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Gavin Hagerty
Mr. Greene
Subject: World History

Financial The finances or financial situation of an

organization or individual.

Instability Lack of stability; the state of being unstable.

Crassus Richest man in Rome; given command in


Pompey Military hero returning from Spain; given

command in Spain.

Julius Caesar An ambitious military commander who

dominated Roman politics.

Triumvirate A group of three men holding power, in

particular ( the First Triumvirate ) the
unofficial coalition of Julius Caesar, Pompey,
and Crassus in 60 BC and ( the Second
Triumvirate ) a coalition formed by Antony,
Lepidus, and Octavian in 43 BC.

Rubicon River A stream marking the official border between

Italy and Cisalpine Gaul, the region south of
the Alps governed by Julius Caesar.

Dictator A ruler with total power over a country,

typically one who has obtained control by
Octavian Caesar's heir and grandnephew.

Antony Caesar's ally and assistant.

Augustus Ruled until 14 AD; exercised absolute power

and under his rule the Roman republic fell,
creating the new age of the Roman empire.

Imperator Commander.

Nero Nero is known as one of Rome's most

infamous rulers, notorious for his cruelty and

Pax Romana A state of comparative tranquillity throughout

the Mediterranean world from the reign of
Augustus (27 bce–14 ce) to the reign of
Marcus Aurelius (161 –180 ce).

Dacia A region inhabited by the Dacians in the north

of the Danube (modern Romania).

Sinai Peninsula The Sinai Peninsula became part of the

Roman province of Arabia Petraea.

Rhine River The largest river in northwestern Europe.

Danube River One of the largest rivers in Europe, northern

frontier of the Roman Empire.

Whereas In contrast or comparison with the fact that.

2. Small farmers losing land to healthy landowners, Aristocrats developed large estates that
used slave labor, and small farmers moved to cities like Rome.
3. He allowed the emperor to choose from their biological or adopted family.
4. The main difference between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire was that the
former was a democratic society and the latter was run by only one man. Also, the
Roman Republic was in an almost constant state of war, whereas the Roman Empire's
first 200 years were relatively peaceful.
5. Respectful, fair, compassionate, and practical.
6. Pompey was a war hero who had been badly treated by the Senate, while Crassus was a
multimillionaire. The two men were rivals but Caesar was able to bridge the gap between
them and the three men formed the powerful 'first triumvirate'.
7. Both are portrayed as men of power, Julius is sitting while Augustus is standing and
pointing, Augustus has a baby on his leg, and Caesar has no weapons meanwhile
Augustus has a spear.

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