Blood Anatomy

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Jsmu Solved Papers by Awais Ahmed

Blood Module Anatomy

1 Which of the following is made up of a Pseudostartified columnar epithelium?
a Palatine tonsil
b Pharangeal tonsil
c inguinal tonsil
d lymph nodes
2 Which leukocyte when enter in tissue becomes macrophages?
a Lymphocytes
b Monocytes
c Eosinophil
d Basophils
e Neutrophils
3 Which of the following inside organs receive afferent lymph vessels?
a Lymph node
b Spleen
c Thymus
d Palatine tonsil
4 Which of the following organs does not contain lymphatic nodules:
a. Tonsils
b Appendix
c Lymph nodes
d Thymus
5 By the age of 7 months, the primary site of haematopoiesis in a fatus is:
a Thymus
b Liver
c Spleen
d red marrow
6 In which of the following sites are blood cells first formed during embryogenesis?
a Bone Marrow
b Yolk sac
c Liver
d Spleen
7 Under normal conditions, the human body loses about 1-2 mg of iron per amounts ot
are received from multiple transfusions of red blood cell mechanism can the body use to
increase iron excretion?
a increase renal tubular excretion of iron
b Accelerate sloughing of gastrointestinal mucosal cells
c Decrease production of hepcidine d Not
Jsmu Solved Papers by Awais Ahmed

8 Which one of the following is the constltuent of larger granules of neutrophli?

a Catalase
b Coagulase
c Myeloperoxidase
d Oxidase
e ipoxygenase
9 Which of the following is the function of Fatty acid secreted by subecuous glands?
a Antibacterial and antifungal
b Antibacterial and anti-helminths
c Antibacterial and antiviral
d Antifungal and antiviral
e Anthelmintic and antiviral
10 While observing slide, student identified it as a palatine tonsil on the basis of surface
epithelium. What i is the epithelial lining of palatine tonsil?
a Simple squamous keratinized
b Stratified squamous keratinized
c Simple squamous non keratinized
d Stratified squamous non-keratinized
11 Site of red bone marrow in result is present in:
a Shaft
b Ribs
c Base of stull
d Metacarpals
12 Which of the following is the major immunoglobulin in human serum, accounting of 80% of
the immunoglobulin pool?
a igA
b lgD
c lgG
d IgM
13 Which immunoglobulin is the least prevalent?
a IgA
b IgD
c IgE
d IgM
14 Which of the following structures drains lymph directy from tissues:
a Lymph capillary
b Lymph node
c Thoracic duct
Jsmu Solved Papers by Awais Ahmed

d Right lymphatic duct

15 In human fetus, the predominant site of hematopoiesis in gestation months 5 to 9 wk, in
which of the folowing?
a Bone marrow
b Liver
c Thymus
d Spleen
e Yolk sac.
16 lymph is caried to a lymph node via afferent lymphatic vessels, the vessels drain directly
into which of the following structure?
a Cortical sinus
b medullary sinus.
c subcapsular sinus.
d trabecular sinus
17 Which of the following growth factor enhance the recruitment of pericytes and smooth
muscle cell during angiogenesis?
a Angiopoiteon
18 Which of the following antibody can cross the placenta and is an opsonin?
a IgA
b IgG
c IgE
d lgM
19 Epithelioid cells seen in a tuberculous granuloma are modified form of which of the
following cells?
a Lymphocytes
b Macrophages
c Neutrophils
d Plasmna cell
20 Cells that act as the first ine of defense against microbial entering in the body are:
a Neutrophils
b Tissue macrophages
c Eosinophils
d Basophils
21 Regarding granulocytes, pick the odd one out:
Jsmu Solved Papers by Awais Ahmed

a The term polymorph can be used to refer to Eosinophils

b Granulocytes are also called myeloid cells
c They corntain a single nucleus with multiple lobes
d They contain specific granules
22 Which of the following cell types is most likey to secrete histamine and cause the increased
vascular permeability?
a Endothelial cells
b Fibroblasts
c Lymphocytes
d Mast cells
e Neutrophils
23 Histologic sections of lung tissue from 68-year-old woman with congestive heart fallure
and progressive breathing problems reveal numerous hemosiderin-laden cells within the
alveoli. Which of the following is the cell of origin of "these heart failure cells"?
a. Eosinophils
b. Lymphocytes
c. Macrophages
d. Pneumocytes
24 Specific granules of neutrophils has one of the following substances:
a Myeloperoxidase
b Cationic protein
c. Amylase
d Lactoferrin
e Type lll collagenase
25 Thymus is the first lymphoid organ to develop. Using your knowledge of embryology describe
from where thymus gets its origin?
a 3rd pharyngeal pouch
b 2nd pharyngeal pouch
c 4th pharyngeal pouch
d 1st pharngeal pouch
26 These are the characteristics of which one of the following, Lobed nucleus, cytoplasmic
granules, and release histamine.
a Basophils
b Eosinophils
c Neutrophils
d Monocytes
e Lymphocytes
27 A pathologist received a speclmen of lymphoid organ for examination. On microscopic
Jsmu Solved Papers by Awais Ahmed

examination he finds a part is covered by stratified squamous epithelium. It is most likeky.

a Spleen
b Thymus
c Tonsil
d Lymph node

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