Reading Historians

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Professional historians spend their lives searching for the meaning of the past for the present.

Everything that exists in the world today has its origins in the past.
It is a known fact that history tends to repeat itself, therefore to prepare for the future we must
understand the past.
History can give a person answer to almost anything that is happening in the present, by what we
call historical inquiry. History not only states facts but also explains disciplines such as
sociology, religion, psychology, anthropology, etc. This tells us why certain events happened,
such as why six million Jews died in World War II.
(Based on an article on the Internet.)

Let us introduce one of the Philippine historians named Trinidad Tarrosa-Subido, she was born
in Socorro Oriental Mindoro, where her father worked as a star.
After her father's death, she and her mother returned to Manila in 1917.
She took the civil service exam to work at the Department of Education and passed with a score
of 97%, the highest ever recorded. In 1954, she was assigned to write a brief history of the
feminist movement in the Philippines. In 1984, she was invited to write the introduction to
Filipina I, the first anthology of works written exclusively by Filipino women. In 1991, she was
honored by the Unyon ng Mga Manunulat sa Pilipinas for lifetime achievement. In this
testimony, she is a historian who writes about the struggle for women's rights in the Philippines
because in the past women's rights were not fair in terms of privilege, for example in the field of
elections.This is where feminism in the Philippines began. In short, feminism should be viewed
positively, not negatively. Women must be empowered, just like men. Despite what people think
about feminists, the feminist movement has created changes in modern society, including
women's suffrage, more equal pay for men, the right to file divorce and, where equitable, better
access to education and dominion over property, in addition to women's right to make personal
decisions regarding pregnancy and abortion. Today, the feminist movement is still active and
continues to fight for women's rights. Feminists in the past achieved more rights and equality for
women. Therefore, feminism is an essential value for women today and the struggle remains
relevant today.

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