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Sardar Doon Public School

Greetings! Dear Students

Investigational projects are a required component of the curriculum and are designed to be a learning
activity that combines fun with effort and learning. Senior-level students are engaged in a research
assignment that is conducted with a scientific mindset. All students are required to complete investigative
projects, which count for 5–10 points in practical-based exams and 20 points in assessment-based exams
administered by the CBSE Board. The steps for creating a strong project report for your area of study or
research are provided below.

Selection of topic:
For the selection of a topic for the project, you work and read different chapters of your syllabus and also
consult scientific literature, magazines, and newspapers, go and use search engines of the internet, etc. Then
select the topic of your interest.

Research for the project:

Collect all possibly available information about the topic of the project. Prepare a rough outline of
the experimental work of the project.

Experimentation for the project (if involved)

Plan and conduct the experimental work with precision so that you are sure to get the correct
results. The following points should be kept in mind while performing the experiments for the project
1. Collect data with honesty and utmost care. Record only your observations and data.
2. Repeat the experiment several times and take an average of the results of all the experiments.
3. Compare your results with those available in the reference books.
4. Discuss your results in the light of available information about the project and draw out a meaningful
5. Make use of histograms, graphs, photographs, diagrams or models to support your observations and
6. Give a list of books, magazines/journals and internet sites you have consulted during your project.
7. Acknowledge the guidance, help and assistance rendered by your teachers, parents, neighbours and
friends by expressing sincere gratitude and thanks to them in the beginning.

How to write:
Students are required to get their project report typed on A4 sheets and to represent it in the best
possible manner. The project report should be written in the following sequence:

What should be the essential elements of your project?

Ideally, your project should have the following elements:

 Title page: Centre the project title, and put your name, address and school logo
 Certificate: A letter of certification for ownership of the Research and project report.
 Acknowledgement: You should always give credit to those who assisted you; they may be
individuals, educational or research institutions.
 Index: This is a list of content in your project report.
 Aim / Objective: The introduction sets the stage for your report. The aim includes your
hypothesis, an explanation of what prompted your research and what you hoped to achieve.
 Synopsis - This is a summary of your idea and should include the purpose of the experiment,
procedure used, data, and conclusion
 Research paper - A research paper should be prepared and must be available along with the
project data book with relevant written material. A research paper helps organize data as well as
thoughts. A good paper includes the following sections:

• Scientific Principle Involved: In this section describe the principle involved.

• Material Used: List all the items used here this will help you in working out the final
• Method: This section describes how you did the study. Describe in detail the
methodology used to collect your data or make your observations. Your report should be
detailed enough for someone to be able to repeat the experiment. Include photographs or
drawings of self-designed equipment. The research work conducted by you may have
taken more than a year. In such case, including this year's work only.
• Discussion: This is the essence of your paper. The results and conclusions should flow
smoothly and logically from your data. Be thorough. This should let the reader know
exactly what you did, compare your results with theoretical values, published data and
expected results. Include a section of possible errors. How did the data vary between
repeated observations of a similar event? How were your results affected by uncontrolled
events? What would you do differently if you were to repeat this project? What other
experiments should be conducted?
 Conclusion: This section describes the findings and conclusion of the project. Briefly summarize
your results. Be specific, do not generalize. Never introduce anything in the conclusion that has not
been discussed.
 Further scope of the project: This is a step further; here you describe the future scope of your
 Bibliography: It is a reference list and should include any documentation that is not your own (i.e.
books, journal articles, include specific internet URLs).

Tips on writing a Synopsis

A synopsis gives the essence of the project in brief. Ideally, a synopsis should not exceed 250 words. It is
important that the synopsis must provide a fairly accurate idea of the project. While writing a synopsis one
must focus on the current research and previous work should be given minimal reference.
Acknowledgement should not be included in the synopsis.

The following should be the elements of the synopsis:

 Aim of the experiment - An introductory statement that clearly and completely defines the
objective of taking up the experiment. The aim may be defined as a statement of the problem
and/or the hypothesis being studied.
 Procedures used - A summary of the key points and an overview of how the investigation was
conducted. A synopsis does not give details about the materials used unless they greatly influenced
the procedure or had to be developed to conduct the investigation. A synopsis should only include
procedures done by the student.
 Data - This section should provide key results that lead directly to the conclusions you have
drawn. It should not give too many details about the results nor include tables or graphs.
 Logbook - The calculations made during experiments, other rough work done along with date and
place details are recorded in a logbook, which could be a rough booklet.
 Conclusion - Conclusions from the investigation should be described briefly. The summary
paragraph should reflect on the process and possibly state some applications and extensions of the
Tips on Formatting of the Project Report
The soft copy of the report should follow proper formatting guidelines
 Margins: Margins throughout the report should be constant. Margins to be followed are
Top Margin: 1.27cm or 0.5 inch Bottom Margin: 1.27 cm or 0.5 inch
Left Margin: 2.54 cm or 1 inch Right Margin: 1 cm or 0.4 inch
 Border: All the pages should be box bordered with no thicker than 1.5 pt.
 Fonts: The font style should be any one of the following:
o Time New Roman
o Arial
o Century Schoolbook
 Font Size: The Font size should be no less than 12pts and no greater than 16pts for normal texts
and 18pts to 24pts for headings. Headings and topics should be bold and underlined. Scientific
names should be italicised.

 The topics of the projects will be provided by the respective subject teachers. Alternatively,
you are free to opt for any topic for the Investigatory Project, but not without prior
permission of your subject teacher.
 You are free to contact your mentor for guidance with a prior appointment.
 The project reports should be submitted in soft copy format to the official email ID of your
Subject Teacher for the final approval of the report.
 Few of the sample formats are provided in the appendices below.


Examination Head
Examination Department
Sardar Doon Public School, Jodhpur



SESSION: 2023-24

TOPIC: (Name of the project)

SUBMITTED BY: (name of the student)


Dr MAYURI KHATRI (name of the subject teacher)

This is to certify that the content of this project entitled “NAME OF THE PROJECT” has been
completed by (NAME OF THE STUDENT) under the guidance of (NAME OF THE SUBJECT
TEACHER) during the academic session 2023-24. The Investigatory Project Report has been submitted
for consideration in partial fulfilment of Practical/Project Assessment in (Subject Name) for All India
Senior School Certificate Examination 2023-24 conducted by the Central Board of Secondary
It is further certified that the original research work was carried out by (name of the student) under my
supervision in the academic session 2023-24.
Certified by:

Internal Examiner The Principal External Examiner

(Name of the Internal) Dr Mayuri Khatri _______________________
(Name & Examiner No
of External Examiner)

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