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APRIL 17, 2011

Stones are lifeless objects & are used to send us a clear message. The first time was in the Old Testament. Habakkuk 2:11 mentioned that: The stones of the walls will cry out, and the beams of the woodwork will echo it. The immediate context of this reference is the judgment on the wicked oppressors (the Babylonians). They may have silenced the oppressed with their atrocities. But the lifeless stones will be a testimony against them when judgment comes. And it did. They were totally obliterated. The second time was in the context of Palm Sunday, when Jesus the Messiah rode the little colt in His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. As He was descending from Mount of Olives going to Jerusalem, the crowd were joyfully praising God for the Messiah that has come and the miracles they have witnessed. The Pharisees, however, were not pleased. They cannot tolerate the idea of having these rabbles praise God and hail Jesus to be the Messiah. They told Jesus to rebuke them and shut them up. But Jesus said to them: I tell you, if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out. (Lk. 19:40). This context speaks of three realities. Rejection In rejecting the Messiah, they were rejecting the salvation that He came to offer them Reversal Zacchaeus, the outcast, is saved (Lk. 19:1-10) while the religious leaders are lost Ruling (Judgment) Gods judgment will surely come on the people who rejected His Son, no matter how religious they are


Portico Center 701 W. Broadway Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 262-2091

Portico Center 701 W. Broadway Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 262-2091

APRIL 17, 2011

Stones are lifeless objects & are used to send us a clear message. The first time was in the Old Testament. Habakkuk 2:11 mentioned that: The stones of the walls will cry out, and the beams of the woodwork will echo it. The immediate context of this reference is the judgment on the wicked oppressors (the Babylonians). They may have silenced the oppressed with their atrocities. But the lifeless stones will be a testimony against them when judgment comes. And it did. They were totally obliterated. The second time was in the context of Palm Sunday, when Jesus the Messiah rode the little colt in His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. As He was descending from Mount of Olives going to Jerusalem, the crowd were joyfully praising God for the Messiah that has come and the miracles they have witnessed. The Pharisees, however, were not pleased. They cannot tolerate the idea of having these rabbles praise God and hail Jesus to be the Messiah. They told Jesus to rebuke them and shut them up. But Jesus said to them: I tell you, if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out. (Lk. 19:40). This context speaks of three realities. Rejection In rejecting the Messiah, they were rejecting the salvation that He came to offer them Reversal Zacchaeus, the outcast, is saved (Lk. 19:1-10) while the religious leaders are lost Ruling (Judgment) Gods judgment will surely come on the people who rejected His Son, no matter how religious they are

APRIL 17, 2011

Thursday, April 21@ 6:30pm Broadway Christian Center

APRIL 17, 2011

Thursday, April 21@ 6:30pm Broadway Christian Center

Special Sharing

Special Sharing




Join our prayer vigil Wednesdays at 6 pm, Rm. 4
A Call to Serve. volunteers please stay after the service for a short meeting.


Join our prayer vigil Wednesdays at 6 pm, Rm. 4
A Call to Serve. volunteers please stay after the service for a short meeting.

THE LORD HAS RISEN! Let us all proclaim this victory by inviting friends to our Easter Sunday celebration, April 24th

THE LORD HAS RISEN! Let us all proclaim this victory by inviting friends to our Easter Sunday celebration, April 24th

Danny April 20 Mary April 22 Cristina April 23 Hector April 24

Danny April 20 Mary April 22 Cristina April 23 Hector April 24

Blessed is [He] who comes in the name of the Lord! Luke 19:38

Blessed is [He] who comes in the name of the Lord! Luke 19:38

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