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How To Distinguish between Undercover Confederation and Omegan by Lucus


Undercover Omegans pretending to be Undercover Confederation

The Undercover Omegans do imprinting to make you think they have good energy
to make you think they are undercover Confederation operatives then:

There are a lot of Omegan undercover operatives because they lack a military to
carry out blunt force operations due to the presence of the Confederation and
Alliance so instead they result to manipulation and have resort to using many good
cops and bad cops to manipulate their target like parasites trying to manipulate
their host.

1: Do things or create situations that subtly annoy or emotionally manipulate the

contactee which the contactee then attributes to the Confederation. The Omegans
also use imprinting to make you think you are sensing their fake Confederation
energy. (They also have also pretended to be an Earth person and play dumb while
doing immoral or subtly annoying things.)

2: Give incredulous or discrediting information to the contactee so the contacted

discredits the Confederation and contactee

3: Use religion in cult like controlling ways

4: Make and break promises which the contactee then attributes to the
Confederation in order to discredit the Confederation

5: Pressure the contactee to do things they don’t want to do

6: Act immoral or emotionally unstable or be bad examples to discredit the


7: Act in subtle ways to annoy the contactee in order to make other undercover
Omegans also pretending to be undercover Confederation operatives look better in
order to boost credibility and gain the contactees trust. (Ie. good cop/bad cop)

If someone is claiming to be Confederation does any of these things they are either
lying or an undercover Omegan. Do the system and if possible also leave them. If
undercover Omegans want to pretend to be undercover Confederation they must be
forced to act by these guidelines by not acting in these ways and therefore have no
choice but to serve the contactee so the contactee gains whether they are an
undercover Omegan or Confederation operative because the undercover Omegan is
trapped in an MTC cycle. Also please see my article ‘The Mathew 23:23 System For
Targeted Individuals: The Third Aspect: How To Defeat Subtle Omegan
Psychological Warfare and Gangstalking Specifics’ by Lucus Louize available at

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