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Water Cycle 3 (2022) 86–99

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Effect of climate change on water availability in Bilate catchment,

Southern Ethiopia
Muluneh Legesse Edamo a, Kedir Mohammed Bushira c, *, Tigistu Yisihak Ukumo b,
Mesfin Amaru Ayele a, Matusal Arja Alaro b, Habtamu Bogale Borko b
Faculty of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, Arba Minch University, Ethiopia
Faculty of Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering, Arba Minch University, Ethiopia
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Namibia University of Science and Technology, Windhoek, Namibia


Keywords: This study aims to evaluate the effect of climate change on water availability in the Bilate catchment, Southern
Water availability Ethiopia. The bias-corrected outputs of five climate models and their ensemble mean were used for the baseline
Bilate watershed (1976–2005), the 2050s, and 2080s under Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) for both RCP4.5 and
Climate change
RCP8.5 scenarios. A semi-distributed physically-based Hydrologic Engineering Center of Hydrologic Modeling
System (HEC-HMS) was used to perform rainfall-runoff simulation after sensitivity analysis, calibration, and
validation. The forecasted temperatures of the watershed will increase in the future. The forecasting from all the
climate models indicated that rainfall of the watershed will increase by 34% in the 2050s and 21% in 2080s under
RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 respectively. The discharge projection for almost all climate models shows an increment up to
27% whereas it will decline up to 30% under RCP 4.5 and RCP8.5 respectively in the 2050s. In the 2080s, nearly
all climate models will show an increment up to 25% in discharge whereas it will decrease up to 32% under
RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 respectively. This research paves the way to reduce the impacts of changing climate for
sustainable water resources management.

1. Introduction It is not yet possible to realize variations in precipitation on global or

even hemispheric scales. Some regions will experience increases, other
Climate change is exacerbating over the earth's surface on a regular regions will experience decreases and yet others will not experience
basis, partly in response to increased human activities [1]. Internal and significant changes at all [8]. A large decline in summer seasonal rainfall
external forcing may cause changes in climate variables in a variety of has been observed in sub-Saharan Africa since the 1950s but precipita-
ways, across a variety of periods and in various geographical areas [2]. tion appears to have increased progressively over the Soviet Union dur-
Changes in solar radiation and volcanism are examples of external forces ing the last century [9]. Changes in precipitation occurrence, duration,
that contribute to the natural variability of climate system. Moreover, and prediction are likely to be one of the most pervasive and deleterious
deforestation and industrial development that may occur because of effects of climate change in Ethiopia [10]. The decrease or increase of the
human activities are thought to be driving forces for climate change as it water volume has an impact on the life and properties in the catchment.
raise the greenhouse gas effect, disturbing the natural atmospheric Changes in regional precipitation will have an impact on water avail-
composition [3]. ability, resulting in lower crop yields and the potential for widespread
Recent studies suggests that average temperatures in the earth's at- malnutrition [11–14]. The influence of climate change requires great
mosphere will continue to increase as greenhouse gases levels rise at all care to secure the environment for life [15].
levels on the earth's surface [4]. For example, world average temperature Climate change will put developing countries like Ethiopia at a
is predicted to rise by 1.5  C in 2050s [5]. The warming is likely to be greater risk. Nowadays, significant portion of the country is exposed to
larger than the global annual mean warming in all Africa [6] and this drought and desertification. As a result, climate change and its conse-
would result due to the likely increase in minimum temperature more quences are a cause for concern in the country. More frequent and dra-
rapidly than maximum temperatures [7]. matic periodic fluctuations in sea surface temperature (El Ni~ no) and the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (K.M. Bushira).
Received 25 December 2021; Received in revised form 13 June 2022; Accepted 16 June 2022
Available online 22 June 2022
2666-4453/© 2022 The Authors. Publishing Services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
M.L. Edamo et al. Water Cycle 3 (2022) 86–99

Table 1 evapotranspiration are the major climatic variables that need due
Details of CORDEX-RCMs and the driving GCMs. attention to conduct successful rain fed agriculture. They did not use any
RCM Institute Driving Projection Reference climate model to forecast rainfall variability in the catchment.
GCM Tekle [19], used the GCM and RCM with A2a and B2a as input to the
CCLM4 Climate Limited-area MPI-M- Rotated [60] soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model. Their study concluded that
Modeling Community MPI-ESM- pole there is an increase in the water demand due to an increase of human
(CLMcom) LR needs of water for different purposes. They stated that Statistical
RCA4 Sveriges CNRM- Rotated [34] Downscaling Model (SDSM) has the ability to replicate the historical
Meteorologiska och CERFACS- pole
Hydrologiska CNRM-CM5
maximum and minimum temperature than precipitation. However, they
Institute (SMHI) did not use bias correction and hence there is systematic error anticipated
RACMO22T Koninklijk ICHEC-EC- Rotated (Meijgaard in the final output of this study. Their use of single GCM makes the result
Nederlands EARTH_ pole et al., 2008) questionable. Wagesho [20], on the other hand, observed that the surface
runoff component in the study catchment increases progressively since
Institut, (KNMI),
Netherlands 1970s. Extreme daily stream flow at Alaba Kulito in Bilate River is
HIRHAM5 Danmarks ICHEC-EC- Rotated ([33] characterized by increasing trend during the analysis period but annual
Meterologiske EARTH pole stream flow does not show significant monotonic trend [21]. also
Institut (DMI) analyzed the water resources potential of the catchment with respect to
REMO2009 Helmholtz-Zentrum ICHEC-EC- Rotated [36]
Geesthacht, Climate EARTH pole
precipitation variability. They concluded that precipitation depends on
Service Center, Max altitude in the catchment. The variables of climate data are limited,
Planck Institute for which makes the results questionable.
Meteorology The previous studies in the Bilate catchment used the global circu-
lation model (GCM) and regional circulation model (RCM) which were
downloaded from Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experi-
air pressure of the overlying atmosphere (Southern Oscillation) events
ment (CORDEX). CORDEX delivers forecasts for RCP4.5, which assumes
are expected as a result of climate change, resulting in widespread famine
stabilization of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations at levels
in the region [16]. Studying the effects of climate change and developing
corresponding to radiative forcing of 4.5 W m2 in 2100 [22,23]; and
adaptation strategies as part of a major strategy is crucial.
RCP8.5, which assumes continued increases in greenhouse gas emissions
There are several studies in Bilate catchment concerned with the
throughout the twenty-first century [24]. The Intergovernmental Panel
climate change. Mekonnen et al. [17] assessed the impact of climate
on climate change (IPCC) Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES)
change on flood frequency in Bilate catchment and summarized that
comprises A2a (Medium-High Emissions), and B2a (Medium-Low Emis-
Bilate catchment will experience a significant climate change for the next
sion) scenarios [25]. Both A2a and B2a describe a “regionalization”,
30 years. However, the authors did not clarify the type and accuracy of
meaning a varied world development. A2a defines a highly diversified
models used. Moreover, these studies focused on short-term period
future world with provincially oriented economies. The B2a is also
ignoring the mid-term (2041–2070) and long-term (2071–2100) climate
locally-oriented but with a general development towards environmental
change effects [18]. investigated the temporal and spatial variability of
safety and social evenhandedness [26]. In section 2.2 and Table 1, the
rainfall in the highlands of Bilate River. They concluded that rainfall and

Fig. 1. Location map of the study area.

M.L. Edamo et al. Water Cycle 3 (2022) 86–99

Fig. 2. Annual cycle of rainfall (1990–2005).

RCPs and the five climate models utilized in this study were described in Atmospheric Version 4 (RCA4), Regional Atmospheric Climate Model
depth. Version22 (RACMO22T), High-Resolution Hamburg Climate Model
Climate change has negative consequences for long-term develop- Version 5 (HIRAM5), and Regional Model (REMO2009) were used. A
ment and water resource planning and management [10]. Because of detailed explanation of all RCMs in CORDEX-Africa was described in
differences in soil type, topography, anthropogenic activities, and Kim's study [30].
meteorological circumstances, the impact of climate change on stream- The selected GCM-RCMs are developed by different research institute
flow varied among regions [27]. Human development increased and universities over different countries. The hydrostatic Hamburg
streamflow and caused significant floods while decreasing streamflow Climate Model Version 5 (HIRAM5) [31] is a completely new regional
variability [28]. Runoff changes meaningfully and is mainly affected due climate model (RCM) [32], based on a subset of the High Resolution
to climate change [29]. Quantifying the effects of climate change on Limited Area Model (HIRLAM) and European Center Hamburg Model
runoff in the Bilate watershed is crucial for studying the flow regime (ECHAM) models, combining the dynamics of the former model with the
behavior because of climatic variability. The major objective of this study physical parameterization schemes of the latter. The physical parame-
is to evaluate the effects of climate change on water availability in Bilate terization has also greatly been modified [33].
catchment by the HEC-HMS and multiple climate models. Therefore, the In the last couple of years, since 2005, the next version of the hy-
output of this research was vital for river basin management. drostatic KNMI regional climate model RACMO has been developed and
applied in a number of projects. This version, hereafter referred to as
2. Materials and methods RACMO2.2, constitutes an update of the RACMO2 cycle [10,31]. The
hydrostatic RCA4 model [34] has data produced with several horizontal
2.1. Study area resolutions but for this analysis 0.44 resolution data is used [35].
REgional MOdel (REMO2009) is a hydrostatic regional climate model
Bilate catchment is one of the sub-basins of the Abaya-Chamo of three-dimensional atmospheric RCM developed at the Max Planck
catchment of the Rift Valley Lake basin. It is located in the south- Institute of Meteorology [36]. Similarly, CCLM4 is fifth-order upwind
western part of Ethiopia. Bilate River is located approximately between non-hydrostatic regional climate model [37]. The detail of the RCMs
37.79 and 38.34 E longitudes and 6.56 –8.12 N latitudes (Fig. 1). The used in this research were also described in Table 1. All models have a
altitude of the watershed ranges from 1300 m at Lake Abaya to 3050 m 0.44 x 0.44 grid resolution.
above sea level at Ambaricho Mountain [18]. The above range indicates Until recently, the resolution of operational numerical weather pre-
the catchment consists of a diversified landscape within a short distance. diction models has been limited by computing power and operational
time constraints on resolutions in which the hydrostatic approximation is
2.2. Data almost perfectly valid. Operational forecasts therefore have relied mainly
on hydrostatic models, which applied extremely well in numerical sim-
The secondary data such as rainfall, temperature, relative humidity, ulations of the global circulation of both the atmosphere and the ocean at
and sunshine hours were collected from the National Meteorological the spatial and temporal resolutions that were available at the time [38].
Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia. Streamflow data were obtained from the In parallel, the development of non-hydrostatic atmospheric models,
Ministry of Water, Irrigation, and Energy (MoWIE). which retain the vertical acceleration term and thus capture strong ver-
Downscaled rainfall and temperature data for the period 1976–2100 tical convection, has also been pursued over a period of more than four
were downloaded from the spatial grid resolutions of all Coordinated decades, especially for mesoscale investigations of sudden storms. As
Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) Africa programs computer systems have become faster and memory has become more
for both RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 emission scenarios in the form of NetCDF affordable over the past decade, there has been a corresponding increase
(Network Common Data Form) ( in the spatial resolution of both numerical weather prediction and
sgf-llnl/). The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in the United climate simulation models. This improvement has facilitated a transition
States (US) developed the Intermediate Emissions scenario (RCP4.5). from highly developed hydrostatic models towards non-hydrostatic
Here radiative forcing is stabilized shortly after the year 2100, consistent models. Over the past decade, atmospheric research institutions have
with a future with relatively ambitious emissions reductions. RCP8.5 begun replacing their operational hydrostatic models with non-
(high Emissions scenario), is consistent with a future with no policy hydrostatic versions [39].
changes to reduce emissions. The International Institute developed this
scenario for Applied System Analysis in Austria. It is characterized by 2.2.1. Rainfall and temperature
increasing greenhouse gas emissions that lead to high greenhouse gas Analysis of the daily rainfall data of eight meteorological stations in
concentrations over time [10]. Five RCM models such as Climate the area shows that the catchment receives an average rainfall of 1230
Limited-Area Modeling Community Version 4 (CCLM4), Rossby Center mm per annum. There is a high spatial and temporal variation of rainfall.

M.L. Edamo et al. Water Cycle 3 (2022) 86–99

Fig. 3. Annual cycle temperature (1990–2005).

Angacha obtains higher rainfall (164.86 mm) in August and low rainfall α and scale parameter β, is often assumed to agree with the optimal
(19.25 mm) in December (Fig. 2). Bilate Tena and Alaba Kulito stations temperature distribution [45].
acquire minimum rainfall (76.74 mm and 100.33) in July respectively.
   1 ðxμÞ2
Durame gets little rainfall (13.1 mm) in December. fN xμ; σ 2 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi*e 2σ2 ; x 2 R (3)
The monthly temperature of the watershed was 23.86  C  1.5  C σ * 2π
(Fig. 3). Bodity School accepts mean temperature (16.9  C) in August.
where, μ and σ are respectively determined by the mean and standard
Fonko obtains low mean temperature (17.2  C  2.2  C) in July. Hosana
deviation. The corrected temperature can be expressed in terms of
acquires average minimum temperature (16  C) in September. Bilate
Gaussian CDFs (FN) and its inverse (F1
N ) as
Tena receives high mean temperature (23.32  C  1.5  C and 21.6  C 
1.5  C) in March and December respectively. Bilate Tena is hotter than     
Thst;m:d ¼ FN 1 FN Thst;m:d μhst;m ; σ 2 hst;m μobs;m ; σ 2 obs;m (4)
other stations of the watershed.
where, Thst;m:d denote the corrected temperature on the dth day of the mth
2.3. Method month and Thst;m;d denote the temperature from Regional Climate Models
(RCMs) output during the relevant period.
2.3.1. Bias correction of climate data
Climate models cannot be directly used for impact assessment 2.3.2. Simulated rainfall and temperature from climate models
without bias correction [40]. Hence, it is very important to correct the Statistical measures test the performance of models. These are the
raw climate data in order to produce a better climate projection. Bias bias in %, root mean squared error (RMSE) in mmyear1, correlation
correction is therefore applied to compensate for any tendency of over- coefficient (corr) and coefficient of variation (CV) in % [46].
estimation or underestimation of the mean of downscaled variables. Bias measures whether the average tendency of the simulated data is
Distribution mapping of precipitation and temperature method was used larger or smaller than the observed values. Bias is expressed in percent-
for bias adjustment [41]. The distribution mapping method [42] corrects age; the lower the absolute value of the bias, the better will be the model
the distribution shape of the daily climatic variables based on cumulative performance. Root mean square error (RMSE) has the unit of observed
distribution functions (CDFs) were made for both the observed variable which makes its interpretation relatively easy. RMSE value close
(1990–2005) and the regional climate models (RCMs) simulated to zero indicates better performance of a model. Correlation coefficient
(1976–2100) for all days of the month. Thereafter, the value of RCM (corr) is used to evaluate the linear relationship between the observed
simulated climatic variables of day within month m was searched on the and modeled rainfall amounts. The value of 1.0 suggests perfect linear
empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDFs) of the RCM simula- relationship between the model output and observed data [47].
tions together with its corresponding cumulative probability. Then, the
value of climatic variables of same cumulative probability was situated P
ðRRCM  RRCM ÞðRobs  Robs Þ
on the ECDFs of observations The Gamma distribution with shape α and
corr ¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi (5)
scale β parameters are frequently thought to be appropriate for precipi- P n P n
ðRRCM  RRCM Þ2 ðRobs  Robs Þ2
tation probability distributions [43], and earlier research have proven i¼1 i¼1
that it is effective [44].
ðRRCM  Robs Þ
1 x Bias ¼ x100 (6)
fγ ðxjα; βÞ ¼ xα1 * α *e β ; x  0; α; β > 0‫׀‬ (1) RRCM
β *ΓðαÞ
where, Γð:Þ is the Gamma function; and α and β are the form and scale uP
u ðRRCM  Robs Þ2
parameter, respectively. ti¼1
RMSE ¼ (7)
hst;m;d ¼ Fγ 1
Fγ Phst;m;d μhst;m;d ; α2 hst;m μobs;m ; α2 obs;m (2)
where, Fγ and F1
γ respectively represent the Gamma Cumulative Distri- CV ¼ x100 (8)
bution Functions (CDFs) and their inverse, Pcor
hst;m:d denote the corrected
precipitation on the dth day of the mth month, Phst;m;d denote the pre- where R represents estimated statistics individually either for RCM or
cipitation from Regional Climate Models (RCMs) outputs during the observed rainfall amount; RCM and obs subscripts represent rainfall
relevant period; the subscripts d and m are specific days and months, amount over the watershed from RCM simulation or observed datasets,
respectively; and μ denotes the mean value. In relation to temperature, respectively. δ indicates standard deviation of either the RCM or
the Gaussian distribution (normal distribution), with location parameter observed rainfall data.

M.L. Edamo et al. Water Cycle 3 (2022) 86–99

Table 2
Annual cycle performance of Rainfall.
Observed and GCM-RCM Average Annual rainfall (mmˑyear1) Bias (%) CV(%) RMSE (mmˑyear1) Corr()

Observed 1230 – 11.03 – –

MPI-CCLM4 1096.4 1.04 18.88 207.12 0.06
ICHEC-HIRAM5 1095.0 1.16_ 19.80 216.95 0.73
ICHEC-RACMO22T 1082.6 2.33 11.94 130.76 0.05
CNRM-RCA4 1100.2 0.69 18.79 206.69 0.52
ICHEC-REMO2009 1088.5 1.78 19.62 214.01 0.02

2.3.3. Climate change impact analysis
Qo;i  Qs;i
Annual, seasonal and monthly impact of climate change on rainfall
RVE ¼ 1  i¼1
n  100 (11)
and streamflow was analyzed. The percentage change in annual, seasonal Qo;i
and monthly stream flow of all the periods were calculated by using [10]: i¼1

RQ;RF;Tmin ;Tmax ðdd;mm;yyyyÞ  RQ;RF;Tmin ;Tmax ðbaselineÞ 3. Results and discussions
%change ¼ *100 (9)
RQ;RF;Tmin ;Tmax ðbaselineÞ
3.1. Performance of simulated rainfall and temperature
where, R represents the simulated data from climate models, the sub-
scripts Q stand for streamflow, RF stands for rainfall, Tmin stands for The annual total rainfall of the Bilate catchment and simulated
minimum temperature, Tmax stands for maximum temperature, dd, mm rainfall from the climate models were evaluated. The observed and
and yyyy refer to the daily, monthly and yearly values respectively. simulated annual average rainfall of the catchment is presented in
Table 2. Accuracy of models is not the same in representing the observed
2.3.4. HEC-HMS model rainfall. The smallest bias is 0.69% for CNRM-RCA4 which indicates the
(HEC-HMS) designed to simulate the rainfall-runoff processes better performance while ICHEC-RACMO22T has the largest value
particularly for dendritic watershed [48,49]. The input data used for (2.33%). The performance of ICHEC-HIRAM5 model was better in
HEC-HMS was streamflow, sunshine hour, relative humidity, and terms of corr (0.73). The CV value of ICHEC-RACMO22T (11.9%) is close
rainfall. to the observed value (11.03%) which shows the presence of less varia-
Calibration considered the least sensitive model parameter first and tion between the observed and simulated rainfall. CNRM-RCA4 model
subsequently followed the more sensitive parameters by systematic tried to capture observed average annual rainfall (1100.2 mmˑyear1). In
adjustment of the initial values to optimize the candidate parameters Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), a value close to zero indicates the best
which provides the best fit between the observed streamflow and simu- performance of the RCM model. A value greater than zero indicates the
lated flow [49]. Model calibration was carried out by lessening the dif- poor performance of the RCM model between simulated and observed
ference between the models computed and observed streamflow data. rainfall amounts. Errors in climate models can be caused by a range of
Then model validation was conducted, using the model parameters fixed factors. Errors or biases are due to limited spatial resolution (large grid
during the model calibration and other set of data. Therefore, of the total sizes), simplified thermodynamic processes and physics, or incomplete
sample data, two-third of the observed data was used for calibration and understanding of the global climate system. regional climate models
one-third was used for validation. (RCMs) are commonly used to transfer large-scale global climate model
(GCM) data to smaller scales and to provide more detailed regional in-
2.3.5. Performance of HEC-HMS model formation. Due to systematic and random model errors, however, RCM
Model simulation has been evaluated using efficiency criteria such as simulations often show considerable deviations from observations [42].
Nash Sutcliff (NSE), and Relative Volume Error (RVE) in percentage. CORDEX delivers a unique and new set of climate projections
The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) indicates how well the plot of dynamically downscaled, using different Regional Climate Models
observed versus simulated streamflow values fit the 1:1 line [50,51]. NSE (RCMs) over different domains around the world, including Africa [54].
ranges between -∞ and 1.0. Values between 0.75 and 1.0, 0.60 and 0.75, All RCMs simulate basic climatic variables (daily precipitation, maximum
and 0.36 and 0.50, generally indicate a very good, good, and satisfactory (Tmax), and minimum (Tmin) surface air temperatures), but systematic
model performance, respectively. The NSE value of 0.00 indicates the biases also occur across the models, which leads to bias correction before
mean observed value is a better predictor than the simulated value, applying the climate data for hydrological analysis [55]. used five RCMs
which indicates unacceptable model performance [52]. If NSE is nega- such as REMO2009, HIRAM5, CCLM4-8, and RCA4 and the authors
tive, model predictions are very poor, and the average value of output is a described that the climate models did not capture observed rainfall or
better estimate than the model prediction. The NSE is given by Ref. [53] temperature. All RCM models simulate climatic variables, but the
as: magnitude is different [56]. The climate models used in this study
P 2 revealed variation in capturing the observed rainfall and temperature in
Qo;i  Qs;i previous studies [10].
NSE ¼ 1  P
n  2 (10) In recent years, the Global Climate Models (GCMs) and Regional
Qo;i  Qo;i Climate Models (RCMs) driven hydrological models are in frequent use to
draw rainfall and temperature projections. However, the projections
where, Qo,i is the observed streamflow at the time step i, Qs,i is the have frequently been proved to be unreliable. Recently, another devel-
simulated flow at the time step i, n is the number of observations and the oping subject of multi-model ensembles has added feathers to the cap of
bar symbol denotes the mean of the data. the climate modeling community, however, this field has yet to be
The percentage error in total runoff volume (RVE), on the other hand, attempted in catchment water availability studies. Climate models and
ranges between -∞ to þ ∞. The model performance is very good, good, hydrological models are constantly being upgraded. The multi-model
and satisfactory if RVE values are between 5% and 5%, 5%–10%, and ensembles are projected to produce higher confidence in the model
10% to 5%, respectively. The RVE is given by Ref. [47]: outputs about the future runoff regimes of the catchment than the single
climate model (Bhatt & Mall, 2015).

M.L. Edamo et al. Water Cycle 3 (2022) 86–99

Fig. 4. Annual cycle of rainfall (1990–2005).

Fig. 5. Annual cycle of uncorrected minimum and maximum temperature (1990–2005).

Simulated rainfall overestimated and underestimated the observed estimating water resource availability for future planning and manage-
rainfall of the watershed (Fig. 4). ICHEC-HIRAM5, CNRN-RCA4 and ICHEC- ment (Bhatt & Mall, 2015).
REMO2009 overestimated observed rainfall in May, June, July, August, The climate models underestimated observed maximum temperature
September and October. All The models underestimated observed rainfall in of the catchment (Fig. 5). CNRM-RCA4, ICHEC-REMO2009 and MPI-
January, February, March and December. The probable reason for having CCLM4 slightly underestimated observed maximum temperature but
underestimation climate model are because of the limitation of using the MPI-CCLM4 captured in February. ICHEC-HIRAM5 and ICHEC-
hydrostatic version at a higher resolution as appraised by the model's de- RACMO22T entirely underestimated observed maximum temperature.
velopers, and the same is also concluded in the recent experiments [57,58]. Many studies also indicated that climate models may overestimate or
Major imperfections in the models prevent proper simulation of underestimate observed maximum temperature [55].
important elements of the climate system, including temperature and The climate models overestimated as well as undervalued observed
precipitation. Large differences between model predictions and obser- minimum temperature of the watershed (Fig. 5). ICHEC-RACMO22T
vations frequently exist when comparing these elements or features. In underestimated observed minimum temperature in January, February,
some cases computer models fail to simulate even the correct sign of the March, April, October, November and December but slightly captured in
observed parameters [59]. May, June, July, August and September. CNRM-RCA4 model fairly
Climate models are important to forecast the variability of climatic overestimated the observed minimum temperature. MPI-CCLM4 model
variables. The disadvantage is that the models only consider the natural overestimated observed minimum temperature [46]. faced over-
Earth system and not the interaction between humans and nature [60]. estimation and underestimation of observed minimum temperature.
The disadvantages associated with climate models are an incomplete The spatial distribution of average annual rainfall and temperature in
understanding of the climate system, an imperfect ability to transform the Bilate catchment is presented in Fig. 6. High average annual rainfall
our knowledge into accurate mathematical equations, the limited power (1320 mm) was recorded in upper part of the catchment.
of computers, the models’ inability to reproduce important atmospheric
phenomena, and inaccurate representations of the complex natural in- 3.2. Bias correction
terconnections (Legates, 2002). On the other hand each climate model is
used to reproduce the climate of the twentieth century and to forecast the The bias correction was applied to correct the large systematic errors
climate of the future (Gent, 2013; [10]. They are critical instruments for in simulations of climate models. MPI-CCLM4, ICHEC-REMO2009,
studying the effects of global warming. Climate models are also useful for ICHEC-RACMO22T, ICHEC-HIRAM5, and CNRM-RCA4 captured the

M.L. Edamo et al. Water Cycle 3 (2022) 86–99

Fig. 6. The spatial distribution of simulated average data (1990–2005 a) Rainfall b) Tmax and c) Tmin.

observed rainfall after bias-correction. Therefore, climate models’ output

should be bias-corrected before any hydrological modeling.
There are many criteria by which a subset of models can be selected,
for instance, based on the skill in reproducing past climate [61] and the
range of projected climate changes ([62]. Others have implemented
automated algorithms based on the clustering of climate extreme indices
to identify a representative subset of climate models [63].
However, no single climate model can capture the entire range of
possibilities for all factors, regions, or seasons. Working with a restricted
selection of models, as [64] demonstrated, can result in inconsistency in
climate change signals [65]. discovered that, depending on the season
and region of interest, the five models employed in ISI-MIP reflect
50–90% of the complete range of temperature estimates and 30–80% of
precipitation projections.
[66] discussed the cause of inherent errors and uncertainties occur- Fig. 7. Bias corrected annual rainfall cycle of GCM-RCM projected climate
ring due to the simplification of highly complex atmospheric physics in data (1976–2005).
GCMs. They found multiple model ensemble was a good fit for the situ-
ation in comparison to individual GCMs mainly due to the compensation minimum temperature. Researchers supported bias correction of simu-
of individual errors. lated data from climate models [69].
Some studies that have focused on the impact of climate change using
single RCMs should perhaps re-assess their finding based on multiple 3.3. Rainfall and temperature variability in baseline period (1976–2005)
climate models output [67]. According to Ref. [68]; all RCMs are not
equal when it comes to their performance in a localized study area. The The entire climate model indicated the increasing sign from January
performance varies from model to model and region-to-region. RCMs to April. On the other hand, the models showed decrement from August
that achieve good results in some areas may fail in other places [10]. to December (Fig. 7). ICHEC-RACMO22T and CNRM-RCA4 models
In this study, climate models were selected based on previous studies captured the lowest (0 and 3.5 mm) rainfall in January respectively. The
of the catchment which perform better than other climate models [10]. simulated monthly rainfall for all climate models slightly decreased in
As they studied, the previous knowledge of selecting climate models from June and July. ICHEC-REMO2009 and MPI-CCLM4 models captured high
multiple GCM-RCMs models is better to limit the number of climate rainfall (149.7 mm and 139 mm) in April respectively. ICHEC-HIRAM5
models. model predicted 144.3 mm rainfall in August.
MPI-CCLM4, ICHEC-REMO2009, ICHEC-RACMO22T, ICHEC-HIRAM5 All climate model indicated the increasing sign from September to
and CNRM-RCA4 captured the observed maximum and minimum tem- December in monthly maximum and minimum temperature (Fig. 8). On the
perature after bias correction. Now, we can use models output in rainfall- other hand, the models showed decrement from April to August. CNRM-
runoff modeling of the catchment without any doubt since the observed RCA4 models captured the high monthly maximum temperature (28.4  C
and simulated data were the same after systematic error reduction.  1.5  C and 27.3  C  1.5  C) in February and December respectively.
The forced Regional Climate Models (RCMs) to the local area is coarse ICHEC-REMO2009 model showed 22.5  C  1.5  C in September. MPI-
and biased when compared to Global Climate Models (GCM) [10]. The CCLM4 models captured high maximum temperature (28.6  C  1.5  C)
distribution mapping of precipitation and temperature approach of bias in March. ICHEC-HIRAM5 model predicted 26.5  C  1.5  C in January.
correction reduced the errors from the models and fit the observed ICHEC-RACMO22T model estimated 22.5  C  1.5  C in August.

M.L. Edamo et al. Water Cycle 3 (2022) 86–99

Fig. 8. Bias corrected annual maximum and minimum temperature cycle of GCM-RCM projected climate data under baseline period (1976–2005).

Fig. 9. Bias corrected annual rainfall cycle of GCM-RCM projected climate data (2050s).

The minimum temperature of the Bilate catchment forecasted by all scenario, there may be an increase of about 29% in the 2050s. In the case
the climate models were was low (7.2  C  0.5  C) in August. On the of the B2a scenario, the precipitation will change by 32% to 33% in
other hand, the models predicted high (13  C  0.92  C) minimum 2050s. Nevertheless, the use of single climate model makes the results
temperature in March. CNRM-RCA4 model predicted 12.8  C  2.1  C questionable.
temperature in December. The simulated monthly maximum temperature has shown varying
signals in the mid-term (2050s). Under MPI-CCLM4 and RCP4.5 scenario
in the 2050s, the monthly maximum temperature of the Bilate catchment
3.4. Projected changes in rainfall and temperature in mid-term period
will vary by 1.4  C  0.2  C from January to December (Fig. 10). How-
(2041–2070) or 2050s
ever, under RCP8.5, it will rise by 1.3  C  0.1  C over the same period.
With the RCP4.5 scenario, the ICHEC-HIRAM5 model predicted a change
There is a mixed-signal from the climate models in simulating the
in maximum temperature would rise by 1.2  C  0.2  C in the 2050s. In
monthly rainfall in the mid-term (2050s) periods (Fig. 9). For MPI-
the 2050s, it will similarly increase by 1.4  C  0.8  C under RCP8.5.
CCLM4 in the 2050s, monthly rainfall in the Bilate catchment will
Under RCP4.5, the ICHEC-RACMO22T model predicted a 1.5  C  0.1  C
change by 22.1% to 10.4% under RCP4.5. For RCP8.5, however, it will
increase in maximum temperature in the 2050s. In the same time span,
change by 24.5% to 3.5% during the same time span. For RCP4.5, the
the model predicted 1.6  C  0.1  C under RCP8.5. CNRM-RCA4 model
predicted rainfall from the ICHEC-HIRAM5 model showed a change by
indicated the change by 1.4  C  0.1  C in the 2050s under RCP4.5. The
33.1% to 13.2% in the 2050s. However, in the 2050s, it will change by
model also showed the change of 1.6  C  0.5  C under RCP8.5 in the
25.7% to 3.9% under RCP8.5. With the RCP4.5 scenario, the ICHEC-
2050s. The ICHEC-REMO2009 model pointed the change of rainfall by
RACMO22T model predicted a change in rainfall of 29.9% to 4.2% in
1.3  C  0.1  C under RCP4.5 in the 2050s. It also showed the change by
the 2050s. Meanwhile, the model indicated 30.3% to 3.2% under
1.4  C  0.3  C under RCP8.5 in 2050s (Fig. 11).
RCP8.5 for the same period. Using RCP4.5, the CNRM-RCA4 model
The monthly minimum temperature of the Bilate catchment will
predicted a change of 29.1% to 0.5% in the 2050s. The model also
change by 1.1  C  0.6  C from January to December for MPI-CCLM4
showed the change of 30.2% to 2.2% under RCP8.5 in the 2050s. The
under RCP4.5 scenario in the 2050s. Under RCP8.5, however, it will
ICHEC-REMO2009 model pointed to the change of rainfall by 30.9% to
change by 1.0  C  0.1  C during the same period. Under RCP4.5, the
11.3% under RCP4.5 in the 2050s. It also showed the change by 26.7%
ICHEC-HIRAM5 model predicted a shift in minimum temperature will
to 8.7% under RCP8.5 in the 2050s. According to Ref. [70] for the A2a

M.L. Edamo et al. Water Cycle 3 (2022) 86–99

Fig. 10. Bias corrected annual maximum and minimum temperature cycle of GCM-RCM projected climate data under RCP4.5 (2050s).

Fig. 11. Bias corrected annual maximum and minimum temperature cycle of GCM-RCM projected climate data under RCP8.5 (2050s).

increase by 1.1  C  0.3  C in the 2050s. In the 2050s, it will likewise model also showed the change of 20.5% to 18.3% under RCP8.5 in the
change by 1.8  C  0.7  C under RCP8.5. Under RCP4.5, the ICHEC- 2080s. The ICHEC-REMO2009 model pointed to the change of rainfall by
RACMO22T model predicted an increase in minimum temperature by 36.5% to 33.3% under RCP4.5 in the 2080s. It also showed the change
0.95  C  0.1  C in the 2050s. Under RCP8.5, however, the model pre- by 39.8% to 25.6% under RCP8.5 in 2080s. The results obtained here
dicted 1.4  C  0.1  C. Under RCP4.5, the CNRM-RCA4 model predicted are also in agreement with other studies in the study catchment. However
a change of 0.1  C  1.1  C in the 2050s. The model predicted a change of climate change studies in Bilate catchment neglected the long-term
1.92  C  0.2  C under RCP8.5 in the same period. Under RCP4.5, the period [70]; Demissie et al., 2016). This study will serve as a good in-
ICHEC-REMO2009 model predicted a 1.32  C  0.1  C increase in formation source for water resource management in Bilate catchment.
rainfall in the 2050s. It also revealed 1.1  C  0.13  C shift in the 2050s The monthly maximum temperature of the Bilate catchment will
under RCP8.5 (Fig. 11). change by 1.3  C  0.2  C for MPI-CCLM4 under RCP4.5 in the 2080s. On
the other hand, it will change by 1.7  C  0.21  C from January to
3.5. Predicted changes of seasonal and annual rainfall and temperature in December under RCP8.5 in the same period. The simulated maximum
2080s temperature from the ICHEC-HIRAM5 model indicated the change by
1.6  C  0.5  C in the 2080s under RCP4.5. It will also change by 1.7  C
The monthly rainfall of the Bilate catchment will change by 28.4% to  0.25  C under RCP8.5 in the 2080s. The ICHEC-RACMO22T model
30.2% for MPI-CCLM4 under RCP4.5 in the 2080s (Fig. 12). On the showed the maximum temperature change by 1.3  C  0.1  C in the
other hand, it will change by 42.1% to 13.2% under RCP8.5 in the same 2080s under RCP4.5. On the other hand, the model showed 1.7  C 
period. The simulated rainfall from the ICHEC-HIRAM5 model indicated 0.11  C under RCP8.5 in the same period. CNRM-RCA4 model indicated
the change from 45.1% to 34.5% in the 2080s under RCP4.5. It will also the change by 1.5  C  0.1  C in the 2080s under RCP4.5 (Fig. 13). The
change by 43.5% to 27.5% under RCP8.5 in the 2080s. ICHEC- model also showed the change of 1.22  C  0.1  C under RCP8.5 in the
RACMO22T model showed the change of rainfall by 42.7% to 29.5% 2080s. The ICHEC-REMO2009 model pointed to the change of maximum
in the 2080s under RCP4.5. On the other hand, the model showed 33.8% temperature by 1.74  C  0.4  C under RCP4.5 in the 2080s. It also
to 33.2% under RCP8.5 in the same period. CNRM-RCA4 model indi- showed the change by 1.63  C  0.2  C under RCP8.5 in the 2080s. The
cated the change by 32.5% to 5.1% in the 2080s under RCP4.5. The maximum temperature of the Bilate catchment will rise in the future.

M.L. Edamo et al. Water Cycle 3 (2022) 86–99

Fig. 12. Bias corrected annual rainfall cycle of GCM-RCM projected climate data (2080s).

Fig. 13. Bias corrected annual maximum and minimum temperature cycle of GCM-RCM projected climate data under RCP4.5 (2080s).

Previous studies in the catchment ignored the use of multiple climate 3.6. HEC-HMS model calibration and validation
models, bias correction, and the long-term effect of climate change [17,
19,71–73]. There was a good agreement between the simulated and observed
Under the RCP4.5 scenario, the monthly minimum temperature in the flow hydrographs (Fig. 15).
Bilate watershed will rise by 1.3  C  0.14  C in the 2080s. Under Noble enactment was obtained in terms of reproducing the observed
RCP8.5, however, it will change by 1.25  C  0.2  C in the same period, pattern of the streamflow hydrograph during calibration and validation
from January to December. The ICHEC-HIRAM5 model predicted a shift (NSE ¼ 0.64 and 0.60) respectively. The model was accepted when
in minimum temperature of 1.3  C  0.3  C in the 2080s under the evaluated using objective functions. The RVE for the calibration period
RCP4.5 scenario. In the 2080s, it will likewise change by 1.83  C  0.1  C was 5.30%, which suggested that the model showed good performance in
under RCP8.5 climate change scenario. Under RCP4.5, the ICHEC- estimating observed streamflow volume, and good performance in esti-
RACMO22T model predicted a minimum temperature change of 1.1 mating observed streamflow volume during the validation period (6.1%)

C  0.2  C in the 2080s. In the same period, the model predicted 1.5  C was established. However, the peaks in the years 2000, and 2001 were
 0.11  C under RCP8.5. Under RCP4.5, the CNRM-RCA4 model pre- not captured well in the observed hydrograph, this might be related to
dicted a shift of 1.5  C  0.1  C in the 2080s. In the 2080s, the model the poor spatial coverage of the precipitation data within the catchment
predicted a shift of 1.22  C  0.5  C under RCP8.5. Under RCP4.5, the and model uncertainty. Despite advancements in modeling many pro-
ICHEC-REMO2009 model predicted a 1.9  C  0.6  C increase in mini- cesses, hydrological models remain unreliable [74]. The input and cali-
mum temperature in the 2080s. It also showed an increase of 1.8  C  bration data, model structure, and parameters all contribute to model
0.1  C in the 2080s under RCP8.5 (Fig. 14). In the mid and long term, the uncertainty [75]. Natural process variability and observation errors can
minimum temperature of the Bilate catchment will increase in the future. both cause uncertainty. On the other hand, even if a model is a perfect
The rise of minimum temperature in Ethiopia was also indicated in other depiction of the hydrologic system, parameter uncertainty might occur
research work earlier [72] despite, it was not specified for the Bilate due to mistakes in the calibration data because of observation errors. Due
catchment. to the lack of a unified theory, limited knowledge, and numerical and

M.L. Edamo et al. Water Cycle 3 (2022) 86–99

Fig. 14. Bias corrected maximum and minimum temperature cycle of GCM-RCM projected climate data under RCP8.5 (2080s).

Fig. 15. Observed and simulated stream flow for calibration and validation period at Bilate Tena gauging station.

Fig. 16. Seasonal rainfall changes in 2050s and 2080s.

process simplifications, an exact description of a hydrological system is spring, summer, winter, and annual will likely change by 2.15, 0.82,
difficult [76]. Model structure has a significant impact on model per- 1.65, 5.92, and 1.75% respectively for all climate models. These
formance [77]. finding shares the truth with results of [71]. RCP 8.5 scenario shows a
variation in annual and seasonal rainfall. The average rainfall of the four
seasons and annual will probably change by 5.4, 0.25, 1.23, 6.84, and
3.7. Projected changes of rainfall and temperature in Bilate catchment
0.8% respectively (Fig. 16). The findings of [78] are related to these
results however the use of single climate model makes the results
The climate models’ simulations show a varied rainfall between mid-
term (2050s) and long-term (2080s) with respect to baseline period
RCP4.5 scenario exhibit mixed signals in the direction of seasonal and
annual rainfall. The average rainfall of the four seasons and annual will
Under RCP4.5 scenario, there is an increasing and decreasing sign in
probably change by 7, 3.2, 7, 14 and 10% respectively for all climate
the annual and seasonal rainfall change. The rainfall of the autumn,

M.L. Edamo et al. Water Cycle 3 (2022) 86–99

Fig. 17. Seasonal streamflow changes in Bilate Catchment in 2050s and 2080s.

models. RCP 8.5 scenario shows a discrepancy in annual and seasonal probable changes of projected precipitation, temperature and streamflow
rainfall. The average rainfall of the four seasons and annual will likely for all climate models were concluded. The annual rainfall of Bilate
change by 6.4, 0.1, 0.83, 2.4, and 0.95% respectively. catchment will likely change by 28.38% under RCP4.5 and  9.55%
The annual mean maximum temperature over the catchment for the under RCP8.5 in 2050s. The annual rainfall will also change by 20.18%
2050s will rise in magnitude up to 1.9  C  0.7  C under RCP4.5 and under RCP4.5 and  37.93% under RCP8.5 in 2080s. The annual
RCP8.5 respectively whereas it will increase up to 2.1  C  1.5  C in streamflow will probably change by 10.98% under RCP4.5 and 
2080s under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 respectively for all climate models. 8.30% under RCP8.5 in 2050s. Annually, the streamflow will likely
The annual minimum temperature over the catchment for the 2050s change by 27.30% under RCP4.5 and  32.07% under RCP8.5 in
increased in magnitude up to 3  C  0.1  C under RCP4.5 and 2.3  C  2080s. This study used multiple climate models for an impact assessment
0.5  C for RCP8.5 with respect to baseline period. The annual mean on water availability. In addition, the ensemble mean of these multiple
minimum temperature of the catchment will increase up to 4.3  C  0.8 climate models are considered in depth in this study. Multiple model

C and 4.85  C  1.3  C in 2080s under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 respectively ensembles have provided the opportunity for scientists to compare
for all climate models. catchment level hydrological estimates against single-model projections.
However, in terms of research on this subject in Ethiopia as well as other
parts of the world, numerous model ensembles have yet to be employed
3.8. Simulated changes of seasonal and annual streamflow in Bilate
to analyze important competing water demand catchments for their
water resource potential in a changing climate scenario.
The RCP4.5 scenario shows different annual and seasonal streamflow
Funding sources
change. The flow of the four seasons and annually will change by 6.42,
1.1, 3, 5.8 and 1.4% respectively. In RCP8.5 scenario, there is also a
No fund provided was from any source.
mixed sign in the direction of annual and seasonal streamflow change.
The range of change is 1.0 to 14.5% and 7 to 17.6% for summer and
Conflict of interest
winter seasons, respectively. On average the streamflow of the four
seasons and annually will likely change by 8.8, 0.8, 5.8, 5 and 4%
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
respectively (Fig. 17).
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Under RCP4.5 scenario, there is a varied signal in the way of annual
the work reported in this paper.
and seasonal streamflow change. On average the streamflow for the four
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