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1.Flat-horizontal level,lying at full lenght

2.Receive-take or accept into one’s hand
3.Quality-degree of excellence
4.İncrease-become or make greater
5.Debate-discuss question
6.Accident-event that is unexpected
7.Mirror-polished surface reflecting image
8.Vapour-moisture other substance diffused
or suspended in air
9.Variety-collection of different things
10.Task-piece of work to be done
11.Material-matter from which thing is
12.Academy-place of training in a special field
13.Float-rest or move in surface
14.Death-event which ends life
15.Action-a process of doing or performing
16.Cancel-delete or neutralize
17.Address-place where person lives
18.Flood-the water that overflows
19.Advance-come or go foward,progress
20.Thinker-person with skilled or powerful
21.Advice-opinion given as to future action
22.Bank-establishment where money is
deposited in accounts
23.Quarter-one of four equal parts
24.İnvalid-person disabled by illness
25.Century-period of hundred years
26.Vegetation-plant life
27.Koran-sacred book of Muslims
28.Victory-defeating one’s enemy in battle
29.West-point of horizon where sun sets at
30.Easy-not difficult,achieved without great
31.Eagle-large bird of prey with keen vision
and powerful flights
32.Reduce-make or become smaller or less
33.Passport-official document issued by
34.Fauna-animals of a particular region or
35.Library-room or building where collection
of books are kept
36.Translate-express the sense of(word or
text) in another language
37.Earth-planet on which we live
38.Catastrophe-great and sudden disaster
39.Giant-an imaginary or mythical being of
human form,person of great size
40. Chain-connected flexible series of links or
41.İnvitation-letter or card used to invite
42.Depth-deepness,measurement from top
43.Absent-not present,not existing
44.Visible-that can be seen by eye
45.Kindergarden-school for very young
46.Digit-any number from 0 to 9
47.Barber-one whose business is cutting and
dressing hair
48.Category-class or division of
49.Look-turn one’s eyes in some direction
50.Ethnic-a group of mankind having common
national and cultural traditions
51.Transfer-convey or remove from one
surface to another
52.Wonderful-very remarkable or admire
53.Clever-talented,quick to understand and
54.Seismograph-insturment for showing force
and direction of earthquake
55.Whistle-clear shrill sound made by
between nearly closed lips
56.Equal-the same in number,size,degree
57.Prohibition-forbidding or being forbidden
58.Urban-living or situated in,a town or city
59.Wing-organs by which flying is effected
60.Laundry-place for washing clothes
61.Wish-have or express desire
62.To mistake-to confuse with another
63.Namesake-one that has the same name as
64.Development-stage of growth or
65.İnvisible-that cannot be seen
66.Wrong-mistaken,not true
67.Epicenter-point at which earthquake
reaches earth’s surface
68.Goalkeeper-player defending goal
69.Occupation-an activity in which one
70.İsland-piece of land surrounded by water
71.Workshop-room or building in which
manufacture is done
72.Zoology-scientific study of animals
73.Epoch-period of history marked by notable
74.Wind-air in natural motion
75.Knowledge-sum of what is known to
76.Laboratory-room or building used for
scientific experiments
77.Navigate-sail in or through sea or river
78.Double-consisting of two parts or things
79.Way-road or track for passing alone
80.Clerk-person employed in office to keep
81.Nonsense-meaningless words or actions
82.Roof-upper covering of building
83.İmmortal-living for ever,not mortal
84.Walk-travel or go on foot
85.Knock-make noise by striking door
86.İnterior-inner part,inside
87.Lake-large expanse of water surrounded by
88.Neighbour-person who lives next door or
near by
89.Visitor-one who visits person or place
90.Seaweed-plant growing in sea or in rocks
on shore
91.Orchard-enclosed piece of land planted
with fruit-trees
92.Soil-upper layer of earth in which plants
93.Legend-story handed from the past,myth
94.İnhabitant-person who inhabits place
95.Land-solid part of earth’s
surface,ground,not covered by water
96.Essay-short prose composition on a subject
97.Knee-joint between thing and lower leg in
98.Legal-based on law
99.Vineyard-plantation of grape-vines
100.Temperature-degree or intensity of heat
of a body
101.Academician-a member of society of
scholars and artists
102.To accustom-to make familiar through
use or experience
103.To achieve-to gain by work or effort
104.Acquaintance-personal knowledge
105.Adequate-equal to or sufficient for
specific requirement
106.Address-the place where a person may be
communicated with
107.Adventurer-a person who engages in new
and risky undertakings
108.Agenda-a list of things to be
109.To agree-to settle by common consent
110.Bank-rising ground bordering a lake,river
or sea
111.Barber-one whose business is cutting and
dressing hair
112.To barbecue-to cook over hot coals
113.Barn-a building used for storing hay and
115.Bill-a piece of paper money
116.Blossom-the period or state of flowering
117.Bookkeeper-one who records the
accounts of business
118.Youth-the period of life between child
and maturity
119.Wrong-not right according to a standard
120.Both-affecting the one and the other
122.To worry-to feel or express great care or
123.Voyage-a journey by water from one
place to another
124.Various-of differing kinds,numerous,many
125.Vacation-a period of rest from work
126.Vacant-not occupied,empty
127.World-people in general,mankind
128.Witness-one that gives evidence
129.Utility-someting useful or designed for
130.Upset-emotionally disturbed or agitated
131.To unpack-to open and remove the
contents of
132.Widow-a woman who has lost her
husband by death
133.Wet-consisting of or covered or soaked
with liquid
134.To waste-to spend or to use carelessly or
135.Visit-a brief residence as a guest
136.Vital-full of life,animated
137.To urge-to try to persuade or sway
138.Trust-a basis of reliance,faith or hope
139.Trunk-the main stem of a tree
140.Trouble-a cause of disturbance or distress
141.Sudden-happening or coming
142.Success-the gaining of wealth and fame
143.Treasure-someting of great value
144.Treaty-an agreement made by
negotiation or diplomacy
145.Sum-a problem in arithmetic
146.Stranger-a person with whom one is
147.To starve-to die from hunger
148.To steal-to take and carry away without
149.Square-having four equal sides
150.Tornado- a violent destructive whirling
151.Timetable-a table of the departure and
arrival times
152.Thunder-a sound following a flash of
154.Spectator-a person who looks on
155.Space-a region beyond the earth’s
156.Sorrow-a cause of grief and sadness
157.Calendar-an arrengement of time into
158.To calculate-to determine by
mathematical processes
159.Concert-a public perfomance
160.Theology-the study of religious faith
161.To taste-to have a specific flavor
162.Tailor-a person whose occupation is
making garments
163.To survive-to remain alive or existent
164.Departure-the act of going away
165.Debt-a condition of owing
166.To decorate-to furnish with someting
167.To demand-to ask in the manner of a
168.To demonsrate-to show publicly
170.Sociable-liking companionship,friendly
171.Sneaker-a sport shoe with rubber sole
172.Definition-a statement of the meaning of
a word
173.Different-unlike in nature or quality
174.To dig-to turn up the soil
175.Skyscraper-a very tall building
176.To keep a diet-to eat according to a
prescribed rule
177.Loss-failure in win
178.Lounge-a room with comfortable
179.Dough-a mixture that consists of flour
180.To doubt-to be uncertain about
181.Dozen-a group of twelve
182.Dull-slow in perception and sensibility
183.To embrace-to clasp in the arms
184.Gift-a special ability,talent
185.Habit-usual manner of behaviour
186.Doughnut-a small cake fried in fat
187.Handsome-pleasing in appearance
188.Heartbreaking-causing extreme sorrow
189.Heat-a condition of being hot
190.To hide-to keep secret
191.To hire-to employ for pay
192.Hike-a long walk
193.Hit-a great success
194.Honour-good name,reputation
195.Humble-not proud or haughty
196.To idle-to spend time doing nothing
197.To improve-to grow or to become better
198.İdentity-sameness of essential character
199.İdea-something imagined in the mind
200.To marry-to enter into close union
201.Mermaid-a legendary sea creature
202.To misjudge-to estimate wrongly
203.To mislead-to lead in a wrong direction
204.Misery-a cause of suffering
206.Mobile-capable in moving
207.Model-a pattern of someting to be made
208.Repair-restore to good conditions after
damage or wear
209.Rapid-quick,acting or completed in a
short time

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