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Interpretation of the painting

2.Significance nung meaning
3.How did you say na ayun un meaning nung painting

hand placement
darkness that look like a blanket
the scream Edvard

The painting Kubli suggest to shows a person having a difficult time in life. There could be many reasons
behind the sorrowful figure, whether it is because of hunger, exhaustion, depression, and other reason.
It is certain that the painting evokes empathy towards the helpless being. From its bodily proportion
stretched out that resembles “The Scream” of Edvard Munch, that appears to be about discomfort. A
hand serving as a pillow, while the other one is tucked in between the legs, indicates the lack of
consolation from an empty cold space. A single soul in an endless misery, enduring the cruelness of the
place and a dark shadow which looks like a blanket, appears to be its only solace from its suffering. Some
people experienced walking alone during their hardest point in life, it made them succumbed in the
darkness, being contented as if it is the only shelter they can find.

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