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Parent/Guardian Consent for Student Participation in Research

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are conducting an important research study in Tran Dai Nghia high school to gain
insights into student perception of parenting styles, the level of parental support, and
social-emotional outcomes. Your child has been invited to participate in this research.
We want to inform you about this study and provide you with the opportunity to
indicate your non-consent if you do not wish your child to participate.

Description of the Study:

In this research, we will ask students some questions about their experiences in the
classroom, their preferences, and their learning behaviors. The study involves them
completing an online questionnaire that will take approximately 15 minutes of their

Privacy and Confidentiality:

We want to assure you that your child's responses will be treated with the utmost
confidentiality. While we will collect cross-sectional data, rest assured that their name
or any other personally identifiable information will not be linked to their responses.
The survey answers will be completely anonymous. Your child’s de-identified
information will not be used or distributed for future research.

This research involves the transmission of data over the Internet. Every reasonable
effort has been taken to ensure the effective use of available technology; however,
confidentiality during online communication cannot be guaranteed.

Voluntary Participation and Right to Withdraw:

Participation in this research is entirely voluntary, which means your child has the
freedom to decide whether or not to participate. If they choose to take part, they are free
to stop responding at any time during the survey, and they can also choose to skip any
questions they do not wish to answer without facing any consequences. If, at any point,
you or your child decide not to participate, it will not affect their standing at school or
result in any form of penalty.

Safety and Risks:

We want to emphasize that there are no anticipated risks or harmful consequences
associated with taking part in this research. Your child's well-being and comfort are of
the utmost importance to us.

Contact Information:
If you have any questions or concerns about the study, please feel free to reach out to
Ms. Lien Nguyen at Additionally, if you have any questions about
your child's rights as a research participant, you can contact the Institutional Review
Board (IRB) at +1 706-542-3199 or by email at

If you wish your child to participate in the research study, you do not need to take any
action. By not returning this form, we will assume that you have no objections to their

If you do not wish your child to participate in the research study, please sign and return
this form in two weeks. This will indicate your decision to withhold consent, and we will
ensure that your child does not participate in the study.

Please be assured that your decision will be fully respected, and your child will not
participate if we do not receive your non-consent.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Your support and cooperation are highly

Lien Nguyen
University of Georgia

Printed Name: ______________________

Signature: _________________________

Date: ____________________________

Child’s Name: ______________________

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