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Name : Fajar Kristian harefa

No of reg :
Class/Semester : SA3/1(one)
Course : Basic Listening
Lecturer : Riswan Zega S.Pd.,M.Hum.


Title : The Strengths and dra Lyricstraining Implementation In Basic Listening

Journal : English Language Teaching and Research
Volume : 4,No.2
Page : 15-22
Year : 2020
Author : Patricia Angelina
e-ISSN : 2579-8235


This study aims to find out the stenghts and drawbacks of lyricstraining
implementation as one example of the web based CALL In the basic listening
course.Lyricstraining is a website that intergrates audio and video taken from youtobe
with the song lyric.English in thaught as foreign language indonesia.Among the four
skill of English listening is often perceved as the most difficultskill to learn by the EFL
learners in Indonesia,is a universal language.The reason,they often difficulties when the
have to identify what the speaker says and have to understand the meaning at the same
time.Furthermore,there are not as many resources for listening materials avilable a for
the other English skills,which make the listening is often neglected and not prioritized
in the english language teaching (Nation and Newton,2008).In additiop,there are also
factors that are influential to the EFL leaners interest in praticing their listening skill
such as the equipment required for the students to be ableyo play the listening
materialsindpendently the quality of the audio as well as the charachteristics of the
speakers such as the accent,voice,tone,ect(Field,2009).
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)is the use of computer
appliccation to learn or to teach languages (Chapelle,2001).CALL is usually
implementation in an academic context by the teacher (O’Donoghue,2014).Web –based
CALLis able to enhance the motivation of the leaners as it offers them an interactive
learning experienced.LyricTraining is a interactive self-study website (Web 2.0) that
uses authentic interesting and current materials on YouTube for language learning to
take place (Mills,2010).This website aims to assist users to practice their listening skills
through songs that are presented in an exciting game mode. The Basic listening course
it is designed to introduce students to the English sounds and elements such as pairs of
sounds,non-released final consonants,contractios and stress.The materials also include
short various discourse for elementary level such aspratical dialogues,comparing
information and information transfer.
Based on the result of the quetionnaire, there are two main strengths that can be
identified from the Lyricc straining implementation in Basic Listening course.
1. Improving Students’Academica Achievement
Majority of the student (80%) considered that these exercises helped the
improve their pronunciation.By listening to the singer’s pronunciation,reading
and typing its lyrics,they had an opportunity to clearly hear how a word is
pronounced,which was very useful for EFL students.From the open-ended
question,one students stated “The exercises allow us toidentify our
pronunciation mistakes”.In addtion,most students (70%) mentioned that these
exercises helped them to understand the native speakers’accent and copy
them.As a result,the students can now sing English songs using correct
2. Increasing Students’Learning Motivation
Most of the respondents (60%) agreed that LyricsTraining has improved their
learning motivation.Lyricstraining also succeeded to help reduce the pressure
for learnig english for 70% of the participants.according to the majority of the
participants (60%),Lyricstraining has made learning English become something
interesting for 70% of the participants.Implementation Lyricstraining can
provide an amicable atmophere which made most students (70%) eager to learn
their faforite english songs.Most of the students (60%) also stated that thet
would use LyricsTraining outside the class.
Drawbacks of LyricsTraining Implementation In Basic Listening Course
1. Lyric straining uses Flash Players
2. Absence of clues


The advantage I get in this journal is that it explain how to improve students’English
skills,and I can also learn grammar in journal writing.


According tomy understanding,the disadvantages of this journal are that it uses
abbreviated language that makes it diffucltfor novice students to understand.

The Implementation of using web Lyricstraining in learning English has its advantages
and disanvatages.The first strength is that Lyricstraining improves the
students’academic achievement,especially in terms of their pronunciaton, vocabulary
mastery as well as their listening ability.The second strenght is that Lyricstraining
increases the students’learning motivation.the students also identify two main
drawbacks of lyricstraining implementation the basic listening course.The first
drawback is the constant pop-up advertisement which is disturbing the
students’concentration in doing the exercise.the second drawbackis the absence of
cllues provided to help the students finish the exercises.

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