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Writing Part 1: Factors influencing social trends

The current society is facing continuously changes. Most of them are caused by the so-called
“social trends”, which have a direct influence on us and the way we act. In this essay we are
going to discuss the most important factors that affect this trends and how our society is
influenced by them.

On the one hand, “communications” play an important role. The recent technological
developments are causing changes in social interaction. Nowadays, how people interact with
each other has changed a lot in comparison with last years. For instance, the smartphone is one
of the key elements for this transformation. Thanks to it we can communicate whenever we
want with the person we would like to have a conversation. ´

On the other hand, there is another factor influencing social trends: “advertising”. At present,
there is no chance of avoiding publicity and advertisements, as they are present in everybody´s
life. This means that there are constantly social pressures because of the new trends that most
of people adopt. Consequently, the current society and, in particular, the young population,
takes into account the ads.

In conclusion, there are a huge number of factor that influence social trends. In our essay we
have highlighted the importance of two of them. However, from my point of view, I consider
that communications are the crucial element, as there is a huge transformation in today´s way
of interaction.

Writing Part 2: Email to English-speaking friend

Dear John,

Glad to hear from you! I wish you the best with the business course that you are going to start,
I am sure that you will learn a lot and it will be very useful for your future. For me it is a pleasure
to tell you my experience with the part-time job I had while I was studying, as well as giving you
advices. I will do my best!

As you know, when I started the business course at college I decided to take a part-time job.
Why I made this decision? Because I thought that it was a good idea to have some experience in
a field related to my studies, as it will have multiple benefits in my professional career.

In my case I was very lucky, because I found in LinkedIn a job opportunity to work as an intern
in the finance department of a well-known company in my region. At the beginning, it was hard
to balance my studies and the work, but with the passage of time I get used to it and it was not
stressing. I recommend you to do it and to find a job position that has a relationship with your
field of study as it will be very positive for your CV.

I hope I have helped you and I am at your disposal for anything you may need.

I wish you good luck!


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