The Mystery Is History The Mystery Is History: June 5, 2011 June 5, 2011

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Portico Center 701 W. Broadway Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 262-2091

Portico Center 701 W. Broadway Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 262-2091


God can be knownthat is the message of the church. And God can be known and made known through preaching. Preaching is Gods primary way of reaching lost people. We are to declare a known God to a world that does not know Him. That is not to say that we dont have personal doubts. That is not to say that we dont have our own struggles. But it is not our job to share those with a lost world on their way to hell. Our job is to point them in the right direction, to point them to Christ. Preaching is what God has called the church to do. Jesus was a preacher of the Word. We read in Matthew 4:17 that when He began His ministry, He preached, The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News! (Mark 1:15) Then He sent His disciples out to preach as well. Yet the trend today is for preachers to share their doubts instead of their faith. We need to teach the Word without apology. The apostle Paul, speaking at Mars Hill, didnt stand up and say, Well, I see you worship an unknown god. Hey, I worship an unknown God too, but we are all on a journey together. Lets discuss. Wheres the coffee? No, what Paul said was, This God, whom you worship without knowing, is the one Im telling you about (Acts 17: 23). God can be known. So dont tell me that God is a mystery, that He cannot be known, and that it is actually arrogant to say otherwise. God can be known, God should be known, and God must be known. And it will happen as His Word is proclaimed authoritatively.

The Mystery is History

June 5, 2011


God can be knownthat is the message of the church. And God can be known and made known through preaching. Preaching is Gods primary way of reaching lost people. We are to declare a known God to a world that does not know Him. That is not to say that we dont have personal doubts. That is not to say that we dont have our own struggles. But it is not our job to share those with a lost world on their way to hell. Our job is to point them in the right direction, to point them to Christ. Preaching is what God has called the church to do. Jesus was a preacher of the Word. We read in Matthew 4:17 that when He began His ministry, He preached, The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News! (Mark 1:15) Then He sent His disciples out to preach as well. Yet the trend today is for preachers to share their doubts instead of their faith. We need to teach the Word without apology. The apostle Paul, speaking at Mars Hill, didnt stand up and say, Well, I see you worship an unknown god. Hey, I worship an unknown God too, but we are all on a journey together. Lets discuss. Wheres the coffee? No, what Paul said was, This God, whom you worship without knowing, is the one Im telling you about (Acts 17: 23). God can be known. So dont tell me that God is a mystery, that He cannot be known, and that it is actually arrogant to say otherwise. God can be known, God should be known, and God must be known. And it will happen as His Word is proclaimed authoritatively.

The Mystery is History

June 5, 2011

June 5, 2011
1 Corinthians, Chapter 6
Thursday, June 9 @ 6:30pm Broadway Christian Center

June 5, 2011
1 Corinthians, Chapter 6
Thursday, June 9 @ 6:30pm Broadway Christian Center



June 11th is the LCF Anniversary Gathering!

Mark your calendars and invite!

June 11th is the LCF Anniversary Gathering!

Mark your calendars and invite!

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Fathers Day celebration, June 19

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The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings. Malachi 4:2

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