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Islamic dream interpretation of pregnant wife

Islamic dream interpretation of being pregnant.

Islamic dream interpretation of seeing a baby. Islamic dream interpretation of pregnancy.

Pregnancy Dream Explanation — As for a woman, her pregnancy in a dream means losing her virginity before marriage, or that she will marry an unsuitable person. If a barren woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, it means a bad harvest for that year, or it could mean a robbery in her neighbourhood. If an unmarried woman or a young virgin sees
herself pregnant in a dream, it means that she will find a compatible husband. Pregnancy in a dream has many meanings. In a dream, woman's pregnancy means wealth, and man's pregnancy means pain and sorrow. Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinPregnancy Dream Explanation — (Childbearing; Planting) In a dream, a pregnancy indicates woman's
success, diligence and assiduity in pursuing her goals. In a dream, pregnancy also means receiving recognition, respect and prosperity. If a man sees himself pregnant in a dream, it means that he suffers from heaviness in his life, or it could represent one's fear of exposing his problems in public. In general, pregnancy in a dream represents material
gains. If a woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, it means difficulties and adversities beside some troubling secrets she maybe hiding. However, for a learned man, pregnancy in a dream may represent increase in his knowledge, while for a craftsman, it means achieving unrivalled excellence in his trade. Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinPregnancy
Dream Explanation — However, generally speaking, pregnancy in a dream also could mean prosperity and material success. The extent of wealth is measured by the number of months of such pregnancy and the size of one's growth in the dream. This is true whether it is a man or a woman in the dream. If a young boy who is under the age of puberty
sees himself pregnant in a dream, it represents his father, and if a young girl who is under the age of menstruation sees herself pregnant, then it represents her mother. If a man sees his wife pregnant in a dream, it reflects his desire for material success. Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinPregnancy Dream Explanation — (9) He brings together men and
women. (10) A robber will break in his house. (11) A wicked woman will hide in his place. (12) He is sowing in the wrong land. (13) He will steal something and hide it. (14) He will perish by the cord (a homonym for pregnancy in Arabic, the word for both being habl). (15) He will get ill after eating dates. (16) He will have a dropsy (kind of
swelling). (17) A foreigner dear to the dreamer will be buried at his place. (18) The dreamer is a liar who brags and pretends that he can do impossible things. (19) He is concealing his corrupt faith and creed. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic ScholarsPregnancy Dream Explanation — Pregnancy in a dream also means being madly in love, or
having passionate attachment to someone, or planting seeds in the wrong place, or being bisexual or a deviate, or suffering from dropsy, or perhaps it could mean that a thief will enter his house to steal something, or to hide a stolen object, or that one may steal something and hide it from its true owner, or that he may get sick from eating spoiled
food, or it could mean that he may bury a dear person, or that he is affected and a liar, or he may hide his real beliefs and show a better standing in public, or it may represent an accident or a fire. Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinPregnancy Dream Explanation — In general, pregnancy means that the dreamer’s share in life will increase, be he a man or a
woman. But there is a host of contradictions in the interpretation of such a dream. • Seeing one’s wife pregnant: The dreamer is aiming for something. • A man dreaming that he is pregnant: (1) His share in the world will increase inasmuch as the belly was big. (2) Sorrow is ahead. (3) If he had given birth to a boy (in the dream), that means big
calamity. Conversely, a girl means benefit. (4) He has severe problems and worries that nobody has noticed yet. They are likely to grow further, and he might be uncovered. (5) If a scholar, the dreamer will acquire more knowledge. (6) If a craftsman, the dreamer will earn money to somebody else’s benefit. (7) He is staying next to an enemy, or his
neighbour is an enemy. (8) He is deeply in love. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic ScholarsPregnancy Dream Explanation — • A boy under the age of puberty being pregnant: A reference to his father.
• A pregnant woman: (1) Her wealth will increase, commensurate with the size of her belly. (2) She will persevere till she makes the money she wants, which will grow constantly. She will be proud of her achievements and highly dignified and praised. (3) Trouble, unhappiness, worries, and concealed matters. • A girl under the age of puberty being
pregnant: A reference to her mother. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic ScholarsPregnancy Dream Explanation — If one sees his pregnant wife delivering a baby boy in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a girl and the opposite maybe true, except if it is common for the person in the dream to experience in wakefulness what he sees in his
dream. If one sees himself delivering a baby from his mouth in a dream, it means his death, or it could mean that he will use poised and pleasant words in a conversation with someone he is careful not to offend. If a man gives birth to a baby boy in a dream, it means that he will carry a heavy burden then escape from it, or it could mean that he will
vanquish his enemy, or it could mean that he may escape from a treacherous woman. If a pregnant woman sees herself delivering a child in a dream though having not had sexual intercourse with her husband, it means that she will discover a hidden treasure. A pregnant animal in a dream denotes benefits or profits.
(Also see Carrying someone; Delivering a baby; Transformation) Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinPregnancy Dream Explanation — • A maiden getting pregnant: (1) Bitter events will occur to her family because of her. (2) Evil—like a robbery or a fire—at her place. (3) She will be possessed by a demon. (4) The clothes made or given to her on the
occasion of her wedding will not suit her or will not be to her liking. (5) She will be wedded to an incapable person. (6) She will be deflowered before marriage and hence stay single for a long time. (7) She will get married. • A single woman dreaming of being pregnant: Will get married. • An old woman being pregnant: (1) A reference to an arsenal
or an arms cache. (2) A reference to unemployment. (3) Fertility after drought. • A pregnant animal, especially a good and useful one: Benefits and welfare. • A sterile woman or a bull being pregnant: A year characterized by drought, barrenness, intrigues, and evil brought about by bandits and atheists. If, afterward, a frightening or ferocious animal
is born, it means that evil, misery, fear, or worries will disappear. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic ScholarsPregnancy Dream Explanation — This symbolises a persons increment in material wealth. At times it represents ear for a certain person in view of the following adage: Qad habala fil ardhi khawful fulaanin. This means that the earth is
pregnant and burdened as a result of terror caused by so –and-so. Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinChild bearing Dream Explanation — (See Pregnancy) Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinColitis Dream Explanation — Dreaming of contracting colitis (infection of the colon’s mucous membrane) if the dreamer is a man means he is niggardly with his parents and
children in providing for their livelihood and will be punished for that. For a woman, it means: (1) Pregnancy. (2) Will have evil neighbours. (3) Some painful talk.
Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic ScholarsToothbrush Dream Explanation — If one sees himself brushing his teeth, and if his gums bleed in the dream, it means that he will become free from his sins and curtail his evildoing, or it could mean the opposite, that is to proceed with abhorrent actions, cause harm to one's own family, steal their money, or
defame them. Brushing one's teeth in a dream also could mean reservation and prudence with one's words, purifying oneself from sin, faith after disbelief, paying one's debts, doing what pleases Allah Almighty, fulfilling one's promises, a pregnancy, or a marriage. (Also see Broom) Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinDeposit Dream Explanation — (Mortgage;
Security; Trust) Depositing something with someone in a dream means trusting him with a secret. Entrusting something to a deceased person in a dream means entrusting someone who can keep a secret, or it could mean that he will entrust someone with an object or money that will be lost, or it could mean confiding to someone who cannot be
trusted. Entrusting one's wife with something in a dream means conceiving a child. If she gives him back what he gave her in the dream, it means that her pregnancy will not reach fruition. (Also see Pawn) Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinToilet Dream Explanation — (Lavatory) In a dream, a toilet means relief from distress, satisfying one's innate needs, a
bathhouse, taking a ritual ablution, a place where one's secrets are exposed, a place where one hides his money, a treasury, a coffer, a rest room, or a place to reflect. Washing the toilet's floor in a dream means becoming poor. A flooded toilet in a dream means distress, pregnancy, or prosperity. Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinMilk Dream Explanation —
Sheep's milk in a dream means honest earnings. Cow's milk also means wealth. A mule's milk in a dream means financial straits, adversities and horror. The milk of a sable in a dream means an illness or fear. Pouring milk into the drain or wasting it in a dream means losing money, or it could mean longevity, pregnancy, knowledge, or a scandal that
will expose one's private life. Curdled milk in a dream means distress. Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinCarrying someone Dream Explanation — Carrying someone in a dream. If the weight is heavy on the carrier, it means trouble or harm caused by one's neighbor. If a woman sees herself carrying a heavy load, such a load could represent her gluttonous
husband. Carrying a load over one's shoulders in a dream also represents one's sins. A pregnancy in a dream means comfort for the baby but discomfort for the mother. Seeing oneself carrying bushes from the woods means backbiting, slandering and reporting lies. Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinPollen Dream Explanation — (Inflorescence; Money;
Spadix; Spathe; Spores) In a dream, pollen means money or a pregnancy. If a sick person sees pollen in his dream, it means that he will recover from his illness, or it could mean his death. Pollen in a dream also means hoarding merchandise or provisions. If one picks a spathe or two in his dream, it means that he may beget a child or two.

If one eats pollen in his dream, it means that he will live from the revenues of such children. Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinMusk Dream Explanation — In a dream, musk represents a private charity, pregnancy, a profitable business, a valuable property, a farm, fruit trees, olive trees, or advanced knowledge. When associated with a deceased person,
musk in a dream may mean that he is in paradise. If musk is burned as incense in a dream, it means innovation, loss of money and respect, putting things in the wrong place, or serving a strong person for a fee. In a dream, musk also represents one's beloved, his servant, his son or a beautiful woman. Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinAstrologer Dream
Explanation — • Seeing an astrologer: (1) Will meet a liar who does not thank God for His gifts. (2) Will socialize with prominent personalities and know a great deal about them. (3) Will have access to and uncover secrets. (4) Will be curious when holding a conversation and consider true and dubious statements. (5) Sorrow and worries or exactly the
reverse. (6) Marriage of a bachelor. (7) Separation between husband and wife.
(8) The end of a pregnancy. (9) Death of a patient. (10) Good tidings or warning against bad habits. (11) Travel for someone who usually doesn’t. (12) Learning, action, and abiding by the Holy Prophet’s Tradition. • Speaking like a diviner, telling oracles, or talking to astrologers: False hood and vanity, and to believe in such a dream, asleep or
awake, is a sign of ignorance.

Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars A Pregnant Cow Dream Explanation — If this seen in the dream then a prosperous year is to be expected. A year full of barakah and blessings. This is sure to happen. Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinWomen Dream Explanation — In a dream, women represent the world, its glitters and pleasures. If one sees
women coming toward him in a dream, it means his success in the world. If they walk away from him in the dream, it means his poverty in the world. Sitting content in the company of women in a dream means lack of work. (Also see Woman) Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinJewellry Worn by Women Dream Explanation — if they are made from gold or
silver they symbolise a pleasant life and embellishment for the women, But if they are one or two ankle-rings or bracelets then they represent her husband, brother or father. The same is the interpretation of a crown although according to some, it presents a king or ruler. Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinDreaming of Men, Women and Animals Dream
Explanation — To see someone speaking to the observer or giving him something suggests that the observer will socialize or deal with him or someone who bears a similar name or resembles him. Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinIncident - Asking to marry a Stout and Black Women Dream Explanation — A person approached Ibn Sirin (RA) and revealed
the following dream: “I saw a black, stout woman in my dream whom I asked to marry me.

Please tell me what is the interpretation?” The Imaam asked: “Do you know this woman?” He replied: “Yes:”.
The Imaam said: “Then why the delay in works of piety? Proceed straightaway and get married to her. Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinIncident - Asking to marry a Stout and Black Women Dream Explanation — For her black colour suggest that she is well to do. And her height suggest that she will not live long”. Hearing this, the person approached the
woman, proposed marriage to her and subsequently married her. Not many days passed before she suddenly died and he became her only heir to all her wealth. In this way the Imaam's interpretation became a reality. Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinRuby Dream Explanation — The ruby symbolizes joy, entertainment and luxury and the friend whose
heart is tough. A small number of rube stones alludes to women; more is money. • Wearing a ring with a ruby: The dreamer will be pious and make a name for himself.
• A man hoping or expecting that his wife will give him a male child taking a ruby: She will have a girl. • Wearing or hoarding a ruby ring: Wife is pregnant. (1) If wife is already pregnant, she will give birth to a girl who will soon die. (2) If the hero of the dream is a bachelor, he will find something or pick up an abandoned female child. (3) Wearing a
red ruby ring: A pretty but very harsh woman is in love with the dreamer. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic ScholarsLesbianism Dream Explanation — • Seeing one’s wife with a beard: She will never become pregnant. If she already has a boy, the latter will prevail over his family. • A woman dreaming that she is disguised, looks like, or behaves like
a man: Good or bad fortune and fear, depending on the condition of her clothes. • A woman dreaming that she has a penis (or a beard): (1) If married, she will divorce. (2) More power for whoever is supporting her. (3) She is dominating her husband and retaliates to any reproach on his part, especially if in the dream she is dressed like a man. (4)
If pregnant, she will give birth to a male child. (5) If she is not pregnant but already has a boy, the latter will become the master of his folk. (6) If she is neither pregnant nor the mother of a boy, she will never have children in view of her masculinity. (7) It could also indicate that she is a lesbian who uses her clitoris as men do their phallus in making
love to the opposite sex. (8) If she is not a lesbian, is not married, and has never conceived, she will get married. • A pregnant woman introducing her penis in her anus: Will have an abortion. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic ScholarsPregnancy Dream Explanation — • A boy under the age of puberty being pregnant: A reference to his father. • A
pregnant woman: (1) Her wealth will increase, commensurate with the size of her belly. (2) She will persevere till she makes the money she wants, which will grow constantly. She will be proud of her achievements and highly dignified and praised. (3) Trouble, unhappiness, worries, and concealed matters. • A girl under the age of puberty being
pregnant: A reference to her mother. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic ScholarsBreast Dream Explanation — • A young woman dreaming of having milk in her breast: Will conceive and deliver. • An old woman dreaming of having milk in her breast: Will lose her money and become poor. • The breast having lengthened till touching the belly: (1) If
the dreamer is a little boy, he will die. (2) If the dreamer is a man, he is indulging in frivolous matters that arouse the wrath of God. (3) If the dreamer is a childless man, he will become poor and desolate. (4) If the dreamer is a woman, it means extreme sorrow because, says Ibn Siren, in their sorrow Arab women pull and scratch their breasts. •
Sucking a woman’s breast: Will get ill. • The dreamer sucking the breast of his pregnant wife: She will give birth to a male child. • A pregnant woman dreaming of sucking another lady’s breast: Will give birth to a girl. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic ScholarsEarthquake Dream Explanation — If it takes place during the month of October in one's
dream, then it represents a common illness, safety of pregnant women and lowering or stabilization of prices. If it takes place during the month of November in the dream, it means frequent miscarriages. If it takes place during the month of December in a dream, then it represents severe calamities, plagues and death, though no enemy threat is
visible. If it takes place during the month January in one's dream, then it means the death of young people. If it takes place during the month of February in the dream, then it means hunger and miscarriages.
If it takes place during the month of March in the dream, then it means prosperity and a good harvest. If a pregnant woman sees an earthquake in her dream, it means that she is delivering her baby. (Also see Cave in; Destruction; Earth; Thunder; Tremor) Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinBeads salesman Dream Explanation — (Beads; Chaplet; Necklace;
Pearls; Prayer beads; Women) In a dream, he is a man who embellishes women's apparels or sells them. When a beads salesman is seen in a dream, he represents a man who interferes with or deals in women's businesses. (Also see Prayer beads) Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinPregnancy Dream Explanation — • A maiden getting pregnant: (1) Bitter
events will occur to her family because of her. (2) Evil—like a robbery or a fire—at her place. (3) She will be possessed by a demon. (4) The clothes made or given to her on the occasion of her wedding will not suit her or will not be to her liking. (5) She will be wedded to an incapable person. (6) She will be deflowered before marriage and hence
stay single for a long time. (7) She will get married. • A single woman dreaming of being pregnant: Will get married. • An old woman being pregnant: (1) A reference to an arsenal or an arms cache. (2) A reference to unemployment. (3) Fertility after drought. • A pregnant animal, especially a good and useful one: Benefits and welfare. • A sterile
woman or a bull being pregnant: A year characterized by drought, barrenness, intrigues, and evil brought about by bandits and atheists. If, afterward, a frightening or ferocious animal is born, it means that evil, misery, fear, or worries will disappear. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic ScholarsShoemaker Dream Explanation — In dreams, a
shoemaker is a man who helps and serves women and adorns them, because his job is to repair the shoes and soles, which, in the eyes of the ancient Arabs, symbolized women. It could also be a reference to the female slaver. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic ScholarsPregnancy Dream Explanation — However, generally speaking, pregnancy in a
dream also could mean prosperity and material success.
The extent of wealth is measured by the number of months of such pregnancy and the size of one's growth in the dream.
This is true whether it is a man or a woman in the dream. If a young boy who is under the age of puberty sees himself pregnant in a dream, it represents his father, and if a young girl who is under the age of menstruation sees herself pregnant, then it represents her mother. If a man sees his wife pregnant in a dream, it reflects his desire for material
success. Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinGlass Dream Explanation — According to Daniel the Wise, as quoted by Ibn Shaheen, glass symbolizes women. For Ibn Siren, manufactured white glass represents religion and life, especially if the name God is written on or carved in it. Otherwise, it refers to the ephemeral. He also concurs that it is part of the
essence of women. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic ScholarsPearl Dream Explanation — (Beads; Jewel; Money; Tears; Women) Drilling wholes in pearls to string them in a dream means fulfillment of one's goals, easing one's passage, or facilitating one's marriage. In a dream, a pearl also means a son. If one's wife is pregnant, and if she hands him
a pearl in his dream, it means that she will deliver a beautiful son. If the pearl has no glitter, or if he takes it from his wife and locks it inside a box in a dream, then it represents a servant. A pearl in a woman's dream means good news. If she is unwed, it means that she will get married. Dream Interpreter: Ibn SirinResuscitate (Live Again) Dream
Explanation — • Dead women rising beautifully dressed with full makeup: The dreamer or the family of these women will witness the revival of certain matters, depending on how beautiful the women looked and how well they were dressed. White dresses refer to religious matters, red to entertainment, and black to wealth, power, and mastery. If
their dresses are tattered, it means poverty and worries; dirty dresses symbolize the accumulation of sins. • Making love to one’s resuscitated wife and getting wet with her water (semen): (1) Pending matters will be settled favourably, and money will be spent willingly in the right way. (2) Will resume one’s leadership. (3) Business will be lucrative.
Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic ScholarsMarriage Dream Explanation — • Seeing a woman taking a second husband can have three interpretations: (1) If she is pregnant, she will give birth to a girl. (2) The lady is trying to get her daughter married. (3) Dispute over marriage between the lady and her husband. • Marriage contract involving an
unidentified woman: Death, if the bride-groom is ill.
Otherwise, it means that the dreamer will sign a contract that will bring him power or will testify against a dead person. Because women symbolize power, penetration is tantamount to killing and the penis is likened to a dagger or a spear stab that causes bloodshed. • The dreamer marrying another’s wife and taking her to him: Loss of dignity and
Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic ScholarsShelf Dream Explanation — (Secretary) In a dream, shelves represent one's confidant, the keeper of his secrets, one's secretary, one who veils noble women's personal pitfalls, or one who creates a facade for some charitable women. To see a shelf that carries some unique or precious collectibles in one's
house or shop in a dream means that one may beget an intelligent son who is diversified and capable, and who will grow to become a renowned man of knowledge.
Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

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