Questions and Answers of Kandari

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A/kani A/laahi mahamed

ID : 0611 ➪ BCS 📞 617266494

Subject 📱 medical terminology


1. What is cell?
➪Is the basic unit of living organisms.

2. What are Cells carry out ?

➪The cells carry out metabolism.

3. What are the energy compound of the cell ?

➪are the sum of all of the physical and chemical activities that occur in the

4. What are the The main categories of organic compounds in the body ?
☆. Proteins
☆. Carbohydrates
☆. Lipids

5. Proteins ?
which include the enzymes, some hormones, and structural materials.

6. Carbohydrates,
which include sugars and starches. The main carbohydrate is the sugar

7. Glucose ?
which circulates in the blood to provide energy for the cells.

8. Lipids,
which include fats. Some hormones are derived from lipids, and adipose (fat)
tissue is designed
9. cytoplasm ?
Is the thick liquid that fills the inside of a cell.

10. The organelles ?

☆. plasma membrane
☆. Cytoplasm
☆. nucleus.
☆. Nucleolus.
☆. Ribosomes
☆. Lysosomes.
☆. Cilia
☆. chromosomes.
☆. Mitochondria.

11. types of tissues ?

☆. Epithelial tissue.
☆. Muscle tissue.
☆. Connective tissue.
☆. Nervous tissue.

12. Types of muscle tissue ?

☆. Skeletal or voluntary muscle.
☆. Cardiac muscle.
☆. Smooth or visceral muscle.

13. Homeostasis ?
Are the internal stability of the body state.

14. What are the Body systems composed ?

All the parts of your body are composed of individual units called Cells.

15. tissues ?
Similar cells grouped together .

16. organs ?
Collections of different tissue working together.

17. systems ?
Groups of organs working together .

18 .Body Cavities ?
A body cavity is a space that contains organs.
The two main cavities are called the ventral and dorsal cavities.
19. cranial cavity ?
The cranial cavity is located in the head and is surrounded by the skull
(CRANI/O means skull).

20. thoracic cavity ?

The thoracic cavity is the chest cavity (THORAC/O means chest), which is
surrounded by the breast bone and ribs.

21. pleura ?
is a double membrane that surrounded each length.

22. pleural cavity ?

The space between pleura and surrounded each lung is the pleural cavity

23. mediastinum ?
The large space between lungs.

25. abdominal cavity ?

The abdominal cavity is the space below the thoracic cavity.

26. pelvic cavity ?

The pelvic cavitybelow the abdominal cavity.

27. spinal cavity ?

The spinal cavity this is the space surrounded by spinal column (back bones).

28. Match the term with its meaning and write it in the space provided.
Term Meaning

A).Abdominal cavity== A).space containing the liver, gallbladder, and

B).Cranial cavity==B).Space within skull, containing the brain .
C).Diaphragm====C).Muscle between the thoracic and abdominal.
D).Mediastinum==D).Space between the lungs, containing the heart.
E).Pelvic cavity===E).Space below the abdominal cavity, containing the
Urinary bladder.
F). Pelvis========F).Bones of the hip.
G).Peritoneum ===G).Membrane surrounding the organs in the abdomen.
H)Pleura ========H).Membrane surrounding the lungs.
I).Spinal cavity=== I).space within backbones, containing the spinal.
J).Thoracic cavity=J).Entire chest cavity containing the lungs
heart, trachea, esophagus and bronchial tubes
29. urinary system
The urinary system, also known as the renal system consists of the
☆. kidneys.
☆. ureters.
☆. bladder.
☆. urethra.

29. kidney
Each kidney consists of millions of functional units called Nephrons.

30.purpose of the renal system

The purpose of the renal system
☆. is to eliminate wastes from the body.
☆. regulate blood volume .
☆. regulate blood pressure,

31. ureters
the ureters, tubes made of smooth muscle fibers that propel urine towards the urinary
bladder, where it is stored and subsequently expelled from the body by urination.

32. Process of urine

Urine is formed in the kidneys through a filtration of blood. The urine is then passed
through the ureters to the bladder, where it is stored.
During urination, the urine is passed from the bladder through the urethra to the outside
of the body.

33. The amount of urine in normal

800–2,000 milliliters (mL) of urine are normally produced every day in a healthy human.
This amount varies according to fluid intake and kidney function.

Urinary System Diseases

34. Nephrosis – abnormal condition of the kidneys.

35. Nephrolith – a kidney stone.
36. Urethritis – inflammation of the urethra, the final pathway for urine in both sexes, and
the common pathway for urine and semen in the male.
38. Nocturia – frequently getting up and urinating during the night.
39. Enuresis – involuntary release of urine, most often in reference to “bedwetting.”
40. Albuminuria- Abnormal condition of protein (Albumin) in the urine.
50. Dysuria –painful of urination
51. Glycosuria – Abnormal condition of glucose in the urine.
52. Heamatouria- Abnormal condition of blood in the urine.
53. Renal failure – condition in which the kidneys stop functioning and do no not
produce urine.
54. Uremia – condition of high levels of urea (Nitrogen wast material ) in the blood.

55. The other name of digestive system.

The digestive system, also called the gastrointestinal(GI) system,

56. consistencies of GI system

consists of a digestive tube called the
☆. GI tract or
☆. alimentary canal and .
☆. several accessory organs.

57. function of accessory glands.

primary function accessory organs is to break downfood, prepare it for absorption,
and eliminate waste.

58. The process of GI tract.

The GI tract, extending from the mouth to the anus,varies in size and structure
in several distinct regions:
• Mouth
• Pharynx (throat)
• Esophagus
• Stomach
• Small intestine
• Large intestine
• Rectum
• Anus.

59. digestive enzymes

Is the enzymes that mixed the food during digestion to broken down Food
into small nutrient.

60. Digestive waste materials.

The digestive waste materials are absorbed in the bloodstream.

61. Undigested waste materials.

Undigested waste materials not absorbed by theblood are then eliminated
from the body through Defecation.
62. the accessory organs of digestive system.
the digestive system have accessory organs of digestion:
☆. liver.
☆. gallbladder.
☆. pancreas.

63. mouth
Is the place where digestion begins . The mouth, also known as the oral
cavity or buccalcavity.

64. Consistencies of oral cavity.

It consists of :
☆. thecheeks (bucca).
☆. lips.
☆. teeth.
☆. tongue.
☆. hard andsoft palates.

65. Saliva.
Saliva contains important digestive enzymes thathelp begin the chemical breakdown
of food.

66. In the mouth, food is broken down

☆. mechanically (by the teeth) .
☆. chemically (by saliva) .

67. Teeth
The teeth play an important role in initial stages of digestion by mechanically
breaking down
Food (mastication) into smaller pieces as they mix it with saliva.

68. Enamel .
Teeth are covered by hard enamel,giving them a
☆. smooth.
☆. white appearance.

69. Dentin.
Dentin is the main structure of thetooth

69. pulp.
The inner part of the tooth is the pulp,which contains
☆. nerves and
☆. blood vessels.

70. Tongue .
The tongue assists in the chewing process by manipulating the bolus of food
during chewing

71.Papillae .
Are the rough projectionson that are surface of the tonguea contain taste

72. The four basic taste .

☆. sweet.
☆. sour.
☆. salty. and
☆. bitter.

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