance and sheer heat of combustion car engines it
very hot which damage the car engine and affect the performance of car engine.
3. What fluid helps stabilize the temperature of your car? How often should you change it?

Answer: An antifreeze is used to stabilize the temperature of the car. This coolant should be
replaced every two years. By doing this they can extend the life of your radiator. Other fluids
that require maintenance at 60,000 miles and include brake fluid, transmission fluid, and
power steering fluid.

4. How can driving excessive speeds damage your automobile internally?

Answer: A vehicle should be driven properly by not exerting extra stress. Extra stress can
lead to overheating. Overheating is the prime cause of premature life of belts, gaskets, hoses, and
seals. If any of these parts become a problem it is a much better idea to replace the part than to
repair it.

5. Following manufacturer's guidelines, after how many oil changes would you expect that
the basic tire needs to be replaced. Explain.

Answer: The tire holds the car to the road is your first line of safety. Tires usually have a life
expectancy dictated by the manufacturer. It is recommended that you follow this life
expectancy which usually averages 30,000 miles. This will not stress up the vehicles as well
as it will not get punctured by every mile which is preferred for the drivers for north

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