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Counseling psychology

1.-------------- is to indicate ,point out ,lead and direct the individual

A. Guidance

B.Direct counseling

C.Non Directing

D.Elective counseling

2.Guidance as a process through which an individual able to solve their problems and pursue
a path suited to their abilities and aspirations said by

A.JM Brewer

B.Sigmund freud

C.Alfred Adler

D.Carl Rogers

3. services enable student to Benefit in academic and vocational persuits

A. carrer counseling

B .Educational counseling

C. Guidance

D. Counselling and Guidance

4.------------------ is a service is direct the individual and changing attitudes and behaviours

A. Guidance

B. Counselling


5.-------------- Helps the student in the selection of educational course , Profitable,
occupation,Job planning

A.Educational Counseling

B.Academic Counseling

C.Juvenile Counseling

D.Carrer Counseling

6.In which process the counsellor carefully listens and draws out information regarding the
clients situation

A.Rapport building

B.Goal setting

C.Problem assessment

D.Termination process

7.-------------------- is to reach an early agreement on how the theraphy will end and what
success look like

A.A.Rapport building

B.Goal setting

C.Problem assessment

D.Termination process

8.--------------- is the micro skills in counseling

A. Attending



D.Trust worthiness
9.---------------- is the expression of Admiration,Approval , Acceptance ,and loyalty

A.Trust worthiness




10. --------------- Is a respected part of a psychology code of ethics

A.Trust worthiness

B. Confidentilaity



11. __________ therapy is improve your communication & relationship

A. Couples
B. Psychotherapy
C. Cognitive
D. Behaviour
12. Marital councelling is also known as _________
A. psychotherapy
B. Cognitive therapy
C. couples therapy
D. Behavior therapy
13. Behavior cognitive therapy is also known as ___________ therapy.
A. Regulating
B. Unshaping
C. Internal
D. Shaping

14. Behavioural issue for mostly _______ child.

A. Single
B. couples
C. introvert
D. Extroveret
15. In which couples therapy to identify and changing thoughts.
A. Behaviour therapy
B. Congitive behavior couples therapy
C. ellen watchel”s apporoach
D. gottman method
16. In which issue to involve the person in premarital councelling.

A. Finances
B. Values,beliefs,religion
C. Roles in marriage
D. All of the above
Pre marital councelling is very useful to all the individual avoid conflict.
Because the pre marital councelling develop the problem solving skills- decision
making- eliminitate dysfunctional behavior.
A. Asseration is true & reason is also true
B. Asseration is wrong & the reason also wrong
C. Asseration is true & the reason is wrong
D. Asseration is wrong & the reason is true
18. In which method,conflict areas identify and make a problem solving skills in the
premarital councelling.
A. Emotinally focused therapy
B. Psycho dynamic therapy
C. All of the above
D. gottman method
19. In which of couples therapy to improve your unconscious (or) subconscious thoughts.
A. Gottman method
B. Psychodynamic therapy
C. Emotionally focused therapy
D. Ellen”s watch apporoach
20. In which stage of marriage the people”s are falling in love.

A. Power struggle stage

B. Honeymoon stage
C. stability stage
D. Commitment stage

21.________is the most commonly utilized types of treatment for addiction that is frequently
used during substance rehabilitation.
A) Behavioural therapy
B) play therapy
D) client centred therapy
22. _____ is defined by compulsive drug use despite negative physical and social
consequences and the craving for effects other than pain relief.
A) social behavior
B) addictive behavior
C) aggressive behavior
D) learned behavior
23.Juvenile counselling provides support and guidance to troubled youngsters between the
age _____
A) 0 to 5
B) 5 to 17
C) 18 to 20
D) 21 to 25
24._____ is a type of professional therapy designed to help you work through the various
stages and range of emotions you may feel after a loss.
A) marital counselling
B) educational counselling
C) rehabilitation counselling
D) grief counselling
25.____ involves identifying and changing thought patterns that negatively influence your
A) group therapy
B) art therapy
C) cognitive behavior therapy
D) play therapy
26.Example of terminal illness____
A) head pain
B) joint pain
C) advanced cancer
D) none of the above
27.____ start suddenly and only last for a short period of time
A) acute pain
B) chronic pain
C) bone pain
D) nerve pain
28.____ pain that persisted for longer than 6 months and is experienced most days.
A) acute pain
B) chronic pain
C) head pain
D) joint pain
29.____ is a specific practice of counseling within the discipline where professionals work to
help people who have emotional and physical disabilities so that they are able to live more
A) rehabilitation counselling
B )marital counselling
C)educational counseling
D)guidance counselling
30.____ is defined as the unwillingness or hesitancy to participate fully in the helping
processes .
A) terminal illness
B) pain management
C) rehabilitation counselling
D) reluctance
31. ___ is a professional relationship that empowers individuals, families and groups to
accomplish mental health, wellness, education, career goals.
A) Counseling
B) Guidance
C) Therapy
D) Service

32. The planning of several aspects of counseling session is called ____

A) Restatement
B) Functioning
C) Structuring
D) Planning

33. Silence allows client to ___

A) Know more about counselor
B) Not talk to counselor
C) Sit silently
D) Process their thoughts and feelings

34. Which of the following is an actual importance of silence in a counseling session?

A) Not to make progress
B) Provision of autonomy for the client
C) Helps client stick to behaviour
D) Protects client's core beliefs
35. Which of the following is a relationship technique?
A) Restatement
B) Role of Silence
C) Foot in the door
D) Structuring

36. __ is when counselor shares their personal information to client during or outside
counseling session
A) Self talk
B) Self esteem
C) Self disclosure
D) Resistance

37. Accidental self disclosure is

A) Planned
B) Unplanned
C) Avoidable
D) Builds rapport

38. ___ implies that the client is unwilling or opposed to change

A) Rehabilitation
B) Cooperation
C) Cohesion
D) Resistance

39. According to social psychology the client is reluctant because of:

A) Client's attributes
B) External factors
C) Client's beliefs
D) Inability of client.

40. Which of the following is not the way by which counselor can attain success in
counseling session?
A) Confrontation of client's behaviour
B) Persuasion
C) Avoiding client’s problem
D) Use materials

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