Plantilla Essay

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INTRODUCTION (no opinion)

_ _ _ _ _ is a topic that's been getting a lot of attention lately. People have strong opinions
about it, and it's become an important issue in our society. In this essay, we will explore
why or why not_ _ _ _ _ matters and why the government/society/people/ (….) need to
focus on it. In order to reach a conclusion, we will delve into the advantages and
disadvantages. We will also discuss two different approaches to address this issue.


One major advantage of _ _ _ _ _ is [insert argument]. This is significant because [provide

reasoning or evidence to support the argument]. This advantage highlights the importance
of considering _ _ _ _ _ as a crucial topic for [government/society/people/...]. Furthermore,
[introduce the second advantage]."_ _ _ _ _ [continue with your argument for the second
advantage], which further underscores the relevance of _ _ _ _ _ in the context of_ _ _ _ _.
This aspect emphasizes the need for comprehensive attention and action."


Now, delving into the disadvantages, it is evident that one significant drawback is_ _ _ _ _
[insert argument]. In addition_ _ _ _ _ , [introduce the second disadvantage]. This aspect
reveals_ _ _ _ _ [continue with your argument for the second disadvantage]


Having looked at both sides of the argument, I really think that the advantages outweigh
the disadvantages. In conclusion, even though there are some downsides to _ _ _ _ _, its
overall positive effects are too significant to overlook. By approaching it with a balanced
perspective and using smart strategies, we can lower any negative impacts.It is crucial to
deal with _ _ _ _ _ for the improvement of _ _ _ _ _[relevant context or group].


This is a very interesting / important topic because___________________. It is obvious /

clear that you can hear many opinions about it and none of them are wrong, so now I will
give mine in this essay.

Firstly, ______________________________. I also want to say

Another important thing that should not be forgotten is____________________. But we
shouldn’t forget that ______________________________. (solo si tiene algún contra)

In short, I would say / To conclude, I fell __________________________.

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